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''Mutant Pikmin'':TBA
''Mutant Pikmin'':TBA
=My Pikmin theories=
==The Pikmin life cycle==
How I think The pikmin work is like this: The Onion first sprouts a Pikmin seed, as evidenced by the pluckaphone we can confirm that pikmin can dig themselves out, after the pikmin is born, it starts a soldier-worker stage where it is constantly bringing nutrients to the Onion which uses the remaining nutrients to make more pikmin and speed the process, Pikmin are also fed by the nutrients gathered in the onion once they are stored in a liquid form inside the onion.
Then the pikmin enter their parasitic cycle in which they take host of a creature that decides to eat them where they bury their rootlike limbs into the nervous system of the host infusing it with natural hormonal excretions, making it able to control virtually all of the host's bodily functions. Of course, I’m talking about the bulbmin.
The smaller versions of Bulbmin are infact the offsprings of a pregnant bulborb which was infected and gave birth to already infected bulborbs.
once the body functions of the host start to decay, the bulbmin will search for a good place to make a hole and die on it, serving as a pot for the next stage, the candypop bud stage. Before dying, the bulbmin looks for a place where bugs are more propense on falling on it or where pollinators could be deceived on trying to pollinate them and eat them. Candypop buds prey on insects that try getting close to them by releasing aromatic scents when they get close to them, only opening their petals when bugs are close to them, the aroma is so concentrate hat he bugs cant help but get near it. Candypop buds can also produce their own pikmin to assist on their growth stage but since candypop buds are stuck in the ground they can be easily eaten by other herbivores and since pikmin can’t get inside it they are an easy prey. Saying that Pikmin turn into a different color when thrown into a candypop bud is actually wrong, the pikmin are eaten by the candypop bud and “in exchange” it gives you another kind of pikmin.
After enough nutrients are gathered, the candypop bud turns into a queen candypop bud which is the last stage of the candypop bud stage, the reason as for why the queen candypop bud changes is constantly changing color is because it has the genetic codes from all of the pikmin that are the same flower color, meaning that white queen candypop bud was once either a red, blue or yellow pikmin. A pink colored queen candypop bud with white or purple spots means that it was once either a white or purple pikmin and so on. the candypop bud in its last moments will produce 10 pikmin from the color it was marking in an attempt to keep the population if anything is to happen to it while growing or if the pikmin population was killed. After its petals wither it will then start growing the fruit inside it which we know as Onions. The onion color will be the color which it originally was not the last color it sprouted. Once the Onion sprouts from the ground, the cycle is repeated.
PNF-404 is the biggest anomaly ever, and there are some explanations as to what could have happened for it to turn like that and to why humans are dead.
‘’’Nuclear fallout’’’: Olimar mentions that the Geiger counter is constantly ticking and buzzing so we could assume that the end of the world was caused by a nuclear war which made humans and most of the species in the planet die or mutate into something completely different.
(every other questions like geographic discrepancies aren’t explained)
‘’’No moon”: if there was no moon, the Earth would sometimes tilt all the way over and lie on its side in relation to its orbit around the Sun. This would make for extreme differences between temperatures and daylight throughout the year. And days would be shorter.
At other times the Earth’s axis would be straight up and down, making night and day equally long, year round, and there would be no seasons.
There would be periods with more extreme weather, and bigger differences between winter and summer. Sound familiar?
‘’counterargument’’:  the Pikmin 3 intro cutscene reveals the planet having a moon. This theory was constructed before the release of pikmin 3.

Revision as of 23:13, October 23, 2015

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Hey guys, i am Nvortex i am super fan of the Pikmin series and joined this wiki to help people find pikmin information, i was originally a member in Pikmin Wikia until the merge

There is no end though there is a start in space. -- Infinity.

It has own power, it ruins, and it goes though there is a start also in the star. ---Finite.

Only the person who was wisdom can read the most foolish one from the history.

The fish that lives in the sea doesn't know the world in the land. It also ruins and goes if they have wisdom.

