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In ''[[Pikmin 2]]'', the [[Hocotate Ship]] serves as a guide to the player, and gives advice when certain events are triggered.  This page is a list of dialog from the ship.
{{game icons|p2=y}}
{{game help|p2s|In the Nintendo Switch version of ''Pikmin 2'', some controls are explained differently, and have different button icons.}}

==Opening Cutscene==
{{TOC right}}
In {{p2}}, the [[Hocotate ship]] serves as a guide to the player, and gives advice when certain events are triggered. This page is a list of dialog from the ship.

"''Treasure! Treasure! Treasure! Money! Money! Money! Money!''
== Day 1 ==
The following pieces of dialog are all present on [[Story Mode#First day|day 1]].

''Initiating valuation of recovered treasure. This artifact is worth...''
=== Crash landing ===

''100 Pokos!''
'''GameCube / Wii'''
{{Transcript|Brrrzzzzzt! That was close. I have averted a crash landing. Running diagnostics...

''This thing's worth 100 Pokos?! That's more than a year's salary!''"
Alert! Danger! {{color|Louie|blue}} is missing. He must have somehow fallen out of his cockpit.
==Day 1==

"''Brrrzzzzzt! That was close. I have averted a crash landing. Running diagnostics...''
...He is not responding via his communicator. He is either flouting protocol...or in danger!

''Alert! Danger! <span style="color:blue">Louie</span> is missing. He must have somehow fallen out of his cockpit.''
{{color|Olimar|red}}! You must find {{color|Louie|blue}} before he freezes to death in the cold of this planet!

''...He is not responding via his communicator. He is either flouting protocol...or in danger!''
Wait a moment! Look!|block=y}}

''<span style="color:red">Olimar</span>! You must find <span style="color:blue">Louie</span> before he freezes to death in the cold of this planet!''
{{Transcript|Brrrzzzzzt! That was close. I have averted a crash landing. Running diagnostics...

''Wait a moment! Look!''
Alert! Danger! {{color|Louie|#aa0}} is missing. He must have somehow fallen out of his cockpit.

''Could these be '''Pikmin'''! They look like they are about to be devoured as we speak!''
...He is not responding via his communicator. He is either flouting protocol...or in danger!

''You must help them, quickly! Press '''B''' to '''call them''' with your whistle, Captain Olimar!''
{{color|Olimar|red}}! You must find {{color|Louie|#aa0}} before he freezes to death in the cold of this planet!

''You can also '''hold B''' to make the sound of your whistle '''carry farther'''. Remember?''"
Wait a moment! Look!|block=y}}


"''The Pikmin ran to your side! They seem to remember you, Captain Olimar! How fascinating.''
=== Meeting wild Red Pikmin ===

''Give them instructions, and do not delay! Hold '''A''' to grab a Pikmin and release to '''throw it'''.''"
{{Transcript|1=Could these be <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Pikmin|red}}? </span>They look like they are about to be devoured as we speak!
You must help them, quickly! Press {{button|gc|b}} to {{color|call them|red}} with your whistle, Captain Olimar!
You can also {{color|hold|red}} {{button|gc|b}} to make the sound of your whistle {{color|carry farther|red}}. Remember?|block=y}}
{{Transcript|1=Could these be <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Pikmin|red}}? </span>They look like they are about to be devoured as we speak!
You must help them! Point at the screen and press {{button|wii|b}} to {{color|call them|red}} with your whistle!
You can also {{color|hold|red}} {{button|wii|b}} to make the sound of your whistle {{color|carry farther|red}}. Remember?|block=y}}


"''Attention! Captain Olimar! I have just reestablished my communications link with Louie.''
=== Whistling wild Red Pikmin ===

''It is fortunate we have managed to confirm his safety. Press '''Y''' to '''communicate with him'''.''
{{Transcript|The Pikmin ran to your side! They seem to remember you, Captain Olimar! How fascinating.

''I am quite interested in the details of his condition...''"
Give them instructions, and do not delay! Hold {{button|gc|a}} to grab a Pikmin and release to {{color|throw it|red}}.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|The Pikmin ran to your side! They seem to remember you, Captain Olimar! How fascinating.
Give them instructions, and do not delay!
Hold {{button|wii|a}}  to grab a Pikmin, then point at the screen and release to {{color|throw it|red}}.|block=y}}


"''Louie! Allow me to assess your condition, as per our safety protocols. Are you at all injured?''
=== Contacting Louie ===
{{Transcript|Attention! Captain Olimar! I have just reestablished my communications link with Louie.
It is fortunate we have managed to confirm his safety. Press {{button|gc|y}} to {{color|communicate with him|red}}.

''...Is that so? Then my concerns are eased. Our communication link shows you are nearby.''
I am quite interested in the details of his condition...|block=y}}

''Can you make your way to our location and rejoin us? I will navigate for you.''
{{Transcript|Attention! Captain Olimar! I have just reestablished my communications link with Louie.

''Press '''START/PAUSE''' to '''contact me''' and obtain information about the terrain.''"
It is fortunate we have managed to confirm his safety. Press {{button|wii|-}} to {{color|communicate with him|red}}.
I am quite interested in the details of his condition...|block=y}}


"''Louie! The odd object before you appears to be one of the '''Onions''' mentioned in Olimar's report.''
=== Switching to Louie ===

''The seed the Onion ejected just sprouted! According to Olimar's report, it can be '''plucked''' with '''A'''.''"
{{Transcript|Louie! Allow me to assess your condition, as per our safety protocols. Are you at all injured?
...Is that so? Then my concerns are eased. Our communication link shows you are nearby.
Can you make your way to our location and rejoin us? I will navigate for you.
Press {{color|START/PAUSE |red}}to {{color|contact me|red}} and obtain information about the terrain.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|1=Louie! Allow me to assess your condition, as per our safety protocols. Are you at all injured?
...Is that so? Then my concerns are eased. Our communication link shows you are nearby.
Can you make your way to our location and rejoin us? I will navigate for you.
Press {{color|{{button|wii|+|size=19}}|red}} to {{color|contact me|red}} and obtain information about the terrain.|block=y}}


"''Louie, this must be one of the '''Pikmin''' creatures from Olimar's report. It is staring at you.''
=== Discover Red Onion ===

''You can use '''C''' to '''issue objectives''' to your Pikmin squad and even direct their movement.''
{{Transcript|Louie! The odd object before you appears to be one of the {{color|Onions |red}}mentioned in Olimar's report.|block=y}}

''You can '''disband''' your squad with '''X'''. Interesting...''

''Olimar's description of the creatures resembling Pikpik carrots was strikingly accurate.''
=== Louie discovers Red Pikmin sprout ===

''Louie... My sensors have detected drool in the corner of your mouth. Are you all right?''"
{{Transcript|The seed the Onion ejected just sprouted! According to Olimar's report, it can be {{color|plucked|red}} with {{button|gc|a}}.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|The seed the Onion ejected just sprouted! According to Olimar's report, it can be {{color|plucked|red}} with {{button|wii|a}}.|block=y}}


"''The Onion ejected more seeds! The pellet from that flower must hold '''nutrients that breed Pikmin'''.''
=== Red sprout review ===
When Louie stands for a while without plucking the sprout.
{{Transcript|Louie! The sprout that recently emerged is emitting a strange light and swaying hypnotically.
According to Olimar's exploration report, you should be able to {{color|pluck|red}} this sprout with {{button|gc|a}}.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|Louie! The sprout that recently emerged is emitting a strange light and swaying hypnotically.
According to Olimar's exploration report, you should be able to {{color|pluck|red}} this sprout with {{button|wii|a}}.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|Louie! The sprout that recently emerged is emitting a strange light and swaying hypnotically.
According to Olimar's exploration report, you should be able to {{color|pluck|red}} this sprout with {{button|switch|a}}.|block=y}}
=== Louie meets Red Pikmin ===
{{Transcript|Louie, this must be one of the {{color|Pikmin|red}} creatures from Olimar's report. It is staring at you.
You can use {{button|gc|c}} to {{color|issue objectives|red}} to your Pikmin squad and even direct their movement.
You can {{color|disband|red}} your squad with {{button|gc|x}}. Interesting...
Olimar's description of the creatures resembling Pikpik carrots was strikingly accurate.
Louie... My sensors have detected drool in the corner of your mouth. Are you all right?|block=y}}
'''Wii - US English'''
{{Transcript|Louie, this must be one of the {{color|Pikmin|red}} creatures from Olimar's report. It is staring at you.
You can press Down on {{button|wii|pad}} to {{color|issue objectives|red}} to your Pikmin squad and direct their movement.
You can {{color|disband|red}} your squad with {{button|wii|c}}. Interesting...
Olimar's description of the creatures resembling Pikpik carrots was strikingly accurate.
Louie... My sensors have detected drool in the corner of your mouth. Are you all right?|block=y}}
'''Wii - EU English'''
{{Transcript|Louie, this must be one of the {{color|Pikmin|red}} creatures from Olimar's report. It is staring at you.
You can use {{button|wii|a}} to throw a Pikmin and {{color|issue orders to it. |red}}Press {{button|wii|b}} {{color|to call it back to you|red}}.
You can {{color|disband|red}} your squad with {{button|wii|c}}. Interesting...
Olimar's description of the creatures resembling Pikpik carrots was strikingly accurate.
Louie... My sensors have detected drool in the corner of your mouth. Are you all right?|block=y}}
{{Transcript|Louie, this must be one of the {{color|Pikmin|red}} creatures from Olimar's report. It is staring at you.

''Yes! The Pikmin gather nutrients, haul them to the Onion, and further propagate the species!''
You can use {{button|switch|a}} to throw a Pikmin {{color|where you want it to take action|red}}. A squad of them can do a lot!

''The Onion is a Pikmin '''mother ship'''!''
You can {{color|disband|red}} a squad of Pikmin that's following you by pressing {{button|switch|x}}. Interesting...

''Reviewing Olimar's report, it seems '''repeatedly tapping A''' lets one rapidly pluck Pikmin sprouts.''"
Olimar's description of the creatures resembling Pikpik carrots was strikingly accurate.
Louie... My sensors have detected drool in the corner of your mouth. Are you all right?|block=y}}


"''Perhaps this object is one of the '''treasures''' that we are searching for!''
=== Onion produces seeds ===

''The only reason we found it here is because this is where you crash-landed. How fortunate!''
{{Transcript|The Onion ejected more seeds! The pellet from that flower must hold {{color|nutrients that breed Pikmin|red}}.

''I would like to appraise it, but you must regroup with Olimar first. Can you see him?''
Yes! The Pikmin gather nutrients, haul them to the Onion, and further propagate the species!

