Template talk:Metadata

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Revision as of 10:30, January 10, 2008 by Prezintenden (talk | contribs)

If you think you've found an error in any of the information copied directly from the game, please leave a note of it here, under the line. Include the page name and error you have found.

I'm sorry to ask, but would I have to be a sysop to be allowed to edit metadata? It seems like a waste of everyone's time to have to tug on someone's sleeve every time a punctuation point is misplaced, and it's a bit embarrassing when the person who ends up editing it is the one who wrote it in the first place.

No, you don't have to have more rights. Since you know what's wrong, I'd say feel free to edit. It is thought to make sure that someone doesn't change errors or other oddities that are in-game, which you know what it is. Pretty much 80% of the errors you listed are mine, and since english isn't my native language, it is good if someone watches over your mistakes (It is here that I learned that you add a ' to it's if one is also able to write it is).--Prezintenden