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From this, it can at least be assumed that Louie's father is the son of his grandmother.
From this, it can at least be assumed that Louie's father is the son of his grandmother.
===Louie's Aunt===
===Louie's Aunt===
Louie's Aunt is only briefly mentioned by The President, who refers to her as Louie's "aunty". She is mentioned to have sent some cookies to The President, but no other notes are made of her.
Louie's Aunt is only briefly mentioned by The President, who refers to her as Louie's "aunty". She is mentioned to have sent some cookies to The President, but no other notes are made of her.

''"Louie, your auntie sent me some cookies. Now, I only meant to taste on, but... then I ate them all. Sorry. To make up for it, I shall officially make you a Cookie Specialist."''
''"Louie, your auntie sent me some cookies. Now, I only meant to taste on, but... then I ate them all. Sorry. To make up for it, I shall officially make you a Cookie Specialist."''
==The President's Family==
{{Infobox leader
|name = The President's Wife
|image = The President's Wife.png
|size = 75px
|gender = Female
|home_planet = Hocotate
|height = Unknown
|weight = Unknown}}The President has only one known member of his Family, his wife. 
===The President's Wife===
The President's Wife is quite a sassy woman. She reveals to constantly be yelling at her husband for loafing around. In her mail, she reveals to be the "real boss" of Hocotate Freight, and sends the President mail stating that his report is wrong. It seems that the Ship is reporting her a report at the end of every day, and knows that his wife is the real boss. Once all the treasures are retrived, she thanks him and says she "sees him a newl light". This infers that she is very important abour work. 
==Alph's Family==