''Press '''L''' to '''move the camera behind you''', '''R''' to '''zoom''', and '''Z''' to '''change''' angles.''"
The Onion is a Pikmin {{color|mother ship|red}}!
Reviewing Olimar's report, it seems {{color|repeatedly tapping|red}} {{button|gc|a}} lets one rapidly pluck Pikmin sprouts.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|The Onion ejected more seeds! The pellet from that flower must hold {{color|nutrients that breed Pikmin|red}}.
Yes! The Pikmin gather nutrients, haul them to the Onion, and further propagate the species!
The Onion is a Pikmin {{color|mother ship|red}}!
Reviewing Olimar's report, it seems {{color|repeatedly tapping|red}} {{button|wii|a}} lets one rapidly pluck Pikmin sprouts.|block=y}}


"''Captain Olimar! Louie! Your are reunited at last! This has been a troublesome start to our trip.''
=== Appear lost ===
When the player doesn't squash the [[bag]] after a while.
{{Transcript|1=You appear lost. Try pressing {{button|gc|y}} to {{color|change leaders|red}} and combine your wits and strengths.

''But now you must feel assured that your combined wits can get you through anything. Correct?''
If an object blocking your path won't budge when pushed, try <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|compressing it with weight|red}}!</span>|block=y}}

''From now on, use '''B''' to '''form a single group''', '''X''' to '''take solo action''', and '''Y''' to '''change leaders'''.''"
{{Transcript|1=You appear lost. Try pressing {{button|wii|-}} to {{color|change leaders|red}} and combine your wits and strengths.
If an object blocking your path won't budge when pushed, try <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|compressing it with weight|red}}!</span>|block=y}}


"''Our first day of exploration has yielded our first treasure! We will be done in record time!''
=== Discover Courage Reactor ===

''I took the liberty of naiming it when I appraised it. The name reflects my current "thinking."''
{{Transcript|Perhaps this object is one of the {{color|treasures|red}} that we are searching for!

''Leave it to me to think up catchy names for '''hit products'''! It is but one of my many talents!''
The only reason we found it here is because this is where you crash-landed. How fortunate!

''We shall end our first day here and report back to our '''president'''! His face will surely be joyous!''
I would like to appraise it, but you must regroup with Olimar first. Can you see him?

''However, to communicate with Hocotate, we must fly into low orbit above the planet.''
Press {{button|gc|l}} to {{color|move the camera behind you|red}}, {{button|gc|r}} to {{color|zoom|red}}, and {{button|gc|z}} to {{color|change|red}} angles.|block=y}}

''We will not return to the surface until morning, so as to '''avoid the indigenous nocturnal creatures'''.''"
'''Wii - US English'''
{{Transcript|Perhaps this object is one of the {{color|treasures|red}} that we are searching for!

==Day 2==
The only reason we found it here is because this is where you crash-landed. How fortunate!

"''Good morning, workers! Ready for another day of toiling for the profit of your company?''
I would like to appraise it, but you must regroup with Olimar first. Can you see him?

''The Pikmin seem to still be asleep inside their Onion. What lazy creatures!''
Press {{button|wii|z}} to {{color|move the camera behind you|red}}.

''No wonder they lack survival skills. Stand '''beneath the Onion''' and press '''A''' to call them out.''"
You can also press Left or Right on {{button|wii|pad}} to {{color|zoom and Up on {{button|wii|pad}} to|red}} change angles.|block=y}}
'''Wii - EU English'''
{{Transcript|Perhaps this object is one of the {{color|treasures|red}} that we are searching for!
The only reason we found it here is because this is where you crash-landed. How fortunate!
I would like to appraise it, but you must regroup with Olimar first. Can you see him?
Press {{button|wii|z}} to {{color|move the camera behind you|red}}.
You can also press Left or Right on {{button|wii|pad}} to {{color|zoom, and Up on {{button|wii|pad}} to|red}} change angles.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|Perhaps this object is one of the {{color|treasures|red}} that we are searching for!
The only reason we found it here is because this is where you crash-landed. How fortunate!
I would like to appraise it, but you must regroup with Olimar first. Can you see him?
Press {{button|switch|zl}} to {{color|move the camera behind you|red}}.
Also, press {{button|switch|zr}} to {{color|zoom in or out|red}} and up or down on {{button|switch|rstick}} to {{color|change angles|red}}.
Oh! And press left or right on {{button|switch|rstick}} to {{color|rotate the camera|red}}.|block=y}}


"''How could Pikmin destroy such a massive wall? When massed, their might is ferocious!''
=== Not squash bag for a while ===
'''US/EU GCN'''
{{Transcript|1=You appear lost. Try pressing {{button|gc|y}} to {{color|change leaders|red}} and combine your wits and strengths.
If an object blocking your path won't budge when pushed, try <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|compressing it with weight|red}}!</span>|block=y}}
'''US/EU Wii'''
{{Transcript|1=You appear lost. Try pressing {{button|wii|-}} to {{color|change leaders|red}} and combine your wits and strengths.
If an object blocking your path won't budge when pushed, try <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|compressing it with weight|red}}!</span>|block=y}}

''Louie! Did Olimar instruct you on proper Pikmin-commanding protocol?''
=== Olimar and Louie reunite ===

''Apparently not. Olimar! You are failing in you duty as a superior! Allow me to explain...''
{{Transcript|Captain Olimar! Louie! You are reunited at last! This has been a troublesome start to our trip.

''Press '''A''' to grab Pikmin and release to '''throw''' them. Call them into a '''group''' with '''B'''.''
But now you must feel assured that your combined wits can get you through anything. Correct?

''Press '''X''' to '''disband''' the group. Use '''C''' to '''issue orders''' and objectives to the group.''
From now on, use {{button|gc|b}} to {{color|form a single group|red}}, {{button|gc|x}} to {{color|take solo action|red}}, and {{button|gc|y}} to {{color|change leaders|red}}.|block=y}}

'''''C''' is useful for swarming Pikmin around treasures and enemies, or making them march in a line!''"
{{Transcript|Captain Olimar! Louie! You are reunited at last! This has been a troublesome start to our trip.
But now you must feel assured that your combined wits can get you through anything. Correct?
From now on, use {{button|wii|b}} to {{color|form a single group|red}}, {{button|wii|c}} to {{color|take solo action|red}}, and {{button|wii|-}} to {{color|change leaders|red}}.|block=y}}


"''Interesting... Warm air is welling up from the hole in the ground before you.''
=== Collect Courage Reactor ===
'''GameCube / Wii - US English'''
{{Transcript|Our first day of exploration has yielded our first treasure! We will be done in record time!
I took the liberty of naming it when I appraised it. The name reflects my current "thinking."
Leave it to me to think up catchy names for {{color|hit products|red}}! It is but one of my many talents!
We shall end our first day here and report back to our {{color|president|red}}! His face will surely be joyous!
However, to communicate with Hocotate, we must fly into low orbit above the planet.
We will not return to the surface until morning, so as to {{color|avoid the indigenous nocturnal creatures|red}}.|block=y}}
'''Wii - EU English'''
{{Transcript|Our first day of exploration has yielded our first treasure! We will be done in record time!
I took the liberty of naming it when I appraised it. The name reflects my current "thinking".

''What could lie underground? ...What is wrong? You both show expressions of unease.''
Leave it to me to think up catchy names for {{color|hit products|red}}! It is but one of my many talents!

''Do not fear! The '''leader's group of Pikmin''' will join you. I shall dispatch my '''research pod''', too.''
We shall end our first day here and report back to our {{color|president|red}}! His face will surely be joyous!

''Approach the hole and press '''A''' to jump in!''"
However, to communicate with Hocotate, we must fly into low orbit above the planet.
We will not return to the surface until morning, so as to {{color|avoid the indigenous nocturnal creatures|red}}.|block=y}}
== Day 2 ==
The following pieces of dialog are all present on [[Day|day 2]].
=== Landing ===
{{Transcript|Good morning, workers! Ready for another day of toiling for the profit of your company?
The Pikmin seem to still be asleep inside their Onion. What lazy creatures!
No wonder they lack survival skills. Stand {{color|beneath the Onion|red}} and press {{button|gc|a}} to call them out.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|Good morning, workers! Ready for another day of toiling for the profit of your company?
The Pikmin seem to still be asleep inside their Onion. What lazy creatures!
No wonder they lack survival skills. Stand {{color|beneath the Onion|red}} and press {{button|wii|a}} to call them out.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|Good morning, workers! Ready for another day of toiling for the profit of your company?
The Pikmin seem to still be asleep inside their Onion. What lazy creatures!
No wonder they lack survival skills. Stand {{color|beneath the Onion|red}} and press {{button|switch|a}} to call them out.|block=y}}


"''Intriguing... My heat sensors indicate that this hole's interior is warmer than on the surface.''
=== Destroy first wall ===

''Analysis suggests subterranean areas may support different life-forms than the surface.''
{{Transcript|How could Pikmin destroy such a massive wall? When massed, their might is ferocious!

''If you wish to check underground terrain, press '''START/PAUSE''' to communicate with me.''
Louie! Did Olimar instruct you on proper Pikmin-commanding protocol?

''I am not just a ship... I am an all-purpose support pod!''"
Apparently not. Olimar! You are failing in your duty as a superior! Allow me to explain...
Press {{button|gc|a}} to grab Pikmin and release to {{color|throw |red}}them. Call them into a {{color|group|red}} with {{button|gc|b}}.
Press {{button|gc|x}} to {{color|disband|red}} the group. Use {{button|gc|c}} to {{color|issue orders|red}} and objectives to the group.
{{button|gc|c}} is useful for swarming Pikmin around treasure and enemies, or making them march in a line!|block=y}}
{{Transcript|How could Pikmin destroy such a massive wall? When massed, their might is ferocious!
Louie! Did Olimar instruct you on proper Pikmin-commanding protocol?
Apparently not. Olimar! You are failing in your duty as a superior! Allow me to explain.
Press {{button|wii|a}} to grab Pikmin and release to {{color|throw |red}}them. Call them into a {{color|group|red}} with {{button|wii|b}}.
Press {{button|wii|c}}  to {{color|disband|red}} the group. Point at the screen and press Down on {{button|wii|pad}} to {{color|issue orders|red}}.
Press Down on {{button|wii|pad}} to swarm Pikmin on treasure and enemies or make them march in a line!|block=y}}
{{Transcript|How could Pikmin destroy such a massive wall? When massed, their might is ferocious!
Louie! Did Olimar instruct you on proper Pikmin-commanding protocol?
Apparently not. Olimar! You are failing in your duty as a superior! Allow me to explain.
Press {{button|switch|a}} to grab Pikmin and release to {{color|throw |red}}them. Call them into a {{color|group|red}} with {{button|switch|b}}.
Press {{button|switch|x}}  to {{color|disband|red}} the group.
To give orders, hold {{button|switch|l}} while moving {{button|switch|rstick}}. It's handy for giving orders to groups!
You can review these directions anytime by pressing {{button|switch|-}}.|block=y}}


"''This hole appears to be quite deep. My sensors indicate more treacherous terrain ahead.''
=== First time entering Emergence Cave ===

''Louie, you do recall that you can adjust the camera with '''L''', '''R''' and '''Z''', correct?''
{{Transcript|Intriguing... My heat sensors indicate that this hole's interior is warmer than on the surface.

