mature beetle
does any one wonder how a Decorated Cannon Beetle Adult looks and acts
--File:Large pixal snowy bulborb.PNGSnowy bulborb
- I have, actually, but since I have no imagination, I just imagine it as being like an ACB whose shell has a slight reddish tinge. —Jimbo Jambo
Actually it might look similar to this since it doesnt say learva--Prof. 20:06, 6 April 2009 (UTC)
I agree with you Prof. Pikmin. If it has seeking rocks why would it need a shell? Also, I look at it kind of like this: Which is prettier: A vase or a metal shell surrounding it? Ridly Roar! 23:03, 6 April 2009 (UTC)
Olimar's own description (in the articile) says that this is a larval Decorated Cannon Beetle. A beetle by definition must have a shell/hard, rigid wing casings. It doesn't have "larva" in the name because unlike with regular Cannon Beetles, there was no adult form to confuse it with. LapisScarab 19:17, 12 August 2009 (UTC)
In the article, it says that it is never found buried in the ground like Armored Cannon Beetles. Shouldn't that say Armored Cannon Beetle Larva?Pikdude 01:57, December 23, 2009 (UTC)
Thank you Greenpickle.Pikdude 19:18, December 23, 2009 (UTC)
"This creature is the larval form of a cannon beetle variant known for a diet consisting entirely of eating stones" Olimar called this one, it is a Larva.Marx Wraith 23:15, August 10, 2010 (UTC)
My guess is that it is a more mature larvae, as it has a blow hole. It could just be a species difference, though. Vol (Talk)
Real World Basis
The most obvious similarity is to caterpillars, but check out the velvet worm: it spits out rocks while the velvet worm spits out goo, and it doesn't have true legs just like the ACB and DCB. IAMAHIPO_ocolor 16:21, May 23, 2010 (UTC)
Why's that called a glitch?
Why's the death cry for the DCB and ACBL considered a glitch? It could just be that the death cry for the two larva could just be cut off when the enemy ghost sound is introduced. I mean, it seems a bit too in-depth a sound for it to be a glitch, but that's just me. Pikmin.Fan1991 (talk) 22:26, October 7, 2013 (UTC)