11-12-10 NOTE: For my and your safety, I do not want to talk to ANYONE! I wont talk to, befriend, or respond to anyone unless I can really trust them. This page and connections is only for looking. But I guesse you can talk a tiny little on the talk page. One last thing, don't touch anything that looks important, Im also a VERY nice person so try not to make me mad.
A little about me!
Hey! This is little about me! ...But there is not much to talk about... sort of.
First of all my fav food: pizza (duh), kyrstal (resteraunt), ice cream (duh as well), lets seee... um... I like sandwiches, and most stuff... its not easy for me...
Next, i lurrrrrve video games and computer games like club penguin! or plants vs. zombies (I just got to get the DS versoin! released on 1-4-11)! I loooooooooove mario! hes awsome and i love it when new abilities are made! And i rely love pikmin! I cant wait till there is a third one! my farther even loves pikmin! he would buy the third one when it comes out! I like namco meuseum! (old) and lots of new and old games like luigis mansion spore creatures (kinda old) Ect.
I like wikis somtimes other kinds of wikis (not this one) dont help LIKE THE EPIC MICKEY ONE WHERE I CANT RISE THE NOTILUS! EVEN WHEN I USE BOTH GEARS! I dont know how it hapend once i got both gears working, next i lose allllllll lives! now when i get the gears working and it wont rise! guesse what happends next... frustraition! I looked for every gear and solved it and nothing! Puzzle games can somtimes make me mad when i cant fiure out anything! hey can any of you help me with epic mickey? Oh sory i got off track for a sec!
Ive also got a stratigy in Pikmin 2 P2 Battle in the angle maze and it involves the dwarf bulbear. I call this stratigy: Dwarf Invasion. Ive been practicing so i can beat my father! Its were you find 2 or more DBs (dwarf bulbears) and attract them (since if your to far they wont run back to the same spot they were at) to the rivals leader and or pikmin, run a little far from them and the DBs will try and eat the pikmin! if there beaten... then thrash them with your pikmin or get some more DBs! Here is another one thats kinnda the same. Mixed invasion: You get 3-6 or 7 flower pikmin and grab at least 2 DBs. once your near the rival get very far from the DBs until they are left behind. Then throw all the pikmin at the rivals pikmin to weaken them. when or if there all killed get the DBs and you may actually defeat the rival. Note: These stratigies slow you down beacause of DBs! heres one more that i made up, pikmin bath: This is how it works, if your rival pikmin are all over you get dwarf bulborb, and it will clean all the pikmin off! Then its back to work! I hope you liked the stratigies! Note: I got the gamecube version, so Im not sure if it works on the wii version. but try it if you want!
Note: These are just ideas, not the real deal. Also note that there is no objective. Just enimies pikmin and other random things.
11-25-10 Specile items: Pikmin cap: A custumisible hat thats found from some materials. Since its made from Hocitainians, it has secrete tecnology that gives the player the strenth and power to act like a pikmin. With it, you can jump on the enimies and you can smack it with your leaf, and you can carry item to finish work faster. Its a red pikmin hat.
Bulborb Car: A fainted bulborb found in a cave. Olimar takes its insides out (sorry if thats violent. you wont be able to see it) then turns it into a drivable bulborb. With it you can act like a bulborb. So now you will be able to interact with bulborbs. Use a mike to understand what they are saying and be able to bite any beast thats not in your speicies. It is a red bulborb.
Blast bottle Cannon: A small toy cannon found in a cave. Used to blast things like a wooden wall or foe. Make sure there isnt any pikmin in the way... or else. It looks like a real cannon and there is a wooden bottle cap inside istead of cannon ball at the start, but after a few caves you will find marbles that give better power. They are limeted so you have to collect more or its back to the cap.
A little tired of reading? Go to my subpage game User:Bulborb jr./Pikmin Trivia land ! Wheeeee! Bonus:Look at User:Bulborb jr./My Book
Fist Ramp: A fist made from a white thumbs up eraser, and a useless batery. Use this to bash into foes and stun them. Thats all to say about it.
Blam Laser: An item made by Olimar without the need to find materials. Use this to shoot a laser at the foe. Use this if you dont want your pikmin to be eaten. It looks like a laser with a disc in the middle of the sphere thing that shoots and the gun like laser.
Bammer: A hammer that smashes foes shorter than Olimar. Ex: Any kind of dwarf bulborb. It looks like regular mallet. A mallet is a hammer.
First Aid kit: An item thats used when you call out pikmin from there Onion or the ship. Heals you completely. Looks like a regular kit with a pluse on it.
Hamster ball: A regular clear hamster ball and the most specil. Use on random days and in caves. On these days it rains, and lots more foes came by to get a drink. If you see it you can get in it and flaten any foe you touch if inside. If you plan on doing this, dont call any pikmin out or there likely to be eaten or smashed.
If you want to look at foes look at User:Bulborb jr./Foes
I sure hoped you liked it. He He...