''Your expression suggests you do. Excellent! Then '''approach the hole and press A''' to enter it!''"
Analysis suggests subterranean areas may support different life-forms than the surface.
If you wish to check underground terrain, press {{color|START/PAUSE |red}}to communicate with me.
I am not just a ship... I am an all-purpose support pod!|block=y}}
{{Transcript|Intriguing... My heat sensors indicate that this hole's interior is warmer than on the surface.
Analysis suggests danger lies ahead, but the promise of treasure is tantalizing.
If you wish to check underground terrain, press {{button|wii|+}} to communicate with me.
I am not just a ship... I am an all-purpose support pod!|block=y}}
{{Transcript|Intriguing... My heat sensors indicate that this hole's interior is warmer than on the surface.
Analysis suggests danger lies ahead, but the promise of treasure is tantalizing.
If you wish to check underground terrain, press {{button|switch|+}} to communicate with me.
I am not just a ship... I am an all-purpose support pod!|block=y}}


"''It's inconceivable that such an immense object has been buried here for so long.''
=== First time collecting creature in a cave ===

''The design on the outer shell resembles the surface of the planet as seen from space!''
{{Transcript|1=<span style="font-size:1.28125em">Krzzzt-zzzt-zrrrk! </span><br>How can you possibly consider <span style="font-size:1.28125em">{{color|this beast|red}}</span> a treasure?!?

''Perhaps this can be used for something '''other than salvage'''.''
Beasts are incompatible with my circuitry! ...I suppose I will store your finds in my hold...

''But how will we ever lift it? I fear that even '''100 red Pikmin will be unable to lift it'''!''"
But I do not think beasts will be worth much...|block=y}}


"''Astounding! A flower blooms in a cave deep beneath the snowy landscape!''
=== Discover sublevel entrance ===
{{Transcript|This hole appears to be quite deep. My sensors indicate more treacherous terrain ahead.
Louie, you do recall that you can adjust the camera with {{button|gc|l}}, {{button|gc|r}}, and {{button|gc|z}}, correct?
Your expression suggests you do. Excellent! Then {{color|approach the hole and press|red}} {{button|gc|a}} to enter it!|block=y}}
{{Transcript|This hole appears to be quite deep. My sensors indicate more treacherous terrain ahead.
Louie, you do recall that you can adjust the camera with {{button|wii|z}} and Up, Left, and Right on {{button|wii|pad}}, correct?

''Clearly it is warmer down here than above. Look. The Pikmin are restless...''
Your expression suggests you do. Excellent!

''They look as if '''they yearn to be tossed into the flower'''.''"
Don't worry, all your Pikmin will follow you. {{color|Approach the hole and press|red}} {{button|wii|a}} to enter it!|block=y}}
{{Transcript|This hole appears to be quite deep. My sensors indicate more treacherous terrain ahead.
Louie, you do recall that you can adjust the camera with {{button|switch|zl}} and up, down, left, and right on {{button|switch|rstick}}, yes?
Your expression suggests you do. Excellent!
Don't worry, all your Pikmin will follow you. {{color|Approach the hole and press|red}} {{button|switch|a}} to enter it!|block=y}}


"''Amazing! A purple Pikmin! It has hair...and is quite stocky. It seems '''very heavy and strong.'''''
=== Discover exit geyser ===

''This kind of Pikmin was not mentioned in your report, Olimar. It must be an '''entirely new type'''!''
{{Transcript|1=<span style="font-size:1.5em">Astounding!</span><br>Water is shooting out of this geyser with incredible force!

''Transforming Pikmin by tossing them into flowers? Intriguing... Perhaps there are others...?''"
Sensors indicate it has enough power to launch you into the air. {{color|Approach it and press|red}} {{button|gc|a}} to try!|block=y}}
{{Transcript|1=<span style="font-size:1.5em">Astounding!</span><br>Water is shooting out of this geyser with incredible force!
Sensors indicate it has enough power to launch you into the air. {{color|Approach it and press|red}} {{button|wii|a}} to try!|block=y}}
{{Transcript|1=<span style="font-size:1.5em">Astounding!</span><br>Water is shooting out of this geyser with incredible force!
Sensors indicate it has enough power to launch you into the air. {{color|Approach it and press|red}} {{button|switch|a}} to try!|block=y}}


"''There is a device resembling a microchip embedded inside this sphere. Retrieving data...''
=== First time resurfacing ===

''...Error. I could only decode a portion of the data, but I did retrieve new geographic charts.''
'''GameCube / Wii - US English / Switch'''
{{Transcript|You have successfully returned to the planet's surface! Excellent decision making, gentlemen!

''I will input this data into my planetary database and name it the '''Sphere Chart'''.''
We must celebrate your first successful spelunking expedition!

'''''Press START/PAUSE to contact me''' and access the '''Exploration Kit''' on the radar screen with '''L'''.''
You've gathered a large amount of data that needs in-depth analysis.

''Now that we have this new data, you should explore the decoded territory tomorrow.''"
I shall send a report back to the president tonight detailing your progress.|block=y}}
'''Wii - EU English'''
{{Transcript|You have successfully returned to the planet's surface! Excellent decision making, gentlemen!
We must celebrate the success of your spelunking expedition!
You've gathered a large amount of data that needs in-depth analysis.
I shall send a report back to the president tonight detailing your progress.|block=y}}


"''<span style="font-size:1.25em">Astounding!</span><br />''
=== Resurface after collecting Spherical Atlas ===
''Water is shooting out of this geyser with incredible force!''
{{Transcript|Olimar and Louie, since you will explore a {{color|new area|red}} tomorrow, today's work is done!
...What? You still want to work?! Unacceptable! You may not realize it, but you are exhausted!
You should take a much-needed rest, as you have {{color|all the time you need to collect treasure|red}}!
Haste makes waste, so take it slow and steady.|block=y}}
=== First evening ===
{{Transcript|1=Olimar! Louie! The sun will be setting soon. <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Call all of the Pikmin to you!|red}}</span>
This planet's native nocturnal life-forms are ferocious, and therefore dangerous.
Load your Pikmin into the Onion and yourselves into my hull so we can take refuge in low orbit.
Pikmin in your squad will {{color|enter the Onion on their own at day's end|red}}, so call them all to you.|block=y}}
== Day 3 ==
=== Pikmin type swapping ===
'''US GCN'''
{{Transcript|Louie! Has Olimar instructed you on the peculiarities of the Pikmin creatures?
The Pikmin {{color|form groups based on color when disbanded with {{button|gc|x}}|red}}.
Grabbing Pikmin with {{button|gc|a}} will also cause them to group by color. Now, for the bonus lesson...
{{color|After grabbing a Pikmin with {{button|gc|a}}, you can press Left or Right on {{button|gc|pad}} to swap it for another color.|red}}
This is the first time you have heard this? Olimar! Remember to properly train new employees!|block=y}}
'''EU GCN'''
{{Transcript|Louie! Has Olimar instructed you on the peculiarities of the Pikmin creatures?
The Pikmin {{color|form groups based on color when disbanded with {{button|gc|x}}|red}}.
Grabbing Pikmin with {{button|gc|a}} will also cause them to group by color. Now, for the bonus lesson...
{{color|After grabbing a Pikmin by holding {{button|gc|a}}, you can press Left or Right on {{button|gc|pad}} to swap it for another color.|red}}
This is the first time you have heard this? Olimar! Remember to properly train new employees!|block=y}}
'''US/EU Wii'''
{{Transcript|Louie! Has Olimar instructed you on the peculiarities of the Pikmin creatures?
The Pikmin {{color|form groups based on color when disbanded with {{button|wii|c}}|red}}.
Grabbing Pikmin with {{button|wii|a}} will also cause them to group by color. Now, for the bonus lesson...
{{color|First, press and hold {{button|wii|a}} to pick up a Pikmin.|red}}
{{color|Then, while you hold {{button|wii|a}}, press {{button|wii|b}}  to swap between different colored Pikmin.|red}}
This is the first time you have heard this? Olimar! Remember to properly train new employees!|block=y}}
== Discover Cave entrances ==
=== Emergence Cave ===
{{Transcript|Interesting... Warm air is welling up from the hole in the ground before you.
What could lie underground? ...What is wrong? You both show expressions of unease.
Do not fear! The {{color|leader's group of Pikmin|red}} will join you. I shall dispatch my {{color|research pod|red}}, too.
Approach the hole and press {{button|gc|a}} to jump in!|block=y}}
'''Wii - US English'''
{{Transcript|Interesting... Warm air is welling up from the hole in the ground before you.
What could lie underground? ...What is wrong? You both show expressions of unease.
Do not fear! The {{color|leader's group of Pikmin|red}} will join you. I shall dispatch my {{color|research pod|red}}, too.
Approach the hole and press {{button|wii|a}} to jump in!|block=y}}
'''Wii - EU English'''
{{Transcript|Interesting... Warm air is welling up from the hole in the ground before you.
What could lie underground? ...What is wrong? You both show expressions of unease.
Do not fear! The {{color|leader's group|red}} {{color|of Pikmin|red}} will join you. I shall dispatch my {{color|research pod|red}}, too.
Separated Pikmin will head to the Onion. Approach the hole and press {{button|wii|a}} to jump in!|block=y}}
=== Subterranean Complex ===
{{Transcript|Interesting... My metal detectors are reacting violently!
I can only conclude that there may be some sort of machine below, but that seems illogical...|block=y}}
=== Frontier Cavern ===
{{Transcript|Yet another cave discovered! Venturing to the farthest reaches has proven rewarding!
You may be tired of walking, but just one last leap remains! Now, go get that treasure!|block=y}}
=== Hole of Beasts ===
{{Transcript|Krrzt! Bzzrrt! Biological sensors are reacting violently. The readings are ominous.

