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::Curse Nintendo's want to make Pikmin 3 REALLY good. I'd have been fine with just good. '''[[User:Ridly|<span style="color:darkBlue;">Ridly</span>]] [[Image:Metroid.gif]] <small><sup>[[User Talk:Ridly|<span style="color:darkslateblue">Skree!</span>]]</sup></small>''' 15:08, 9 June 2011 (EDT)
::Curse Nintendo's want to make Pikmin 3 REALLY good. I'd have been fine with just good. '''[[User:Ridly|<span style="color:darkBlue;">Ridly</span>]] [[Image:Metroid.gif]] <small><sup>[[User Talk:Ridly|<span style="color:darkslateblue">Skree!</span>]]</sup></small>''' 15:08, 9 June 2011 (EDT) Can we add this to the article? [[User:ParadoxJuice|ParadoxJuice]] 19:12, 9 June 2011 (EDT)


Revision as of 19:12, June 9, 2011

Please keep all fan-made ideas in the Pikmin 3 idea thread. Thank you.

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG IAMAHIPO_ocolor 04:25, 9 September 2008 (UTC)

Pikmin was just a slight mention... nothing special... I'm ~CrystalRedpikminsprite.jpgLucario~ And I approve this message.
It is confirmation that it is in development for the Wii though. —Jimbo Jambo
... No really... I thought it was for PS3... I'm ~CrystalRedpikminsprite.jpgLucario~ And I approve this message.
Well, people were suggesting the possibility that it was going to be for the DS. Also, this shows that progress is being made. —Jimbo Jambo
I hereby will no longer doubt that Pikmin 3 is being made. I was trying to hold on to my excessive pessimism, but I no longer do so...--Prezintenden
About time... I'm ~CrystalRedpikminsprite.jpgLucario~ And I approve this message.

Prezintenden You may just want to hang on to your pessimisim, \

Pikmin 2.5 O.o IAMAHIPO_ocolor 09:02, 2 October 2008 (UTC)

OH COME ON PIKMIN 2 COST $60 NOW IT IS GONNA BE $50 ON THE WII!!!!!!!!! Aeaereaareahehrehaaheeehrerhhah.... Phail... I'm ~CrystalRedpikminsprite.jpgLucario~ And I approve this message.
I'm crying on the inside.... —Jimbo Jambo
This can't be what they meant the whole time.
...Can it?--Prezintenden
Well, they never actually said they were making a new Pikmin game, they just said "We're making Pikmin." —Jimbo Jambo

Uber-Phail... I am rocky0718 and i PWN

How can they do this? I mean, they lead everyone to believe that they were making Pikmin 3, the they bitch slap us in the face. Also, moar info: Pikmin (1)(1.5) will be released on the wii on dec 25, 2008. Pikmin 2 (2.5) will be releaased sometime next year. THIS IS SO MUCH FAILER.

When Pikmin 3 was announced(well we believed it was):


IAMAHIPO_ocolor 18:50, 2 October 2008 (UTC)

Found a vid of it. Appears that it will be like Pkmin, but with crappy, shakey controls! ill still buy it though >.< IAMAHIPO_ocolor 19:43, 2 October 2008 (UTC)

Oh, and it looks like it will cost $35. IAMAHIPO_ocolor 19:44, 2 October 2008 (UTC)

To copy what I said at GameFAQs, I think I'd prefer GCN controls for this as opposed to anything they could implement on the Wii. If anything would be incredible with Wii controls, it's Metroid Prime 1/2 with Corruption-like controls. Now that is something I'd buy. But this; no. Like you, I hope there's a proper new game in the works.
Pikmin was also reconfirmed for the Nintendo Wii with Miyamoto adding the fact that the current build of Pikmin has the WiiMote working extremely well with it. 'Adding the fact' indicates that having Pikmin 1 work with Wii controls is a side thing; that it's not the main project. /hopefulGP

DAMN YOU SHIGURE MIAMOTO!!!!! YOU FREAKIN PUPPET MAKER-GUY!!! WHY, WHY, WHY, Why, Why, why, [sub]why, why...[/sub] WHY!!! I am rocky0718 and i PWN

NOOO! I paid twice that aount for pikmin2, too! (sob) but I'm still getting pikmin3 when it comes out. ^_^ Nin10dude