It is funnier that man exceeds the speed of light than fish start living in the land.

It can be said that this is an final ultimatum from the god to the people who can fight.

My Pikmin ideas

Weather conditions

weather conditions can be purely cosmetical or can affect gameplay to a certain degree you are able to see the weather condition from space but there is also a marker in the area selection indicating the current weather:

Sunny Day: no effect.

Cloudy Day: no effect.

Drizzle: no effect.

Snowy Day: no effect.

Heat wave: Pikmin have random chance to catch on fire. Red pikmin are stronger, there are more fire enemies and they are stronger. The following day, water bodies are lowered.

Rainy day: Pikmin have a random change to catch a water drop. Blue pikmin are stronger, almost no fire enemies. The following day, water bodies are higher.

Windy day: Pikmin have a random change to be blown away a little, Winged pikmin are blown the farthest and Purple pikmin are immune to it, no flying enemies are found this day, Winged pikmin cant fly too high to get to the objective.

Electromagnetic storm: Caused by the planet's strong magnetic field and constant tectonic movements the static electricity of the area rises considerably high. This weather is the most interesting of all, there are random chances for 3 different effects: Everything has a chance to remain stuck to the ground for some seconds including Captains, Pikmin and treasures. Everything has a change to start floating including Captains, Pikmin and treasures. An electromagnetic pulse that paralyzes the whole squad, visually it looks like an electric wave coming from the sky or the ground. Yellow pikmin and captains with the Anti-Electrifier suit upgrade are immune to this effects. Yellow pikmin are stronger, there are more electric enemies, electric enemies are stronger, non-instakill electricity turns instakill. Electric gates are jammed. The spatial representation of this weather looks like a cloudy day with thunders and auroras.

Snavian migration: this weather effect lasts for 2 days, there are several snagrets through out the area and this is the only time where you get to see burrowing snarrows and baby snagrets, you can also encounter pileated snagrets. This day is perfect for flowering since there are several nectar eggs in some sections, Snagrets dont stop spawning for the rest of the day.

Infestation: Bug enemies, especially mandiblards are predominant for 3-5 days

Snow storm: TBA

Chemical precipitation: Caused by an unkown event in the planet's past, on certain times chemicals start leaking from certain areas. No pikmin is saved from this, wither effect for the whole day meaning that pikmin become progressively slower and weaker once certain time pass, you can check the level of withering by looking at their antenna wich turns darker and darker until it turns completely brown and the pikmin dies, ultra-spicy sprays and nectar drops are insta-heals, if 7 minutes pass, all of your sick pikmin will die. Enemies take refuge hiding in caves, and only certain bug enemies are seen normally, plant enemies start with a portion of their health gone. The spatial representaion of this weather looks like brown clouds over the area. The day after, all plants are dead (cosmetical change only)

Sporovid spread:The reproduction cycle of the Sporovids begin, they separate from the colonies and start spreading their spores. Fungi enemies appear, not only Puffstools but enemies infected by the Puffstool are also present. The enemies being controlled by the nearby Puffstool have a larger range of vision making them more dangerous, all bulborbs are already awake and the Puffstool has an army of Puffmin with him, it can also infect the Pikmin in your squad. There is also a new kind of Puffstool: White Puffstools which are smaller versions of the Puffstool which explode and release spores when they die turning your Pikmin into Puffmin, even if the cap in the pikmin's head is white, they still controlled by the red Puffstool. Lasts until the last Puffstool is killed.

New Mechanics

Withering: This is a new hazard for the lack of a better word, Pikmin inflicted with withering become slower and weaker, visually, it looks like their leaf/bud/flower is turning brown until they die (7 minutes later). This is inflicted by withering blowhogs and some other enemies but it can also be found in certain caves or waters which adds, in a way, a time limit. One level of withering lasts for 1.5 minutes. Ultra-Spicy Sprays and Nectar instantly heal Pikmin suffering from withering, this is extremely useful in contaminated caves/ponds since there will be some time consuming tasks and waiting for the pikmin to heal and then return can be take a lot of time. One blow from a Withering Blowhog equals to one level of withering.