''Sensors indicate it has enough power to launch you into the air. '''Approach it and press A''' to try!''"
A beast of unknown power lurks in these depths. {{color|A large Pikmin group would be reassuring|red}}.
My sound sensors are picking up hostile roars of many beasts. Expect dangerous encounters.
Sensors are also showing extreme heat pockets. You may need {{color|flame-resistant Pikmin|red}}...
But my records indicate no such data! Are my records incomplete?|block=y}}
=== White Flower Garden ===
{{Transcript|Astounding! My metal detectors are reacting violently. What could be down below?
If you find trouble below, press {{color|START/PAUSE|red}} to contact me and press {{color|{{button|gc|r}} on the radar screen|red}}.
The exploration pod will drop its loot to make room to carry you, Louie, and the Pikmin to safety.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|1=Astounding! My metal detectors are reacting violently. What could be down below?
If you find trouble below, press {{color|{{button|wii|+|size=19}}|red}} to contact me and press Right on {{button|wii|pad}}{{color| on the radar screen|red}}.
The exploration pod will drop its loot to make room to carry you, Louie, and the Pikmin to safety.|block=y}}
=== Bulblax Kingdom ===
{{Transcript|So, you have at last reached the higher ground. Congratulations are in order.
...Wait. What is this? My seismic sensors are picking up tremors deep below.
What force is at work in the depths of the planet?|block=y}}
=== Snagret Hole ===
{{Transcript|Intriguing! My acoustic sensors are picking up a high-pitched wail.
It seems to emanate from the area near this gigantic stump.
This large root must penetrate deep beneath the planet's surface. Fascinating...|block=y}}
=== Citadel of Spiders ===
{{Transcript|Krzzt! My sensors are giving out foreboding signals. These signals could very well mean...
...that this hole is filled with wretched, nasty bugs! Vicious, program-terminating bugs!|block=y}}
=== Glutton's Kitchen ===
{{Transcript|Interesting! My odor detectors are reacting... A strong scent wafts from that hole!
I am a machine, so rating scents is beyond me, but your faces tell me all I need to know.
You are both drooling... I wish, just once, I could feel what it is like to drool.|block=y}}
=== Shower Room ===
{{Transcript|A large rock sits in a reservoir of water. May I interject here?
I have been observing the two of you working together. You have been cooperating well.
Yet, to face the dangers ahead, you must be free of the shackles of a boss-worker relationship!
Learn to use {{color|{{button|gc|x}} to separate|red}} and {{color|{{button|gc|y}} to change leaders|red}}.
If you can master teamwork, you can overcome any impediment!|block=y}}
{{Transcript|A large rock sits in a reservoir of water. May I interject here?
I have been observing the two of you working together. You have been cooperating well.
Yet, to face the dangers ahead, you must be free of the shackles of a boss-worker relationship!
Learn to use {{color|{{button|wii|c}} to separate|red}} and {{color|{{button|wii|-}} to change leaders|red}}.
If you can master teamwork, you can overcome any impediment!|block=y}}
=== Submerged Castle ===
{{Transcript|Interesting! Deeper sections of this hole seem to be submerged in liquid...
Sadly, I am a delicate piece of machinery that is sensitive to water. You two must go alone.
...Why do you look at me with such scornful expressions? ...I am an expensive machine!
...Fine. I'll go. But this wantonly reckless treatment of company property will be reported!|block=y}}
=== Cavern of Chaos ===
{{Transcript|Wait... From all appearances, this is a particularly frightening crevasse. The data is horrifying!
Courage is one thing, but recklessness is something else. Perhaps we should turn back?
Well, if you still wish to enter, keep your daring in check and just focus on surviving.|block=y}}
=== Hole of Heroes ===
{{Transcript|I am detecting the howls of countless creatures in the hole ahead. It is nearly deafening!
Sound analysis indicates a wide variety of creatures nesting here. It is a melting pot of life!
Mr. President, be extremely careful! Olimar, your job is to protect his life at all costs!|block=y}}
=== Dream Den ===
{{Transcript|Perhaps you will find Louie in here! ...And yet, my CPU is on edge. Ludicrous dangers await!
Beasts lurk at the bottom of the deepest, darkest, most foul, sinister, horribly vile pit.
Do you still wish to enter? Of course you do. Courage is our true treasure!|block=y}}
== Discover Pikmin types ==
=== Wild Yellow Pikmin ===
{{Transcript|Look! Off in the distance! Wild Pikmin! Can you see them, Captain Olimar?
They are yellow Pikmin. You encountered them when you crashed on this planet, correct?
It would be most helpful if they remember you, like the red ones did. Yes, most helpful.|block=y}}


"''You have successfully returned to the planet's surface! Excellent decision making, gentlemen!''
=== Yellow Pikmin ===
'''GameCube / Wii - US English / Switch'''
{{Transcript|The yellow Pikmin have climbed down the tree and are staring in this direction!
They appear to like {{color|high places|red}} and seem to be {{color|quite light|red}}. They also have very large ears.

''We must celebrate your first successful spelunking expedition!''
If I had named them, they would be called ear Pikmin, but I will use the name Olimar gave them.

''You've gathered a large amount of data that needs in-depth analysis.''
Curious... {{color|My static electricity sensors are reacting violently|red}}. What could this mean?|block=y}}

''I shall send a report back to the president tonight detailing your progress.''"
'''Wii - EU English'''
{{Transcript|A yellow Pikmin has climbed down the tree and is staring in this direction!
They appear to like {{color|high places|red}} and seem to be {{color|quite light|red}}. They also have very large ears.
If I had named them, they would be called ear Pikmin, but I will use the name Olimar gave them.
Curious... {{color|My static electricity sensors are reacting violently|red}}. What could this mean?|block=y}}
=== Wild Blue Pikmin ===
{{Transcript|1=<span style="font-size:1.28125em">Look there! </span><br>Wild blue Pikmin are chasing prey near the water's edge!
Perhaps by observing these wild specimens, we can understand more about their true nature...
Krzzt! Ding! I apologize. I was momentarily entranced by them. Now, back to work!|block=y}}


"''Olimar and Louie, since you will explore a '''new area''' tomorrow, today's work is done!''
=== Blue Pikmin ===
{{Transcript|At last, you have encountered them! They seem to have gill-like ducts on their cheeks.

''...What? You still want to work?! Unacceptable! You may not realize it, but you are exhausted!''
They must be blue Pikmin!<br>Like the other types, they look to you for direction.

''You should take a much-needed rest, as you have '''all the time you need to collect treasure'''!''
While they are indeed surviving naturally, they still seem to long for a valiant leader.|block=y}}

''Haste makes waste, so take it slow and steady.''"
=== Purple Pikmin ===

==Day 3==
'''GameCube / Wii - US English'''
{{Transcript|Amazing! A purple Pikmin! It has hair...and is quite stocky. It seems {{color|very heavy and strong.|red}}

"''Good morning! It should please you to know the purple Pikmin are lodged safely in my hull.''
This kind of Pikmin was not mentioned in your report, Olimar. It must be an {{color|entirely new type|red}}!

''The confines of my interior seem to suit them perfectly, though they do occasionally tickle me.''
Transforming Pikmin by tossing them into flowers? Intriguing... Perhaps there are others...?|block=y}}

''Stand in the '''ring of light''' below me and press '''A''' to call the purple Pikmin out.''"
'''Wii - EU English / Switch'''
{{Transcript|Amazing! A purple Pikmin! It has hair...and is quite stocky. It seems {{color|very heavy and strong|red}}.

This kind of Pikmin was not mentioned in your report, Olimar. It must be an {{color|entirely new type|red}}!
===Subterranean Complex===
{{Notes|Subterranean Complex|ship}}

===Frontier Cavern===
Transforming Pikmin by throwing them into flowers? Intriguing... Perhaps there are others...?|block=y}}
{{Notes|Frontier Cavern|ship}}

===Hole of Beasts===
=== Purple Pikmin in the hull ===
{{Notes|Hole of Beasts|ship}}

===White Flower Garden===
'''US/EU GCN'''
{{Notes|White Flower Garden|ship}}
{{Transcript|Good morning! It should please you to know the purple Pikmin are lodged safely in my hull.

===Bulblax Kingdom===
The confines of my interior seem to suit them perfectly, though they do occasionally tickle me.
{{Notes|Bulblax Kingdom|ship}}

===Snagret Hole===
Stand in the {{color|ring of light |red}}below me and press {{button|gc|a}} to call the purple Pikmin out.|block=y}}
{{Notes|Snagret Hole|ship}}

===Citadel of Spiders===
'''US Wii'''
{{Notes|Citadel of Spiders|ship}}
{{Transcript|Good morning! It should please you to know the purple Pikmin are lodged safely in my hull.

===Glutton's Kitchen===
The confines of my interior seem to suit them perfectly, though they do occasionally tickle me.
{{Notes|Glutton's Kitchen|ship}}

===Shower Room===
Stand in the {{color|ring of light |red}}below me and press {{button|wii|a}} to call the purple Pikmin out.|block=y}}
{{Notes|Shower Room|ship}}

===Submerged Castle===
'''EU Wii'''
{{Notes|Submerged Castle|ship}}
{{Transcript|Greetings! It should please you to know the purple Pikmin are lodged safely in my hull.

===Cavern of Chaos===
The confines of my interior seem to suit them perfectly, though they do occasionally tickle me.
{{Notes|Cavern of Chaos|ship}}

===Hole of Heroes===
Stand in the {{color|ring of light |red}}below me and press {{button|wii|a}} to call the purple Pikmin out.|block=y}}
{{Notes|Hole of Heroes|ship}}

===Dream Den===
{{Notes|Dream Den|ship}}
{{Transcript|Good morning! It should please you to know the purple Pikmin are lodged safely in my hull.

==Pikmin types==
The confines of my interior seem to suit them perfectly, though they do occasionally tickle me.
===Yellow Pikmin===
"''Look! Off in the distance! Wild Pikmin! Can you see them, Captain Olimar?''

