User:Twins1105/Extracted Text/Pikmin 2/Treasure Hoard: Difference between revisions
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(20 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown) | |||
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{{Transcript|What a perplexing fruit... This appears to be from a tree that produces two types of berries that look identical. But some inspire romance, and others do the opposite. It's not easy to tell which is which. I'd better be careful with them. I should also warn Louie, or else he may try to bake this berry in a pie.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|What a perplexing fruit... This appears to be from a tree that produces two types of berries that look identical. But some inspire romance, and others do the opposite. It's not easy to tell which is which. I'd better be careful with them. I should also warn Louie, or else he may try to bake this berry in a pie.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|1本の樹木が、同じ外見の2種類の実をつける。とても珍しい果樹といえる。それぞれヤブレとカブレといい、恋愛本能を抑制する効果と恋愛本能を刺激する効果がある。見た目では区別がつかないため、イチかバチかの最後の手段として用いるべきだろう。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|1本の樹木が、同じ外見の2種類の実をつける。とても珍しい果樹といえる。それぞれヤブレとカブレといい、恋愛本能を抑制する効果と恋愛本能を刺激する効果がある。見た目では区別がつかないため、イチかバチかの最後の手段として用いるべきだろう。|block=y}} | ||
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{{Transcript|Fate's tapestry has unraveled. Tomorrow weeps. Romance has fallen. Love is madness. ...To mend the rift between two cross lovers, this is the ultimate weapon in Cupid's arsenal.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Fate's tapestry has unraveled. Tomorrow weeps. Romance has fallen. Love is madness. ...To mend the rift between two cross lovers, this is the ultimate weapon in Cupid's arsenal.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|運命がつながらない。もう後がない。恋は転落、愛は狂気。二人を分かつあらゆる障害を越える、これぞ、恋愛最終兵器。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|運命がつながらない。もう後がない。恋は転落、愛は狂気。二人を分かつあらゆる障害を越える、これぞ、恋愛最終兵器。|block=y}} | ||
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{{Transcript|I found this fascinating fruit while out exploring today. The skies cleared up, and I felt peaceful watching the pink flower petals flutter in the wind. During this perilous expedition, it seems strange to have such softhearted, romantic thoughts. If I told my wife about this, I'm sure I'd get laughed at...again.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I found this fascinating fruit while out exploring today. The skies cleared up, and I felt peaceful watching the pink flower petals flutter in the wind. During this perilous expedition, it seems strange to have such softhearted, romantic thoughts. If I told my wife about this, I'm sure I'd get laughed at...again.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|今日はこのフルーツを見つけた。空がはれわたり、桜色の花びらが美しく舞う様子を見ていると、心がウキウキしてきた。危険な探険中にロマンチストすぎるだろうか?妻にいったら、また笑われてしまうな。しかし苦しい時こそ、男にはロマンが必要だと思う。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|今日はこのフルーツを見つけた。空がはれわたり、桜色の花びらが美しく舞う様子を見ていると、心がウキウキしてきた。危険な探険中にロマンチストすぎるだろうか?妻にいったら、また笑われてしまうな。しかし苦しい時こそ、男にはロマンが必要だと思う。|block=y}} | ||
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{{Transcript|This fruit is born of bright sunlight and cheerful warmth. Come, all you gloomy naysayers! One bite and even sad sacks will become foolhardy optimists. Eat one today and change your life!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This fruit is born of bright sunlight and cheerful warmth. Come, all you gloomy naysayers! One bite and even sad sacks will become foolhardy optimists. Eat one today and change your life!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|うららかな日差しの下、あたたかな陽気が集まって生まれたフルーツ。食べれば、どんなに後ろ向きな人でも、ゲキレツ猪突猛進、激しく前向きな人に変わります。不景気な顔したあなたも、一口食べて、人生転進!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|うららかな日差しの下、あたたかな陽気が集まって生まれたフルーツ。食べれば、どんなに後ろ向きな人でも、ゲキレツ猪突猛進、激しく前向きな人に変わります。不景気な顔したあなたも、一口食べて、人生転進!|block=y}} | ||
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{{Transcript|I've collected all kinds of edible objects, but the ship's sensors can't judge taste. To make up for the ship's shortcomings, I'm making a special effort to try everything.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I've collected all kinds of edible objects, but the ship's sensors can't judge taste. To make up for the ship's shortcomings, I'm making a special effort to try everything.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|集めた物体の中には、食べられる物も存在する。しかし味は機械にはなかなか判断できない。私はぜひとも試食すべきだと主張しているのだが……。別に私の食い意地が張っているわけではない。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|集めた物体の中には、食べられる物も存在する。しかし味は機械にはなかなか判断できない。私はぜひとも試食すべきだと主張しているのだが……。別に私の食い意地が張っているわけではない。|block=y}} | ||
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{{Transcript|Everything is best in moderation. This fruit is the perfect example of too much of a good thing. The sweetness surges past mere transcendence and scours the palate with succulence.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Everything is best in moderation. This fruit is the perfect example of too much of a good thing. The sweetness surges past mere transcendence and scours the palate with succulence.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|どんなこともほどほどが大切。過ぎれば、なんでも毒になることのまさに見本となるフルーツ。甘さを超えた究極の甘さは、味覚の最悪バイオレンス。どんな生物もイチコロだという……。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|どんなこともほどほどが大切。過ぎれば、なんでも毒になることのまさに見本となるフルーツ。甘さを超えた究極の甘さは、味覚の最悪バイオレンス。どんな生物もイチコロだという……。|block=y}} | ||
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{{Transcript|The Wistful Wild is an especially vicious region. The creatures there have had to battle hard to survive in this unforgiving landscape. That's probably why they've evolved such an ill temper. For instance, this plant's berries suck the nutrition from the surrounding flora!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The Wistful Wild is an especially vicious region. The creatures there have had to battle hard to survive in this unforgiving landscape. That's probably why they've evolved such an ill temper. For instance, this plant's berries suck the nutrition from the surrounding flora!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|{{color|のぞみの大地|red}}一帯は、他の地域よりも生物の生存競争が激しいようだ。あたかも、生物の欲望と欲望が直接ぶつかり合っているように思える。たとえばこの木の実は、周囲の植物から栄養をうばって、こんなに大きくなったようだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|{{color|のぞみの大地|red}}一帯は、他の地域よりも生物の生存競争が激しいようだ。あたかも、生物の欲望と欲望が直接ぶつかり合っているように思える。たとえばこの木の実は、周囲の植物から栄養をうばって、こんなに大きくなったようだ。|block=y}} | ||
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{{Transcript|This item's docile efficiency evokes images of wealth and greed.'s essence!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This item's docile efficiency evokes images of wealth and greed.'s essence!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|あさましくって何が悪い!欲深な金持ちを思わせる、素直な生態。生命の本質、ここにあり!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|あさましくって何が悪い!欲深な金持ちを思わせる、素直な生態。生命の本質、ここにあり!|block=y}} | ||
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{{Transcript|The fruit on this planet is astonishingly large. If we could cultivate these ample fruits on Hocotate, nobody would ever go hungry again! Sadly, I don't know anything about agriculture. Maybe I should have listened to my wife when she told me to do yard work...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The fruit on this planet is astonishingly large. If we could cultivate these ample fruits on Hocotate, nobody would ever go hungry again! Sadly, I don't know anything about agriculture. Maybe I should have listened to my wife when she told me to do yard work...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|この惑星のフルーツはどれも巨大で驚かされる。もしホコタテ星で栽培できたら、大もうけできるに違いない。園芸の知識がないのが残念でならない。妻にすすめられた時にかじっておけば良かった。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|この惑星のフルーツはどれも巨大で驚かされる。もしホコタテ星で栽培できたら、大もうけできるに違いない。園芸の知識がないのが残念でならない。妻にすすめられた時にかじっておけば良かった。|block=y}} | ||
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{{Transcript|Fruits cannot be judged by their outer coverings, no matter how hairy. This one is quite yummy. It is times like these that make me wish I were equipped with advanced taste capabilities.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Fruits cannot be judged by their outer coverings, no matter how hairy. This one is quite yummy. It is times like these that make me wish I were equipped with advanced taste capabilities.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|フルーツは見かけによりません。だから意外な美味があります。ソンナ味ヲ楽シメル人間ガ、機械ニハチョットウラヤマシイノデス。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|フルーツは見かけによりません。だから意外な美味があります。ソンナ味ヲ楽シメル人間ガ、機械ニハチョットウラヤマシイノデス。|block=y}} | ||
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{{Transcript|Internal scans reveal that this juicy nugget can support a symbiotic community! Imaging the benefits... The ship can't stand to even look at bugs, let alone store them. But I had to put my foot down on this one.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Internal scans reveal that this juicy nugget can support a symbiotic community! Imaging the benefits... The ship can't stand to even look at bugs, let alone store them. But I had to put my foot down on this one.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|外見はおいしそうだが、内部をスキャンした結果、数十種類の<ruby>虫<rt>バグ</rt></ruby>に寄生されていることがわかった。<ruby>虫<rt>バグ</rt></ruby>が苦手のドルフィン初号機は収容するのをイヤがっていたが、私は有無をいわせなかった。やかましいあいつも今日はずっとおとなしかったな。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|外見はおいしそうだが、内部をスキャンした結果、数十種類の<ruby>虫<rt>バグ</rt></ruby>に寄生されていることがわかった。<ruby>虫<rt>バグ</rt></ruby>が苦手のドルフィン初号機は収容するのをイヤがっていたが、私は有無をいわせなかった。やかましいあいつも今日はずっとおとなしかったな。|block=y}} | ||
Line 165: | Line 165: | ||
{{Transcript|Awash in color and sugars, this item makes an ideal home for many insect species. I am sure this is valuable to the scientific community, but it has little value as a commodity.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Awash in color and sugars, this item makes an ideal home for many insect species. I am sure this is valuable to the scientific community, but it has little value as a commodity.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ムシクイ科ノ植物デ、数十種類ノ<ruby>虫<rt>バグ</rt></ruby>ニ寄生サレテイルコトカラ、「<ruby>虫王国<rt>バグズ・キングダム</rt></ruby>」ト呼バレ、学術的ニタイヘン貴重デス。ワ、私ニハ貴重デハアリマセンケドネ!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ムシクイ科ノ植物デ、数十種類ノ<ruby>虫<rt>バグ</rt></ruby>ニ寄生サレテイルコトカラ、「<ruby>虫王国<rt>バグズ・キングダム</rt></ruby>」ト呼バレ、学術的ニタイヘン貴重デス。ワ、私ニハ貴重デハアリマセンケドネ!|block=y}} | ||
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{{Transcript|This fruit was dug up from the floor of an icy cavern. It appears that the fruit's thick skin protected it from the frigid cold... It's quite remarkable. The shape of the fruit eerily resembles the president's head. PS: The labyrinthine underground entrails of this planet are like a completely different world.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This fruit was dug up from the floor of an icy cavern. It appears that the fruit's thick skin protected it from the frigid cold... It's quite remarkable. The shape of the fruit eerily resembles the president's head. PS: The labyrinthine underground entrails of this planet are like a completely different world.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|雪の洞窟から掘り出したフルーツ。ブ厚い皮で、寒さから身を守っている。不思議なものだ……何度見ても、社長の顔に見えてしまう。{{color|追記:|red}}この星の地下には、地上と異なる未知の世界が広がっていた!今日見つけた穴の他にも、{{color|地下世界への入口|red}}が存在するのかもしれない。そう考えると、むしょうにワクワクする。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|雪の洞窟から掘り出したフルーツ。ブ厚い皮で、寒さから身を守っている。不思議なものだ……何度見ても、社長の顔に見えてしまう。{{color|追記:|red}}この星の地下には、地上と異なる未知の世界が広がっていた!今日見つけた穴の他にも、{{color|地下世界への入口|red}}が存在するのかもしれない。そう考えると、むしょうにワクワクする。|block=y}} | ||
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{{Transcript|The thick, acidic rind of this item is proof positive of its highly elevated mental functions. When I assess it, I am somehow reminded of a particularly hateful superior. Hurry up and devour it!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The thick, acidic rind of this item is proof positive of its highly elevated mental functions. When I assess it, I am somehow reminded of a particularly hateful superior. Hurry up and devour it!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ブ厚い皮はすぐれた生存能力の証拠。見つめていると、うらめしい上司の顔が浮かんでくる不思議なフルーツ。ええい、もりもり食べてしまいなさい!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ブ厚い皮はすぐれた生存能力の証拠。見つめていると、うらめしい上司の顔が浮かんでくる不思議なフルーツ。ええい、もりもり食べてしまいなさい!|block=y}} | ||
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{{Transcript|The Valley of Repose is blanketed with a layer of snow. Despite this, here and there plants are sprouting out of the snow. I don't know how much longer the snow will last... It seems like it's getting warmer each day. I wish our frosty financial predicament would warm up a bit.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The Valley of Repose is blanketed with a layer of snow. Despite this, here and there plants are sprouting out of the snow. I don't know how much longer the snow will last... It seems like it's getting warmer each day. I wish our frosty financial predicament would warm up a bit.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|{{color|ねむりの谷|red}}は雪におおわれているが、各所でわずかに植物が顔を見せている。少しずつあたたかくなっているのか?私たちのふところも、そうなってほしいものだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|{{color|ねむりの谷|red}}は雪におおわれているが、各所でわずかに植物が顔を見せている。少しずつあたたかくなっているのか?私たちのふところも、そうなってほしいものだ。|block=y}} | ||
