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Revision as of 17:53, March 12, 2021 by Espyo (talk | contribs)


"まねきしもの" is

  • not "真似?(fake)" + "きし(?)" + "もの?(thing)",
  • but "招き?(invite, gather)" + "?(An old auxiliary verb, uses for to express past action.)" + "もの?(thing)".

So current name should be wrong, and maybe "(Animal) Gathering thing" is better, according to Olimer and Ship's notes. (Ignored "し". I'm not the specialist of old Japanese, so maybe it's still wrong.) -PortableSunset (talk) 08:51, March 12, 2021 (EST)

I found another usage of "し", just adding some essence of emotion to your sentence or mainly poetry. So it doesn't have any important information. -PortableSunset (talk) 09:08, March 12, 2021 (EST)

How weird. I guess when you say "animal" it's not because it's part of the translation, but it's because in the character notes they talk about animals. Do the characters make it sound like animals are invited, or that they simply gather there? Maybe a way to translate it to bring some emotion would be "Gathering...Thing", as if Olimar knows it's related to gathering, but isn't really sure what. But if you think the し should be completely ignored, then Gathering Thing might work. — {EspyoT} 16:53, March 12, 2021 (EST)