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==Stages of the Dolphin==
While playing through Pikmin, the S.S. Dolphin goes through several stages depending on how many ship parts you have collected.
===Stage 0===
This is when the S.S. Dolphin is first crashed landed in the Impact Site. Every ship piece is missing, smoke and sparks come from the ship, and the hull is very battered. In this stage, the ship's lights are off.
===Stage 1===
This is when the S.S. Dolphin has recovered the [[Main Engine]]. The back-side of the hull returns to it's original position, the left light returns to normal, and all the lights turn on. In this stage, the ship's lights are red.<br />
This increases the Dolphin's capabilities to be able to reach the [[Forest of Hope]].
===Stage 2===
This is when the S.S. Dolphin has recovered at least 5 ship parts. 3 gears appear near the bow of the ship, and a piece of the hull returns around the cockpit. In this stage, the ship's lights are yellow.<br/>
This increases the Dolphin's capabilities to be able to reach the [[Forest Navel]].
===Stage 3===
This is when the S.S. Dolphin has recovered at least 12 ship parts. A weird whisk-like antenna extends from the top-left side of the dolphin, and the piece of the hull covering the cargo hatch is unbent. In this stage, the ship's lights are green.<br/>
This increases the Dolphin's capabilities to be able to reach the [[Distant Spring]].
===Stage 4===
This is when the S.S. Dolphin has recovered at least 29 ship parts. The final pieces of the hull appear between the [[Anti-Dioxin Filter]] and both [[Ionium Jet #1|Ionium Jets]], and a buckle covers both sides of the ship. In this stage, the ship's lights are blue.<br/>
This increases the Dolphin's capabilities to be able to reach the [[Final Trial]].
===Stage 5===
This is when the S.S. Dolphin has recovered every ship part. The Dolphin is in its fully functional stage, the whisk-like antenna retracts, and every ship part is properly aligned and fitted. In this stage, the ship's lights are purple.

==Known parts==
==Known parts==