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{{Transcript|Delicious fried or baked, this is an invitation for your taste buds to the world of natural delights! ...As superior as I am, I must leave recipe recommendations to others. Machines are bad liars.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Delicious fried or baked, this is an invitation for your taste buds to the world of natural delights! ...As superior as I am, I must leave recipe recommendations to others. Machines are bad liars.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|テンプラにしても、いためても美味。山の幸があなたの舌を味極楽へご招待!…………。サスガノ私モ、料理ノコトハ、サッパリ。レシピハ他ノ人ニオマカセシマス。<ruby>機械<rt>メカ</rt></ruby>ハハッタリハ得意デモ、ウソハ苦手ナノデス。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|テンプラにしても、いためても美味。山の幸があなたの舌を味極楽へご招待!…………。サスガノ私モ、料理ノコトハ、サッパリ。レシピハ他ノ人ニオマカセシマス。<ruby>機械<rt>メカ</rt></ruby>ハハッタリハ得意デモ、ウソハ苦手ナノデス。|block=y}} | ||
Line 228: | Line 228: | ||
{{Transcript|I just realized I completely forgot to put something in my latest expedition report. When carrying fallen creatures or pellets, Pikmin will take them to the Onion of their same color. If a mixed crew of Pikmin are carrying spoils, the color majority dictates the destination. Carry pellets to same-colored Onions to maximize Pikmin seed production.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I just realized I completely forgot to put something in my latest expedition report. When carrying fallen creatures or pellets, Pikmin will take them to the Onion of their same color. If a mixed crew of Pikmin are carrying spoils, the color majority dictates the destination. Carry pellets to same-colored Onions to maximize Pikmin seed production.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|そういえば、うっかり探険レポートに書きもらしていたことがあった。ピクミンは、{{color|自分の色のオニヨンに獲物を運びこもうとする|red}}習性がある。赤ピクミンは赤オニヨンに、黄ピクミンは黄オニヨンに。また、ペレットは同じ色のオニヨンに運びこんだほうが栄養の吸収が良く、生まれるタネの数が多い。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|そういえば、うっかり探険レポートに書きもらしていたことがあった。ピクミンは、{{color|自分の色のオニヨンに獲物を運びこもうとする|red}}習性がある。赤ピクミンは赤オニヨンに、黄ピクミンは黄オニヨンに。また、ペレットは同じ色のオニヨンに運びこんだほうが栄養の吸収が良く、生まれるタネの数が多い。|block=y}} | ||
Line 239: | Line 239: | ||
{{Transcript|A quick-growing plant. Good for garden hobbyists or for a snack. Use it however you see fit!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|A quick-growing plant. Good for garden hobbyists or for a snack. Use it however you see fit!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|とても成長の早い植物。育成をホビーとして楽しむもよし、食べるもよし。好きな楽しみ方でつき合って!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|とても成長の早い植物。育成をホビーとして楽しむもよし、食べるもよし。好きな楽しみ方でつき合って!|block=y}} | ||
Line 251: | Line 251: | ||
{{Transcript|Today, buried in a deep hole, I found a vegetable that I'd never seen before. This dark-dwelling vegetable stores all of its nutritious energy in its roots. The ship named it Child of the Earth, and I think it's fitting.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Today, buried in a deep hole, I found a vegetable that I'd never seen before. This dark-dwelling vegetable stores all of its nutritious energy in its roots. The ship named it Child of the Earth, and I think it's fitting.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|地下世界を探険していると、見たこともない野菜を見つけることがある。たとえば、この野菜などは、根が栄養をたくわえて成長したようだ。大地の息子という名前がふさわしい。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|地下世界を探険していると、見たこともない野菜を見つけることがある。たとえば、この野菜などは、根が栄養をたくわえて成長したようだ。大地の息子という名前がふさわしい。|block=y}} | ||
Line 261: | Line 261: | ||
{{Transcript|This plant has grown fat on the blessings of the land. Its nutritional value must be high!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This plant has grown fat on the blessings of the land. Its nutritional value must be high!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|大地の恵みをたっぷり吸ってモコモコ大きく育ちました。栄養価がとっても高いんですよ!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|大地の恵みをたっぷり吸ってモコモコ大きく育ちました。栄養価がとっても高いんですよ!|block=y}} | ||
Line 279: | Line 279: | ||
{{Transcript|This tasty red snack isn't quite a fruit, but doesn't seem like a vegetable either. I've analyzed it extensively, and it appears to be releasing stimulating pheromones. I can imagine my wife and I cooking this into some memorable meals!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This tasty red snack isn't quite a fruit, but doesn't seem like a vegetable either. I've analyzed it extensively, and it appears to be releasing stimulating pheromones. I can imagine my wife and I cooking this into some memorable meals!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|フルーツとは違う、じんわりした甘さが口に広がる。成分を分析してみると、どうやらホレ薬の効果があるようだ。これがあれば、妻はもっと私を……。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|フルーツとは違う、じんわりした甘さが口に広がる。成分を分析してみると、どうやらホレ薬の効果があるようだ。これがあれば、妻はもっと私を……。|block=y}} | ||
Line 289: | Line 289: | ||
{{Transcript|One bite and your heart will be filled with a burning fever. Is the feeling love...or hallucination?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|One bite and your heart will be filled with a burning fever. Is the feeling love...or hallucination?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|一口かじらせれば、心の温度はインフルエンザ。胸の高鳴りは恋の予感か錯覚か?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|一口かじらせれば、心の温度はインフルエンザ。胸の高鳴りは恋の予感か錯覚か?|block=y}} | ||
Line 301: | Line 301: | ||
{{Transcript|According to the ship's analysis, this gourd contains extremely bitter seeds. However, this analysis was done by a machine, so I'm not completely convinced. Normally I wouldn't mind trying it myself, but I haven't been feeling well since I ate that toxic berry...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|According to the ship's analysis, this gourd contains extremely bitter seeds. However, this analysis was done by a machine, so I'm not completely convinced. Normally I wouldn't mind trying it myself, but I haven't been feeling well since I ate that toxic berry...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|分析によると、苦み成分が多いらしい。しかし機械の分析だから、くわしくはわからない。私が試食してもかまわないが、今日は体調がすぐれないので、今度にしようと思う。決して苦い物を口にしたくない言い訳ではない。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|分析によると、苦み成分が多いらしい。しかし機械の分析だから、くわしくはわからない。私が試食してもかまわないが、今日は体調がすぐれないので、今度にしようと思う。決して苦い物を口にしたくない言い訳ではない。|block=y}} | ||
Line 312: | Line 312: | ||
{{Transcript|A vegetable with spiciness beyond description. None want to eat it, so it must be healthy! Nutrition-conscious people of today! Numb your palate and eat!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|A vegetable with spiciness beyond description. None want to eat it, so it must be healthy! Nutrition-conscious people of today! Numb your palate and eat!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|味覚限界を超えたニガニガな野菜。誰も食べたがりませんが、でも健康にはとても良いはず!健康大好き現代人、味覚の限界をさあ乗り越えて!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|味覚限界を超えたニガニガな野菜。誰も食べたがりませんが、でも健康にはとても良いはず!健康大好き現代人、味覚の限界をさあ乗り越えて!|block=y}} | ||
Line 330: | Line 330: | ||
{{Transcript|What a shocking taste! I suppose young people, like Louie, might find it tasty, but the flavor is too intense for me!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|What a shocking taste! I suppose young people, like Louie, might find it tasty, but the flavor is too intense for me!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|このドッキリ味は……。…………。…………。若者にはぴったりかもしれないが、私には少しつらい。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|このドッキリ味は……。…………。…………。若者にはぴったりかもしれないが、私には少しつらい。|block=y}} | ||
Line 340: | Line 340: | ||
{{Transcript|One bite of this and the surprisingly earthy flavor will send your hiccups packing! Older individuals with a history of heart conditions should devour this with caution!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|One bite of this and the surprisingly earthy flavor will send your hiccups packing! Older individuals with a history of heart conditions should devour this with caution!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|一口でしゃっくりも吹き飛ぶおっかなびっくりドッキリ味。心臓の悪いお年寄りは注意!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|一口でしゃっくりも吹き飛ぶおっかなびっくりドッキリ味。心臓の悪いお年寄りは注意!|block=y}} | ||
Line 352: | Line 352: | ||
{{Transcript|This dubious morsel doesn't look like it would be very agreeable with my innards. However, I bet Louie would try a bite. His appetite is insatiable...and he's always cooking up tasty meals! I'm glad that on this expedition, our ship's reactor can power our life-support systems indefinitely. This will give us all the time we need to thoroughly examine all of the treasure we recover. I don't care if the president wants us to hurry. I've had enough of his hassling! I think I'll move more slowly just to cause him indigestion.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This dubious morsel doesn't look like it would be very agreeable with my innards. However, I bet Louie would try a bite. His appetite is insatiable...and he's always cooking up tasty meals! I'm glad that on this expedition, our ship's reactor can power our life-support systems indefinitely. This will give us all the time we need to thoroughly examine all of the treasure we recover. I don't care if the president wants us to hurry. I've had enough of his hassling! I think I'll move more slowly just to cause him indigestion.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|あやしげな見た目だが、ルーイくんならためらわずに食べるかもしれない。彼の食欲にはいつも驚かされる……。今回は{{color|生命維持装置のバッテリーをたっぷり持ってきた|red}}から、この星で見つけた物をじっくり調べられる。社長がせかしたとしてもかまうものか。いつもワガママにつき合っているのだ。この機会に困らせてやりたくもなる!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|あやしげな見た目だが、ルーイくんならためらわずに食べるかもしれない。彼の食欲にはいつも驚かされる……。今回は{{color|生命維持装置のバッテリーをたっぷり持ってきた|red}}から、この星で見つけた物をじっくり調べられる。社長がせかしたとしてもかまうものか。いつもワガママにつき合っているのだ。この機会に困らせてやりたくもなる!|block=y}} | ||
Line 365: | Line 365: | ||
{{Transcript|This poisonous mushroom is so malicious, I cannot even bear to look at it! This fatal fungus overflows with venom and is perilous indeed.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This poisonous mushroom is so malicious, I cannot even bear to look at it! This fatal fungus overflows with venom and is perilous indeed.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|あやしげな外見がもう見るにたえない!あふれんばかりのドクドクしさがとっても目に毒なきのこ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|あやしげな外見がもう見るにたえない!あふれんばかりのドクドクしさがとっても目に毒なきのこ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 377: | Line 377: | ||
{{Transcript|According to the ship's analysis, you'll grow into a giant if you eat one of these. I'd like to field-test one of these babies. I wonder what would happen if I fed one to a purple Pikmin...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|According to the ship's analysis, you'll grow into a giant if you eat one of these. I'd like to field-test one of these babies. I wonder what would happen if I fed one to a purple Pikmin...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|分析によると、1個食べると体が2倍の大きさに成長するらしい……。本当かどうかぜひ確かめてみたいものだ。ピクミンは食べてくれないだろうか?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|分析によると、1個食べると体が2倍の大きさに成長するらしい……。本当かどうかぜひ確かめてみたいものだ。ピクミンは食べてくれないだろうか?|block=y}} | ||
Line 390: | Line 390: | ||
{{Transcript|Eat one of these and grow to twice your normal size! Perfect for skinny beings unable to pack on any weight.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Eat one of these and grow to twice your normal size! Perfect for skinny beings unable to pack on any weight.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|1個食べると身体が2倍の大きさに…。どこかで聞いたような効果の毒キノコ。危ないので良い子はマネしないように。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|1個食べると身体が2倍の大きさに…。どこかで聞いたような効果の毒キノコ。危ないので良い子はマネしないように。|block=y}} | ||
Line 402: | Line 402: | ||
{{Transcript|This looks just like one of Hocotate's famous sweet onions! Come to think of it, I gave the Onion its name because it looked just like a Hocotate onion. To avoid confusion, I'll call this vegetable an Onion Replica.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This looks just like one of Hocotate's famous sweet onions! Come to think of it, I gave the Onion its name because it looked just like a Hocotate onion. To avoid confusion, I'll call this vegetable an Onion Replica.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ホコタテ星の名産のタマネギにとてもよく似ている。……そういえば、私が{{color|オニヨン|red}}をそう名づけたのは、ホコタテ星のタマネギに似ているからだったな。まぎらわしいから、この野菜はオニヨンモドキと名づけておこう。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ホコタテ星の名産のタマネギにとてもよく似ている。……そういえば、私が{{color|オニヨン|red}}をそう名づけたのは、ホコタテ星のタマネギに似ているからだったな。まぎらわしいから、この野菜はオニヨンモドキと名づけておこう。|block=y}} | ||
Line 415: | Line 415: | ||
{{Transcript|This plant closely resembles the pride and joy of Hocotate. The comfort of its familiar form and the surprise of its unexpected taste mingle to form...veggie harmony? Try it in some hot soup today!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This plant closely resembles the pride and joy of Hocotate. The comfort of its familiar form and the surprise of its unexpected taste mingle to form...veggie harmony? Try it in some hot soup today!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ホコタテ星の名産によく似た野菜。見知った安心感と意外な味の異質感の生み出す味のハーモニー!?アツアツのスープにして楽しんで!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ホコタテ星の名産によく似た野菜。見知った安心感と意外な味の異質感の生み出す味のハーモニー!?アツアツのスープにして楽しんで!|block=y}} | ||
Line 430: | Line 430: | ||
{{Transcript|I think I'll take this plant back to my boy as a souvenir of my grand expedition! It'll make the perfect topic for his science-fair project!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I think I'll take this plant back to my boy as a souvenir of my grand expedition! It'll make the perfect topic for his science-fair project!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|そういえば、息子へのみやげをどうしたものか。この植物などは息子の夏休みの自由研究にぴったりな気がするな。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|そういえば、息子へのみやげをどうしたものか。この植物などは息子の夏休みの自由研究にぴったりな気がするな。|block=y}} | ||
Line 440: | Line 440: | ||
