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* Greatly reduced movement speed while carrying objects|block=y}}
* Greatly reduced movement speed while carrying objects|block=y}}

=== ''Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U'' trophy ==
=== ''Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U'' trophy ===
{{transcript|These purple Pikmin are the strongest, but they're also slower and heavier. In Pikmin, they can be thrown at animals to stun them! In Smash Bros., they're great for attacking and launching, but they've got a pretty short reach. Get close to your foe to make these little ones truly effective!|block=y}}
{{transcript|These purple Pikmin are the strongest, but they're also slower and heavier. In Pikmin, they can be thrown at animals to stun them! In Smash Bros., they're great for attacking and launching, but they've got a pretty short reach. Get close to your foe to make these little ones truly effective!|block=y}}

Revision as of 23:58, April 23, 2023

This page lists all official descriptions of different Pikmin types from media outside of the games themselves (at least all the ones I can find).

Non-English translations will have my best attempt to translate them using Google Translate, fixing anything that doesn't make sense. Some more accurate translations would be greatly appreciated!

TODO: Find out if the original Pikmin and Pikmin 2 websites have any information, see if Nintendo Power #280 has profiles, and see what the Prima guides for Pikmin and New Play Control! Pikmin say.

Red Pikmin

Pikmin instruction manual

We can stand high temperatures and have really powerful attacks!

Nintendo Power issue 151

The first group of Pikmin that you will command are red. Red Pikmin can walk through flames without being harmed.

Nintendo Official Magazine UK issue 112

These little critters grow stronger in sunlight, making them a great choice for attacking other creatures.

Nintendo Acción issue 119

Son los primeros que aparecen en la aventura. Como habréis deducido, son los más poderosos así que no tienen problema en enfrentarse a quen haga falta. Pero quizá lo más importante es que son inmunes a cualquier tipo de fuego, ya sea enemigo o procedente de un géiser.
They are the first to appear in the adventure. As you will have deduced, they are the most powerful, so they have no problem facing whatever is necessary. But perhaps the most important thing is that they are immune to any type of fire, be it coming from an enemy or a geyser.

Pikmin Nintendo Player's Guide

If your Pikmin can't take the heat, send in your red buddies. Only red Pikmin can withstand fire. Red Pikmin are also better fighters than yellow and blue Pikmin, so recruit a crimson crew for offensive maneuvers.

Pikmin Nintendo Power booklet

Burn, Baby, Burn!

Pikmin come in three different colors: red, yellow and blue. Red Pikmin are the ultimate firefighters, able to withstand direct contact with the hottest flames. Spicy!
Red Pikmin can take the heat. They'll walk through flames, dish out damage and live to tell the tale. They're also your strongest fighters, so gather a group of red Pikmin when it's time to wreak havoc on a particularly tough enemy.

Pikmin 2 instruction manual

Flame-resistant Pikmin with excellent attack ability.

Nintendo Power issue 183

Olimar is reunited with the red Pikmin first. They can withstand fire, and aside from the big purple bruisers, they're the fiercest attackers. (You might also note that they're the only Pikmin with noses. The yellow ones have ears and the blues[sic] ones have mouths. We think that stuff on the purple Pikmin is hair.)

Nintendo Power issue 184

Your Pikmin collection begins with fiery red sprouts. They're tough and too fearless for their own good. Wherever you lead them, they will follow, even if it's into an impossibly dangerous situation.
Of the original Pikmin types—red, blue and yellow—red Pikmin are the most powerful. Use them to pummel enemies.
Fiery Blowhogs and flame-spitting geysers are not an issue when you've got red Pikmin. Whereas other Pikmin would go up in smoke, reds walk through blazes with no consequence.

Nintendo Official Magazine UK issue 145

Red: Immune to Fire

Talents: Flame-resistant fighters. When these guys go to war, you'd better run.

NOM Reckons: Boss? What boss? Our gangstas from the red Onion crib mashed up every animal on the planet. That makes US boss.

Nintendo Acción issue 146

Habilidad: Son inmunes al fuego. Úsalos para destruir los lanzallamas y todos los enemigos ligados al fuego.
Ability: They are immune to fire. Use them to destroy flamethrowers and all fire-bound enemies.

Pikmin 2 Nintendo Player's Guide

The first Pikmin you'll befriend have a rosy glow and a resistance to extreme heat. Red Pikmin cannot be harmed by fire, which makes them your number-one choice for dealing with flaming spouts and Fiery Blowhogs. While other Pikmin will run around with their leaves ablaze and eventually go up in smoke, the reds will remain intact.

Smash Bros. DOJO!!

- Red Pikmin -

  • High attack power
  • Attacks imbued with incendiary properties
  • Immune to fire

Super Smash Bros. Brawl trophy

US version US version
A type of Pikmin--which are odd beings who grow like plants yet are as mobile as animals. Red ones are heat and fire resistant and are strong attackers, which makes them valuable when facing dangerous foes. Purple Pikmin are also tough fighters, but since it's difficult to increase their numbers, red Pikmin are easier to manage. Red Pikmin have distinct pointed noses.
European version European version
A type of Pikmin, which are odd beings that grow like plants yet are as mobile as animals. Red ones are heat and fire resistant and are strong attackers, which makes them valuable when facing dangerous foes. Purple Pikmin are also tough fighters, but since it's difficult to increase their numbers, red Pikmin are easier to manage. Red Pikmin have distinct pointed noses.

