Exhausted Soldier
Value Sparklium × 200
Weight 8
Maximum carriers 8 Pikmin
Location Secret Spot

The Exhausted Soldier is a treasure that is unlocked when the player scans the standard Inkling girl amiibo from the Splatoon series. It looks just like the amiibo, and is worth Sparklium × 200.

Collecting the treasure

After scanning the amiibo on the area selection screen (in any sector), the treasure will appear in one of the Secret Spots of the area. Then, the player has to retrieve the Exhausted Soldier in that spot.


Hey! Pikmin logs

Someone made a statue of a normal-looking girl with a gun. Well, mostly normal. She has dark circles under her eyes and, once again, a gun. Maybe she has to fight without ever resting? I hope someday she wins her battle.


Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
  Japanese だいだい せんし?
Daidai senshi
Orange soldier
  Dutch Oververmoeide soldaat Over-tired soldier
  French Guerrière inarrêtable Inexhaustible soldier
  German Erschöpfte Kriegerin Exhausted Warrior
  Italian Soldatessa insonne Sleepless female soldier
  Spanish (NoA) Artista incomprendida Misunderstood artist
  Spanish (NoE) Artista infravalorada Underrated artist

See also