''They are yellow Pikmin. You encountered them when you crashed on this planet, correct?''
Stand in the {{color|ring of light |red}}below me and press {{button|switch|a}} to call the purple Pikmin out.|block=y}}

''It would be most helpful if they remember you, like red red ones did. Yes, most helpful.''"
=== White Pikmin ===
{{Transcript|Incredible! A white Pikmin! It is tiny, but looks distinctly {{color|swift|red}}. Its eyes are an unseemly red.
This type of Pikmin was not mentioned in your notes, Olimar. It must be an {{color|entirely new type|red}}!
Our data record on this type is a blank page, since a certain captain never documented them.
You must experiment and make detailed observations for the benefit of future generations.|block=y}}


"''The yellow Pikmin have climbed down the tree are are staring in this direction!''
=== White Pikmin in the hull ===
{{Transcript|Good morning! The white Pikmin are lodged with the purple ones in my hull.
The two types are sleeping well, and do not quarrel. I have made them most comfortable.
You can call out the white Pikmin by standing in {{color|the light beneath me|red}} and pressing {{button|gc|a}}.
On a separate note, be wary of overworking yourselves. Taking a break can be courageous, too.
To {{color|retire early for the day|red}}, press {{color|START/PAUSE|red}} to access the radar screen, then press {{button|gc|r}}.|block=y}}
'''Wii - US English'''
{{Transcript|Good morning! The white Pikmin are lodged with the purple ones in my hull.
The two types are sleeping well and do not quarrel. I have made them most comfortable.
You can call out the white Pikmin by standing in {{color|the light beneath me|red}} and pressing {{button|wii|a}}.
On a separate note, be wary of overworking yourselves. Taking a break can be courageous, too.
To {{color|retire early for the day|red}}, press {{button|wii|+}} and then press Right on {{button|wii|pad}}.|block=y}}

''They appear to like '''high places''' and seem to be '''quite light'''. They also have very large ears.''
'''Wii - EU English'''
{{Transcript|The white Pikmin are safely lodged in my hull.

''If I had named them, they would be called ear Pikmin, but I will use the name Olimar gave them.''
It provides most comfortable quarters for white and purple Pikmin alike.

''Curious... '''My static electricity sensors are reacting violently'''. What could this mean?''"
You can call out the white Pikmin by standing in {{color|the light beneath me|red}} and pressing {{button|wii|a}}.

===Blue Pikmin===
On a separate note, be wary of overworking yourselves. Taking a break can be courageous, too.
"''<span style="font-size:1.25em">Look there!</span> Wild blue Pikmin are chasing prey near the water's edge!''

''Perhaps by observing these wild specimens, we can understand more about their true nature...''
To {{color|retire early for the day|red}}, press {{button|wii|+}} and then press Right on {{button|wii|pad}}.|block=y}}

''Krzzt! Ding! I apologize, I was momentarily entranced by them. Now, back to work!''"
{{Transcript|Good morning! The white Pikmin are lodged with the purple ones in my hull.
The two types are sleeping well and do not quarrel. I have made them most comfortable.
You can call out the white Pikmin by standing in {{color|the light beneath me|red}} and pressing {{button|switch|a}}.
On a separate note, be wary of overworking yourselves. Taking a break can be courageous, too.
To {{color|retire early for the day|red}}, press {{button|switch|+}} and then press right on {{button|switch|pad}}.|block=y}}


"''At last, you have encountered them! They seem to have gill-like ducts on their cheeks.''
=== Unearth fully buried treasure ===

''They must be blue Pikmin! Like the other types, they look to you for direction.''
'''US/EU GCN/Wii'''
{{Transcript|Amazing! The white Pikmin have unearthed a treasure that was {{color|completely buried in the ground|red}}!

''While they are indeed surviving naturally, they still seem to long for a valiant leader.''"
Perhaps those beady red eyes of theirs allow them to sense objects buried in the dirt.|block=y}}

===Purple Pikmin===
"''Amazing! A purple Pikmin! It has hair...and is quite stocky. It seems '''very heavy and strong.''' ''
=== First White Pikmin eaten ===
{{Transcript|Intriguing! The creature showed symptoms of poisoning after consuming the white Pikmin.
Perhaps white Pikmin excrete a {{color|poisonous substance|red}} when chewed. How fascinating.|block=y}}

''This kind of Pikmin was not mentioned in your report, Olimar. It must be an '''entirely new type'''!''
=== Bulbmin ===
{{Transcript|The confused bulborb has fallen in with the Pikmin. They appear to coexist peacefully.

''Transforming Pikmin by tossing them into flowers? Intriguing... Perhaps there are others...?''"
Strange...this bulborb has a leaf sprouting from its spine, much like the leaf on a Pikmin's head.|block=y}}

===White Pikmin===
== Discover Candypop Buds ==
"''Incredible! A white Pikmin! It is tiny, but looks distinctly '''swift'''. Its eyes are unseemly red.''

''This type of Pikmin was not mentioned in your notes, Olimar. It must be an '''entirely new type'''!''
=== Violet Candypop Bud ===

''Our data record on this type is a blank page, since a certain captain never documented them.''
'''GameCube / Wii - US English'''
{{Transcript|Astounding! A flower blooms in a cave deep beneath the snowy landscape!
Clearly it is warmer down here than above. Look. The Pikmin are restless...
They look as if {{color|they yearn to be tossed into the flower|red}}.|block=y}}
'''Wii - EU English'''
{{Transcript|Astounding! A flower blooms in a cave deep beneath the snowy landscape!
Clearly it is warmer down here than above. Look. The Pikmin are restless...
They look as if {{color|they yearn to be thrown into the flower|red}}.|block=y}}

''You must experiment and make detailed observations for the benefit of future generations.''"
"''Intriguing! The creature showed symptoms of poisoning after consuming the white Pikmin.

''Perhaps white Pikmin excrete a poisonous substance when chewed. How fascinating.''"
=== Ivory Candypop Bud ===
'''GameCube / Wii - US English'''
{{Transcript|How can a flower so deep underground bloom so robustly?!? How mysterious...
This place is conspicuously warm. Could it act as a kind of hothouse for foliage?
What an interesting development: {{color|the Pikmin look as if they long to be tossed into the flower|red}}...|block=y}}

==Candypop Buds==
'''Wii - EU English'''
===Violet Candypop Bud===
{{Transcript|How can a flower so deep underground bloom so robustly?!? How mysterious...
"''Astounding! A flower blooms in a cave deep beneath the snowy landscape!''

''Clearly it is warmer down here than above. Look. The Pikmin are restless...''
This place is conspicuously warm. Could it act as a kind of hothouse for foliage?

''They look as if '''they yearn to be tossed into the flower'''. ''"
What an interesting development: {{color|the Pikmin look as if they long to be thrown into the flower|red}}...|block=y}}

===Ivory Candypop Bud===
"''How can a flower so deep underground bloom so robustly?!? How mysterious...''

''This place is conspicuously warm. Could it act as a kind of hothouse for foliage?''
== Exploration Kit ==

''What an interesting development: '''the Pikmin look as if they long to be tossed into the flower'''...''"
=== Discover Spherical Atlas ===
{{Transcript|It's inconceivable that such an immense object has been buried here for so long.

==Exploration Kit==
The design on the outer shell resembles the surface of the planet as seen from space!
===Mega Tweeter===
"''Processing... How odd. The gooey creature dissolved, leaving this curious item behind.''

''It appears to be coated in slime. Are you sure you want to collect this? ...Absolutely sure?''
Perhaps this can be used for something {{color|other than salvage|red}}.

''You'll toss just about anything in my hold. It would be nice if you cleaned occasionally.''"
But how will we ever lift it? I fear that even {{color|100 red Pikmin will be unable to lift it|red}}!|block=y}}


"''This shape is well suited for the emission and amplification of sound waves. A moment, please.''
=== Collect Spherical Atlas ===

''I shall use this as the final part in my new sound equipment. The'' '''''<span style="font-size:1.25em">Mega Tweeter</span>''''' ''is done!''
'''GameCube - US English'''
{{Transcript|1=There is a device resembling a microchip embedded inside this sphere. Retrieving data...

''Captain Olimar, this device has increased the acoustic range of your whistle!''"
...Error. I could only decode a portion of the data, but I did retrieve new geographic charts.

I will input this data into my planetary database and name it the <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Sphere Chart|red}}</span>.
"''Processing... How curious. The wraith completely vanished! But what was it?''

''Surface-object scans indicate the presence of a bright red component!''"
{{color|Press START/PAUSE to contact me|red}} and access the {{color|Explorer Kit |red}}on the radar screen with {{button|gc|l}}.
Now that we have this new data, you should explore the decoded territory tomorrow.|block=y}}
'''GameCube - EU English'''
{{Transcript|1=There is a device resembling a microchip embedded inside this sphere. Retrieving data...
...Error. I could only decode a portion of the data, but I did retrieve new geographic charts.
I will input this data into my planetary database and name it the <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Sphere Chart|red}}</span>.
{{color|Press START/PAUSE to contact |red}}me and access the {{color|Exploration Kit|red}} on the radar screen with {{button|gc|l}}.
Now that we have this new data, you should explore the decoded territory tomorrow.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|1=There is a device resembling a microchip embedded inside this sphere. Retrieving data...
...Error. I could only decode a portion of the data, but I did retrieve new geographic charts.
I will input this data into my planetary database and name it the <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Sphere Chart|red}}</span>.
{{color|Press {{button|wii|+}} to contact |red}}me and go to the {{color|Exploration Kit|red}} on the radar screen by pressing Left on {{button|wii|pad}}.
Now that we have this new data, you should explore the decoded territory tomorrow.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|1=There is a device resembling a microchip embedded inside this sphere. Retrieving data...
...Error. I could only decode a portion of the data, but I did retrieve new geographic charts.
I will input this data into my planetary database and name it the <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Sphere Chart|red}}</span>.
{{color|Press {{button|switch|+}} to contact me|red}} and go to the {{color|Exploration Kit|red}} on the radar screen by pressing left on {{button|switch|pad}}.
Now that we have this new data, you should explore the decoded territory tomorrow.|block=y}}
=== Discover Stellar Orb ===
{{Transcript|That mechanized monstrosity is no longer functional!
An insect and a machine forming a symbiotic relationship? Life-forms here are beyond odd!
Initiating area scan... Glass sphere detected!|block=y}}


"''How insulting... This object's coloring is more eye-catching than my own hull!''
=== Collect Stellar Orb ===
{{Transcript|1=If I combine this glass sphere with the synthetic sun I have been secretly developing...
Processing...complete.<br>I have manufactured a <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Solar System|red}}</span>.
The artificial sunlight it emanates will {{color|brighten underground areas|red}}.|block=y}}
=== Discover Brute Knuckles ===
{{Transcript|Processing... How strange. This atypical metal object came from inside that bizarre being.
...It appears to be a giant metal hand. Perhaps it is an ancient work of art?|block=y}}
=== Collect Brute Knuckles ===
'''GameCube - US English'''
{{Transcript|1=This object seems to replicate a humanoid fist. A glove much like it once lay in my junk hold...
...And here is that very glove! I have just found the missing <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Rocket Punch|red}}</span>{{sic}} in my junk hold!
Tap {{color|{{button|gc|a}} three times |red}}to launch it!<br><span style="font-size:1.21875em">One, two, PUNCH!!!</span>|block=y}}
'''GameCube - EU English'''
{{Transcript|1=This object seems to replicate a humanoid fist. A glove much like it once lay in my junk hold...
...And here is that very glove! I have just found the missing <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Rocket Fist|red}}</span> in my junk hold!<br>Tap {{color|{{button|gc|a}} three times |red}}to launch it! <br><span style="font-size:1.21875em">One, two, PUNCH!!!</span>|block=y}}
{{Transcript|1=This object seems to replicate a humanoid fist. A glove much like it once lay in my junk hold...
...And here is that very glove! I have just found the missing <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Rocket Fist|red}}</span> in my junk hold!<br>Tap {{color|{{button|wii|a}} three times |red}}to launch it! <br><span style="font-size:1.21875em">One, two, PUNCH!!!</span>|block=y}}

''I shall connect it to the alarm clock our esteemed president was so fond of.''
{{Transcript|1=This object seems to replicate a humanoid fist. A glove much like it once lay in my junk hold...