New Play Control! Pikmin instruction manual


Heat doesn't faze us, and we're tough too!


Les flammes ne nous font pas peur et nous sommes très résistants!
The flames don't scare us and we are very resistant!


¡Soportamos atlas temperaturas y nuestros ataques son muy potentes!
We endure high temperatures and our attacks are very powerful!

New Play Control! Pikmin website

Can endure heat and have powerful attacks.

New Play Control! Pikmin European website

Red Pikmin are the brutes of the bunch. Their attack does more damage to the animal life of the planet than the others. They're also immune to the heat of fire. However, keep them away from water as they don't know how to swim.

New Play Control! Pikmin 2 instruction manual


Same as original game


Ce Pikmin insensible au feu a d'excellentes capacités d'attaque.
This fire-proof Pikmin has excellent attack abilities.


Resistentes al fuego y con gran capacidad de ataque.
Resistant to fire and has great attack capacity.

New Play Control! Pikmin 2 website

Endures heat. Has powerful attacks.

New Play Control! Pikmin 2 European website

Your fire-resistant friends. You can count on Red Pikmin when the heat is on.

Pikmin 3 instruction manual


Resistant to fire and strong in a fight.


Résistent au feu et sont de forts combattants.
Resist fire and are strong fighters.


Son inmunes al fuego y buenos guerreros.
They are immune to fire and good warriors.

Pikmin 3 website

Able to withstand heat and fire, these little fellas are number one in offense.

Pikmin 3 Prima Official Game Guide

Unique Strengths:

  • High attack power
  • Immune to fire

Unique Weaknesses:

  • None

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U trophy

US version US version
This Pikmin has a red body and a long, pointy nose. It was the first type of Pikmin Olimar ever met. In Smash Bros., they have the second highest attack power among the Pikmin. Like their fiery color suggests, they can attack with flames and withstand them.
European version European version
Telling Red Pikmin apart from the other Pikmin is easy: these ones have long, pointy noses. Also, they're red. They're the very first kind of Pikmin Olimar finds on their planet, and their high attack power makes them very useful. In this game, they can deal powerful attacks, and they're very resistant to fire damage.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U tip

Red Pikmin – Red Pikmin perform attacks that deal 1.2 times the standard damage. They're also immune to fire attacks, but their throw is weak.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Palutena's Guidance

Red Pikmin are strong!

Hey! Pikmin website

This Pikmin type is very strong and immune to fire.

Hey! Pikmin European website

Red Pikmin can handle themselves in a scrap. They're also resistant to fire.

Hey! Pikmin Australian website

The red ones are resistant to fire.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tip

Red Pikmin – Red Pikmin perform attacks that deal 1.4 times the standard damage. They're also immune to fire attacks, but their throw is weak.

Pikmin 3 Deluxe website

These feisty Pikmin are fire resistant. Loyal and ferocious, Red Pikmin make a strong first line of attack when it comes to battling creatures.

Pikmin 3 Deluxe European website

These hot-headed variants are resistant to fire and are much fiercer in battle than other Pikmin, boasting powerful attacks!

Pikmin 3 Deluxe "Get to know the Pikmin" YouTube series

RED Pikmin:

  • Fire-resistant
  • Has stronger attack power

Play Nintendo website

These fire-proof fighters can take down a foe in nothing flat!

All the Pikmin will work hard for you, but will they walk through fire for you? Probably. But you should use the red guys for that job—so nobody gets hurt.

Play Nintendo "Which is the right Pikmin for the job?" quiz

Red Pikmin are fire-proof, so they can take down fiery foes in nothing flat. They also fight fiercer in battle than other Pikmin types. That'll teach those Fiery Blowhogs a lesson!

Pikmin Bloom Twitter Pikmin Guide

Characteristics: They have a pointy nose and are resistant to fire.

Yellow Pikmin

Pikmin instruction manual

We can handle bomb-rocks.
You can throw us really high.

Nintendo Power issue 151

Yellow Pikmin can fly higher than the others and they can destroy obstacles by using bomb-rocks.

Nintendo Official Magazine UK issue 112

This type of Pikmin can throw bomb rocks, which are essential for breaking down tough walls and barriers.

Nintendo Acción issue 119

Son los siguientes en desfilar ante Olimar. Los encontraréis en "El bosque de la Esperanza". Estos llamativos Pikmin con orejas poseen una cualidad muy especial: transportan las bombas-roca dispersas por los niveles. Con ellas podremos derribar cualquier muro y hacer daño al enemigo. Debido a su escaso peso, Olimar puede lanzarlos muy lejos.
They are the next kind to follow Olimar. You will find them in "The Forest of Hope". These flashy-eared Pikmin have a very special quality: They can carry the bomb-rocks scattered throughout the levels. With them, you can break down any wall and do damage to enemies. Due to their light weight, Olimar can throw them very far.

Pikmin Nintendo Player's Guide

The only way to destroy a stone gate is to bomb it, and the only Pikmin that can use bomb-rocks are the yellow Pikmin.
You can throw yellow Pikmin higher than red or blue ones. If you need to reach something on a high ledge, toss your yellow Pikmin.