{{Transcript|The perfect plant for extra-credit research for a Hocotate elementary pupil's science fair. You can be the dad to rely on to help with homework as long as you possess this beauty.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The perfect plant for extra-credit research for a Hocotate elementary pupil's science fair. You can be the dad to rely on to help with homework as long as you possess this beauty.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ホコタテ小学校の夏休みの自由研究にぴったりの植物標本です。これであなたも、<ruby>宿題代理人<rt>ベンリなとうさん</rt></ruby>、たよれるパパになれるのです!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ホコタテ小学校の夏休みの自由研究にぴったりの植物標本です。これであなたも、<ruby>宿題代理人<rt>ベンリなとうさん</rt></ruby>、たよれるパパになれるのです!|block=y}} | ||
Line 455: | Line 455: | ||
{{Transcript|Grassy plains and meadows on this planet are carpeted with brilliantly colored flowers in bloom. When I entered the atmosphere on my descent from space, I was stunned by the vibrant sight. Earlier today, a group of white Pikmin under my command detected an object buried under the surface and immediately began to dig up this colossal flower bulb. Somehow, it hadn't yet sprouted into a towering flower. I plan to take it back to Hocotate and grow it there! My people will hail me as a botanical genius...and the mayor may even make me Supreme Flower Commander!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Grassy plains and meadows on this planet are carpeted with brilliantly colored flowers in bloom. When I entered the atmosphere on my descent from space, I was stunned by the vibrant sight. Earlier today, a group of white Pikmin under my command detected an object buried under the surface and immediately began to dig up this colossal flower bulb. Somehow, it hadn't yet sprouted into a towering flower. I plan to take it back to Hocotate and grow it there! My people will hail me as a botanical genius...and the mayor may even make me Supreme Flower Commander!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|花々がほがらかに咲きほこる草原。そこを見下ろす高台にたどり着いた時、白ピクミンが地面の下から球根をひとつ掘り出してきた。何らかの理由で、うまく芽が出なかったようだ。思いつきだが、ホコタテ星に持ち帰って育ててみたい。新しい大地で芽が出るかもしれない。そう思うとワクワクする。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|花々がほがらかに咲きほこる草原。そこを見下ろす高台にたどり着いた時、白ピクミンが地面の下から球根をひとつ掘り出してきた。何らかの理由で、うまく芽が出なかったようだ。思いつきだが、ホコタテ星に持ち帰って育ててみたい。新しい大地で芽が出るかもしれない。そう思うとワクワクする。|block=y}} | ||
Line 466: | Line 466: | ||
{{Transcript|Life finds a way across galaxies. Can a plant from a primitive planet take root in Hocotate's soil? Won't you invest in this romantic pursuit?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Life finds a way across galaxies. Can a plant from a primitive planet take root in Hocotate's soil? Won't you invest in this romantic pursuit?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|生命が星の海をわたって伝わっていく。未開惑星の植物がホコタテの大地に根づくのか。そんなロマンに投資してみませんか?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|生命が星の海をわたって伝わっていく。未開惑星の植物がホコタテの大地に根づくのか。そんなロマンに投資してみませんか?|block=y}} | ||
Line 479: | Line 479: | ||
{{Transcript|The ship seems to think this leaf would be a smash hit among naturalist interior designers. I just think it looks and feels like a soft blanket. In the interest of scientific discovery, I'd better give it a test run...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The ship seems to think this leaf would be a smash hit among naturalist interior designers. I just think it looks and feels like a soft blanket. In the interest of scientific discovery, I'd better give it a test run...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|<ruby>昨日<rt>きのう</rt></ruby>もほとんど<ruby>眠<rt>ねむ</rt></ruby>れなかった……。<ruby>自宅<rt>じたく</rt></ruby>のせんべい<ruby>布団<rt>ぶとん</rt></ruby>がなつかしい。そういえば、この<ruby>植物<rt>しょくぶつ</rt></ruby>には<ruby>強<rt>つよ</rt></ruby>い<ruby>導眠<rt>どうみん</rt></ruby><ruby>作用<rt>さよう</rt></ruby>があるらしい。<ruby>量<rt>りょう</rt></ruby>をまちがえると<ruby>永遠<rt>えいえん</rt></ruby>の<ruby>眠<rt>ねむ</rt></ruby>りに<ruby>落<rt>お</rt></ruby>ちることもあるようだが……ちょっと<ruby>使<rt>つか</rt></ruby>ってみようか。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|<ruby>昨日<rt>きのう</rt></ruby>もほとんど<ruby>眠<rt>ねむ</rt></ruby>れなかった……。<ruby>自宅<rt>じたく</rt></ruby>のせんべい<ruby>布団<rt>ぶとん</rt></ruby>がなつかしい。そういえば、この<ruby>植物<rt>しょくぶつ</rt></ruby>には<ruby>強<rt>つよ</rt></ruby>い<ruby>導眠<rt>どうみん</rt></ruby><ruby>作用<rt>さよう</rt></ruby>があるらしい。<ruby>量<rt>りょう</rt></ruby>をまちがえると<ruby>永遠<rt>えいえん</rt></ruby>の<ruby>眠<rt>ねむ</rt></ruby>りに<ruby>落<rt>お</rt></ruby>ちることもあるようだが……ちょっと<ruby>使<rt>つか</rt></ruby>ってみようか。|block=y}} | ||
Line 495: | Line 495: | ||
{{Transcript|Perfect for those who love natural designs in their home, this leaf applique is a bargain! Use it in pieces, or cover an entire wall in leafiness!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Perfect for those who love natural designs in their home, this leaf applique is a bargain! Use it in pieces, or cover an entire wall in leafiness!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|<ruby>不眠<rt>ふみん</rt></ruby>に<ruby>苦<rt>くる</rt></ruby>しむ<ruby>現代人<rt>げんだいじん</rt></ruby>にぴったり。<ruby>時<rt>とき</rt></ruby>には<ruby>永遠<rt>えいえん</rt></ruby>の<ruby>眠<rt>ねむ</rt></ruby>りに<ruby>落<rt>お</rt></ruby>ちることも?<ruby>強<rt>つよ</rt></ruby>すぎる<ruby>効<rt>き</rt></ruby>き<ruby>目<rt>め</rt></ruby>の<ruby>最凶導眠剤<rt>デンジャラス・ドラッグ</rt></ruby>。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|<ruby>不眠<rt>ふみん</rt></ruby>に<ruby>苦<rt>くる</rt></ruby>しむ<ruby>現代人<rt>げんだいじん</rt></ruby>にぴったり。<ruby>時<rt>とき</rt></ruby>には<ruby>永遠<rt>えいえん</rt></ruby>の<ruby>眠<rt>ねむ</rt></ruby>りに<ruby>落<rt>お</rt></ruby>ちることも?<ruby>強<rt>つよ</rt></ruby>すぎる<ruby>効<rt>き</rt></ruby>き<ruby>目<rt>め</rt></ruby>の<ruby>最凶導眠剤<rt>デンジャラス・ドラッグ</rt></ruby>。|block=y}} | ||
Line 517: | Line 517: | ||
{{Transcript|I've paid off all of the company's debts, but I find myself returning to this planet yet again! This time, I must find and rescue Louie! I've been scouring the wilderness we landed on. As I scour this region, I can't help but feel lonely for my faithful sidekick. Even if he does eat all of the ship's on-board snacks. Because of my loneliness, I've dubbed this rough region the Wistful Wild.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I've paid off all of the company's debts, but I find myself returning to this planet yet again! This time, I must find and rescue Louie! I've been scouring the wilderness we landed on. As I scour this region, I can't help but feel lonely for my faithful sidekick. Even if he does eat all of the ship's on-board snacks. Because of my loneliness, I've dubbed this rough region the Wistful Wild.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|やっと借金を返したのに、またまたこの星に逆戻りだ!ルーイくんを追いかけて降り立った山の中を社長と二人で歩き回っている。不思議なことに、この山を歩いていると欲望と希望がムラムラとわいてくる。私は高ぶる衝動のままに、この土地を{{color|のぞみの大地|red}}と名づけた。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|やっと借金を返したのに、またまたこの星に逆戻りだ!ルーイくんを追いかけて降り立った山の中を社長と二人で歩き回っている。不思議なことに、この山を歩いていると欲望と希望がムラムラとわいてくる。私は高ぶる衝動のままに、この土地を{{color|のぞみの大地|red}}と名づけた。|block=y}} | ||
Line 527: | Line 527: | ||
{{Transcript|Life is full...but short! Is this one of those short-lived life-forms that changes shape as it ages? Even though it is dried out, it has not lost its unique charm.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Life is full...but short! Is this one of those short-lived life-forms that changes shape as it ages? Even though it is dried out, it has not lost its unique charm.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|人生は太く短く、ポックリと!とても命の短い、早期高齢化植物?枯れてなお、異質さは変わらない!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|人生は太く短く、ポックリと!とても命の短い、早期高齢化植物?枯れてなお、異質さは変わらない!|block=y}} | ||
Line 539: | Line 539: | ||
{{Transcript|I've never tasted a nut quite like this. It's difficult to explain, but it tastes like...sorrow. PS: I can't shake the feeling that I've been here before. Aha! This must be the exact spot where I crash-landed last time!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I've never tasted a nut quite like this. It's difficult to explain, but it tastes like...sorrow. PS: I can't shake the feeling that I've been here before. Aha! This must be the exact spot where I crash-landed last time!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|地味でかわりばえしない木の実だ。しかし、見つめていると、なぜだかもの悲しい気持ちになる……。<br>{{color|追記:|red}}この辺りの地形にはどうも見覚えがある。ううむ……そういえば、前回の探険で不時着したのは、この辺りではなかっただろうか?私はもどってきたのか!?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|地味でかわりばえしない木の実だ。しかし、見つめていると、なぜだかもの悲しい気持ちになる……。<br>{{color|追記:|red}}この辺りの地形にはどうも見覚えがある。ううむ……そういえば、前回の探険で不時着したのは、この辺りではなかっただろうか?私はもどってきたのか!?|block=y}} | ||
Line 549: | Line 549: | ||
{{Transcript|This common, ordinary nut somehow reminds me of myself and fills me with sadness.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This common, ordinary nut somehow reminds me of myself and fills me with sadness.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|平凡な見た目にシンパシー。どこか自分に似ている気がしてもの悲しい気持ちになる木の実です。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|平凡な見た目にシンパシー。どこか自分に似ている気がしてもの悲しい気持ちになる木の実です。|block=y}} | ||
Line 561: | Line 561: | ||
{{Transcript|This rotund nut reminds me of the president's sizeable girth.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This rotund nut reminds me of the president's sizeable girth.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|この木の実、社長の顔によく似ている。ああ……心の奥底からこみ上げてくる感情がある。それを言葉にするわけにはいかないが。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|この木の実、社長の顔によく似ている。ああ……心の奥底からこみ上げてくる感情がある。それを言葉にするわけにはいかないが。|block=y}} | ||
Line 574: | Line 574: | ||
{{Transcript|This fellow has consumed a wealth of nutrients and now possesses a powerful form. In our harsh world, this is something to envy!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This fellow has consumed a wealth of nutrients and now possesses a powerful form. In our harsh world, this is something to envy!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ヒラノミが必要以上の養分を吸って肥大化した上位体。きびしい世の中、このふてぶてしさを見習って!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ヒラノミが必要以上の養分を吸って肥大化した上位体。きびしい世の中、このふてぶてしさを見習って!|block=y}} | ||
Line 586: | Line 586: | ||
{{Transcript|I never expected to find such a delectable cut of meat deep in this dark and slimy cavern. What kind of a cavern is stocked with savory deli meat? This riddle perplexes me, but I'm sure my unrivaled powers of investigation will prevail. I've made it my personal quest to solve all of the universe's ancient mysteries.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I never expected to find such a delectable cut of meat deep in this dark and slimy cavern. What kind of a cavern is stocked with savory deli meat? This riddle perplexes me, but I'm sure my unrivaled powers of investigation will prevail. I've made it my personal quest to solve all of the universe's ancient mysteries.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|あんな地下洞窟で、こんなにうまそうな食肉が見つかるとは!あそこは一体どんな場所だったのだ?その謎も気になるし、これの味も気になる。気になることが多い日だった。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|あんな地下洞窟で、こんなにうまそうな食肉が見つかるとは!あそこは一体どんな場所だったのだ?その謎も気になるし、これの味も気になる。気になることが多い日だった。|block=y}} | ||
Line 599: | Line 599: | ||
{{Transcript|Think you can eat it all? Then start eating! That is the goal this giant piece of meat incites. It has just the right texture... and a thick slab of fat that will make all gourmets, epicures, kings of the table, and queens of the buffet howl with delight. Or so I have assessed.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Think you can eat it all? Then start eating! That is the goal this giant piece of meat incites. It has just the right texture... and a thick slab of fat that will make all gourmets, epicures, kings of the table, and queens of the buffet howl with delight. Or so I have assessed.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|食べきれるものなら食べてみろ!と、チャレンジ精神をあおる巨大肉。ほどよい弾力とこってりと乗った脂があらゆる食通、美食家、味の王様、味のショーグンをうならせる。……ラシイノデス。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|食べきれるものなら食べてみろ!と、チャレンジ精神をあおる巨大肉。ほどよい弾力とこってりと乗った脂があらゆる食通、美食家、味の王様、味のショーグンをうならせる。……ラシイノデス。|block=y}} | ||
Line 611: | Line 611: | ||
{{Transcript|We struggled with a titanic breadbug for this treasure, but we finally prevailed. That huge creature had a habit of dragging away treasures and hoarding them in its den. I wonder if there's a way to use these creatures to aid my treasure-seeking mission... On second thought, that's a bad idea. Pikmin are the only creatures I can really rely on.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|We struggled with a titanic breadbug for this treasure, but we finally prevailed. That huge creature had a habit of dragging away treasures and hoarding them in its den. I wonder if there's a way to use these creatures to aid my treasure-seeking mission... On second thought, that's a bad idea. Pikmin are the only creatures I can really rely on.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|オオパンモドキとの壮絶なうばい合いの末に勝ち取った物だ。あの巨大生物は目についた物体を自分の巣穴に集める習性があるようだ。その生態をお宝の探索に利用できないかと思ったのだが、良い方法を思いつかなかった。やはり私のたよりになるのはピクミンだけのようだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|オオパンモドキとの壮絶なうばい合いの末に勝ち取った物だ。あの巨大生物は目についた物体を自分の巣穴に集める習性があるようだ。その生態をお宝の探索に利用できないかと思ったのだが、良い方法を思いつかなかった。やはり私のたよりになるのはピクミンだけのようだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 621: | Line 621: | ||
{{Transcript|The consistency of the half-cooked yolk says "Mmm! Good!" It is packed with nutrients, too. I can sell it, but I have never eaten it. I am UNABLE to eat it. Not even a nibble.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The consistency of the half-cooked yolk says "Mmm! Good!" It is packed with nutrients, too. I can sell it, but I have never eaten it. I am UNABLE to eat it. Not even a nibble.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|トロトロに半熟な黄身がなんとも美味。しかも栄養価バツグン。…………。宣伝文句は並べても、食べたことない、食べられない。つまみ食いできない私。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|トロトロに半熟な黄身がなんとも美味。しかも栄養価バツグン。…………。宣伝文句は並べても、食べたことない、食べられない。つまみ食いできない私。|block=y}} | ||
