Cave: Difference between revisions

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m (Alphabetized.)
(Pikmin 2 doesn't make any sense.)
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* [[Hole of Heroes]]
* [[Hole of Heroes]]
* [[Dream Den]]
* [[Dream Den]]
==Technical discrepancies==
Even though the cave and sublevel information is present in human-readable format within the game's files, some of their settings appear to make no sense, as the values in the files don't match up to what happens in-game. The following assumed discrepancies exist:
*Property {f002} (敵最大数, meaning "Maximum number of enemies") of a sublevel indicates the maximum number of enemies (plants, hazards and other things included) that can appear. This value, however, doesn't always seem to make sense. The same applies to property {f014} (キャップ最大数, meaning "Maximum number of dead ends").
*The objects in a cave's sublevel are specified in a list, with the number of instances after the object's name. This number is quite erratic, often deviating from any sort of pattern. This can even lead to numbers that appear to indicate the existence of at least some objects of a certain type, when in fact, none appear. An example of this would be the first floor of [[Hazard Training]], which claims to have "11" eggs, but has none. There is another property, connected to all objects, named "type", but even that property's values don't follow any pattern. Examples of erratic numbers include:
**"2" small dying [[Figwort]]s actually means 2 (sublevel 1 of the [[Twilight Garden]], line 62 of ch_MUKI_damagumo.txt)
**"20" small dying [[Figwort]]s actually means 2 (sublevel 1 of the [[Twilight Garden]], line 48 of ch_MUKI_damagumo.txt)
**"20" [[Fiery Blowhog]]s actually means 2 (sublevel 2 of the [[White Flower Garden]], line 78 of forest_2.txt)
**"12" [[Common Glowcap]]s actually means 12 (sublevel 1 of the [[Red Chasm]], line 43 of ch_MAT_limited_time.txt)
*Property {f013} (隠し床, meaning "Hidden floor") of a sublevel indicates whether there's ground under the [[cave units]] or if it should be simulated. This is due to the fact that toybox and garden levels' units do not contain ground. However, sublevel 4 of [[Snagret Hole]] has this value set to 1 as well, despite the fact that soil-type units always have a ground.
*Sublevel 8 of the [[Dream Den]], sublevels 1 and 2 of the [[Hot House]] and sublevels 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the [[Collector's Room]] all have their property {f00A} (VRBOX, the "skybox" model) set to "vrbox". Both sublevels of the [[Green Hole]] have that property set to "f010". Both of these values are invalid, and the game defaults to having no "skybox".
*The final sublevels of the [[Subterranean Complex]], the [[Hole of Beasts]] and the [[Bulblax Kingdom]] all have property {f010} (階段を壊す岩で隠す(0=オフ 1=オン)) set to 1. This property decides whether the hole to the next sublevel should be [[clog]]ged or not. The oddity here is that the final sublevel does not have a hole.
*The final sublevels in the [[Cave of Pain]], [[Red Chasm]], [[Collector's Room]] and the [[Breeding Ground]] all have property {f007} (帰還噴水(1=あり)) set to 0. This property decides whether a level contains an escape [[geyser]] or not. Naturally, all final sublevels contain one in-game, so the fact that these sublevels have that property set to 0 is a mystery.