Pikmin Nintendo Power booklet

Yellow, Not Mellow

Captain Olimar can throw yellow Pikmin much higher than red or blue Pikmin. It's all thanks to their embarrassingly oversized ears.
Don't let stone walls get in your way! Yellow Pikmin have an instinctual urge to grab explosive bomb-rocks, so put your yellow pals to good use by tossing them at stone barricades.

Pikmin 2 instruction manual

Big-eared Pikmin that can be thrown high in the air. Also resistant to electricity.

Nintendo Power issue 183

Yellow Pikmin are highly agile and impervious to electricity. They're also much lighter than other types, allowing Olimar and Louie to throw them higher. You'll need them to retrieve items that would be out of reach otherwise.

Nintendo Power issue 184

They're bright, they're light and they'll spring into action at the sound of your whistle. Yellow Pikmin are shockingly useful in a variety of situations. Cultivate them and keep their numbers high.
Yellow Pikmin catch more air in a toss than any other Pikmin type. Use them to collect items from high ledges and to attack high-flying enemies.
Electrified fences and electrically charged enemies can fry most Pikmin types instantly. But yellow are shock-resistant.

Nintendo Official Magazine UK issue 145

Yellow: Immune to Electricity

Talents: Ruins electrical gates and enemies, and can be thrown higher than other Piks.

NOM Reckons: Check his ears, what a dude. They used to be The Bombers, but now there are no Bomb Rocks and they still have mad skills.

Nintendo Acción issue 146

Habilidad: La electricidad no les afecta y son muy livanos. Úsalos para los barreras y los enemigos eléctricos. También puedes lanzarlos más lejos que a otros Pikmin.
Ability: Electricity does not affect them and they are very light. Use them for electric barriers and enemies. You can also throw them further than other Pikmin.

Pikmin 2 Nintendo Player's Guide

The light and energized sunshine-colored sprouts reach heights unobtainable by their peers. When you spy a treasure on a high perch, the only way to claim it might be to toss high-flying yellows up to it. The bright mites are also resistant to electricity.

Smash Bros. DOJO!!

- Yellow Pikmin -

  • Range of attack slightly larger than usual; easy to hit enemies with
  • Travel in slight arcs when thrown
  • Attacks imbued with electrical properties

Super Smash Bros. Brawl trophy

US version US version
A type of Pikmin. Take a nutrient-rich pellet to a flying saucer known as an Onion, and it will produce the mysterious beings known as Pikmin. Yellow ones fly higher than other Pikmin when tossed by Olimar or Louie. Unlike other Pikmin, they're also highly resistant to electricity, which makes them invaluable when battling enemies like anode dweevils.
European version European version
A type of Pikmin. Take a nutrient-rich pellet to a flying saucer known as an Onion, and it will produce the mysterious beings known as Pikmin. Yellow ones fly higher than other Pikmin when thrown by Olimar or Louie. Unlike other Pikmin, they're also highly resistant to electricity, which makes them invaluable when battling enemies like anode dweevils.

New Play Control! Pikmin instruction manual


We're bomb-rock experts!
Check out how high you can throw us!


Nous sommes les experts des bombes-roc!
Vous pouvez nous lancer très haut!
We're bomb-rock experts!
You can launch us very high!


¡Somos expertos en rocas-bomba!
¡Comprueba lo alto que puedes lanzarnos!
We're bomb-rock experts!
See how high you can throw us!

New Play Control! Pikmin website

Can be thrown really high, and can use bomb-rocks.

New Play Control! Pikmin European website

Yellow Pikmin are daredevils. The lightest in weight of the breeds, they like to catch the big air when they're thrown, meaning they can reach the highest of heights. They're the only breed of Pikmin willing to handle the dangerous Bomb Rocks found on the planet.

New Play Control! Pikmin 2 instruction manual


Same as original game


Ce Pikmin aux grandes oreilles peut être lancé extrêmement haut. Il est êgalement insensible aux chocs électriques.
This big-eared Pikmin can be thrown extremely high. It is also immune to electric shocks.


Pikmin con orejas que llegan muy alto al lanzarlos. También son resistentes a la electricidad.
Pikmin with ears that reach very high when thrown. They are also resistant to electricity.

New Play Control! Pikmin 2 website

Can be thrown high. Immune to electricity.

New Play Control! Pikmin 2 European website

Yellow Pikmin sport bigger ears than the rest of the bunch — helping them glide a little further when thrown by Olimar or Louie.

Pikmin 3 instruction manual


Can be thrown to high places! Shock resistant and expert diggers!


On peut les lancer très haut! Ils résistent au courant électrique et ils sont doués pour creuser.
You can throw them very high! They are resistant to electric current and they are good at digging.


¡Se los puede lanzar muy alto! Son inmunes a la electricidad y cavan muy bien.
They can be thrown very high! They are immune to electricity and dig very well.

Pikmin 3 website

This type is easy to throw high in the air, and electricity doesn't hurt them. They're also excellent diggers.

Pikmin 3 Prima Official Game Guide

Unique Strengths:

  • Immune to electricity
  • Can connect Electrodes
  • Can be thrown higher than other Pikmin
  • Increased digging speed

Unique Weaknesses:

  • None

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U trophy

US version US version
This yellow Pikmin is sporting some pointy things on its head. Maybe those are ears? Hmm... Anyway, yellow Pikmin are immune to electricity and are the lightest Pikmin in the Pikmin series. In Smash Bros., a thrown yellow Pikmin will fly through the air in a nice curve, zapping anyone it comes in contact with.
European version European version
Yellow Pikmin have big, sharp ears and conduct electricity very well. These two facts are most likely unrelated. Olimar's side special can throw this Pikmin high into the air and cause electrical damage to all fighters who stray too close!