Line 639: | Line 639: | ||
{{Transcript|This wand of meat makes me inexplicably hungry. The parts used to produce it seem to be of ambiguous origin and questionable quality. calls to me. Maybe I'll have just one bite.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This wand of meat makes me inexplicably hungry. The parts used to produce it seem to be of ambiguous origin and questionable quality. calls to me. Maybe I'll have just one bite.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|なんとも食欲をそそられる食肉の棒だ。禁欲的な私でさえ、かじったりなめたりしゃぶったりしたくなる。グルメ棒、肉棒、ウマー棒、おいしん棒、……などのアイデアがあがったが、結局こういう名前になった。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|なんとも食欲をそそられる食肉の棒だ。禁欲的な私でさえ、かじったりなめたりしゃぶったりしたくなる。グルメ棒、肉棒、ウマー棒、おいしん棒、……などのアイデアがあがったが、結局こういう名前になった。|block=y}} | ||
Line 658: | Line 658: | ||
{{Transcript|Those who hunger for meat, will you hear the call? This will lire you to the inner beast feast!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Those who hunger for meat, will you hear the call? This will lire you to the inner beast feast!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|食欲の基本は肉!野獣のようにケダモノのように食らうべし、食らうべし、食らうべし!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|食欲の基本は肉!野獣のようにケダモノのように食らうべし、食らうべし、食らうべし!|block=y}} | ||
Line 674: | Line 674: | ||
{{Transcript|Some things on this world can't be understood, no matter how much I analyze them. For instance, this is the first time I've tasted this, but it has a nostalgic taste. It's inexplicable! It tastes like something my mom has made for me by hand.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Some things on this world can't be understood, no matter how much I analyze them. For instance, this is the first time I've tasted this, but it has a nostalgic taste. It's inexplicable! It tastes like something my mom has made for me by hand.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|いくら分析してもわからないことが世の中には多い。この歳になってそういうことがわかってきた。はじめて食べたはずなのに、なぜだかなつかしい。おふくろや妻の手料理に似た味なのだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|いくら分析してもわからないことが世の中には多い。この歳になってそういうことがわかってきた。はじめて食べたはずなのに、なぜだかなつかしい。おふくろや妻の手料理に似た味なのだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 685: | Line 685: | ||
{{Transcript|In this modern world of artificial foods, all things taste the same, despite your dear tongue buds. If that describes you, then this is for you. Its flavor is the balm to heal your wounded soul!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|In this modern world of artificial foods, all things taste the same, despite your dear tongue buds. If that describes you, then this is for you. Its flavor is the balm to heal your wounded soul!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|人工食あふれる今の時代、どこで食べても同じ味。味覚はあれども、味わいはない。そんな現代人をいやす心の味!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|人工食あふれる今の時代、どこで食べても同じ味。味覚はあれども、味わいはない。そんな現代人をいやす心の味!|block=y}} | ||
Line 697: | Line 697: | ||
{{Transcript|I like to eat sweets from time to time. Well, to be honest... If there are any within reach, I can't help myself! Strangely, Pikmin never eat snacks. I wonder where all of their energy comes from?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I like to eat sweets from time to time. Well, to be honest... If there are any within reach, I can't help myself! Strangely, Pikmin never eat snacks. I wonder where all of their energy comes from?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|つかれた時には甘い物のひとつも口に入れたくなる。目の前にそれがあれば、なおさらだ。だが、ピクミンがつまみ食いしたことは一度もない。あのスタミナはどこからわいてくるのだろうか。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|つかれた時には甘い物のひとつも口に入れたくなる。目の前にそれがあれば、なおさらだ。だが、ピクミンがつまみ食いしたことは一度もない。あのスタミナはどこからわいてくるのだろうか。|block=y}} | ||
Line 707: | Line 707: | ||
{{Transcript|This will satisfy any sweet tooth! It begins with savory softness, then fills the mouth with fluffs of flavor, and finally overwhelms with a river of sweetness. It is a three-pronged tongue assault!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This will satisfy any sweet tooth! It begins with savory softness, then fills the mouth with fluffs of flavor, and finally overwhelms with a river of sweetness. It is a three-pronged tongue assault!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|どんな甘党もノックダウン!始めはモチッとやわらかく、次はモチモチッと広がって、最後はモチモチモチッとほの甘い。1、2、3の3連鎖があなたの舌を直撃です!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|どんな甘党もノックダウン!始めはモチッとやわらかく、次はモチモチッと広がって、最後はモチモチモチッとほの甘い。1、2、3の3連鎖があなたの舌を直撃です!|block=y}} | ||
Line 719: | Line 719: | ||
{{Transcript|My space suit's filter seems to be malfunctioning. It can't suppress the sweet, syrupy smell pervading this cavern! If I don't find a way to neutralize it fast, it's going to drive me to spoil my diet!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|My space suit's filter seems to be malfunctioning. It can't suppress the sweet, syrupy smell pervading this cavern! If I don't find a way to neutralize it fast, it's going to drive me to spoil my diet!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|宇宙服のフィルターの調子がおかしい。洞窟内に立ちこめている甘ったるいにおいを抑えられない。せっかくのダイエットの成果がムダになってしまいそうだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|宇宙服のフィルターの調子がおかしい。洞窟内に立ちこめている甘ったるいにおいを抑えられない。せっかくのダイエットの成果がムダになってしまいそうだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 729: | Line 729: | ||
{{Transcript|Is your palate conservative or adventuresome? Either way, this taste will ravish your mouth. For those who savor flavor, this new delicacy will have you questioning your ideas of taste.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Is your palate conservative or adventuresome? Either way, this taste will ravish your mouth. For those who savor flavor, this new delicacy will have you questioning your ideas of taste.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|口に広がる味の<ruby>暴力革命<rt>バイオレンス</rt></ruby>。あなたの味覚は保守か反保守か?味わう者の思想が問われる新しい味。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|口に広がる味の<ruby>暴力革命<rt>バイオレンス</rt></ruby>。あなたの味覚は保守か反保守か?味わう者の思想が問われる新しい味。|block=y}} | ||
Line 747: | Line 747: | ||
{{Transcript|As I grow older, I've observed that I'm becoming crankier. Today, I flew off the handle over a trifling matter. I feel like such a fool... I must learn to control my cantankerous temper! I can't allow my bad attitude to erode teamwork on this vital mission.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|As I grow older, I've observed that I'm becoming crankier. Today, I flew off the handle over a trifling matter. I feel like such a fool... I must learn to control my cantankerous temper! I can't allow my bad attitude to erode teamwork on this vital mission.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|人間、歳を取ると、意地っ張りになってしまうようだ。今日はつまらないことで対立してしまった。私はおろかだ。こんな未開の星でチームワークを乱してどうする。少し頭を冷やさなければ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|人間、歳を取ると、意地っ張りになってしまうようだ。今日はつまらないことで対立してしまった。私はおろかだ。こんな未開の星でチームワークを乱してどうする。少し頭を冷やさなければ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 757: | Line 757: | ||
{{Transcript|It is hard. Really hard. Too hard. So hard that you're not sure you can eat it, even though you must. This hard snack is infused with the essence of stubbornness, and you are powerless to resist it.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|It is hard. Really hard. Too hard. So hard that you're not sure you can eat it, even though you must. This hard snack is infused with the essence of stubbornness, and you are powerless to resist it.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|固い、マジ固い。固すぎる。固すぎて食えなかったら困るのに。でも固い。ガンコなこだわりで固めたせんべい。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|固い、マジ固い。固すぎる。固すぎて食えなかったら困るのに。でも固い。ガンコなこだわりで固めたせんべい。|block=y}} | ||
Line 772: | Line 772: | ||
{{Transcript|This treasure's alluring aroma seems to attract unwelcome attention from insects. If the ship hears anything about this, it'll complain endlessly about having to store it. I'd better keep this discovery to myself.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This treasure's alluring aroma seems to attract unwelcome attention from insects. If the ship hears anything about this, it'll complain endlessly about having to store it. I'd better keep this discovery to myself.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|運んでいる時に気がついた。この甘いにおいに引き寄せられて、さまざまな虫が集まってくるようだ。だが、<ruby>虫<rt>バグ</rt></ruby>嫌いのドルフィン初号機に知られるとうるさい。ナイショにしておこう。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|運んでいる時に気がついた。この甘いにおいに引き寄せられて、さまざまな虫が集まってくるようだ。だが、<ruby>虫<rt>バグ</rt></ruby>嫌いのドルフィン初号機に知られるとうるさい。ナイショにしておこう。|block=y}} | ||
Line 785: | Line 785: | ||
{{Transcript|I have a bad feeling about this particular item... I want to sell it with all possible speed. Bzzrpt! Bargain price available. Please! Buy this quickly! NOW!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I have a bad feeling about this particular item... I want to sell it with all possible speed. Bzzrpt! Bargain price available. Please! Buy this quickly! NOW!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ナンダカ、イヤ〜ナ予感ガ……。サッサト売リ払イタイ気ガシマス。…………。エエイ!大特価デ売リ出シマス。ドナタカ急イデ買ッテッテ!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ナンダカ、イヤ〜ナ予感ガ……。サッサト売リ払イタイ気ガシマス。…………。エエイ!大特価デ売リ出シマス。ドナタカ急イデ買ッテッテ!|block=y}} | ||
Line 797: | Line 797: | ||
{{Transcript|I'm a man with an indomitable will, but I can't stop sampling this luscious food! Such an attractive shape... Appetizing color... Scrumptious smell... I'm getting hungry already!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I'm a man with an indomitable will, but I can't stop sampling this luscious food! Such an attractive shape... Appetizing color... Scrumptious smell... I'm getting hungry already!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|自分でいうのもなんだが、私は意志の強い男だ。しかしこの惑星で見つかった食物には生物の意志をくじく力があるようだ。形と色とにおい。すべてが「食べろ」と私をそそのかす……。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|自分でいうのもなんだが、私は意志の強い男だ。しかしこの惑星で見つかった食物には生物の意志をくじく力があるようだ。形と色とにおい。すべてが「食べろ」と私をそそのかす……。|block=y}} | ||
Line 810: | Line 810: | ||
{{Transcript|One look at this pattern and your head spins, your vision fades, and a voice commands, "Eat this!"|block=y}} | {{Transcript|One look at this pattern and your head spins, your vision fades, and a voice commands, "Eat this!"|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|この不思議な模様を目にしたとたん、お目目グルグル、頭クラクラ。「食べろ」と命じる声が聞こえてくる!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|この不思議な模様を目にしたとたん、お目目グルグル、頭クラクラ。「食べろ」と命じる声が聞こえてくる!|block=y}} | ||
Line 822: | Line 822: | ||
{{Transcript|After a long day of walking, my joints begin to pain me. I need a massage.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|After a long day of walking, my joints begin to pain me. I need a massage.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|日中ずっと歩きっぱなしだと、さすがに節々が痛んでくる。息子のマッサージを思い出す。甘い物の上に腰かけていると、身体がまろやかにいやされないだろうか?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|日中ずっと歩きっぱなしだと、さすがに節々が痛んでくる。息子のマッサージを思い出す。甘い物の上に腰かけていると、身体がまろやかにいやされないだろうか?|block=y}} | ||
Line 832: | Line 832: | ||
{{Transcript|With this, your legs will not fall asleep even when you sit with your feet tucked beneath you. The sugary material of this cushion infuses your whole body with warmth and comfort.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|With this, your legs will not fall asleep even when you sit with your feet tucked beneath you. The sugary material of this cushion infuses your whole body with warmth and comfort.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|正座しても足がしびれない!ざぶとんからにじみ出る甘さ成分が身体をまろやか〜にいやします。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|正座しても足がしびれない!ざぶとんからにじみ出る甘さ成分が身体をまろやか〜にいやします。|block=y}} | ||
Line 844: | Line 844: | ||
{{Transcript|A while back, I didn't sleep for days. My stomach was roiling and my head was cloudy. I couldn't rally any motivation! The only thing I could muster is a sigh. Then I found this mattress! When I reclined on it, I fell asleep immediately and had the sweetest dreams.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|A while back, I didn't sleep for days. My stomach was roiling and my head was cloudy. I couldn't rally any motivation! The only thing I could muster is a sigh. Then I found this mattress! When I reclined on it, I fell asleep immediately and had the sweetest dreams.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|連日、ほとんど眠れない……。胃が痛むし、頭も重い。やる気も全然わいてこない。出るのはため息ばかり。そんな時にこのクッションに出会った!この上で眠れば、きっと幸せな甘い夢が見られるのだ。私はそう信じている。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|連日、ほとんど眠れない……。胃が痛むし、頭も重い。やる気も全然わいてこない。出るのはため息ばかり。そんな時にこのクッションに出会った!この上で眠れば、きっと幸せな甘い夢が見られるのだ。私はそう信じている。|block=y}} | ||
Line 854: | Line 854: | ||
{{Transcript|Sweet to the taste and touch! Sleep on this magical mattress and dream of a land of sweets.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Sweet to the taste and touch! Sleep on this magical mattress and dream of a land of sweets.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|舌にほろ甘く、肌にべと甘い。この上で眠れば、おかしの国の夢が見られるというまぼろしのクッション。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|舌にほろ甘く、肌にべと甘い。この上で眠れば、おかしの国の夢が見られるというまぼろしのクッション。|block=y}} | ||
Line 869: | Line 869: | ||
