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I think you are misunderstanding the purpose of the translation project. The "Names in other languages" section exists to document the name of a subject in different languages, as English isn't the only language the games are released in. The name comes from the game (just as the article's title comes from the game), and then there's a translation of the foreign name to English to highlight differences in meaning between regions. The names in other languages are not the English name translated to another language. Articles with conjectural names (like Liftable rock) don't need translations as they don't have official names in other languages. There are also some special cases, namely the Japan-only treasures, which have titles that are English translations of their Japanese names.

Now, some of what you've been doing has been good; for example, adding the English translation of the Spanish name of the Electric Cottonade is exactly the right thing to do. And there are probably several other articles where the Spanish name is documented but the English translation of that name is not, and it would be great if you could help add more English translations. But I ask, please stop adding unofficial translations to articles, as that's not what the "Names in other languages" section is for. — Soprano(talk) 03:17, February 20, 2022 (EST)

Okay, thanks for telling me. But, do you speak Spanish, maybe you can do some Spanish translating edits to show me an example of how to properly add the translation into pages? Thanks! --Username 03:23, February 20, 2022 (EST)
I don't speak any languages other than English, but adding the proper translation into pages is simple: set the game to the language you want to get the names from, play the game, and record the names. Add them to the article, and add their English translations in the meaning column. Since you don't own the games as far as I know, the only part you can do is add the English translations of the Spanish names, which is still great as there aren't many editors who can do this. — Soprano(talk) 03:30, February 20, 2022 (EST)
Got it. Thanks for being honest! gn --Username 03:33, February 20, 2022 (EST)
Yeah, sorry that you made all that translation effort for it to turn out to be unnecessary. But now you know what you can do to help. If you have Pikmin Bloom, you could add Spanish names from that game! — Soprano(talk) 03:40, February 20, 2022 (EST)