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS tip

Yellow Pikmin – The Yellow Pikmin has a wide attack range but deals low damage. Electric attacks won't hurt it.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U tip

Yellow Pikmin – Yellow Pikmin attacks have 1.25 times the reach of the other colors, but they do less damage. The Pikmin can't be killed by electric attacks.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Palutena's Guidance

Yellow Pikmin fly high!

Hey! Pikmin website

These lightweight Pikmin can survive an electric shock.

Hey! Pikmin European website

These yellow fellows like electricity. They can be thrown higher than other Pikmin, too.

Hey! Pikmin Australian website

And the yellow ones like electricity.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tip

Yellow Pikmin – Yellow Pikmin attacks have 1.5 times the reach of the other colors. The Pikmin can't be killed by electric attacks.

Pikmin 3 Deluxe website

Electricity-loving Pikmin that are shockingly great at smashing electrified gates or directing currents. They get great air when thrown and are also champion diggers.

Pikmin 3 Deluxe European website

These big-eared beings can be thrown higher than other Pikmin and aren't phased by electricity. They can also be used to break down electrified fences!

Pikmin 3 Deluxe "Get to know the Pikmin" YouTube series

YELLOW Pikmin:

  • Electricity-resistant
  • Can be thrown further

Play Nintendo website

These awesome, unshockable diggers soar through the air with greatest of ease!

Dig this! Toss yellow types high in the air, like they just don't care—because they fly super far when you need to get to distant objectives.

Play Nintendo "Which is the right Pikmin for the job?" quiz

Yellow Pikmin are resistant to electricity, so they can be used to handle electric situations. Thay can be thrown higher than other Pikmin types!

Pikmin Bloom Twitter Pikmin Guide

Characteristics: Yellow Pikmin are known to conduct electricity, and no amount of voltage can knock them down!

Blue Pikmin

Pikmin instruction manual

We love water and never drown.

Nintendo Power issue 151

Blue Pikmin are the only ones that can swim. You'll need them to accomplish goals on the other side of water hazards.

Nintendo Official Magazine UK issue 112

Blue Pikmin are the only ones who can tolerate water, so they are great for building bridges and crossing water.

Nintendo Acción issue 119

Nuestros colegas con boca son los últimos en aparecer, pero también son los más importantes. Y los más escasos. Son los únicos capaces de sumergirse en el agua (el resto no puede ni tocarla) con lo que puede rescatar a cualquier Pikmin que se esté ahogando. Desocúpalos con el botón X dentro del agua y socorrerán a cualquier compañero en apuros.
Our colleagues with a mouth are the last to appear, but they are also the most important. And the rarest. They are the only ones capable of immersing themselves in the water (the rest can't even touch it) with which they can rescue any Pikmin that is drowning. Dismiss them with the X Button inside the water and they will help any teammate in trouble.

Pikmin Nintendo Player's Guide

Only blue Pikmin can survive in water. If you're battling an enemy near a body of water, your foe might shake your Pikmin into the drink. Use blue Pikmin to avoid accidental drownings.

Pikmin Nintendo Power booklet

Blue to the Bone

Blue Pikmin are seriously strong allies. They're the only Pikmin that can swim, which gives them access to areas off-limits to other Pikmin.
No need for safety vests here. Blue Pikmin love to hop in the drink, whether it's to grab a rocket part or to beat a bullying bad guy into submission. They're like the Navy SEALs of the Pikmin universe.

Pikmin 2 instruction manual

Aquatic Pikmin that feel at home underwater.

Nintendo Power issue 183

Blue Pikmin are the only ones that can survive in water (all the other colors freak out like a dunked cat). To reach a new area with other types of Pikmin, you'll often have to unclog a drain or build a bridge with a group of blue ones first.

Nintendo Power issue 184

Water-dwelling blue Pikmin will open a lot of paths for you by clearing underwater drains and breaking through water-surrounded barriers. They're the last part of the Pikmin puzzle.
If any other type of Pikmin goes into water, it'll flail about in serious danger, but the blues are aquatic. They even act as lifeguards for their non-swimming brethren.

Nintendo Official Magazine UK issue 145

Blue: Immune to Water

Talents: Water is their specialty, they don't even need to come up for air. Apart from that they're pretty standard.

NOM Reckons: Blues are a lifesaver with puddles around, but they should've had another ability, like laser eyes.

Nintendo Acción issue 146

Habilidad: Inmunes el agua. Con ellos podrás drenar zonas inundadas y coger a objetos rodeados de agua.
Ability: Immune to water. With them, you can drain flooded areas and collect items surrounded by water.

Pikmin 2 Nintendo Player's Guide

The cool blue ocean feels like home to the azure sprouts known as blue Pikmin. Whether you're battling nasty puddle-dwellers, knocking down barriers that are surrounded by water or carrying treasure across a flooded expanse, the blues are your Pikmin of choice.

Smash Bros. DOJO!!