''Processing...complete. I have refitted both objects into a'' '''''<span style="font-size:1.25em">Pluckaphone</span>'''''.''
...And here is that very glove! I have just found the missing <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Rocket Fist|red}}</span> in my junk hold!<br>Tap {{color|{{button|switch|a}} three times |red}}to launch it! <br><span style="font-size:1.21875em">One, two, PUNCH!</span>|block=y}}

===Solar System===
=== Discover Geographic Projection ===
"''That mechanized monstrosity is no longer functional!''

''An insect and a machine forming a symbolic relationship? Life-forms here are beyond odd!''
{{Transcript|Fascinating! This object is highly similar to the one you found in the Valley of Repose.

''Initiating area scan... Glass sphere detected!''"
By examining this further, I may be able to extrapolate new planetary data!|block=y}}


"''If I combine this glass sphere with the synthetic sun I have been secretly developing...''
=== Collect Geographic Projection ===
{{Transcript|1=This hemisphere also contains a hidden microchip! I will attempt to decrypt the stored data...

''Processing...complete. I have manufactured a'' '''''<span style="font-size:1.25em">Solar System</span>'''''.''
Decoding complete! As I surmised, this chip contains additional topographic data.

''The artificial sunlight it emanates will '''brighten underground areas'''.''"
The data has been inputted into my database. I shall name it the <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Survey Chart|red}}</span>!|block=y}}

===Metal Suit Z===
=== Discover Prototype Detector ===
"''You've done it! That bird-beast will trouble you no more!''

''Processing... How curious. What's that impressive, mechanized masterpiece?''"
{{Transcript|How bizarre. This device is emitting black light. It must have been ingested by that creature.
What an absolutely repulsive life-form. Our return to Hocotate cannot come soon enough.|block=y}}


"''Brrrzzt! Does not compute! A metal this dense defies the fundamental laws of physics!''
=== Collect Prototype Detector ===

''And yet...if I use this to rework our president's treasured space suit...''
{{Transcript|1=This contraption seems to react when it approaches {{color|treasure|red}}. I will connect it to my radar.

''Processing...complete. Fabrication of the'' '''''<span style="font-size:1.25em">Metal Suit Z</span>''''' is now concluded.''
Processing...complete. The <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Treasure Gauge|red}}</span> is now fully operational!

'' '''This suit is extremely durable.''' Getting gnawed or stepped on will now produce minimal pain.''"
It will now appear on your monitor. The needle will move right as you approach treasure.|block=y}}

===Scorch Guard===
=== Discover Five-man Napsack ===
"''My initial report indicates that the giant bulblax spat out some sort of object.''

''It looks fascinating, but it's drenched in that creature's internal juices. Disgusting!''
{{Transcript|Well done, Captain Olimar! You've defeated that freakish half-bird, half-serpent hybrid!

''... ... ... ... Oh, don't roll your eyes at me. I'll store it for you...''"
Oh, no. Don't tell me...<br>That treasure was ingested by that beast, wasn't it?|block=y}}


"''This material has perplexing properties. I will try fusing it with this spare space suit.''
=== Collect Five-man Napsack ===
{{Transcript|1=This material looks comfortable. I will use it to patch the boss's favorite sleeping bag.
Seam test...conclusive.<br>Cross-stitching...successful.<br>The <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Napsack|red}}</span> is complete!
When you have an unoccupied time interval, {{color|press and hold {{button|gc|x}} to take a nap|red}}!|block=y}}
{{Transcript|1=This material looks comfortable. I will use it to patch the boss's favorite sleeping bag.
Seam test...conclusive.<br>Cross-stitching...successful.<br>The <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Napsack|red}}</span> is complete!
When you have an unoccupied time interval, {{color|press and hold {{button|wii|c}} to take a nap|red}}!|block=y}}
{{Transcript|1=This material looks comfortable. I will use it to patch the boss's favorite sleeping bag.
Seam test...conclusive.<br>Cross-stitching...successful.<br>The <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Napsack|red}}</span> is complete!

''Processing...complete. Success! Behold my latest invention, the '''Scorch Guard'''!''
When you have an unoccupied time interval, {{color|press {{button|switch|rstick}} to take a nap|red}}!|block=y}}

'''''<span style="color:purple">Thanks to the heat-resistant alloy,</span> this suit is now impervious to fire!'''''"
=== Discover Forged Courage ===

'''GameCube / Wii'''
"''Processing...How bizarre. An item appears to have fallen out of that freakish creature.''

''It must have been a greedy beast to swallow something like this.''"
{{Transcript|My initial report indicates that the giant bulblax spat out some sort of object.
It looks fascinating, but it's drenched in that creature's internal juices. Disgusting!
... ... ... ... Oh, don't roll your eyes at me. I'll store it for you...|block=y}}
{{Transcript|My initial report indicates that the giant bulblax spat out some sort of object.
It looks fascinating, but it's drenched in that creature's internal juices. Disgusting!
...Oh, don't roll your eyes at me. I'll store it for you...|block=y}}


"''This intriguing material does not conduct electricity.''
=== Collect Forged Courage ===
'''GameCube / Wii - US English'''
{{Transcript|This material has perplexing properties. I will try fusing it with this spare space suit.

''It is far more advanced than the material I was researching. <br />
Processing...complete. Success! Behold my latest invention, the {{color|Scorch Guard|red}}!
''...How frustrating.''

''A space suit made from this wonder alloy would insulate the wearer from electric shocks.''
{{color|Thanks to the heat-resistant alloy, {{color|this suit is now impervious to fire|red}}!|gray}}|block=y}}

''Excellent! This new material has allowed me to complete my'' '''''<span style="font-size:1.25em">Anti-Electrifier</span>'''''!''
'''Wii - EU English'''
{{Transcript|This material has perplexing properties. I will try fusing it with this spare space suit.

''It is my own invention, with only the smallest iota of outside inspiration.''
Processing...complete. Success! Behold my latest invention, the {{color|Scorch Guard|red}}!

''I have reconfigured your suits with this new material. '''They will now protect you from electricity!'''''"
Thanks to the heat-resistant alloy, {{color|this suit is now impervious to fire|red}}!|block=y}}

===Survey Chart===
"''Fascinating! This object is highly similar to the one you found in the Valley of Repose.''
{{Transcript|This material has perplexing properties. I will try fusing it with this spare space suit.

''By examining this further, I may be able to extrapolate new planetary data!''"
Processing...complete. Success! Behold my latest invention, the {{color|Scorch Guard|red}}!
{{color|Thanks to the heat-resistant alloy, this suit is now impervious to fire!|red}}|block=y}}


"''This hemisphere also contains a hidden microchip! I will attempt to decrypt the stored data...''
=== Discover Justice Alloy ===

''Decoding complete! As I surmised, this chip contains additional topographic data.''
{{Transcript|You've done it! That bird-beast will trouble you no more!

''The data has been inputted into my database. I shall name it the'' '''''<span style="font-size:1.25em">Survey Chart</span>'''''!''"
Processing... How curious. What's that impressive, mechanized masterpiece?|block=y}}

"''Well done, Captain Olimar! You've defeated that freakish half-bird, half-serpent hybrid!''

''Oh, no. Don't tell me... That treasure was ingested by that beast, wasn't it?''"
=== Collect Justice Alloy ===
{{Transcript|1=Brrrzzt! Does not compute! A metal this dense defies the fundamental laws of physics!
And yet...if I use this to rework our president's treasured space suit...
Processing...complete.<br>Fabrication of the <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Metal Suit Z|red}}</span> is now concluded.
{{color|This suit is extremely durable.|red}} Getting gnawed or stepped on will now produce minimal pain.|block=y}}


"''This material looks comfortable. I will use it to patch the boss's favorite sleeping bag.''
=== Discovered Amplified Amplifier ===

''Seam test...conclusive. Cross-stitching...successful. The'' '''''<span style="font-size:1.25em">Napsack</span>''''' ''is complete!''
'''GameCube / Wii - US English'''

''When you have an unoccupied time interval, '''press and hold X to take a nap'''!''"
{{Transcript|Processing... How odd. The gooey creature dissolved, leaving this curious item behind.

It appears to be coated in slime. Are you sure you want to collect this? ...Absolutely sure?
===Ultra Bitter Spray===
"''Astonishing! This purple berry contains an '''ultra-bitter essence'''.''

''It does not appear to have any monetary value, but I shall research potential uses for it.''
You'll toss just about anything in my hold! It would be nice if you cleaned occasionally!|block=y}}

''Bring me another specimen.''"
'''Wii - EU English'''
{{Transcript|Processing... How odd. The gooey creature dissolved, leaving this curious item behind.
It appears to be coated in slime. Are you sure you want to collect this? ...Absolutely sure?
You'll throw just about anything in my hold! It would be nice if you cleaned occasionally!|block=y}}


"''Captain Olimar, I have completed my research on the purple berries you discovered.''
=== Collect Amplified Amplifier ===
{{Transcript|1=This shape is well suited for the emission and amplification of sound waves. A moment, please.

''Behold the '''<span style="font-size:1.25em">ultra-bitter spray</span>'''! It's untested, but I believe it will have spectacular results.''
I shall use this as the final part in my new sound equipment. The <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Mega Tweeter|red}}</span> is done!