IF it comes out� ;_; I'm ~CrystalRedpikminsprite.jpgLucario~ And I approve this message.
Green, when was that exactly? —Jimbo Jambo


When was what? The thing I quoted? It's on the article, the 'MyWii' link.GP
IT IS COMING! ITSA CHRISTMAS MIRICAL� ;_; I'm ~CrystalRedpikminsprite.jpgLucario~ And I approve this message.

i hope your able to use the gamecube controller in pikmin 3.Masta pikmin 17:59, 5 October 2008 (UTC)

Ditto I'm ~CrystalRedpikminsprite.jpgLucario~ And I approve this message.

gasp! cud the pikmin mentioned at E3 be the pikmin 1 port! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN U! DAMN U!

Read the article; it says it's not.GP
Yay I'm ~CrystalRedpikminsprite.jpgLucario~ And I approve this message.

so when is the release date???? -pikmin rocks!!!

Nobody knows....
Wait are you the same Pikmin Rocks!!!... The one who kept spamming my talk archive and deleting my comments...? I'm ~CrystalRedpikminsprite.jpgLucario~ And I approve this message.

uhhhhhhh....mabey?� :) its likely� :) -pikmin rocks!!!

What if Louie's cooking show was a mini game? Crab sprite.jpgEvilLouie13

That would be... uhhh... interesting I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
It could increase the bug sale value, but only after collecting certain treasures. Crab sprite.jpgEvilLouie13
Right... I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

PIKMIN 3 Announcement

Paint Kirby 02:00, 4 November 2008 (UTC)Listen people PIKMIN 3 has been announced by Shigeru Miyamoto and in co-producment with Satoru Iwata the current CEO/President of NINTENDO and maker of the PIKMIN Game Series.

Even IGN has announced it as well and IGN isn't allowed to sell lies on their gaming site. SO just to clear your thinking of there making new Pikmin not a new PIKMIN game. They are making a new PIKMIN game. So just check your facts YOUR TRUE FACTS before you go posting stuff and getting people all freaked. you need more reliable sources.


Um...I'm pretty sure the article says that...unless you're interpreting "a new Pikmin" as something other than "a new Pikmin game." —Jimbo Jambo
We never said it wasn't '>.> I'm ~CrystalRedpikminsprite.jpgLucario~ And I approve this message.

so its for sure there is a pikmin 3? -pikmin rocks!!!

DOES NO ONE LISTEN! WE ALREADY SAID THAT! THE ARTICAL SAYS THAT! btw, are you the same Pikmin Rocks!!!? I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

On YouTube I saw this video called Pikmin 3 trailer Wii by lionpikmin. It is not a good video, but he does have these Pikmin stuffed animals and he has one that is a black Pikmin, a pink Pikmin, and a brown Pikmin. I think either he made them himself or Nintendo already has some new Pikmin planned out. -Pikmin Expert 00:40, 18 November 2008 (UTC)

Custom stuffed >.> I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

i don't know if i am doing this right, But have there been any recent discoveries about pikmin 3?

You think it's takin long for this? I waited 8 YEARS for the next Banjo Kazooie game!!! <span class="plainlink" title="GJ's User Page" _rte_attribs=" class=?plainlink? title=?GJ's User Page?"> GoldenJiggies's<span class="plainlink" title="GJ's Talk Page" _rte_attribs=" class=?plainlink? title = ?GJ's Talk Page?"> Talk Pikdude Userart.pngGJ

... Jimbo knows about Banjo Kazooie why don't you spaz with him... yes I are so magical I know where you are Jimbo... I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
Green also somehow tracked me to the B-K wiki, though I don't know/remember how. Anyway, I'm not hiding it, though I am a little ashamed I haven't been more active there lately, considering I'm supposed to be an admin. Anyway, yeah, a B-K console game took so long to get off the ground that it totally skipped the Gamecube/PS2/XBox generation (they came out with two games in that time, but both were for the GBA). —Jimbo Jambo
Uhhh... Were blue? GJ fix ur sig... I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
Too late. I did it for him. The MarioGalaxy2433g5 {talk/contribs/Logs} 21:56, 23 November 2008 (UTC)
Now I fixed it. The MarioGalaxy2433g5 {talk/contribs/Logs} 21:58, 23 November 2008 (UTC)
NOW IT IS FIXED! The MarioGalaxy2433g5 {talk/contribs/Logs} 21:59, 23 November 2008 (UTC)
IMA FIXED! I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
Anyway... To the original question, everything we know concerning Pikmin 3 is on the article. And didn't Metroid Prime come after an even longer gap in that series? I'm sure there have been longer delays even than that too. And, apart from the fact that you asked me to help you with something there, JJ, I have no idea how I found you...GP
Was it the Reboot wiki then? I remember we were speaking in the chat, and I was editing another wiki, and you were suddenly like "Found you!" and...something. —Jimbo Jambo
Yeh... Metroid P. Took 4ever... I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