- Blue Pikmin -

  • Strong when thrown
  • Slightly more durable than average

Super Smash Bros. Brawl trophy

US version US version
A type of Pikmin, which are curious creatures that follow and obey the person who picks them. If you take advantage of this trait, you can get them to help Capt. Olimar and Louie. The blue Pikmin are at home in water and cannot drown. Need to retrieve an object underwater or cross a water hazard to disarm a trap? Blue Pikmin are just the allies you need.
European version European version
A type of Pikmin, which are curious creatures that follow and obey the person who picks them. If you take advantage of this trait, you can get them to help Olimar and Louie. The blue Pikmin are at home in water and cannot drown. Need to retrieve an object underwater or cross a water hazard to disarm a trap? Blue Pikmin are just the allies you need.

New Play Control! Pikmin instruction manual


We love water! It doesn't slow us down at all.


Nous adorons l'eau! Les liquides ne nous ralentissent pas du tout!
We love water! Liquids don't slow us down at all!


¡Nos encanta el agua, y no afecta nuestra velocidad!
We love water, and it doesn't affect our speed!

New Play Control! Pikmin website

Love water and never drown in it.

New Play Control! Pikmin European website

Blue Pikmin would love nothing more than to waste a day away swimming in solitude in the pools of the planet. Their gill-like openings allow them to breathe in the water, which makes them invaluable members of Olimar's team.

New Play Control! Pikmin 2 instruction manual


Same as original game


Ce Pikmin est particulièrement à son aise dans les milieux aquatiques.
This Pikmin is particularly at ease in aquatic environments.


Pikmin acuáticos. Obviamente, les encanta el agua.
Aquatic Pikmin. Obviously, they love water.

New Play Control! Pikmin 2 website

Will never drown in water.

New Play Control! Pikmin 2 European website

Just as at home in water as they are on land, Blue Pikmin aren't afraid to get their feet wet.

Pikmin 3 instruction manual


Right at home in the water.


Résistent à l’eau.
Water resistant.


Pueden respirar y atacar bajo el agua.
They can breathe and attack underwater.

Pikmin 3 website

These Pikmin are water-safe. They can't drown and can even attack underwater.

Pikmin 3 Prima Official Game Guide

Unique Strengths:

  • Immune to water

Unique Weaknesses:

  • None

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U trophy

US version US version
This blue Pikmin walks around with its mouth ajar. At home in the water, they're very helpful when objects are submerged and need retrieving. In Smash Bros., blue Pikmin have defense second only to purple Pikmin. They are also able to do more damage when thrown, so don't be shy about hurling them at foes.
European version European version
The things that make blue Pikmin different from all the other Pikmin are that they have mouths and that they're pretty good swimmers. They're slightly hardier than most other Pikmin, and they do more damage when you throw them. So, as soon as you get one of these, make sure to throw it right at someone straight away!

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U tip

Blue Pikmin – Throws performed with Blue Pikmin deal 1.6 times the standard damage. The rest of their abilities are average, with no real weaknesses.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Palutena's Guidance

Blue Pikmin have the mightiest throw!

Hey! Pikmin website

You'll need these gilled Pikmin for any underwater exploration.

Hey! Pikmin European website

Blue Pikmin love to get wet. They can swim and breathe underwater.

Hey! Pikmin Australian website

The blue ones love water.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tip

Blue Pikmin – Throws performed with Blue Pikmin deal 1.7 times the standard damage. The rest of their abilities are average, with no real weakness.
Blue Pikmin - Strong in the Water – Blue Pikmin can survive water in Smash Bros., just like they can in games from the Pikmin series. Other colors of Pikmin? Not so much.

Pikmin 3 Deluxe website

Blue Pikmin can thrive both on land and in the water. Fling them into action whenever you need assistance in aquatic areas, be it to transport treasure or combat a creature.

Pikmin 3 Deluxe European website

The amphibious kind, Blue Pikmin can survive both underwater and on land.

Pikmin 3 Deluxe "Get to know the Pikmin" YouTube series

BLUE Pikmin:

  • Amphibious
  • Can breathe underwater

Play Nintendo website

We've got a sinking feeling that you'll like these amphibious creatures.

Most Pikmin don't like it underwater, but not these tiny troopers: they dive into hazardous waters to reach new areas, and can even attack aquatic enemies.

Play Nintendo "Which is the right Pikmin for the job?" quiz

Blue Pikmin are the only type that can survive in water and also on land. These tiny troopers can dive into hazardous waters to reach new areas. They can even attack aquatic enemies!

Pikmin Bloom Twitter Pikmin Guide

Characteristics: That part that looks like a mouth is actually a gill that Blue Pikmin use to breathe underwater.

Purple Pikmin

Pikmin 2 instruction manual

Burly Pikmin with ten times the muscle and weight of other Pikmin. Slow moving. Can daze and stun enemies when thrown.

Nintendo Power issue 183

Purple Pikmin are the heavy hitters of the species (they stomp on the ground like a sumo wrestler when you first meet them). They're 10 times heavier and 10 times stronger—both in terms of carrying objects and of battling enemies—than other Pikmin types. They're a bit slow, however.

Nintendo Power issue 184

With stray hairs growing in every direction from their noggins, purple Pikmin are not the prettiest plants in the field, but they are the strongest. The only way to add purples to your squad is to transform other types in Violet Candypop Buds. The grape-colored goons are essential for heavy lifting and serious fighting.
The big guys pack a monstrous wallop, and they even stun some enemies with ground-shaking near-misses.
Purple Pikmin have 10 times the strength of any other Pikmin type. They can carry big loads, but don't expect them to break any speed records.