'''''Approach enemies''' and press '''<span style="font-size:1.25em">Up</span>''' on D-Pad to spray them.''"
Captain Olimar, this device has increased the acoustic range of your whistle!|block=y}}
=== Discover Dream Material ===
{{Transcript|Processing... How bizarre. An item appears to have fallen out of that freakish creature.
It must have been a greedy beast to swallow something like this.|block=y}}


"''Most impressive! This fierce beast became as hard as stone in a mere instant!''
=== Collect Dream Material ===
'''GameCube / Wii'''
{{Transcript|1=This intriguing material does not conduct electricity.
It is far more advanced than the material I was researching.<br>...How frustrating.

''The '''ultra-bitter extract''' seems to have a side effect that '''stops beasts in their tracks!!'''''"
A space suit made from this wonder alloy would insulate the wearer from electric shocks.

===Burgeoning Spiderwort mold===
Excellent! This new material has allowed me to complete my <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Anti-electrifier|red}}</span>!
"''What is this? A strange, moldlike botanical entity has spread across the ground here.''

''Interesting. I am detecting other plant life suffocating beneath it.''"
It is my own invention, with only the smallest iota of outside inspiration.

==Challenge Mode unlocked==
I have reconfigured your suits with this new material. {{color|They will now protect you from electricity!|red}}|block=y}}
"''This object seems familiar. I will combine it with the president's parallel-dimension controller.''

''ALERT!!! Sensors indicate a massive dimensional shift at a distant location.''
{{Transcript|1=This intriguing material does not conduct electricity.

''I'm receiving a message from a far-flung dimension. Displaying the message now...''
It is far more advanced than the material I was researching.<br>How frustrating.

'' "Challenge Mode can now be accessed from the title screen."''
A space suit made from this wonder alloy would insulate the wearer from electric shocks.

''It appears to be total gibberish. Hopefully the message has reached its intended recipient.''
Excellent! This new material has allowed me to complete my <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Anti-electrifier|red}}</span>!

''I will name this apparently worthless device'' '''''<span style="font-size:1.25em">the Key</span>'''''.''"
It is my own invention, with only the smallest iota of outside inspiration.

I have reconfigured your suits with this new material. {{color|They will now protect you from electricity!|red}}|block=y}}
"''The confused bulborb has fallen in with the Pikmin. They appear to coexist peacefully.''

''Strange...this bulborb has a leaf sprouting from its spine, much like the leaf on a Pikmin's head.''"

==Debt Repayment==
=== Discover Professional Noisemaker ===
{{Transcript|Processing... How curious. The wraith completely vanished! But what was it?

"''Mr. President! You've arrived! My scans indicate this planet is still heavily laden with treasure!''
Surface-object scans indicate the presence of a bright red component!|block=y}}

''We shall make Hocotate Freight the golden, indisputable king of king of deep-space, long-haul freight!''

''Then everyone will gaudily clad in gold, like me! ...No. I am unique. And beautiful. Yes.''
=== Collect Professional Noisemaker ===

''Olimar, I must ask that you take extreme care so as not to insult or endanger our president.''
{{Transcript|1=How insulting... This object's coloring is more eye-catching than my own hull!

''For now, where could Louie be? To be stuck on an uncivilized planet with no food at all...''"
I shall connect it to the alarm clock our esteemed president was so fond of.

Processing...complete. I have refitted both objects into a <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Pluckaphone|red}}</span>.
"''What is this?!? I can see it with my optical receptors, but my sensors cannot detect it!''

''Could its physical form be anchored in another dimension? ...Attacking it is '''futile'''!''
Now, simply blowing your whistle will inspire Pikmin sprouts to pop up out of the ground.|block=y}}

''If only we could force it to take on physical form... But in its current state... Krzzzt-zrrrk!''
== Challenge Mode ==

'''''Danger! Danger! Danger!'''''"
=== Introduction ===

==Titan Dweevil==
{{Transcript|Welcome to Challenge Mode! Find the {{color|key|red}} on each level and take it to the research pod.
"''Is that Louie?!? Mr. President! I have located Louie resting on a vast mound of treasure!''

''For him to venture to those depths alone... The desire of a man is a thing to be feared!''
Try to reach the {{color|geyser|red}} on the final level within the time limit.

''...But Louie is not moving. Could he have exhausted his strength in reaching these depths?''
{{color|Points|red}} are calculated based on {{color|the treasures you collect|red}} and{{color| the time you have remaining|red}}.

''There may yet be time. Quickly! To Louie's aid!''"
Earn as many points as you can to achieve fame, fortune, and glory!|block=y}}