so yeah im the same pikmin rocks!!! why do you ask???

I thought you'd still, like, despise me...? I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

Umm, just 2 let U guys know i heard it pikmin 3 is coming out in spring of 2009-Pikmin Fan

Says who? Speculators are us? I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

I don't think that's true. Once Pikmin 3 has a chosen release date this website will most likely be one of the first places to know it. Not you. -PikminExpert Purplepelet.jpg

The website doesn't know anything, the people who contribute do.... I'm not saying Pikmin Fan is right or wrong, but a source would be nice. —Jimbo Jambo
It is way too early to be positive yet... production has barley started yet... I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

What I mean is that shortly after a release date is made someone will post it on here. So this website will be one of the first places to have it. -PikminExpert Purplepelet.jpg

And I'm saying if they make Pikmin 3. -PikminExpert Purplepelet.jpg

Not if, when. It is offical that it is coming out but, there is NOT a date. I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
And I'm saying someone has to put it there, it won't just magically appear as soon as it's announced. I don't know about you, but I know I'm not scouring the internet for updates, so I'm certainly not going to be the one to add it. —Jimbo Jambo
Maybe we will get a dojo? I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
Like Smash Bros. Dojo? I used to check it daily before the game came out. Good times... Portal-Kombat
Yes PK... I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

I don't look for updates either, but I bet someone who has an account on here does look for any recent updates about the release date. -PikminExpert Purplepelet.jpg

And I bet lots of people who don't have accounts here are also looking. —Jimbo Jambo

Yeah so I don't think anyone will need to look. Once a date is made that date will be put on here most likely by some random person who uses this website but doesn't have an account. -PikminExpert Purplepelet.jpg

I would love a Pikmin 3 Dojo but I just don't see it happening. Pikmin doesn't have the same following/hype as Smash Bros. Portal-Kombat

I WAS JOKING! WHY DOES NOBODY UNDERSTAND MY HUMOR and/or SARCASM! *Goes Emo* *Cuts self* I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
Why so serious? Portal-Kombat
Was... that a Dark Knight refrence? I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
No, he was quoting your dad.--Prezintenden
Lol... I say we kill The Green Man... I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

Now, Now, Lucy, Do i have to let my girlfreind tie you to a tree again? She will. I won't help, but I'm not saving you. ~~ROCKy~~

CrYs NoT lUcY!!!! Can't you take a refrence? I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
Uh... Back from the dead.GP
I KILL YOU FOO! I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

I found the date somewhere.. Ah at, the release date is June 2nd, 2009. Check it Here Killer bread bug 72 Orange Bulborb Larve.jpg

If only it could stay like that. It's probably just one of those dates that's only there for reference, I'm sure it'll be released much later than that. I think it will come out in 2010. Portal-Kombat

WHY DOES ALL THE COOL STUFF COME OUT IN 2010!! This sucks. Oh, Yeah, welcome back from the dead, GP.~~Rocky~~

There is no release date, calm down rocks... I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

I still think they were refering to pikmin 1.5...