Nintendo Official Magazine UK issue 145

Purple: Immune to Zilch

Talents: Strength equivalent to ten Pikmin and a killer butt-stomp. But their fat asses make 'em slooow.

NOM Reckons: Brutish, but purple and that's a wimp's colour. AND they're immune to nowt. Pah. Reds would do 'em.

Nintendo Acción issue 146

Habilidad: Son muy fuertes. Solo podrás cultivarlos dentro de algunas cuevas y son los más poderosos a la hora de combatir, aunque algo lentos. Úsalos para eliminar rápidamente a los monstruos sin sufrir daños.
Ability: They are very strong. You can only cultivate them inside some caves and they are the most powerful when it comes to fighting, although somewhat slow. Use them to quickly take out monsters without taking damage.

Pikmin 2 Nintendo Player's Guide

Deep in the underground, Violet Candypop Buds transform normal sprouts into super Pikmin—ones with 10 times the strength and 10 times the heft of their puny siblings. They are so heavy, they shake the ground when they land, stunning enemies nearby.

Smash Bros. DOJO!!

- Purple Pikmin -

  • Doesn't fly far when thrown
  • Slow
  • High attack power
  • Slams into enemies instead of latching on when thrown

Super Smash Bros. Brawl trophy

A type of Pikmin, much heavier and slower than other Pikmin. When thrown, they impact with such force that they may kill or stun enemies. They're also incredibly strong--one of them can carry an item that normally would require ten Pikmin. While they're more powerful fighters than their red cousins, their slow speed hampers their effectiveness.

New Play Control! Pikmin 2 instruction manual


Burly, slow-moving Pikmin with 10 times the muscle and weight of the others. Can stun enemies when thrown.


Ce Pikmin de forte carrure se déplace lentement, mais il est dix fois plus lourd et plus fort que tous les autres Pikmin. Lancé sur un ennemi, il peut 'étourdir un court instant.
This burly Pikmin moves slowly, but is ten times heavier and stronger than all other Pikmin. When thrown on an enemy, it can stun them for a short time.


Pikmin lentos y fornidos, con una masa muscular y un peso diez veces superiores a los demás. Dejan aturdido al enemigo cuando caen sobre él.
Slow and stocky Pikmin, with a muscle mass and weight ten times that of the others. They stun the enemy when they land on them.

New Play Control! Pikmin 2 website

Strong but slow. Makes a thud when thrown.

New Play Control! Pikmin 2 European website

Boasting the strength of 10 normal Pikmin, the discovery of Purple Pikmin adds some heavyweight clout to Olimar and Louie's assembly of helpers. Just throwing them makes a big impact, with the resultant shockwaves being severe enough to leave enemies somewhat shaken.

Pikmin 3 instruction manual


Strong as 10 Pikmin.


Forts comme dix!
Strong as ten!


Son tan fuertes como 10 pikmin[sic].
They are as strong as 10 Pikmin.

Pikmin 3 Prima Official Game Guide

Purple Pikmin do not appear in the game's Story mode.

Unique Strengths:

  • Has the strength of 10 Pikmin

Unique Weaknesses:

  • Greatly reduced movement speed while carrying objects

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U trophy

US version US version
These purple Pikmin are the strongest, but they're also slower and heavier. In Pikmin, they can be thrown at animals to stun them! In Smash Bros., they're great for attacking and launching, but they've got a pretty short reach. Get close to your foe to make these little ones truly effective!
European version European version
These purple Pikmin are much stronger than their colourful counterparts, but they're also slower and heavier. In Pikmin, they can be thrown at animals to stun them! In this game, they're good at both attacking and launching, but since they haven't got good reach, you'll need to get up close and personal with your foes first!

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U tip

Purple Pikmin – Attacks performed using Purple Pikmin deal 1.4 times the standard damage and launch foes farther too! They're lacking in reach and speed, however.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Palutena's Guidance

Purple Pikmin are heavy and the most powerful!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tip

Purple Pikmin – Attacks performed by Purple Pikmin deal 1.6 times the standard damage and launch foes farther too! They're lacking in reach and speed, however.

Play Nintendo website

Purple flower power will give you the strength to carry on.

Nothing beats a Purple Pikmin when things get heavy. When the wind starts blowing down your other friends, these sturdy little spuds will keep moving forward.

Pikmin Bloom Twitter Pikmin Guide

Characteristics: With their big body, they're very strong, but also slow.

White Pikmin

Pikmin 2 instruction manual

Small and fast. Resistant to poison. Good at finding buried treasure. Highly poisonous.

Nintendo Power issue 183

They might look a bit creepy with those big red eyes, but white Pikmin are incredibly versatile. Their high toxicity makes them immune to poison and deadly to most enemies when consumed. They're quite a bit faster than other Pikmin, as well, and they can sense treasure hidden beneath the soil.

Nintendo Power issue 184

The lithe and waifish white Pikmin have poison in their veins. If an enemy gobbles up one of them, the fiend will take damage. Since white Pikmin are the speediest sprouts, they're perfect for retrieving treasure when the clock is a factor.
Like pigs root out truffles, white Pikmin can see buried treasure and dig it up. Once an item is exposed, recruit additional types of Pikmin to pull it out of the ground.
White Pikmin are infused with poison, which means they can withstand exposure to poisonous gas. Use them to tear down poison walls or deal with Doodlebugs.