"''Louie? ... ...''
=== Discover The Key ===
{{Transcript|You have found a remarkable object! My analysis concludes it is a {{color|key|red}} to the next floor!
It looks oddly familiar... Have I observed it before? Perhaps I am mistaken.
It seems this treasure detects geomagnetic fields. It must have some geological effect.|block=y}}
=== Sublevel entrance appears ===
{{Transcript|A hole that continues deeper underground has opened! Journey deeper for more treasures!|block=y}}
== Exit geyser appears (Challenge Mode) ==
{{Transcript|Look! The ground has cracked, indicating an inactive {{color|geyser|red}}. Have your {{color|Pikmin dig here|red}}.|block=y}}
== Sprays ==
=== Collect one ultra-spicy berry ===
'''GameCube / Wii - US English'''
{{Transcript|Astounding! This red berry contains an {{color|ultra-spicy essence|red}}.
It does not appear to have any monetary value, but I shall research potential uses for it.
Bring me another specimen.|block=y}}
'''Wii - EU English / Switch'''
{{Transcript|Astounding! This red berry contains an {{color|ultra-spicy essence|red}}.
It does not appear to have any monetary value, but I shall research potential uses for it.
Bring me some more specimens.|block=y}}
=== Collect 10 ultra-spicy berries ===
{{Transcript|1=Captain Olimar, my research on the red berries you discovered has yielded a powerful potion!
Behold the <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|ultra-spicy spray|red}}</span>!<br>Although it is untested, I believe it will have spectacular results.
Spray it on {{color|all your Pikmin |red}}by{{color| pressing Down |red}}on {{button|gc|pad}}.
When necessary, I can produce<br><span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|1|red}}</span> bottle of spray from<br><span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|10|red}}</span> berries.
Press START/PAUSE to contact me and {{color|confirm your berry count|red}}. Look at {{button|gc|l}} on the radar screen.|block=y}}
'''Wii - US English'''
{{Transcript|1=Captain Olimar, my research on the red berries you discovered has yielded a powerful potion!
Behold the <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|ultra-spicy spray|red}}</span>!<br>Although it is untested, I believe it will have spectacular results.
Spray it on {{color|all your Pikmin |red}}by{{color| pressing {{button|wii|2}}|red}}.
When necessary, I can produce<br><span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|1|red}}</span> bottle of spray from <br><span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|10|red}}</span> berries.
Press {{button|wii|+}} to contact me, and {{color|confirm your berry count |red}}by pressing Left on {{button|wii|pad}}.|block=y}}
'''Wii - EU English'''
{{Transcript|1=Captain Olimar, my research on the red berries you discovered has yielded a powerful potion!
Behold the <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|ultra-spicy spray|red}}</span>! Although it is untested, I believe it will have spectacular results.
Spray it on {{color|all your Pikmin |red}}by{{color| pressing {{button|wii|2}}|red}}. Give it a try!
When necessary, I can produce<br><span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|1|red}}</span> bottle of spray from<br><span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|10|red}}</span> berries.
Press {{button|wii|+}} to contact me, and {{color|confirm your berry count |red}}by pressing Left on {{button|wii|pad}}.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|1=Captain Olimar, my research on the red berries you discovered has yielded a powerful potion!
Behold the <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|ultra-spicy spray|red}}</span>!<br>Although it is untested, I believe it will have spectacular results.
Spray it on {{color|all your Pikmin |red}}by{{color| pressing down on {{button|switch|pad}}|red}}.
When necessary, I can produce<br><span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|1|red}}</span> bottle of spray from <br><span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|10|red}}</span> berries.
Press {{button|switch|+}} to contact me, and {{color|confirm your berry count |red}}by pressing left on {{button|switch|pad}}.|block=y}}
=== Discover ultra-spicy spray effects ===
{{Transcript|Astounding! The heads of the Pikmin are glowing, and they seem extremely agitated.
The ultra-spicy spray appears to {{color|increase Pikmin speed and attack power|red}}! What a discovery!|block=y}}
== Discovering ultra-spicy nectar ==
{{Transcript|The red liquid you see contains refined ultra-spicy essence. {{color|One|red}} drop contains {{color|one|red}} dose.
Press {{color|Down |red}}on {{button|gc|pad}} to spray this extract {{color|on your entire group|red}}.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|The red liquid you see contains refined ultra-spicy essence. {{color|One|red}} drop contains {{color|one|red}} dose.
Press {{button|wii|2}} to spray this extract {{color|on your entire group|red}}.
Have you tried it yet?|block=y}}
{{Transcript|The red liquid you see contains refined ultra-spicy essence. {{color|One|red}} drop contains {{color|one|red}} dose.
Press down on {{button|switch|pad}} to spray this extract {{color|on your entire group|red}}.
Have you tried it yet?|block=y}}
=== Collect one ultra-bitter berry ===
'''GameCube / Wii - US English'''
{{Transcript|Astonishing! This purple berry contains an {{color|ultra-bitter essence|red}}.
It does not appear to have any monetary value, but I shall research potential uses for it.
Bring me another specimen.|block=y}}
'''Wii- EU English / Switch'''
{{Transcript|Astonishing! This purple berry contains an {{color|ultra-bitter essence|red}}.
It does not appear to have any monetary value, but I shall research potential uses for it.
Bring me some more specimens.|block=y}}
== Collect 10 ultra-bitter berries ==
'''GameCube - US English'''
{{Transcript|1=Captain Olimar, I have completed my research on the purple berries you discovered.
Behold the <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|ultra-bitter spray|red}}</span>!<br>It's untested, but I believe it will be highly effective.
{{color|Approach enemies|red}} and press <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Up|red}}</span> on {{button|gc|pad}} to spray them.
{{color|When necessary, I can produce|gray}} <br><span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|1|red}}</span>  {{color|bottle of spray from|gray}} <br><span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|10|red}}</span>{{color| berries.|gray}}
{{color|Press {{color|START/PAUSE|red}} to contact me and {{color|confirm your berry count|red}}. Look at {{button|gc|l}} on the radar screen.|gray}}|block=y}}
'''GameCube - EU English'''
{{Transcript|1=Captain Olimar, I have completed my research on the purple berries you discovered.
Behold the <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|ultra-bitter spray|red}}</span>!<br>It's untested, but I believe it will be highly effective.
{{color|Approach enemies|red}} and press <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|Up|red}}</span> on {{button|gc|pad}} to spray them.
When necessary, I can produce <br><span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|1|red}}</span> bottle of spray from <br><span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|10|red}}</span> berries.
Press {{color|START/PAUSE|red}} to contact me and {{color|confirm your berry count|red}}. Look at {{button|gc|l}} on the radar screen.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|1=Captain Olimar, I have completed my research on the purple berries you discovered.
Behold the <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|ultra-bitter spray|red}}</span>!<br>It's untested, but I believe it will be highly effective.
{{color|Approach enemies|red}} and press {{button|wii|1}} to spray them.
When necessary, I can produce <br><span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|1|red}}</span> bottle of spray from <br><span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|10|red}}</span> berries.
Press {{button|wii|+}} to contact me, and {{color|confirm your berry count |red}}by pressing Left on {{button|wii|pad}}.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|1=Captain Olimar, I have completed my research on the purple berries you discovered.
Behold the <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|ultra-bitter spray|red}}</span>!<br>It's untested, but I believe it will be highly effective.
{{color|Approach enemies|red}} and press up on {{button|switch|pad}} to spray them.
When necessary, I can produce <br><span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|1|red}}</span> bottle of spray from <br><span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|10|red}}</span> berries.
Press {{button|switch|+}} to contact me, and {{color|confirm your berry count |red}}by pressing Left on {{button|switch|pad}}.|block=y}}
=== Discover ultra-bitter spray effects ===
'''GameCube / Wii'''
{{Transcript|Most impressive! This fierce beast became as hard as stone in a mere instant!
The {{color|ultra-bitter extract|red}} seems to have a side effect that {{color|stops beasts in their tracks|red}}!!!|block=y}}
{{Transcript|Most impressive! This fierce beast became as hard as stone in a mere instant!
The {{color|ultra-bitter extract|red}} seems to have a side effect that {{color|stops beasts in their tracks|red}}!|block=y}}
=== Discover ultra-bitter nectar ===
{{Transcript|The purple drop you see contains refined ultra-bitter essence. {{color|One|red}} drop contains {{color|one|red}} dose.
Use it on hostile creatures. {{color|Approach the creatures|red}} and press {{color|Up|red}} on {{button|gc|pad}} to spray.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|The purple drop you see contains refined ultra-bitter essence. {{color|One|red}} drop contains {{color|one|red}} dose.
Use it on hostile creatures. {{color|Approach the creatures|red}} and press {{button|wii|1}} to spray.
Have you tried it yet?|block=y}}
=== Discover Burgeoning Spiderwort mold ===
'''GameCube / Wii - US English / Switch'''
{{Transcript|What is this? A strange, moldlike botanical entity has spread across the ground here.
Interesting. I am detecting other plant life suffocating beneath it.|block=y}}
'''Wii - EU English'''
{{Transcript|What is this? A strange, mold-like botanical entity has spread across the ground here.
Interesting. I am detecting other plant life suffocating beneath it.|block=y}}
=== Discover The Key ===
'''GameCube / Wii'''
{{Transcript|Sweet victory! That giant insect's body has crumbled to dust!
I am quite relieved to know I won't have to store such an enormous bug.
...Analyzing soil samples.<br>... ... ... ...Anomaly detected. What's that glittering widget?|block=y}}
{{Transcript|Sweet victory! That giant insect's body has crumbled to dust!
I am quite relieved to know I won't have to store such an enormous bug.
Analyzing soil samples...<br>...Anomaly detected. What's that glittering widget?|block=y}}
=== Collect The Key ===
'''GameCube / Wii'''
{{Transcript|1=This object seems familiar. I will combine it with the president's parallel-dimension controller.
ALERT!!! Sensors indicate a massive dimensional shift at a distant location.
I'm receiving a message from a far-flung dimension.<br>Displaying the message now...
"Challenge Mode can now be accessed from the title screen."
It appears to be total gibberish.<br>Hopefully the message has reached its intended recipient.
I will name this apparently worthless device <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|the Key|red}}</span>.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|1=This object seems familiar. I will combine it with the president's parallel-dimension controller.
ALERT! Sensors indicate a massive dimensional shift at a distant location.
I'm receiving a message from a far-flung dimension.<br>Displaying the message now...
"Challenge Mode can now be accessed from the title screen."
It appears to be total gibberish.<br>Hopefully the message has reached its intended recipient.
I will name this apparently worthless device <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|the Key|red}}</span>.|block=y}}
== Opening Cinema ==
{{Transcript|Treasure! Treasure! Treasure! Money! Money! Money! Money!|block=y}}
{{Transcript|Initiating valuation of recovered treasure. This artifact is worth...|block=y}}
{{Transcript|100 Pokos!|block=y}}
== Debt Repayment Cinema ==
{{Transcript|Mission complete! You've earned 10,000 Pokos!|block=y}}
{{Transcript|Now Hocotate Freight will be prosperous and debt free until the end of time! ...Probably.|block=y}}
{{Transcript|Prepare to blast off! We return to Hocotate triumphantly!|block=y}}
== After Debt Repayment ==
{{Transcript|Mr. President! You've arrived! My scans indicate this planet is still heavily laden with treasure.
We shall make Hocotate Freight the golden, indisputable king of deep-space, long-haul freight!
Then everyone will be gaudily clad in gold, like me! ...No. I am unique. And beautiful. Yes.
Olimar, I must ask that you take extreme care so as not to insult or endanger our president.
For now, where could Louie be? To be stuck on an uncivilized planet with no food at all...
I am concerned. You must waste no time in finding him!|block=y}}
== Encounter Waterwraith ==
{{Transcript|1=<span style="font-size:1.21875em">What is this?!? </span>I can see it with my optical receptors, but my sensors cannot detect it!
Could its physical form be anchored in another dimension? ...Attacking it is {{color|futile|red}}!
If only we could force it to take on physical form... But in its current state... Krzzzt-zrrrk!
{{color|Danger! Danger! Danger!|red}}|block=y}}
== Discover Louie in Dream Den ==
{{Transcript|Is that Louie?!? Mr. President! I have located Louie resting on a vast mound of treasure!
For him to venture to these depths alone... The desire of man is a thing to be feared!
...But Louie is not moving. Could he have exhausted his strength in reaching these depths?
There may yet be time. Quickly! To Louie's aid!|block=y}}
== Discovering King of Bugs ==
{{Transcript|Louie? ... ...
... Are your life functions fading? ...
No! He appears only to have fainted! He is always running into trouble...
Instruct the Pikmin to carry him. There is not enough room for him in the cockpit anymore.
We will have to keep him in the cargo hold with the treasure hoard.|block=y}}
== 100 Pikmin field limit ==
'''US/EU GCN/Wii'''
{{Transcript|Olimar! We have a crisis! The Onion has stopped producing Pikmin seeds! Is it a malfunction?
Wait... Intriguing! Readings show an increase in the number of Pikmin inside the Onion.
Apparently the Onion will not allow more than {{color|100 Pikmin|red}} on the planet's surface at one time.
Captain Olimar! Your report from your previous visit seems to be lacking some important details!|block=y}}
== 95 Pikmin field limit ==
{{Transcript|1=Olimar, we have a problem... The Onion has ceased ejecting seeds. Is it malfunctioning?
Interesting... It now seems the number of life-forms within the Onion has increased.
Didn't you note that no more than <span style="font-size:1.21875em">{{color|100|red}}</span> Pikmin will venture onto the planet at once?
...But I currently observe only 95 on the surface. Could there be {{color|wild Pikmin|red}} somewhere?|block=y}}
== Pikmin are suffering ==
{{Transcript|Emergency! Pikmin are suffering! If you {{color|blow your whistle with {{button|gc|b}}|red}}, you may be able to {{color|help them|red}}!|block=y}}
{{Transcript|Emergency! Pikmin are suffering! If you {{color|blow your whistle with {{button|wii|b}}|red}}, you may be able to {{color|help them|red}}!|block=y}}
== Day after Pikmin extinction ==
{{Transcript|Disaster averted! All your Pikmin were wiped out yesterday, but their Onion just released a seed!
If Pikmin were machines, they could simply be repaired, but...
This single Pikmin is a precious rarity. I advise you to take better care of it.|block=y}}
== Unused dialog ==
The following pieces of dialog go [[Unused content in Pikmin 2|unused]]. They are only present in the North American GameCube version.
=== Sustained leader damage ===
{{Transcript|Your space suit has sustained damage! Excessive damage to the suit could be life threatening.
If you sustain too much damage, I'm afraid to say the day's operations will end immediately.
I have no suit-repair facilities, so you must repair your suit yourself at the end of each day.
Your space suit power meter is the round gauge on the bottom-left. Pay close attention to it.|block=y}}
=== Yellow Onion awakening ===
{{Transcript|The yellow Onion has awakened! You should pluck the seeds it released as soon as they sprout!|block=y}}
=== Blue Onion awakening ===
{{Transcript|The blue Onion has awakened! Pluck the seeds it released as soon as they sprout!|block=y}}
=== Camera controls part 1 ===
{{Transcript|What are your thoughts, Captain Olimar? Has this planet changed since your first visit?
I am certain discoveries you missed before await detection by your more-experienced eyes.
I would suggest you appraise your surroundings carefully.
For safety's sake, I shall review {{color|camera controls|red}} with you. First, to face forward, press {{button|gc|l}}.|block=y}}
=== Camera controls part 2 ===
{{Transcript|To rotate the camera, slightly depress {{button|gc|l}} and move the camera with {{button|gc|stick}}.|block=y}}
=== Camera controls part 3 ===
{{Transcript|Next, if you want to zoom the camera, press {{button|gc|r}}.|block=y}}
=== Camera controls part 4 ===
{{Transcript|Press {{button|gc|r}} repeatedly to scroll through the three levels of zoom.|block=y}}
=== Camera controls part 5 ===
{{Transcript|Finally, to adjust camera angles, press {{button|gc|z}}, which is above {{button|gc|r}}.|block=y}}
=== Camera controls part 6 ===
{{Transcript|Press {{button|gc|z}} repeatedly to switch between the two different angles.|block=y}}

''... Are your life functions fading? ...''
=== Camera controls part 7 ===

''No! He appears only to have fainted! He is always running into trouble...''
{{Transcript|That is my entire explanation. Olimar, you look bored. Louie... You look confused.

''Instruct the Pikmin to carry him. There is not enough room for him in the cockpit anymore.''
If you fail to learn these basic skills, you will never survive in the cutthroat corporate world.|block=y}}

''We will have to keep him in the cargo hold with the treasure hoard.''"
== See also ==
* [[Hocotate ship]]
* [[Olimar's monologs]]

[[Category:ship dialogs| ]]
[[Category:ship dialogs| ]]