PIKMIN 3 IS COMING SO IS 1.5 ADN 2.5 I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

Everyone's so crazy about pikmin 3! When does it come out??? HUH HUH HUH????? I mean gosh... You people are gonna be so busy playing pikmin 3 to even write about it here! No one has a Real release date. Im excited too but i thinking that pikmin 3 will not come out so soon. UHHH... WHEN DOES IT COME OUT I WANNA KNOW!!! Sorry...Peanut64

... I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

Pikmin 3 is supposed to come out in 2011, after they make a new Zelda game. -random creepy guy

Pikmin 3 Release Date

Wikipedia has release dates for pikmin 3 posted. I don't know where they got them but check it out.

no date for any game made by Shigeru Miyamoto will ever be right, he will not release a game intill it is perfect--File:Large pixal snowy bulborb.PNGSnowy bulborb
LIES LIES LIES! SPECUMALATION!!!!!!! I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
w00t! Crys was right! I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

hey, its iamahipo here, just got home from a long... er... life "adventure". ANYWAYS, NO PIKMIN AT E3� :( bah hah ha ha.... D:... Not anything. No mention of it. zip. zero. ziltch. NADA. 19:36, 2 June 2009 (UTC)

what...WHAT? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. *shoots self* Thegloober216 01:05, 3 June 2009 (UTC)

Pikmin 3 @ E3 2009 Miyamoto “Sorry” He Has No New Pikmin For Us Yet By Stephen Totilo on June 3, 2009 at 12:15 PM

Last year, Shigeru Miyamoto let slip that Nintendo was making a new Pikmin game. Today, he told me and Brian Crecente that the project is moving ahead, but not at the pace some fans may have hoped.

“I’m sorry,” Miaymoto said when we asked him why the new Pikmin wasn’t at this E3. “Unfortunately we haven’t been able to expand the team size very much, because we’ve been working on so many different games that we’ve shown off at the show. So the team is working very hard, but it’s a bit of a small team.”

I asked, laughing, if there were more than two people on the team.

“Of course,” he said, chuckling. “The basic work that they’ve been doing quite nicely.” I tried to confirm whether the team was working on a full new game. He thought for a bit and said: “Yeah, and my basic idea is that the sense of the depth of the game and the simplicity of the control will all be there.” HERR DUR DURR DERP DEE HUR DERP. IAMAHIPO_ocolor 04:03, 3 June 2009 (UTC)

Yikes. you use harsh language. When Pikmin 3 comes out, expect HEAVY reediting!--File:Images.ijpg the master --MewFan128 04:38, 23 June 2009 (UTC)

seriosly hippos harsh. Rpwyb`

waitwut? Is swearing forbidden on Wikia even if it's just a statement of joy? I'm pretty certain there's no need to edit other people's comments. Even if they're insulting someone, it's best to just let it, for future references or grounds for banning, what have you. Just concentrate on articles.--Prezintenden

You could at least have tried not to break it. And, I guess if you're at a wiki about games for all ages, some people are going to want to censor such things. I don't mind either way, I guess.GP


We should e-mail Nintendo, encouraging them to kepp working on Pikmin 3!

Aug I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
LOL. Twinmold.pngSnakeboss14Twinmold.png

LOLx2-- 21:26, 1 July 2009 (UTC)pikmin fan 101PIKMIN 101.jpg

LOLxChuckNorris.Fear da blue pikmin!!!! 21:07, 7 July 2009 (UTC)

sphere walking?

wouldnt it be so cool if pikmin 3 had Shigeru Miyamoto sphere walking engine that would be so awesome, and you could jump between planets and such

??? First of all, it's a Pikmin game, NOT Super Mario Galaxy 2. Second, put all fan made ideas on the idea thread. Thid, sign with your sig. Fourth, I doubt Pikmin will be that kind of game, because you could jump, and 3then Pikmin would be a completly diffrent game.--File:IdlePikmin.jpgFile:Images.ijpgthe master--MewFan128 Mew! 15:54, 8 July 2009 (UTC)

Yes, then there wouldn't be Pikmin. Artwork of an Orange Bulborb.Snakeboss14File:Hairybulborb.jpg 17:07, 8 July 2009 (UTC)

who ever thinks sphere walking would be good, your just crazy, it would be stupid! -benjabby pikmin butter jelly time

It might be good but only as an unlockable feature.... You could take pikmin and make it into Super Mario Galaxy... That would be interesting... [Indeed, Indeed. Your training has just begun, young apprentice.] Pikdude200px-Mario you phail.gif 23:56, 8 August 2009 (UTC)

How would that work, a 1-inch man walking around planets? They'd be like 5 in.2...