Nintendo Official Magazine UK issue 145

White: Immune to Poison

Talents: Professors of multitasking. They dig, poison things and run faster than a cheetah strapped to a firework.

NOM Reckons: Look at the eyes—this 'min don't mess. He's a skilful master, like a shaolin monk. He kicks ass.

Nintendo Acción issue 146

Habilidad: Inmunes al veneno y encuentran objetos enterrados. Solo podrás cultivaros dentro de algunas cuevas. Úsalos para destruir los extractores de gas venenoso.
Ability: Immune to poison and can find buried objects. You will only be able to cultivate inside some caves. Use them to destroy the poison gas vents.

Pikmin 2 Nintendo Player's Guide

Poison gas pours from pipes and forms clouds around Doodlebugs. When exposed to gas, most Pikmin choke, but white Pikmin are immune. Since they're infused with poison, they damage the enemies that gobble them up. Use them to root out buried prizes and to carry items faster than any other Pikmin type.

Smash Bros. DOJO!!

- White Pikmin -

  • Quick and light
  • When latched onto opponent, poison does double damage

Super Smash Bros. Brawl trophy

US version US version
A type of Pikmin. White Pikmin are resistant to poisons and are themselves toxic to creatures that eat them. Their low weight makes them very speedy, and they can also dig up buried items. White and purple Pikmin do not live inside Onions, so you must change other Pikmin into them by tossing them into ivory candypop buds and violet candypop buds.
European version European version
A type of Pikmin. White Pikmin are resistant to poisons and are themselves toxic to creatures that eat them. Their low weight makes them very speedy, and they can also dig up buried items. White and purple Pikmin do not live inside Onions, so you must change other Pikmin into them by throwing them into ivory candypop buds and violet candypop buds.

New Play Control! Pikmin 2 instruction manual


Small and fast Pikmin that are resistant to poison. Good at finding buried treasure. Highly poisonous.


Ce Pikmin insensible au poison peut détecter les trésors ensevelis. Petit et rapide, il est également hautement toxique.
This poison-proof Pikmin can detect buried treasure. Small and fast, it is also highly toxic.


Pequeños y rápidos. Son resistentes al veneno y, a su vez, venenosos. Muy indicados para encontrar tesoros entarrados.
Small and fast. They are resistant to poison and, in turn, poisonous. Very suitable for finding buried treasures.

New Play Control! Pikmin 2 website

Small, fast, and poisonous. Immune to poison. Can find hidden things.

New Play Control! Pikmin 2 European website

The smallest members of the Pikmin family. But don't be deceived by their size — White Pikmin are both poisonous and immune to poison. Add in their ability to locate items buried underground, and you have a tiny ally with enormous potential.

Pikmin 3 instruction manual


Fast & poisonous.


Rapides et empoisonnés.
Fast and poisonous.


Rápidos y venenosos.
Fast and poisonous.

Pikmin 3 Prima Official Game Guide

White Pikmin do not appear in the game's Story mode.

Unique Strengths:

  • Increased movement speed
  • Poisonous to enemies

Unique Weaknesses:

  • None

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U trophy

US version US version
These tiny, white Pikmin have bright-red eyes. They are the fastest of the Pikmin, perfect for finding and retrieving hidden treasure. In Smash Bros., you can use them to poison your enemies. Since they can fly the farthest of any Pikmin when thrown, use them to poison enemies from afar.
European version European version
These purple Pikmin are the strongest, but they're also slower and heavier. In Pikmin, they can be thrown at animals to stun them! In Smash Bros., they're great for attacking and launching, but they've got a pretty short reach. Get close to your foe to make these little ones truly effective!

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U tip

White Pikmin – When attacking a grabbed opponent, White Pikmin deal twice the normal damage. They're also speedy and can jump very high.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Palutena's Guidance

White Pikmin are fastest!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tip

White Pikmin – White Pikmin that stick to opponents will deal twice the normal amount of damage. They're quite speedy and can jump very high.

Play Nintendo website

Sure, these little guys are poisonous—but only to your enemies. Feel free to hug them!

They're small and not particularly strong, but the White Pikmin leave a lasting impression on hostile critters with their cuteness and, um, long-lasting poison.

Pikmin Bloom Twitter Pikmin Guide

Characteristics: They have big red eyes and a small body, and they can run super fast. They're very poisonous.


Nintendo Acción issue 146

Habilidad: Inmunes al veneno y al agua. Esta especie es una fusión entre un Bulbo y un Pikmin y tan solo viven dentro de cuevas. En cuanto te deshagas de su madre te seguirán hasta su último aliento, pero no podrás sacarlos al exterior.
Ability: Immune to poison and water. This species is a fusion between a Bulborb and a Pikmin, and they only live inside caves. As soon as you get rid of their mother, they will follow you until their last breath, but you will not be able to take them to the surface.

Pikmin 2 Nintendo Player's Guide

They look like Bulborbs, but leaf-sporting Bulbmin will help you after you defeat their leaders and call them with your whistle. They can withstand exposure to fire, water, electricity and poison, but they can't leave the underground.

Pick Up Pikmin Wannabes

Leaf-wearing Bulbmin are a cross between Bulborbs and Pikmin. After you defeat the Bulbmin leader, its followers will join your party—provided that you are not already at the 100-Pikmin party limit. They're immune to the planet's myriad hazards.

