Template:Sublevel technical

Revision as of 13:34, December 28, 2013 by Espyo (talk | contribs) (Tweaked some things.)

Used to describe the technical aspects of a cave's sublevel.


{{sublevel technical
|cave        = Internal cave name file
|enemymax    = Maximum number of enemies ({f002}, 敵最大数)
|itemmax     = Maximum number of items ({f003}, アイテム最大数)
|gatemax     = Maximum number of gates ({f004}, ゲート最大数)
|capmax      = Maximum number of dead ends/caps ({f014}, キャップ最大数)
|rooms       = Number of rooms ({f005}, ルーム数)
|geyser      = Does it have an escape geyser? ({f007}, 帰還噴水(1=あり))
|unitfile    = Unit definition file, with the .txt ({f008}, 使用ユニット)
|lightfile   = Lighting definition file, with the .ini ({f009}, 使用ライト)
|bg          = Background model file ({f00A}, VRBOX)
|clog        = Is the next sublevel's hole clogged? ({f010}, 階段を壊す岩で隠す(0=オフ 1=オン))
|hiddenfloor = {f013}, 隠し床
|units       = List of cave units. Use {{{sublevel units}}} for this.