I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

Make the planet as small as Olimar. (Relatively Speaking).Pikdude200px-Mario you phail.gif 16:43, 9 August 2009 (UTC)
And a planet of this size would sustain itself how? And Olimar can't even jump! How would he get from planet to planet? I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
Sustain? What, planets need food now?GP
He's probably saying that the planet might collapse on itself due to its miniscule size and the force of gravity surrounding it.--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!
@Game: Yes. @Green: Bad Choice of Words? I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
...So a rock in space collapses in on itself? Then what is it, a smaller rock? But by that logic, that would collapse in on itself too, right?
...Spontaneous black hole, anyone?GP
That'd be awesome but unlikely.--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!
Sure, why not. Still I'd like to point out Olimar's lack of ability to jump anywhere... I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
Lack of ability to jump ANYWHERE? um... SSBB. ferailo9 16:50, December 3, 2009 (UTC)
...You forgot to sign.--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!

This is a game, not real life, it's entirely possible, especially if the planet is made of hardened rock. Pikdude200px-Mario you phail.gif 19:12, 10 August 2009 (UTC)

Of course it's real! I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
AH HAH! since you presented no argument to my theories, they are technically correct-ish and I win! Now what were we talking about? Pikdude200px-Mario you phail.gif 21:30, 10 August 2009 (UTC)
Even hardened rock would be pulverised into dust at the very least I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
...A planet that small would be incapable of holding an atmosphere, so sustain wasn't all that wrong. Not to mention that the planets in SMG have a black hole right in the middle of them and lack an atmosphere.--Prezintenden
Prez has got a point. I hate those things. --FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!
I concur with Prez. Ridly Roar! 11:59, 11 August 2009 (UTC)
CL: sustain itself. 'Sustain anything' would've made sense, yes.GP
I think we've gotten a little off topic. Pikdude200px-Mario you phail.gif 02:34, 12 August 2009 (UTC)
@Prez: Well, fine then, be picky about it, Olimar still can't jump... @Green: Fine Anything. I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
Who says Olimar can't jump? I remember at the end of Pikmin 1 he does a little spin in the air after fixing his rocket... And as for the Pikmin, couldn't the whole group (+ Olimar) get into their spaceship/Onion and fly to the next planet? Problem solved!Pikmin Commander 20:20, September 10, 2010 (UTC)
Pikmin do tend to jump into caves on occasion, don't they? Vol (Talk)

Rude comments in the page

I'm taking off the part of the page that was edited with swearing and saying other rude things.

Thanks for the spot, it has been fixed. I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

Oh, look, i see the crystal lucario talks moar than anyone here..... SPECULATOR!!!!!!I'm ~PeanutCrystal lucario signature.png64~ And I Approve This Sandwich.

WTF? I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
C, mon! I was kidding, gosh?...The one and only,Artwork of three Dwarf Orange Bulborbs.Peanut64.
What dis that even mean? I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

you should ban him crys hes advirtising!!!R to the P to thePikirbies.PNGWyb.

PAdverting what? I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

pik fanon . he advirtised it on my page earilier and now moosesR to the P to thePikirbies.PNGWyb.

Oh, well, I'm not banning him for that, and Mooses? I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

i was jk...R to the P to thePikirbies.PNGWyb. ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!

... I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.

Zelda game

They said they were working on new zelda and pikmin games i just saw a new zelda game on TV that means pikmin 3 will come soon.

ARG I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
Well by Zelda game, you mean Spirit Tracks that comes out the 7th, but Pikmin 3 is unconfirmed.--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!

Ya i forgot the name...Strudel man 19:55, December 5, 2009 (UTC)

I'll save you saying this, CL: NO MOAR SPECUMALATION! How can a Zelda game tell you if Pikmin 3 will come out? Twinmold.pngSnakeboss14Twinmold.png

They said they were working on ZELDA AND PIKMIN GAMES Zelda game coming out = new pikmin game coming out just saying that its possible Strudel man 04:20, December 6, 2009 (UTC)

in Brawl

[2] Actually, anon. has a point; it's definitely speculation, though this is maybe the one page speculation might be okay, and it's actually founded on something. Certainly considering the game's been announced now, how important and relevant is this past idea? The SSB series is about history, anyway; I'm thinking they base which characters to include largely on interestingness as well as popularity.GP

I suppose we should remove it...? I'm ~LonelyRedpikminsprite.jpgTurret~ And I approve this message.
That's what I was suggesting, yes. Anyone else agree?GP
Sure.--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!

