Template:Glitch: Difference between revisions

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(More consistent with other templates, simply "?" is a bit awkward.)
(Found a better word than "danger": "consequences". Makes a lot more sense to describe something that can be harmful, harmless, or helpful.)
Line 2: Line 2:
! Reproducibility
! Reproducibility
! Danger {{#if:{{{p1|{{{npcp1|{{{p2|{{{npcp2|{{{p3|{{{p3d|}}} }}} }}} }}} }}} }}} | !! Versions }} {{#if:{{{demonstration|{{{youtube|}}} }}} | !! Demonstration }} {{#if:{{{other|}}} | !! Other demonstrations }}
! Consequences {{#if:{{{p1|{{{npcp1|{{{p2|{{{npcp2|{{{p3|{{{p3d|}}} }}} }}} }}} }}} }}} | !! Versions }} {{#if:{{{demonstration|{{{youtube|}}} }}} | !! Demonstration }} {{#if:{{{other|}}} | !! Other demonstrations }}
| {{{reproducibility}}}
| {{{reproducibility}}}
Line 49: Line 49:
! danger
! danger
| '''Yes''' ||  || How dangerous the glitch is.
| '''Yes''' ||  || Player consequences for performing this glitch.
! p1
! p1

Revision as of 14:02, August 18, 2021

Reproducibility Consequences
{{{reproducibility}}} {{{danger}}}
  • Effects: {{{effects}}}
  • Prerequisites: None.
  • How to: {{{howto}}}
  • Notes: None.
  • Possible explanation: None.


This template must be used to fill in the glitch information on the glitch articles.


Read Pikipedia:Glitch notes on info over how each field works.

Parameter Mandatory Default Detailed description
image No If there's an image, write its filename here.
image-align No right If the image needs to be moved to the left, give this the value "left".
youtube No If there is a YouTube video demonstrating the glitch, write its ID here (that code after "watch?v=" in the URL).
icaption No Demonstration of the glitch. Caption for the image, in case you need to point out something special.
vcaption No YouTube video Caption on the video link's text, in case you need to point out something special, like at what time in the video it happens.
demonstration No If you have another form of demonstrating the glitch that isn't a YouTube video or an image on the wiki, type it here.
other No Other demonstrations.
reproducibility Yes How easy it is to reproduce, either purposely or accidentally.
danger Yes Player consequences for performing this glitch.
p1 No Unknown Explain whether the glitch works in Pikmin for the GameCube ("Yes") or not ("No"), or if it's unknown for this platform version ("unknown"). If this glitch works on either Pikmin or New Play Control! Pikmin, you must include both this and the next parameters.
npcp1 No Unknown Same as above, but for New Play Control! Pikmin on the Wii.
p2 No Unknown Same as "p1", but for Pikmin 2 (and New Play Control! Pikmin 2).
npcp2 No Unknown Same as above, but for New Play Control! Pikmin 2 on the Wii.
p3 No Unknown Same as "p1", but for Pikmin 3. If it only got introduced in a certain update, or got fixed after a certain update, specify that here, too.
p3d No Unknown Same as above, but for Pikmin 3 Deluxe on the Switch.
effects Yes What the glitch does.
prereq No None. Any prerequisites needed before triggering the glitch.
howto Yes Instructions on how to perform the glitch.
notes No None. Any extra notes that should be pointed out.
normal No What should happen normally, if the glitch didn't exist. If it's obvious, don't include this parameter.
explanation No None. Possible explanation.


{{ glitch | reproducibility = | danger = | p1 = | npcp1 = | p2 = | npcp2 = | p3 = | p3d = | image = | video = | icaption = | image-align = | vcaption = | demonstration = | other = 
| effects = 
| prerequisites = 
| howto = 
| notes = 
| normal = 
| explanation = 


Code Result
{{glitch | reproducibility = High | danger = Harmless
| p1 = Yes | npcp1 = No | image = Red Pikmin.png
| icaption = An example image that actually doesn't demonstrate a glitch.
| effects = Some effects.
| howto = An example guide.
Artwork of a Red Pikmin.
An example image that actually doesn't demonstrate a glitch.
Reproducibility Consequences Versions
High Harmless Pikmin: Yes
New Play Control! Pikmin: No
  • Effects: Some effects.
  • Prerequisites: None.
  • How to: An example guide.
  • Notes: None.
  • Possible explanation: None.
{{glitch | reproducibility = Low | danger = Depends
| effects = Some effects.
| prereq = Some prerequisites.
| howto = An example guide.
| notes = Please note that these are examples.
| normal = You'd have the actual glitchless behavior here.
| explanation = The example is explained by having somebody writing it out.
Reproducibility Consequences
Low Depends
  • Effects: Some effects.
  • Prerequisites: Some prerequisites.
  • How to: An example guide.
  • Notes: Please note that these are examples.
  • What would happen normally: You'd have the actual glitchless behavior here.
  • Possible explanation: The example is explained by having somebody writing it out.