{{Transcript|I've discovered a complex series of underground tunnels beneath the Perplexing Pool. It seems like I can't walk 10 steps without discovering something previously unheard of! Making new discoveries nourishes my explorer spirit. As a reward for my latest scientific breakthrough, I think I'll eat this grand sweet.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I've discovered a complex series of underground tunnels beneath the Perplexing Pool. It seems like I can't walk 10 steps without discovering something previously unheard of! Making new discoveries nourishes my explorer spirit. As a reward for my latest scientific breakthrough, I think I'll eat this grand sweet.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|やはり{{color|まどいの水源|red}}の下にも、広大な地下の世界が存在していた。この星はおとずれるたびに新しい発見がある!まったくもって、探険家スピリッツをくすぐってくれる。よし、明日からの英気を養うため、この食物をちょっとつまみ食いしてみるか。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|やはり{{color|まどいの水源|red}}の下にも、広大な地下の世界が存在していた。この星はおとずれるたびに新しい発見がある!まったくもって、探険家スピリッツをくすぐってくれる。よし、明日からの英気を養うため、この食物をちょっとつまみ食いしてみるか。|block=y}} | ||
Line 879: | Line 879: | ||
{{Transcript|Humanoid desire knows no limits. Some things can never be known or understood. And no researcher, no matter how supreme, will ever tire of consuming this thing. It contains a mystic flavor born of the cosmos itself, and is said to change flavor as it is eaten.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Humanoid desire knows no limits. Some things can never be known or understood. And no researcher, no matter how supreme, will ever tire of consuming this thing. It contains a mystic flavor born of the cosmos itself, and is said to change flavor as it is eaten.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|人の欲とはどこまでも深きもの。決してすくわれぬもの。いかなる究極も、どんな至高も、やがては食べあきてしまうだろう。しかし大宇宙が生んだ神秘の味がここにある。食べるたびに味が変わるといわれる伝説のデザート。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|人の欲とはどこまでも深きもの。決してすくわれぬもの。いかなる究極も、どんな至高も、やがては食べあきてしまうだろう。しかし大宇宙が生んだ神秘の味がここにある。食べるたびに味が変わるといわれる伝説のデザート。|block=y}} | ||
Line 894: | Line 894: | ||
{{Transcript|If we sold a snack like this on Hocotate, everyone would get addicted to it! I should probably feel bad about the potential for causing cavities, but as the ship is always saying..."Business is business!"|block=y}} | {{Transcript|If we sold a snack like this on Hocotate, everyone would get addicted to it! I should probably feel bad about the potential for causing cavities, but as the ship is always saying..."Business is business!"|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|私は本当に罪深い人間だ。このようなおかしを売り出したら、やみつきになったホコタテ星の子供がきっと虫歯に苦しむことだろう。しかしこれがビジネスだ。せめて子供には、この味を存分に楽しんでほしい。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|私は本当に罪深い人間だ。このようなおかしを売り出したら、やみつきになったホコタテ星の子供がきっと虫歯に苦しむことだろう。しかしこれがビジネスだ。せめて子供には、この味を存分に楽しんでほしい。|block=y}} | ||
Line 907: | Line 907: | ||
{{Transcript|Behold, a magical candy to make the children of Hocotate cry out in delight for this sweetest of sweets. It surely tastes great, but how will it be for the teeth? Sometimes such a treat is worth the risk!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Behold, a magical candy to make the children of Hocotate cry out in delight for this sweetest of sweets. It surely tastes great, but how will it be for the teeth? Sometimes such a treat is worth the risk!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ホコタテ星の子供たちを泣かせる魔のおかし、登場。逆らえない甘さと確実な虫歯。ええい、とにかく今を楽しみなさい!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ホコタテ星の子供たちを泣かせる魔のおかし、登場。逆らえない甘さと確実な虫歯。ええい、とにかく今を楽しみなさい!|block=y}} | ||
Line 922: | Line 922: | ||
{{Transcript|My ship can't analyze taste, so I've taken that burden upon myself. It's a rough job, but it's up to the captain to step up and volunteer for the most grueling duties. Mmm...tastes...good. I could eat this treat endlessly. I'd better test that hypothesis...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|My ship can't analyze taste, so I've taken that burden upon myself. It's a rough job, but it's up to the captain to step up and volunteer for the most grueling duties. Mmm...tastes...good. I could eat this treat endlessly. I'd better test that hypothesis...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|機械は味を分析できない。そのため、私たちが試食しなければならない。まったく仕事とはいえ大変だ。ふむ……。ほのかに舌をくすぐる上品な味わい。さっぱりした口当たりのせいで、いくらでも食べられそうだ。……もう少し調査する必要があるな。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|機械は味を分析できない。そのため、私たちが試食しなければならない。まったく仕事とはいえ大変だ。ふむ……。ほのかに舌をくすぐる上品な味わい。さっぱりした口当たりのせいで、いくらでも食べられそうだ。……もう少し調査する必要があるな。|block=y}} | ||
Line 932: | Line 932: | ||
{{Transcript|Alas, we machines know nothing of eating! The ultimate pleasure... If only I had a mouth!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Alas, we machines know nothing of eating! The ultimate pleasure... If only I had a mouth!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|機械にはない、人間の特権が食!食こそ快楽の王道にして至高。上品な味わいを味わいつくし倒すべし!ううっ、私も食べたい……。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|機械にはない、人間の特権が食!食こそ快楽の王道にして至高。上品な味わいを味わいつくし倒すべし!ううっ、私も食べたい……。|block=y}} | ||
Line 944: | Line 944: | ||
{{Transcript|When I was just a young lad, I looked everywhere for love. I guess that's why I smile when I see young people laughing together.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|When I was just a young lad, I looked everywhere for love. I guess that's why I smile when I see young people laughing together.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|私も若い頃は、愛を求めて色々と努力を重ねたものだ。だから若者の姿を見るとほほえましく思える。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|私も若い頃は、愛を求めて色々と努力を重ねたものだ。だから若者の姿を見るとほほえましく思える。|block=y}} | ||
Line 958: | Line 958: | ||
{{Transcript|This will save our loveless age! Yes, it is a romance-filled addition to the sweet-tooth series! The sweet aroma will attract just about anyone!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This will save our loveless age! Yes, it is a romance-filled addition to the sweet-tooth series! The sweet aroma will attract just about anyone!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ラブのない現代を救います!夢はないけど、愛のあふれる商品、その名もラブ・シリーズ!!甘いにおいで異性を引き寄せます。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ラブのない現代を救います!夢はないけど、愛のあふれる商品、その名もラブ・シリーズ!!甘いにおいで異性を引き寄せます。|block=y}} | ||
Line 979: | Line 979: | ||
{{Transcript|What a momentous discovery! I found an amazing cavern that burrows deep below the Perplexing Pool. The ground was littered with enticing snacks! I've named this scrumptious cavern the Glutton's Kitchen. It was obviously once a shrine to the culinary gods.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|What a momentous discovery! I found an amazing cavern that burrows deep below the Perplexing Pool. The ground was littered with enticing snacks! I've named this scrumptious cavern the Glutton's Kitchen. It was obviously once a shrine to the culinary gods.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|大発見だ!{{color|まどいの水源|red}}の地下にあのような木造建造物群があったとは!あちこちに食べ物が落ちており、私は{{color|食神の台所|red}}と名づけた。古代の神殿のような場所だったのかもしれない。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|大発見だ!{{color|まどいの水源|red}}の地下にあのような木造建造物群があったとは!あちこちに食べ物が落ちており、私は{{color|食神の台所|red}}と名づけた。古代の神殿のような場所だったのかもしれない。|block=y}} | ||
Line 992: | Line 992: | ||
{{Transcript|For those who dream of sweets and have a deep love of candy, look no further than this, the most potent item in the Sweet Tooth Series!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|For those who dream of sweets and have a deep love of candy, look no further than this, the most potent item in the Sweet Tooth Series!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|夢はないけど、愛はある。……はずだったのに、何か足りない。そんなさびしい人を救います。夢がないなら、愛をこめ、愛が足らなきゃ、甘さをこめる。ラブ・シリーズ中、最強の品。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|夢はないけど、愛はある。……はずだったのに、何か足りない。そんなさびしい人を救います。夢がないなら、愛をこめ、愛が足らなきゃ、甘さをこめる。ラブ・シリーズ中、最強の品。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,008: | Line 1,008: | ||
{{Transcript|I stumbled across this object in a cave that reeked of a putrid odor. My suit allowed me to breathe freely, but it couldn't filter out the overpowering stench. The worst part is, I smell it all the time now! My sense of taste will never be the same! The ship can't analyze tastes, so I guess I'll have to do my best.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I stumbled across this object in a cave that reeked of a putrid odor. My suit allowed me to breathe freely, but it couldn't filter out the overpowering stench. The worst part is, I smell it all the time now! My sense of taste will never be the same! The ship can't analyze tastes, so I guess I'll have to do my best.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|甘ったるいにおいが充満した洞窟で、息もたえだえのところに、この物体と出会った。私の舌はすでに限界だ……。しかしドルフィン初号機が味覚を分析できない以上、がんばるしかない。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|甘ったるいにおいが充満した洞窟で、息もたえだえのところに、この物体と出会った。私の舌はすでに限界だ……。しかしドルフィン初号機が味覚を分析できない以上、がんばるしかない。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,022: | Line 1,022: | ||
{{Transcript|A sweet-tooth's dream! Is this real? Or am I dreaming? If I had teeth, I'd be nibbling with vigor!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|A sweet-tooth's dream! Is this real? Or am I dreaming? If I had teeth, I'd be nibbling with vigor!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|甘党の夢、辛党の悪夢。おとぎ世界か、リアルワールドか?もう鼻血が止まらない!?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|甘党の夢、辛党の悪夢。おとぎ世界か、リアルワールドか?もう鼻血が止まらない!?|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,034: | Line 1,034: | ||
{{Transcript|I've toiled long and hard to collect all of these tasty treats. Surely it won't matter if I bring one back for my daughter as a souvenir. She loves snacks!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I've toiled long and hard to collect all of these tasty treats. Surely it won't matter if I bring one back for my daughter as a souvenir. She loves snacks!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|これだけ苦労して集めているのだから、ひとつぐらい娘へのみやげにしてもかまわないのではなかろうか。たとえば、これは娘のおやつにぴったりかもしれない。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|これだけ苦労して集めているのだから、ひとつぐらい娘へのみやげにしてもかまわないのではなかろうか。たとえば、これは娘のおやつにぴったりかもしれない。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,045: | Line 1,045: | ||
{{Transcript|A comfy, not-too-sugary bed. Youngsters who sleep here will have the sweetest of dreams.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|A comfy, not-too-sugary bed. Youngsters who sleep here will have the sweetest of dreams.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|おとめのために甘さひかえめなおかしのベッド。この上で眠ればとっても甘い夢が見られるはずです。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|おとめのために甘さひかえめなおかしのベッド。この上で眠ればとっても甘い夢が見られるはずです。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,057: | Line 1,057: | ||
{{Transcript|The hole we searched today was filled with a saccharine scent. Just sniffing it put me at risk of developing a cavity. Ugh... I don't think I can eat anything sweet for a while. Wait... Who am I kidding?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The hole we searched today was filled with a saccharine scent. Just sniffing it put me at risk of developing a cavity. Ugh... I don't think I can eat anything sweet for a while. Wait... Who am I kidding?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|今日探険した洞窟は甘ったるいにおいが充満していた。思い出すだけで虫歯になりそうだ……。しばらくは甘い物は見るのもごめんだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|今日探険した洞窟は甘ったるいにおいが充満していた。思い出すだけで虫歯になりそうだ……。しばらくは甘い物は見るのもごめんだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,067: | Line 1,067: | ||
{{Transcript|This sugary delight has even a machine like me wishing to partake in its deliciousness! What a sweet-looking circlet!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This sugary delight has even a machine like me wishing to partake in its deliciousness! What a sweet-looking circlet!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|もそもそっと甘い巨大なわっか。ウッ、<ruby>機械<rt>メカ</rt></ruby>ノ私ガ食ベタクテ身モダエルグライ、オイシソウナ、オカシ!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|もそもそっと甘い巨大なわっか。ウッ、<ruby>機械<rt>メカ</rt></ruby>ノ私ガ食ベタクテ身モダエルグライ、オイシソウナ、オカシ!|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,082: | Line 1,082: | ||
{{Transcript|Some people in this world can devour all the dessert they want. I wish I could, but if I eat even a crumb, it just stays with me forever. Worse yet, my wife and daughter know it too. I don't think I'll ever be able to enjoy a pastry wheel in peace!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Some people in this world can devour all the dessert they want. I wish I could, but if I eat even a crumb, it just stays with me forever. Worse yet, my wife and daughter know it too. I don't think I'll ever be able to enjoy a pastry wheel in peace!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|世の中にはどれだけ甘い物を食べても太らない体質の人がいるらしい。うらやましい話だ。私など、少し食べただけですぐに身体に出てしまう。最近は妻だけでなく娘の目もきびしい。尊敬されるパパでいるのは苦労する…。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|世の中にはどれだけ甘い物を食べても太らない体質の人がいるらしい。うらやましい話だ。私など、少し食べただけですぐに身体に出てしまう。最近は妻だけでなく娘の目もきびしい。尊敬されるパパでいるのは苦労する…。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,096: | Line 1,096: | ||
{{Transcript|This is perfect for the kiddies—a small, well-formed ring of sugar. Go on! Gulp it down!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This is perfect for the kiddies—a small, well-formed ring of sugar. Go on! Gulp it down!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|子供にぴったり?小さくて適量サイズの糖分リング。さあ、ガブッといきましょう!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|子供にぴったり?小さくて適量サイズの糖分リング。さあ、ガブッといきましょう!|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,108: | Line 1,108: | ||