Mutagens(Work In Progress): Mutagens are a new type of object that Onions can absorb to change the body structure of the Pikmin, for instance, when the onion absorbs the mutagen which can be either a part of a special enemy or some kind of berry, if sent by a red pikmin it makes all the red pikmin inside it turn into special pikmin for that day/for some time. Once the mutagen is absorbed, the onion turns every Red Pikmin inside it special, every mutant Pikmin on the ground remains a mutant until its stored in the onion once the mutagen wears off.

Mutant Pikmin:TBA

My Pikmin theories

The Pikmin life cycle

How I think The pikmin work is like this: The Onion first sprouts a Pikmin seed, as evidenced by the pluckaphone we can confirm that pikmin can dig themselves out, after the pikmin is born, it starts a soldier-worker stage where it is constantly bringing nutrients to the Onion which uses the remaining nutrients to make more pikmin and speed the process, Pikmin are also fed by the nutrients gathered in the onion once they are stored in a liquid form inside the onion.

Then the pikmin enter their parasitic cycle in which they take host of a creature that decides to eat them where they bury their rootlike limbs into the nervous system of the host infusing it with natural hormonal excretions, making it able to control virtually all of the host's bodily functions. Of course, I’m talking about the bulbmin.

The smaller versions of Bulbmin are infact the offsprings of a pregnant bulborb which was infected and gave birth to already infected bulborbs. once the body functions of the host start to decay, the bulbmin will search for a good place to make a hole and die on it, serving as a pot for the next stage, the candypop bud stage. Before dying, the bulbmin looks for a place where bugs are more propense on falling on it or where pollinators could be deceived on trying to pollinate them and eat them. Candypop buds prey on insects that try getting close to them by releasing aromatic scents when they get close to them, only opening their petals when bugs are close to them, the aroma is so concentrate hat he bugs cant help but get near it. Candypop buds can also produce their own pikmin to assist on their growth stage but since candypop buds are stuck in the ground they can be easily eaten by other herbivores and since pikmin can’t get inside it they are an easy prey. Saying that Pikmin turn into a different color when thrown into a candypop bud is actually wrong, the pikmin are eaten by the candypop bud and “in exchange” it gives you another kind of pikmin.

After enough nutrients are gathered, the candypop bud turns into a queen candypop bud which is the last stage of the candypop bud stage, the reason as for why the queen candypop bud changes is constantly changing color is because it has the genetic codes from all of the pikmin that are the same flower color, meaning that white queen candypop bud was once either a red, blue or yellow pikmin. A pink colored queen candypop bud with white or purple spots means that it was once either a white or purple pikmin and so on. the candypop bud in its last moments will produce 10 pikmin from the color it was marking in an attempt to keep the population if anything is to happen to it while growing or if the pikmin population was killed. After its petals wither it will then start growing the fruit inside it which we know as Onions. The onion color will be the color which it originally was not the last color it sprouted. Once the Onion sprouts from the ground, the cycle is repeated.


PNF-404 is the biggest anomaly ever, and there are some explanations as to what could have happened for it to turn like that and to why humans are dead.

‘’’Nuclear fallout’’’: Olimar mentions that the Geiger counter is constantly ticking and buzzing so we could assume that the end of the world was caused by a nuclear war which made humans and most of the species in the planet die or mutate into something completely different. (every other questions like geographic discrepancies aren’t explained)

‘’’No moon”: if there was no moon, the Earth would sometimes tilt all the way over and lie on its side in relation to its orbit around the Sun. This would make for extreme differences between temperatures and daylight throughout the year. And days would be shorter. At other times the Earth’s axis would be straight up and down, making night and day equally long, year round, and there would be no seasons. There would be periods with more extreme weather, and bigger differences between winter and summer. Sound familiar?

‘’counterargument’’: the Pikmin 3 intro cutscene reveals the planet having a moon. This theory was constructed before the release of pikmin 3.

Wreck-It Alph.
I'll fix it