The KopPad (GPAD in Japan) is a device used in Pikmin 3. It is very similar to the Wii U Gamepad. The device serves many purposes to help the characters through the game. The Wii U Gamepad functions as this device during the game.
The KopPad seems to be personalized to there owner as their color matches that of their owner. Alph's is blue, Chalie's is green, Brittany's is pink.
The KopPad will be able to be used to better manage the captains and Pikmin. By touching an area on the map, the game will pause and the camera will shift into a bird's-eye veiw above the selected point. However, to prevent cheating, only areas that the captains have already explored will render. By touching a captain, the player can trace a path on the map to make the captain automatically move to that position. This tactic can be used to have multiple captains moving at once, and will allow for much more work to be accomplished in a single day.
The KopPad's HUD also displays a set of 5 buttons. Although it is currently unknown what these buttons do, they have images on them that hint to their purposes. From left to right: a planet, a gold SD card-like object that are often seen spread around the planet, a Pikmin, a fruit, and a camera.
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Alph walking up to the KopPad.
- Charlie Communicating With Drake.png
Charlie using his KopPad to communicate with Drake