{{Transcript|All of the plants in this region have interesting characteristics. Like this freakish one, for example. Lately, I've started the habit of tasting new discoveries. It may be dangerous to eat unfamiliar plants, but I've only gotten violently sick a few times.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|All of the plants in this region have interesting characteristics. Like this freakish one, for example. Lately, I've started the habit of tasting new discoveries. It may be dangerous to eat unfamiliar plants, but I've only gotten violently sick a few times.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|この地域の植物はどれもこれも、クセの強い物ばかりのようだ。中でもこいつはとびきりのインパクトがある。私はこれまでに未知の植物をいくつも口にしてきた。しかしさすがにこいつは食欲がわいてこない。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|この地域の植物はどれもこれも、クセの強い物ばかりのようだ。中でもこいつはとびきりのインパクトがある。私はこれまでに未知の植物をいくつも口にしてきた。しかしさすがにこいつは食欲がわいてこない。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,118: | Line 1,118: | ||
{{Transcript|This mutated gourd of titanic proportions is filled with bad seeds. A score if you adore revulsion!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This mutated gourd of titanic proportions is filled with bad seeds. A score if you adore revulsion!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|遺伝子異常で巨大化したカボチャ。身体に悪い成分がたっぷり。これは悪食マニアへの挑戦状です!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|遺伝子異常で巨大化したカボチャ。身体に悪い成分がたっぷり。これは悪食マニアへの挑戦状です!|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,130: | Line 1,130: | ||
{{Transcript|This dead beast has the form of an animal, yet it is encased in an organic compound. I have concluded that it is a groundbreaking biological discovery. The ship says it's nothing more than a wooden statue. I wish it had more of an imagination. No... Then it would probably talk even more than it does now. That would be bad.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This dead beast has the form of an animal, yet it is encased in an organic compound. I have concluded that it is a groundbreaking biological discovery. The ship says it's nothing more than a wooden statue. I wish it had more of an imagination. No... Then it would probably talk even more than it does now. That would be bad.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|おそらく巨大生物が仮死状態になったものだろう。動物の体格と植物の表皮をあわせ持つ半動半植物で、現在は植物としての生態しか観察できない。ドルフィン初号機は、ただの木像だといっていたが、これだから機械は夢がなくて困る。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|おそらく巨大生物が仮死状態になったものだろう。動物の体格と植物の表皮をあわせ持つ半動半植物で、現在は植物としての生態しか観察できない。ドルフィン初号機は、ただの木像だといっていたが、これだから機械は夢がなくて困る。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,143: | Line 1,143: | ||
{{Transcript|Put this in a natural-history museum and watch the visitors line up waving money! This giant statue was found on a savage planet and comes with its own rumored curse! Does it really come alive under a full moon? Own it and find out!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Put this in a natural-history museum and watch the visitors line up waving money! This giant statue was found on a savage planet and comes with its own rumored curse! Does it really come alive under a full moon? Own it and find out!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|博物館に置けば、大行列まちがいなし!未開惑星で見つかった巨大生物。今なら「満月の夜にはよみがえって動き出す」というミステリアスな伝説をおまけでつけちゃいます!でっちあげ映像ならおまかせください。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|博物館に置けば、大行列まちがいなし!未開惑星で見つかった巨大生物。今なら「満月の夜にはよみがえって動き出す」というミステリアスな伝説をおまけでつけちゃいます!でっちあげ映像ならおまかせください。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,161: | Line 1,161: | ||
{{Transcript|This must be the fossilized remains of an enormous land-dwelling creature. I was unable to piece together the entire beast, but it certainly had a massive head! It's obviously quite different from the Pikmin and other creatures I've encountered. Perhaps it's an extinct creature that couldn't adapt to changes in its environment.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This must be the fossilized remains of an enormous land-dwelling creature. I was unable to piece together the entire beast, but it certainly had a massive head! It's obviously quite different from the Pikmin and other creatures I've encountered. Perhaps it's an extinct creature that couldn't adapt to changes in its environment.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|かつて地上に生息していたと思われる超巨大生物の化石。完全な姿は不明だがかなり頭でっかちな生物だったようだ。ピクミンら現在の地上生物たちとは明らかに違う種であり、環境の変化に適応できなかったものと思われる。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|かつて地上に生息していたと思われる超巨大生物の化石。完全な姿は不明だがかなり頭でっかちな生物だったようだ。ピクミンら現在の地上生物たちとは明らかに違う種であり、環境の変化に適応できなかったものと思われる。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,171: | Line 1,171: | ||
{{Transcript|A colossal fossil for collectors of bone. Bones this big make bone houses seem not so crazy!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|A colossal fossil for collectors of bone. Bones this big make bone houses seem not so crazy!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|骨マニアにはたまらない巨大生物の化石。この大きさなら骨ハウスを組み立てるのも夢じゃない!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|骨マニアにはたまらない巨大生物の化石。この大きさなら骨ハウスを組み立てるのも夢じゃない!|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,183: | Line 1,183: | ||
{{Transcript|This appears to be a huge bird feather, but I've never seen the creature it once belonged to. I wonder if I ever will. I've only seen a few airborne creatures on this planet. I wonder why? Maybe it's just because I haven't encountered them yet. Oh no... What if they saw me take this feather? They could be watching me, waiting for the perfect moment to take their sweet revenge!!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This appears to be a huge bird feather, but I've never seen the creature it once belonged to. I wonder if I ever will. I've only seen a few airborne creatures on this planet. I wonder why? Maybe it's just because I haven't encountered them yet. Oh no... What if they saw me take this feather? They could be watching me, waiting for the perfect moment to take their sweet revenge!!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|巨大な鳥の羽のように見えるが、今までこんな生物を見たことはない。いずれ、出会う時もくるのだろうか……?そういえば、この星には空を飛ぶ生物が意外と少ない気がする。以前から不思議だったが、何か理由はあるのだろうか?それともまだ見ぬ飛行生物がどこかにいるのか?謎はつきない。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|巨大な鳥の羽のように見えるが、今までこんな生物を見たことはない。いずれ、出会う時もくるのだろうか……?そういえば、この星には空を飛ぶ生物が意外と少ない気がする。以前から不思議だったが、何か理由はあるのだろうか?それともまだ見ぬ飛行生物がどこかにいるのか?謎はつきない。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,196: | Line 1,196: | ||
{{Transcript|All that's been discovered of this titanic bird is a single feather. Whatever did it look like? Your imagination is the only tool needed to paint a picture of this dream—or nightmare—bird!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|All that's been discovered of this titanic bird is a single feather. Whatever did it look like? Your imagination is the only tool needed to paint a picture of this dream—or nightmare—bird!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|羽しか見つかっていない巨大鳥。どんな姿かはあなたの想像力しだい。これぞ、まさに夢の鳥!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|羽しか見つかっていない巨大鳥。どんな姿かはあなたの想像力しだい。これぞ、まさに夢の鳥!|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,208: | Line 1,208: | ||
{{Transcript|This fossil was dug up deep underneath the Awakening Wood. Given its shape and morphology, I suspect that it is some kind of prehistoric sea creature. If so, it's feasible to say that the whole region was once situated on the ocean floor.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This fossil was dug up deep underneath the Awakening Wood. Given its shape and morphology, I suspect that it is some kind of prehistoric sea creature. If so, it's feasible to say that the whole region was once situated on the ocean floor.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|{{color|めざめの森|red}}の地下で発掘した化石。この形から海の生物と推定される。するとあの一帯はかつては海底だったのだろうか。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|{{color|めざめの森|red}}の地下で発掘した化石。この形から海の生物と推定される。するとあの一帯はかつては海底だったのだろうか。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,218: | Line 1,218: | ||
{{Transcript|A fossil of an ancient sea inhabitant. It is most desirable despite its unappealing name. (Captain Olimar named it without consulting anyone. He could have at least named it after his faithful spaceship...)|block=y}} | {{Transcript|A fossil of an ancient sea inhabitant. It is most desirable despite its unappealing name. (Captain Olimar named it without consulting anyone. He could have at least named it after his faithful spaceship...)|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|古代の海に棲んでいた生物の化石。ちょっと名前のセンスは悪いものの、物はとってもすばらしい!(オリマーさんが勝手に名づけてしまいました。どうせなら私の名前を使えば良かったのに……)|block=y}} | {{Transcript|古代の海に棲んでいた生物の化石。ちょっと名前のセンスは悪いものの、物はとってもすばらしい!(オリマーさんが勝手に名づけてしまいました。どうせなら私の名前を使えば良かったのに……)|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,230: | Line 1,230: | ||
{{Transcript|I wonder what's become of the creature this shell was defending. Enigmas like this always make me curious. Was it tasty? Maybe I should find one and give it a taste? All in the name of science and exploration, of course...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I wonder what's become of the creature this shell was defending. Enigmas like this always make me curious. Was it tasty? Maybe I should find one and give it a taste? All in the name of science and exploration, of course...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ゴツい貝殻に守られた中がどうなっているのか?好奇心を抑えられないのが自然な感情だ。そして中にいた貝の本体が食用にたえられそうなら、実験台を買って出て、食べてみるのもまた自然なことだ。決して食欲に負けたわけではないのだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ゴツい貝殻に守られた中がどうなっているのか?好奇心を抑えられないのが自然な感情だ。そして中にいた貝の本体が食用にたえられそうなら、実験台を買って出て、食べてみるのもまた自然なことだ。決して食欲に負けたわけではないのだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,240: | Line 1,240: | ||
{{Transcript|A twisted shell whose surface is covered in spikes. The durable housing protects a meal that is said to define deliciousness. (Where the meal went is known only to Captain Olimar's crew.)|block=y}} | {{Transcript|A twisted shell whose surface is covered in spikes. The durable housing protects a meal that is said to define deliciousness. (Where the meal went is known only to Captain Olimar's crew.)|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|表面にトゲの並んだゴツゴツの巻き貝。丈夫な殻に守られた中身はじわーっと口に広がる美味だそうです。(……身が半分になってしまった秘密はオリマーさんたちが知っています)|block=y}} | {{Transcript|表面にトゲの並んだゴツゴツの巻き貝。丈夫な殻に守られた中身はじわーっと口に広がる美味だそうです。(……身が半分になってしまった秘密はオリマーさんたちが知っています)|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,252: | Line 1,252: | ||
{{Transcript|I've encountered all kinds of grotesque, inedible creatures on this strange planet. However, there's an area in the Perplexing Pool region that's chock-full of tasty critters.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I've encountered all kinds of grotesque, inedible creatures on this strange planet. However, there's an area in the Perplexing Pool region that's chock-full of tasty critters.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|この星の生物はとても食用にならないグロテスクな外見を持つものが多い。しかし、{{color|まどいの水源|red}}一帯には食べるに好ましい生物が比較的多く生息しているようだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|この星の生物はとても食用にならないグロテスクな外見を持つものが多い。しかし、{{color|まどいの水源|red}}一帯には食べるに好ましい生物が比較的多く生息しているようだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,262: | Line 1,262: | ||
{{Transcript|This flavorful item's texture is most agreeable to any life-form... Or so my data suggests. Do statements like these, from a machine without taste buds, strike you as odd?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This flavorful item's texture is most agreeable to any life-form... Or so my data suggests. Do statements like these, from a machine without taste buds, strike you as odd?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|味見のできない機械が宣伝?何かおかしい。でもおいしい。ホクホクとした食感がたまらない!……ラシイノデス。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|味見のできない機械が宣伝?何かおかしい。でもおいしい。ホクホクとした食感がたまらない!……ラシイノデス。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,274: | Line 1,274: | ||
{{Transcript|I've observed several species of shell-dwelling creatures inhabiting the Perplexing Pool. One of these feisty beasts forms a spherical gem within the meaty depths of its shell. In a way, this gem could be considered this creature's lifework. I consider my children my life's work.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I've observed several species of shell-dwelling creatures inhabiting the Perplexing Pool. One of these feisty beasts forms a spherical gem within the meaty depths of its shell. In a way, this gem could be considered this creature's lifework. I consider my children my life's work.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|{{color|まどいの水源|red}}の周辺には、貝類が多く生息しているようだ。このようなお化け貝もそのひとつといえる。この貝は殻の中にひとつぶのまばゆい玉を生成するようだ。これはいわば、この貝の一生の証といえる。私の一生の証は子供たちだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|{{color|まどいの水源|red}}の周辺には、貝類が多く生息しているようだ。このようなお化け貝もそのひとつといえる。この貝は殻の中にひとつぶのまばゆい玉を生成するようだ。これはいわば、この貝の一生の証といえる。私の一生の証は子供たちだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,284: | Line 1,284: | ||
{{Transcript|All that remains of a monster shellfish is a sparkle, the sole proof of its existence. Does this not make you want to treasure it?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|All that remains of a monster shellfish is a sparkle, the sole proof of its existence. Does this not make you want to treasure it?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|お化け貝の残すひとつぶのかがやき。いわば一生の証。そう考えると貴重に思えてきませんか?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|お化け貝の残すひとつぶのかがやき。いわば一生の証。そう考えると貴重に思えてきませんか?|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,318: | Line 1,318: | ||
{{Transcript|At first glance, this may look like just a pebble, but it's actually a crystallized life-form! ...OK, so I don't have any proof. But it's still an exciting scientific discovery.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|At first glance, this may look like just a pebble, but it's actually a crystallized life-form! ...OK, so I don't have any proof. But it's still an exciting scientific discovery.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|一見ただの石ころに見えるが、実は謎の鉱石生命体の標本。…………。……らしい。証拠はなくともロマンはある。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|一見ただの石ころに見えるが、実は謎の鉱石生命体の標本。…………。……らしい。証拠はなくともロマンはある。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,328: | Line 1,328: | ||