I agree to.Man-at-Legs888 04:40, February 3, 2010 (UTC)

"You vote no count. You no important."-Mr. MathPikdude200px-Mario you phail.gif 11:59, February 3, 2010 (UTC)

...Man-at-Legs888 17:22, February 3, 2010 (UTC)

How does it not count?Yeah Im not well known here but its good to know someone agrees with Green.Man-at-Legs888 17:29, February 3, 2010 (UTC)

Just a bit of random quoting there...Pikdude200px-Mario you phail.gif 21:57, February 3, 2010 (UTC)

LOLMan-at-Legs888 22:41, February 3, 2010 (UTC)

Well yeah I knew that was a random quote but I thought is was intended to anoy me.Man-at-Legs888 22:45, February 3, 2010 (UTC)

When have I intentionally annoyed someone?Pikdude200px-Mario you phail.gif 23:01, February 3, 2010 (UTC)

Sorry Im just paranoid as heck.Man-at-Legs888 23:32, February 3, 2010 (UTC)

Not good thing...Pikdude200px-Mario you phail.gif 00:15, February 4, 2010 (UTC)

temporary lock

i move we temporarily lock this page until new information comes out.... it seems like a lot of vandals hit it.

MRPANTS 03:59, March 12, 2010 (UTC)

It does make sense, yes, especially while there couldn't possibly be any changes. Block anons. only, or all users?GP
does it also lock the talk page?MRPANTS 00:54, March 13, 2010 (UTC)
I suggest the blocking of anons and no, it doesn't have to block the talk.--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!
I support the idea; this article has been a recent target for vandalism by IPs and socks alike. BNK [E|T|C] 01:25, March 13, 2010 (UTC)
Yes, block of anons! Twinmold.pngSnakeboss14Twinmold.png
Um I thought we blocked this page... I know that last guy wasn't a vandal but how did he even edit this page?--MRPANTS 07:57, March 18, 2010 (UTC)
Now I locked it.GP

E3 2010

They didn't say ANYTHING about Pikmin! I just watched the whole thing! Not a word! And it made me even more angry that they kept emphasizing "We have brought everything Nintendo fans have been asking for!" But I bet that Shiggy is gonna say something afterward just like he did at the last 2 E3's...hopefully...The new Zelda looked cool, though! ShadowRaptor101 18:19, June 15, 2010 (UTC)

Another year or two, maybe? With regard to the other games, I was more interested in DKCR, the new Kirby game and Goldeneye.GP

Perhaps. I don't know about YEARS, but maybe it's just one of those great games that don't come out during the time of E3 and therefore are not paid attention to, like Mushroom Men! ShadowRaptor101 21:08, June 15, 2010 (UTC)

Nintendo is making a lot of great games for the Wii. The best thing to do would be just sitting it out. Vol (Talk)

Yes, finally Green, your one of the few people that are excited for the Kirby game. --FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!
I'm sure a lot of people were hoping for that four-player game promised for the Gamecube that had supposedly been moved to the Wii. Kirby hasn't had a "real" console game since the N64. —Jimbo Jambo 05:39, June 20, 2010 (UTC)
Ugh, tell me about. Everyone is whining because they hate the yarn graphics. And some people haven't even seen gameplay and they already said it sucked. :/ I hope that that Wii game is not cancelled and is just being improved.--FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!
Really? I thought the best thing about the trailer was the art style.GP
Same here, but because it's "not Kirby Wii" and the "graphics are ugly" they hate it. --FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!

Epiphany / Deja Vu

I know Pikmin 3 isn't coming out for a while: some of you said 2 - 3 years, other keep saying later this year. I'm not sure if this means much, but I had an Eppifany about Pikmin 3. You might be saying I made this up, but we have no other leads of what Pikmin 3 will be like. Its like this:

Captains: Olimar, Louie, Mr. Pres., Robo Olimar (RO), and the weirdest yet, a purple pikmin that looks like Rambo, I dubbed it Commander Purple Pikmin (CPP).

Pikmin: All up pikmin so far.

Enemies: Red Bulborb

Locations: A place that looks like The Distant Spring except with for plants and 7 small stone towers

Battle: Olimar, Louie, Mr. Pres., vs RO (malfunctioned), CPP (evil).

