Pikmin 3

Calcified Crushblat

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Calcified Crushblat
Artwork of a Calcified Crushblat.
Appears in Pikmin 3
Scientific name Unknown
Family Unknown
Areas Tropical Wilds
Mission Mode Collect Treasure! stages None
Mission Mode Battle Enemies! stages None
Side Story days None
Bingo Battle stages None
Attacks Crushes, plants, and kick Pikmin

The Calcified Crushblat is an entirely new enemy that makes its debut in Pikmin 3. It is a strange creature, apparently just a head with long, chicken-like legs; the head is encased in a crystal shell that only Rock Pikmin can break. Once it is broken, the true head is revealed to be entirely frog-like, causing it to look even more bizarre. It is encountered only once in the game, in the Tropical Wilds; it has all the qualifications of a miniboss, the specialized miniboss music does not play upon fighting it, its exact status is unclear.


The Crushblat will start sitting on the ground with its legs folded underneath it, invisible; to all appearances a completely normal crystal rock. Upon walking up to it, it will stand and begin sprinting around the arena. It will not attack, and can be ignored; however, to begin the fight, it must be attacked. The Calcified Crushblat will run at the Pikmin and attempt to sit on them; this attack will crush all Pikmin except for Rock Pikmin.

It can be attacked via bomb-rocks and Rock Pikmin; bomb-rocks blow off much armor at once, but with Rock Pikmin, the intensity can be more carefully controlled. The reason it is advised to not break off the whole shell (the Crushblat can be attacked and killed without having to have all of its shell removed) is that the Crushblat becomes faster as the shell is blown off. A good strategy is to use one or two bomb-rocks and finish it off with Rock Pikmin. Once the actual flesh of the Crushblat is exposed, throw Pikmin on it to lower its health.

Upon its death, the crystal shell will always break, no matter how much you managed to destroy during the fight, and the player may collect its carcass.

On a side note, another reason to break the shell is that, if the Crushblat manages to harm a Captain, it will do less damage; however, the downside is that the Crushblat will be able to stretch its body to attack from longer distances. However, it will not be able to actually kill Pikmin; it can only trip them.