{{Transcript|Collectors of the rare, assemble! This is a one-of-a-kind specimen of a unique crystal life-form. Proof? True collectors need no proof. This romantic piece could be yours today!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Collectors of the rare, assemble! This is a one-of-a-kind specimen of a unique crystal life-form. Proof? True collectors need no proof. This romantic piece could be yours today!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|レア物大好き人間集まれ!世にも珍しい鉱石生命体の標本。コレクターには証拠は不要。ロマンこそあなたのコレクション!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|レア物大好き人間集まれ!世にも珍しい鉱石生命体の標本。コレクターには証拠は不要。ロマンこそあなたのコレクション!|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,340: | Line 1,340: | ||
{{Transcript|According to my analysis, this advanced contraption can reflect the future of those that peer into it. However, when the president looked into it, he saw total darkness. He said it must have been broken, but I'm not so sure...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|According to my analysis, this advanced contraption can reflect the future of those that peer into it. However, when the president looked into it, he saw total darkness. He said it must have been broken, but I'm not so sure...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|分析によると、ややこしい理屈により、見る者の未来を映し出すらしい。しかし、私も社長も二人とも真っ暗やみしか見えなかった……。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|分析によると、ややこしい理屈により、見る者の未来を映し出すらしい。しかし、私も社長も二人とも真っ暗やみしか見えなかった……。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,350: | Line 1,350: | ||
{{Transcript|Is the future bright, or dark and dreary? If you are worried about tomorrow, this is for you! This multidimensional crystal visualizes the branches of time and displays the future.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Is the future bright, or dark and dreary? If you are worried about tomorrow, this is for you! This multidimensional crystal visualizes the branches of time and displays the future.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|未来明るい、ピッカピカ?お先真っ暗、ショボーン?未来が気になるあなたにオススメ!時間の枝分かれ構造を視覚化して見る者の未来を映し出す多次元結晶体。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|未来明るい、ピッカピカ?お先真っ暗、ショボーン?未来が気になるあなたにオススメ!時間の枝分かれ構造を視覚化して見る者の未来を映し出す多次元結晶体。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,362: | Line 1,362: | ||
{{Transcript|My son tells me that this type of figurine is all the rage with the kids. The strangest things amuse kids! When I was a kid, we were lucky if we were allowed to even talk about figurines!<br>PS: When I found this figurine, it had been placed so that it was protected by a wall of flame. My research isn't complete, but I think it may have been a shrine of some kind.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|My son tells me that this type of figurine is all the rage with the kids. The strangest things amuse kids! When I was a kid, we were lucky if we were allowed to even talk about figurines!<br>PS: When I found this figurine, it had been placed so that it was protected by a wall of flame. My research isn't complete, but I think it may have been a shrine of some kind.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|そういえば、息子のクラスではこんなポーズが流行っているらしい。まったく子供は変なものを面白がる。私が子供の時は何が流行っていたかな……。<br>{{color|追記:|red}}この像は噴き上げる炎に守られるように置かれていた。その意味するところはわからなかったが、なんとなく神聖な場所に思えた。いずれ考察してみよう。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|そういえば、息子のクラスではこんなポーズが流行っているらしい。まったく子供は変なものを面白がる。私が子供の時は何が流行っていたかな……。<br>{{color|追記:|red}}この像は噴き上げる炎に守られるように置かれていた。その意味するところはわからなかったが、なんとなく神聖な場所に思えた。いずれ考察してみよう。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,372: | Line 1,372: | ||
{{Transcript|This looks exactly like the gyroids that have become so popular on planet Hocotate. Its pitiful expression is beloved by the Hocotate youth.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This looks exactly like the gyroids that have become so popular on planet Hocotate. Its pitiful expression is beloved by the Hocotate youth.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ホコタテ星で大人気の「Mr.ハニー」にそっくりな石像。なやめる顔が若いホコタテ星人の間で大人気。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ホコタテ星で大人気の「Mr.ハニー」にそっくりな石像。なやめる顔が若いホコタテ星人の間で大人気。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,384: | Line 1,384: | ||
{{Transcript|Detailed analysis has revealed that this artifact is extremely ancient. It's obviously an important archeological discovery, but the salesman in me is more interested in its monetary value! Maybe I'll get the best of both worlds by selling it to a museum.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Detailed analysis has revealed that this artifact is extremely ancient. It's obviously an important archeological discovery, but the salesman in me is more interested in its monetary value! Maybe I'll get the best of both worlds by selling it to a museum.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|分析したところ、非常に古い年代の金属加工物で、宇宙考古学的に貴重な発見だとわかった。しかし名よりも金がサラリーマン。発見の手柄ごと、学会に買ってもらう予定だ。真の発見者が知られることはいつの世にもない。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|分析したところ、非常に古い年代の金属加工物で、宇宙考古学的に貴重な発見だとわかった。しかし名よりも金がサラリーマン。発見の手柄ごと、学会に買ってもらう予定だ。真の発見者が知られることはいつの世にもない。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,397: | Line 1,397: | ||
{{Transcript|Decades of toil with nose to the grindstone... Insulting orders swallowed without a hiccup... Such is the life of a salaried man. His name will not be remembered. His family will not understand. But if the results bear out his efforts, that is enough. Now, nose to the grindstone, drone!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Decades of toil with nose to the grindstone... Insulting orders swallowed without a hiccup... Such is the life of a salaried man. His name will not be remembered. His family will not understand. But if the results bear out his efforts, that is enough. Now, nose to the grindstone, drone!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|コツコツ現場で数十年。煮ても焼いても食えない指示をガッチリ、バッチリ、ミッチリこなす。そんなこんながサラリーマン。名前は決して残らぬけれど家族もわかってくれないけれど結果が残ればそれでよし。コツコツ、コツコツ、サラリーマン。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|コツコツ現場で数十年。煮ても焼いても食えない指示をガッチリ、バッチリ、ミッチリこなす。そんなこんながサラリーマン。名前は決して残らぬけれど家族もわかってくれないけれど結果が残ればそれでよし。コツコツ、コツコツ、サラリーマン。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,406: | Line 1,406: | ||
=== Olimar's journal === | === Olimar's journal === | ||
'''US GCN/Wii | |||
'''US GCN/Wii, EU Wii''' | |||
{{Transcript|This rare, alien metal doesn't exist on Hocotate. When I gaze at it, I'm gripped with an overpowering sense of greed. On Hocotate, there is a valuable metal with a stunning sheen that has a similar effect. Perhaps this alluring metal is responsible for many of this planet's woes.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This rare, alien metal doesn't exist on Hocotate. When I gaze at it, I'm gripped with an overpowering sense of greed. On Hocotate, there is a valuable metal with a stunning sheen that has a similar effect. Perhaps this alluring metal is responsible for many of this planet's woes.|block=y}} | ||
'''EU GCN''' | '''EU GCN''' | ||
{{Transcript|This rare, alien metal doesn't exist on Hokotate. When I gaze at it, I'm gripped with an overpowering sense of greed. On Hokotate, there is a valuable metal with a stunning sheen that has a similar effect. Perhaps this alluring metal is responsible for many of this planet's woes.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This rare, alien metal doesn't exist on Hokotate{{sic}}. When I gaze at it, I'm gripped with an overpowering sense of greed. On Hokotate{{sic}}, there is a valuable metal with a stunning sheen that has a similar effect. Perhaps this alluring metal is responsible for many of this planet's woes.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ホコタテ星には存在しないレアメタルのようだ。見つめていると強い欲望がわいてくる。ホコタテ星にもよく似た色つやをした貴金属が存在するが、やはり同じように人間の欲望を刺激する。このかがやきに人間の意志をまどわす科学的な原因があるのかもしれない。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ホコタテ星には存在しないレアメタルのようだ。見つめていると強い欲望がわいてくる。ホコタテ星にもよく似た色つやをした貴金属が存在するが、やはり同じように人間の欲望を刺激する。このかがやきに人間の意志をまどわす科学的な原因があるのかもしれない。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,422: | Line 1,423: | ||
{{Transcript|Such radiance! Such shine! Like magic, this product stimulates greed in all intelligent life-forms. Bring your wallets and gather around, buyers!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Such radiance! Such shine! Like magic, this product stimulates greed in all intelligent life-forms. Bring your wallets and gather around, buyers!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|あらゆる知性体の欲望を刺激する魔のきらめき。さあ、おサイフ持って寄ってきて!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|あらゆる知性体の欲望を刺激する魔のきらめき。さあ、おサイフ持って寄ってきて!|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,437: | Line 1,438: | ||
{{Transcript|Talking to the boss makes me crave the power to order people around. He just sits on his haunches all day, barking out wildly irrational requests. Arrggh... When will it be my turn to be the boss?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Talking to the boss makes me crave the power to order people around. He just sits on his haunches all day, barking out wildly irrational requests. Arrggh... When will it be my turn to be the boss?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|うちの社長を見ていると、人間を動かす原動力は欲なのだと実感する。基本的にワガママだし、いつも理不尽な指示ばかり。腹の立つことも多いが、あの前へ前へと進むパワーにだけは感心させられる。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|うちの社長を見ていると、人間を動かす原動力は欲なのだと実感する。基本的にワガママだし、いつも理不尽な指示ばかり。腹の立つことも多いが、あの前へ前へと進むパワーにだけは感心させられる。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,448: | Line 1,449: | ||
{{Transcript|All reason flies in the face of this sparkle. It's not flashy, but it still inspires avarice!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|All reason flies in the face of this sparkle. It's not flashy, but it still inspires avarice!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|あらゆる理性を破壊する魔のきらめき。少し派手さに欠けるものの、じわじわ欲望をせめてくる!ジワッジワッ、アハハハン、ジワジワン!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|あらゆる理性を破壊する魔のきらめき。少し派手さに欠けるものの、じわじわ欲望をせめてくる!ジワッジワッ、アハハハン、ジワジワン!|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,469: | Line 1,470: | ||
{{Transcript|The monomolecular edge of this disastrous platter is sharp enough to split subatomic particles! I found it deep in an underground complex covered with slippery ceramic tiles. I learned there that I can {{color|blow my whistle by pressing {{button|switch|b}} to save my Pikmin from being burned, drowned, or poisoned|red}}.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The monomolecular edge of this disastrous platter is sharp enough to split subatomic particles! I found it deep in an underground complex covered with slippery ceramic tiles. I learned there that I can {{color|blow my whistle by pressing {{button|switch|b}} to save my Pikmin from being burned, drowned, or poisoned|red}}.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|巨大な貯水池の地下は、ツルツルしたタイルでおおわれた人工建造物だった。危険も多い。{{color|炎、水、毒で苦しんでいるピクミンは、{{button|gc|b}}でフエを吹いて呼び集めれば助けられる。|red}}これはよくおぼえておくべきだろう。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|巨大な貯水池の地下は、ツルツルしたタイルでおおわれた人工建造物だった。危険も多い。{{color|炎、水、毒で苦しんでいるピクミンは、{{button|gc|b}}でフエを吹いて呼び集めれば助けられる。|red}}これはよくおぼえておくべきだろう。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,477: | Line 1,478: | ||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
'''US GCN/Wii, EU GCN''' | '''US GCN/Wii, EU GCN''' | ||
{{Transcript|This shiny disc sparkles beautifully, but its edge could effortlessly sheer through the armor plating of a battlecruiser. Is it not true that all great art is "edgy" for its time? Buy this landmark piece today! (Handle with care. May not be suitable for small children.)|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This shiny disc sparkles beautifully, but its edge could effortlessly sheer{{sic}} through the armor plating of a battlecruiser. Is it not true that all great art is "edgy" for its time? Buy this landmark piece today! (Handle with care. May not be suitable for small children.)|block=y}} | ||
'''EU Wii''' | '''EU Wii''' | ||
Line 1,485: | Line 1,486: | ||
{{Transcript|This shiny disc sparkles beautifully, but its edge could effortlessly shear through the armor plating of a battle cruiser. Is it not true that all great art is "edgy" for its time? Buy this landmark piece today! (Handle with care. May not be suitable for small children.)|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This shiny disc sparkles beautifully, but its edge could effortlessly shear through the armor plating of a battle cruiser. Is it not true that all great art is "edgy" for its time? Buy this landmark piece today! (Handle with care. May not be suitable for small children.)|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|キラキラ光って美しい。エッジがとがっているため、触る時は注意!うっかり者には危険すぎる美術品。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|キラキラ光って美しい。エッジがとがっているため、触る時は注意!うっかり者には危険すぎる美術品。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,497: | Line 1,498: | ||