[1] [2] [3]


[5] [6] [7]

Olimar was on 6 with reds. Louie on 5 throwing blues at CPP. Mr. Pres. on 4 throwing yellows at CPP. RO on 1 throwing whites at Olimar. CPP on 3 throwing purples at Olimar.

It may not be believable, but like I said before, its all the lead I got. And my Deja Vu's are usually 78% accurate, the other 22% is the things that people say.

Jpmrocks the random guy that likes to do the WEEGEE stare. 05:53, June 21, 2010 (UTC)

And you expect us to believe on your epiphany? Sorry, but some things are just stupid. Besides, let me tell you something: NO MOAR SPECUMALATION!!!!!! Twinmold.pngSnakeboss14Twinmold.png

Just be glad Crystal hasn't found you out. Vol (Talk)

And I'm not sure if he has seen something as pathetic as this. Twinmold.pngSnakeboss14Twinmold.png
Hurry, guys. We need to burn this before Crys finds out! *tries to create fire with two sticks* LOL, anyway, take this to the Pikmin Fanon Wiki. --FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!

Pikmin for the 3DS?

I was randomly searching through videos on youtube for videos that were recorded by people at the E3. I happened to stumbble upon this video of a guy messing with the new Nintendo 3DS and the screen was a bit blury, but there was no mistaking that the scene he was sampling with PIKMIN! It doesn't look 3D because you're looking at it through the youtube screen, but still it looked awesome! I think that a Pikmin game could actually work on this handheld!

To see the video, look here:

(The Pikmin part is at 0:45) ShadowRaptor101 23:38, June 27, 2010 (UTC)

There were also images of Super Smash Bros. (Brawl?), New Super Mario Bros. Wii, and Zelda: Twilight Princess. I can't say I think this really means anything, but could it work? Definitely yes. I can imagine using the stylus to toss Pikmin or direct them to specific spots, and having titanic bosses pop off the screen in 3D. I hope whatever Pikmin they're making right now is popular enough to warrant yet another game.. —Jimbo Jambo 01:57, June 28, 2010 (UTC)
I agree, though I hope the controls are smooth if it ever became a DS game. However, this doesn't tell us anything about it coming to the 3DS as it was just part of a demo. --FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!
I don't think a Pikmin game for the 3DS is in the making, at all. In that video, all that was shown was just some 3D scenes: A trophy, the NSMB "family", Samus, some Pikmin, etc. It was just to show off the 3D capabilities.

But if they do make a Pikmin for the 3DS, I guess it could work pretty well. {EspyoT} 13:41, June 29, 2010 (UTC)

So now we're discussing how good will the controls be? Honestly, I don't think it'll be released, it's just a demo. If they released the NPC versions then probably the next game will be for Wii, but you're right, it could work. Twinmold.pngSnakeboss14Twinmold.png
Yes, the next game is for the Wii; it's been confirmed several times. And what's the problem with discussing the controls for a possible Pikmin 3DS? :P {EspyoT} 13:15, June 30, 2010 (UTC)
Did I say there was a problem? Twinmold.pngSnakeboss14Twinmold.png
I, personally, want it for GameCube more... Maybe they'll make it GameCube controller compatible?

Pikdude200px-Mario you phail.gif 01:11, July 1, 2010 (UTC) I'm baaack!

It would be nice to have it GameCube controller compatible, but we'll just have to wait and see. Vol (Talk) 16:19, July 1, 2010 (UTC)

diffrent pages

hey i was thinking we can move the past hints into a diffrent page?Greenpikmin2 16:51, July 4, 2010 (UTC)green pikmin

Why? --FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!
The past hints are the main body of the article. Moving them would create stubs, besides being unnecessary, as Pikmin 3 has not been announced. Twinmold.pngSnakeboss14Twinmold.png

EXACTLY --Pikmin fan 101

just askingGreenpikmin2 19:58, July 22, 2010 (UTC)

Give it it's own section on the page if there isn't already one.Pikdude200px-Mario you phail.gif 22:12, July 23, 2010 (UTC)

new pikmin3

new pikmin3 should mean new pikmin like orange pink or green

Take specumulation to Pikmin Fanon or the forums, please. Vol (Talk)

Hey Vol u could explode and end the speculation. --Loafy the Breadbug 11:12, 25 September 2010 (EDT)

Ba-dam tsss! {EspyoT} 13:51, 25 September 2010 (EDT)

3DS preorder

Since 3DS has no UK release date and that's before the US release date and Pikmin 3 was confirmed to be on Wii and Zavvi is no-one special, it's obviously not very concrete at all. Anyone know the law regarding offering preorders you can't fulfill? GP

I'm not sure, but look at the RRP. Vol (Talk)
If this was true somehow, which I doubt, it'll likely be a remake of Pikmin 1 or 2. --FREAK ~GameGame Freak Logo.png Freak~OUT!

