A spray is an object in the Pikmin games. It was found out in Pikmin 2 that one of the new plant species, dubbed the Burgeoning Spiderwort, can grow berries that have special compositions that can be used to your advantage, which is where sprays then come in. There are two kinds of sprays, both described here.

An Ultra-Bitter exhibiting a blue colour.

Sprays may look differently coloured under the varied lighting conditions of the game's caves. In particular, Spicy sprays appear orange and Bitter sprays blue.

Ultra-spicy spray

Main article: Ultra-spicy spray.

Obtained from the red berries. This spray is to be used on the Pikmin. When used, the Pikmin temporarily get enhanced strength and speed, and their leaves glow red. This is useful if they are losing a fight or need to hurry at the end of a day. However, if Pikmin sprayed with a spicy spray start to drown, they die much more quickly than normal (within 4 seconds). The spray normally wears off after 40 seconds.

Ultra-bitter spray

Main article: Ultra-bitter spray.

Obtained from the purple berries. This spray doesn't affect Pikmin (excluding 2-Player Mode), but is rather intended on enemies. When used, it will turn any enemies in the path of the spray into stone for approximately 9 seconds; this should be enough time anyway for the enemy to be killed or severely weakened. There is a disadvantage, however: the enemy will crumble when killed without leaving behind a carcass to give you more Pikmin, but will instead drop nectar or sprays.

Obtaining sprays

Both types of sprays can be made by bringing 10 of the berry needed to Olimar's rocket, which will create a spray from the berries. Sprays can also be found in any places where nectar is, in the form of red or purple nectar drops. Each dose you find resting on the ground counts as one full spray. Spray drops can be found by defeating Unmarked Spectralids, Mitites, Honeywisps, and the Secret Insects at the Wistful Wild. They can also be found in eggs. You can get 2 sprays in one drop by doing one of these strategies; dismiss your Pikmin (it's easier that way) and go near the drop, but don't touch it. Then switch to the other leader and run towards the drop. Right before the leader touches the drop, switch leader. The previous leader will start obtaining the drop if you did it right. Go to the drop with your current leader before the drop bis gone. Both leaders will obtain the drop, giving you 2 doses. Another easier way comes here; put a leader near the drop. Then switch leader, and go to the inactive leader. Then simply push the other leader into the drop, and he will obtain the drop. Then walk into it yourself.

Beta spray

Beta screenshot of spray.

In demo images of Pikmin 2 from before its release, there was a red spray, likely the Ultra-spicy spray, but also a yellow spray shown in the image as the bottom command on the D-pad. No exact information has been provided as to whether these were sprays at the time and if they truly did what the current sprays do now.