Rock Pikmin

Pikmin 3 instruction manual


Smash things with their hard bodies.


Ils provoquent d'importants dégâts avec leur corps si dur.
They cause great damage with their hard bodies.


Son durísimos y pueden hacer mucho daño al lanzarlos.
They are very tough and can do a lot of damage when thrown.

Pikmin 3 website

Perfect for smashing through obstacles, this sturdy Pikmin is extra powerful when thrown. Rock Pikmin also won't get crushed if something stomps on them.

Pikmin 3 Prima Official Game Guide

Unique Strengths:

  • High attack power when thrown
  • Immune to most crushing attacks
  • Can shatter crystal objects

Unique Weaknesses:

  • Cannot cling to most objects or enemies
  • Falls down after each attack
  • Bounces past target when thrown

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U trophy

US version US version
These Pikmin are made of solid rock, so they can stand up to a lot of attacks and won't get hurt when they get stepped on. They specialize in body blows, dealing a lot of damage when thrown, and they can also break right through glass and crystal. They can't latch on to other creatures, though. But that's OK—nobody's perfect!
European version European version
These Pikmin are made of solid rock, so they can stand up to a lot of attacks and don't get hurt when they get stepped on. They specialise in body blows, dealing a lot of damage when thrown, and they can also break right through glass and crystal. They can't latch on to other creatures, though. But that's OK – nobody's perfect!

Hey! Pikmin website

These tough guys can shatter crystals when thrown into them.

Hey! Pikmin European website

Rock Pikmin are as hard as stone and can't be squished. Fling them at anything you want to break.

Hey! Pikmin Australian website

And these rock ones are as hard as stone!

Pikmin 3 Deluxe website

Heavy and unbreakable, Rock Pikmin can be thrown to smash crystals. They can also stand firm when the larger creatures trample down.

Pikmin 3 Deluxe European website

Heavier than all other types, their hard bodies can be used to smash all kinds of things.

Pikmin 3 Deluxe "Get to know the Pikmin" YouTube series

ROCK Pikmin:

  • The Heaviest Pikmin
  • Can smash obstacles

Play Nintendo website

Chunky Rock Pikmin will do you a solid when obstacles are in your way.

Throw these heavy-duty hunks of helpfulness to smash hard objects and defeat enemies that are too troublesome for the other types of Pikmin.

Play Nintendo "Which is the right Pikmin for the job?" quiz

Rock Pikmin are heavy-duty hunks of helpfulness when it comes to smashing through crystals and hard glass. You can also use them to try and defeat enemies that are too troublesome for the other types of Pikmin.

Pikmin Bloom Twitter Pikmin Guide

Characteristics: Rock Pikmin are as tough as they come. They can break any crystal or glass with ease.

Winged Pikmin

Pikmin 3 instruction manual


Able to fly! Can traverse water and hilly terrain with ease!


Ils volent facilement au-dessus de l'eau et des terrains accidentés.
They fly easily over water and rough terrain.


¡Pueden volar y son expertos en batallas aéreas!
They can fly and are experts in air battles!

Pikmin 3 website

Able to fly anywhere, Winged Pikmin can even carry items over hazards.

Pikmin 3 Prima Official Game Guide

Unique Strengths:

  • Flight
  • Aerial combat
  • Can pull Flukeweeds

Unique Weaknesses:

  • Low attack power

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U trophy

US version US version
These pink Pikmin have big, blue eyes and nice wings to help them fly. In Smash Bros., they show up to carry Olimar and friends through the air. However, how high and far they can fly is affected by how many friends they have to carry. More Pikmin will weigh them down.
European version European version
This particular type of Pikmin has a pink body, blue eyes and...wings? Yep, they can fly, and in this game, they can even give Olimar a lift. The only thing is they'll get tired very easily, especially if they're carrying lots of other Pikmin at the same time. Go easy on them, OK?

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Palutena's Guidance

There are also Winged Pikmin that don't attack you. Numerous Pikmin will weigh down the Winged Pikmin. And that's when you should attack!

Hey! Pikmin website

These Pikmin fly and can also carry small objects—and even Olimar.

Hey! Pikmin European website

These pretty little creatures can fly. They can also lift obstacles out of the way.

Hey! Pikmin Australian website

The pink ones can fly.

Pikmin 3 Deluxe website

These high-flying Pikmin can carry things over water and lift obstructions. While not the strongest, Winged Pikmin can make for flying aces against airborne creatures.

Pikmin 3 Deluxe European website

These critters can fly, enabling them to carry things over water and lift blockades to clear paths!

Pikmin 3 Deluxe "Get to know the Pikmin" YouTube series

WINGED Pikmin:

  • Flies above water
  • Can lift objects off the ground

Play Nintendo website

Special delivery! Have these flowered flying friends hoist the burden for you.

If you throw enough Pikmin at something, they'll probably carry it, but sometimes you need a special buddy to carry it through the air. Luckily, you have such a buddy.

Play Nintendo "Which is the right Pikmin for the job?" quiz

These tiny, flowered friends can fly through the air! When you need a Pikmin to carry things over water or lift items that are blocking your way, you can turn to Winged Pikmin for help.

Pikmin Bloom Twitter Pikmin Guide

Characteristics: This Pikmin has blue eyes, a striped belly and, most importantly, wings! They can fly everywhere!

Ice Pikmin