I have a feeling its not true. A while ago, I think Amazon and lots of other websites put up Preorders for Pikmin 3. That was back in 2008. Loafy the Breadbug

I remember reading some were that Zavvi putting pikmin there was a mistake.[3]I even heard that Nintendo said it was not true.--Man-at-Legs888 00:37, 24 February 2011 (EST)

Around the time of the release of the first Pikmin game, it was hinted at that Pikmin might be a trilogy.citation needed

Is this an appropriate "hint"? There is no reference and/or I don't remember anything hinting that "Pikmin might be a trilogy" in Pikmin 1. The one and only,Artwork of three Dwarf Orange Bulborbs.Peanut64.
It doesn't say in Pikmin one, but around the time of Pikmin 1. But I can see what you're getting at. For reference, the original text, added by Kperfekt722, reads: "In original the original Pikmin news articles, it was hinted at that Pikmin may be a trilogy". Vol (Talk)
Yeah, I remember not wanting to remove it because it might be true, but I couldn't find a source, so I just added the 'citation required' thing (at least, I think it was me). I assume no-one else knows of a source since it's been without one for however many years... GP

Rumour thing

Thoughts? GP

Doesn't seem too absurd. Miyamoto said the Wii would work well but not "YES FOR THE WII MY ETERNAL LOVE". I am right with believing that the Wii's minimalistic hardware has been one of its core shortcomings? I mean sure, it's cheaper and still looked okay, but in our current HD-hype... I wouldn't be surprised if Ninti used a series that hasn't done all too bad in terms of sales to try and boost this new console. On which I have yet to actally read about. I'll get to that now.--Prezintenden
On one hand, having Pikmin 3 on Cafe would be great. It could be a launch title that shows how powerful the console is - the Pikmin games thus far have all been beautiful graphically, and they're just on the GameCube. Imagine a console with a lot more power showing the beauty of the Pikmin world. On the other hand, that means I'll have to buy a new console to be able to play the next game in the series... But this rumor is likely true. They gave no news nor footage nor anything about the game. They probably have the engine ready, as well as the storyline and such. Porting it to Cafe should be easy, and it'll just give them a chance to stay quiet about the game for longer. I'm pretty sure they want to stay silent about Pikmin 3 for as long as possible, to troll, if you will. {EspyoT} 09:50, 24 April 2011 (EDT)
This rumor confused me, since the latest hint was that it was for the 3DS ( However, there's another rumor now that it's for both (, and there will be some interface between them. The neogaf rumor is probably false though.

Personally I think we should ignore every rumour and all speculation until it is stated to be true by Nintendo. Artwork of a Breadbug. Loafy the Breadbug Artwork of a Breadbug.

Pikmin 3 confirmed for Wii U YES! ParadoxJuice 22:51, 7 June 2011 (EDT)

How is that a good thing when it was already confirmed for Wii? I guess it explains the delay, but...
I forgot to mention, they also said it was nearing completion. ParadoxJuice 10:05, 8 June 2011 (EDT)
Meh, we can't use that link as a source because it requires Flash and is a pain to find the actual quote. And I guess we need a Wii U article... GP
Curse Nintendo's want to make Pikmin 3 REALLY good. I'd have been fine with just good. Ridly Metroid.gif Skree! 15:08, 9 June 2011 (EDT) Can we add this to the article? ParadoxJuice 19:12, 9 June 2011 (EDT)


An infobox has been added by Eduardog, do we need an infobox this early? Artwork of a Breadbug. Loafy the Breadbug Artwork of a Breadbug.

I don't think we do. There's pretty much no information in it because we simply haven't got any, and 'likely 2012' is just silly. I'm going to remove it now; anyone who disagrees feel free to give your reasons. GP