{{Transcript|All this nonstop exploration has worn me out. I'm constantly battling bouts of fatigue. Thankfully, a quick sniff of this item's invigorating odor instantly wakes me up! This zesty scent also fills me with an irresistible urge to fight. This treasure must have been owned by an ancient warrior.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|All this nonstop exploration has worn me out. I'm constantly battling bouts of fatigue. Thankfully, a quick sniff of this item's invigorating odor instantly wakes me up! This zesty scent also fills me with an irresistible urge to fight. This treasure must have been owned by an ancient warrior.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|連日の探険でつかれがたまっていたようだ。今日は何度も強い眠気におそわれた。だが、この古代の土器らしき物体が放つ悪臭で目がさえた。眠るな!戦え!というプレッシャーにおそわれるのだ。きっと古代の戦士に愛用された神器に違いない。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|連日の探険でつかれがたまっていたようだ。今日は何度も強い眠気におそわれた。だが、この古代の土器らしき物体が放つ悪臭で目がさえた。眠るな!戦え!というプレッシャーにおそわれるのだ。きっと古代の戦士に愛用された神器に違いない。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,507: | Line 1,508: | ||
{{Transcript|The unique perfume of this item will destroy drowsiness, making endless nights a walk in the park. This invigorator is perfect for those who have to work even when they least want to.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The unique perfume of this item will destroy drowsiness, making endless nights a walk in the park. This invigorator is perfect for those who have to work even when they least want to.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|眠気をふっ飛ばす個性的な悪臭!これで徹夜の果ての徹夜もへっちゃら。はたらきたくないが、はたらかなきゃいけない人向けの悪臭生成装置。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|眠気をふっ飛ばす個性的な悪臭!これで徹夜の果ての徹夜もへっちゃら。はたらきたくないが、はたらかなきゃいけない人向けの悪臭生成装置。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,522: | Line 1,523: | ||
{{Transcript|I've heard that children will make fun of parents when they smell bad. But a stink after working all day is a badge of honor...not shame! This portable milk pool will help parents get a farm-fresh scent before they hug their kids. I hesitate to take advantage of this parental stink crisis, but even I might need this someday!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I've heard that children will make fun of parents when they smell bad. But a stink after working all day is a badge of honor...not shame! This portable milk pool will help parents get a farm-fresh scent before they hug their kids. I hesitate to take advantage of this parental stink crisis, but even I might need this someday!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|世間には、娘に臭いといわれた父親が少なくないらしい。私はそんな経験はないが、きっと大変なショックだろう。つけこむようで気が引けるが、きっとこの商品は売れるはずだ。ミルクな香りで、娘から好かれたい。父親なら誰しもそう思うはずだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|世間には、娘に臭いといわれた父親が少なくないらしい。私はそんな経験はないが、きっと大変なショックだろう。つけこむようで気が引けるが、きっとこの商品は売れるはずだ。ミルクな香りで、娘から好かれたい。父親なら誰しもそう思うはずだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,535: | Line 1,536: | ||
{{Transcript|Parents throughout the universe, take note! If your family dislikes your odor after a hard day's work, this is for you! Soak in this milk tub and replace your smelly cloud with a dairy aroma. Don't be stingy, now! Think of the children!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Parents throughout the universe, take note! If your family dislikes your odor after a hard day's work, this is for you! Soak in this milk tub and replace your smelly cloud with a dairy aroma. Don't be stingy, now! Think of the children!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|全宇宙のお父さん注目!娘に臭いと嫌われているなら、これ!ミルクの香りただようおふろで、あなたの全身はさわやかミルキー。娘のスマイル見るためにゃ、惜しむ金などありゃしない!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|全宇宙のお父さん注目!娘に臭いと嫌われているなら、これ!ミルクの香りただようおふろで、あなたの全身はさわやかミルキー。娘のスマイル見るためにゃ、惜しむ金などありゃしない!|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,600: | Line 1,601: | ||
{{Transcript|Hocotate noodles every single day... boy, I'm growing tired of them. I did try and be creative at cooking once before... but there are some things that are better left forgotten.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Hocotate noodles every single day... boy, I'm growing tired of them. I did try and be creative at cooking once before... but there are some things that are better left forgotten.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|いつもホコタテヌードルばかりでは、さすがにあきてしまう。思い立って男の料理に挑んでみたが……。…………。時には書き残したくないこともある。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|いつもホコタテヌードルばかりでは、さすがにあきてしまう。思い立って男の料理に挑んでみたが……。…………。時には書き残したくないこともある。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,611: | Line 1,612: | ||
{{Transcript|Boil, bake, steam, heat, fry, all can be done with one. The cooking tool of your dreams!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Boil, bake, steam, heat, fry, all can be done with one. The cooking tool of your dreams!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|煮る、焼く、蒸す、いためる、揚げる、すべてこれひとつでまかなえる、夢の万能クッキングアイテムです!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|煮る、焼く、蒸す、いためる、揚げる、すべてこれひとつでまかなえる、夢の万能クッキングアイテムです!|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,626: | Line 1,627: | ||
{{Transcript|The area we recently touched down in is blanketed with a fresh layer of frozen precipitation. As tranquil and relaxing as it is, I named it the Valley of Repose. Using Pikmin to move obstacles, I was able to open up some new areas for exploration, where I found this hunk of metal.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The area we recently touched down in is blanketed with a fresh layer of frozen precipitation. As tranquil and relaxing as it is, I named it the Valley of Repose. Using Pikmin to move obstacles, I was able to open up some new areas for exploration, where I found this hunk of metal.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|私たちが最初に降り立ったのは、周囲を雪に閉ざされた谷だった。その静けさは{{color|ねむりの谷|red}}という名がふさわしい。行く手をさえぎる障害物をピクミンの重みで押しつぶし、私たちは少し開けた土地に歩を進めた。そこは灰色の硬い大地だった。この金属のカタマリはそこで見つけた物だ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|私たちが最初に降り立ったのは、周囲を雪に閉ざされた谷だった。その静けさは{{color|ねむりの谷|red}}という名がふさわしい。行く手をさえぎる障害物をピクミンの重みで押しつぶし、私たちは少し開けた土地に歩を進めた。そこは灰色の硬い大地だった。この金属のカタマリはそこで見つけた物だ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,636: | Line 1,637: | ||
{{Transcript|Throw this flimsy piece of scrap metal out! ...Or can garbage this banal become a work of art?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Throw this flimsy piece of scrap metal out! ...Or can garbage this banal become a work of art?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|もう放り捨てたい、逃げ出したい。最低、最悪、最小、最軽量。中身がスッカラカンのスクラップ。クズ鉄もここまで極めれば、あるいは美術品になるのでしょうか?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|もう放り捨てたい、逃げ出したい。最低、最悪、最小、最軽量。中身がスッカラカンのスクラップ。クズ鉄もここまで極めれば、あるいは美術品になるのでしょうか?|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,652: | Line 1,653: | ||
{{Transcript|With the assistance of the blue Pikmin, we found a canister of paint today. I used it to give the ship a fresh coat of paint! But did it thank me? Noooo. As a space pilot, I've always treated my ship like a trusted companion (even if it is a smart aleck). Yet, that snobbish ship has the gall to complain about the color! There's no pleasing it! Forget this... I'm going to bed.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|With the assistance of the blue Pikmin, we found a canister of paint today. I used it to give the ship a fresh coat of paint! But did it thank me? Noooo. As a space pilot, I've always treated my ship like a trusted companion (even if it is a smart aleck). Yet, that snobbish ship has the gall to complain about the color! There's no pleasing it! Forget this... I'm going to bed.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|今日は青ピクミンの力を借り、ペンキがわりになる液体を手に入れた。さっそくドルフィン初号機をペイントしてやることにした。いつも騒がしいやつだが、パイロットにとって宇宙船は大切なパートナーだ。…………。ところがあいつめ、こんな色はイヤだとワガママをいうのだ。もう知らん。今日は寝ることにする。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|今日は青ピクミンの力を借り、ペンキがわりになる液体を手に入れた。さっそくドルフィン初号機をペイントしてやることにした。いつも騒がしいやつだが、パイロットにとって宇宙船は大切なパートナーだ。…………。ところがあいつめ、こんな色はイヤだとワガママをいうのだ。もう知らん。今日は寝ることにする。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,662: | Line 1,663: | ||
{{Transcript|Everyone enjoys decorating in favorite hues, but it's vital to utilize new colors now and then. This tube of goo will surely help you discover a new you!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Everyone enjoys decorating in favorite hues, but it's vital to utilize new colors now and then. This tube of goo will surely help you discover a new you!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|誰でも自分の好みに合う<ruby>自分色<rt>マイカラー</rt></ruby>で飾りたいはず。でも時には新しい<ruby>色<rt>カラー</rt></ruby>を受け入れるのも大切なこと。きっと新しい自分が見つかるはずです!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|誰でも自分の好みに合う<ruby>自分色<rt>マイカラー</rt></ruby>で飾りたいはず。でも時には新しい<ruby>色<rt>カラー</rt></ruby>を受け入れるのも大切なこと。きっと新しい自分が見つかるはずです!|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,675: | Line 1,676: | ||
{{Transcript|I found this object squirreled away in an underground complex. Some of these structures demonstrate a high degree of culture. I surmise that each building must have been designed by an artist of great renown. This pink painting rod reinforces my hunch that this civilization appreciated fine art.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I found this object squirreled away in an underground complex. Some of these structures demonstrate a high degree of culture. I surmise that each building must have been designed by an artist of great renown. This pink painting rod reinforces my hunch that this civilization appreciated fine art.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|地下の建造物群の中で発見した。建造物はどれもこれもカラフルで、高度な文化の存在が感じ取れた。おそらく住人はみな、アーティストだったのではないか。大変ユニークな文明といえる。この桜色の画材もまた、彼らの豊かなアートだましいを感じさせる。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|地下の建造物群の中で発見した。建造物はどれもこれもカラフルで、高度な文化の存在が感じ取れた。おそらく住人はみな、アーティストだったのではないか。大変ユニークな文明といえる。この桜色の画材もまた、彼らの豊かなアートだましいを感じさせる。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,686: | Line 1,687: | ||
{{Transcript|No artistic inclinations? No color sense? No worries! This no-hassle art implement was found on a primitive planet. From this day forward, you can be an artist of the ages!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|No artistic inclinations? No color sense? No worries! This no-hassle art implement was found on a primitive planet. From this day forward, you can be an artist of the ages!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|絵心のない人、<ruby>色彩<rt>カラー</rt></ruby>センスのない人、もう安心!未開惑星に眠っていたアーティストのたましいが今ここに!これで今日からあなたはアーティスト。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|絵心のない人、<ruby>色彩<rt>カラー</rt></ruby>センスのない人、もう安心!未開惑星に眠っていたアーティストのたましいが今ここに!これで今日からあなたはアーティスト。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,702: | Line 1,703: | ||
{{Transcript|The size of this construction rig is astonishing! It could build an entire house in minutes! The strangest part is that I don't see any electrical plug on it anywhere. Surely, you don't have to power it manually!?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The size of this construction rig is astonishing! It could build an entire house in minutes! The strangest part is that I don't see any electrical plug on it anywhere. Surely, you don't have to power it manually!?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|信じがたい大きさの工作機械だ。家ひとつ建てることさえ簡単だろう。しかし……。どこにも電源が見当たらない。まさか手動でないと動かせない、なんてことはないだろうな?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|信じがたい大きさの工作機械だ。家ひとつ建てることさえ簡単だろう。しかし……。どこにも電源が見当たらない。まさか手動でないと動かせない、なんてことはないだろうな?|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,713: | Line 1,714: | ||
{{Transcript|This is no lazy machine that runs out of power. This point-honing marvel works anywhere, anytime! The manual operation may tire you out, but the exercise will do you good.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This is no lazy machine that runs out of power. This point-honing marvel works anywhere, anytime! The manual operation may tire you out, but the exercise will do you good.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|電池が切れたら動かない、情けない機械とは違います。いつでもどこでも使える工作マシン!手動なので、ちょっぴりつかれますが、いい運動になりますよ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|電池が切れたら動かない、情けない機械とは違います。いつでもどこでも使える工作マシン!手動なので、ちょっぴりつかれますが、いい運動になりますよ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,726: | Line 1,727: | ||
{{Transcript|We've worked so hard... I think I could use some rest and relaxation. However, looking at all the valuable treasures we've collected, I think we'll make a huge fortune! Then, I can hire an army of butlers to attend to my every whim.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|We've worked so hard... I think I could use some rest and relaxation. However, looking at all the valuable treasures we've collected, I think we'll make a huge fortune! Then, I can hire an army of butlers to attend to my every whim.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|これだけ、はたらいたのだ。いい加減、少しはゼイタクな暮らしがしてみたいものだ。しかしこの物体を見ていると、さっぱりもうかる気がしない。あまり見るのはよそう。だがむしょうに親近感もおぼえるのだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|これだけ、はたらいたのだ。いい加減、少しはゼイタクな暮らしがしてみたいものだ。しかしこの物体を見ていると、さっぱりもうかる気がしない。あまり見るのはよそう。だがむしょうに親近感もおぼえるのだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,740: | Line 1,741: | ||
{{Transcript|"Poor me..." "Woe is me..." "So much work..." "Pity me..." "Boo-hoo..." "Sigh..." These phrases fill one with a sense of sadness, and all are evoked by this mysterious charm.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|"Poor me..." "Woe is me..." "So much work..." "Pity me..." "Boo-hoo..." "Sigh..." These phrases fill one with a sense of sadness, and all are evoked by this mysterious charm.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ションボリ、ショボ、ショボ、ショボ、ショボ、ショボーン。ちょっと親しみ感じるものの、じわっと悲しい気持ちになる不思議なお守りです。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ションボリ、ショボ、ショボ、ショボ、ショボ、ショボーン。ちょっと親しみ感じるものの、じわっと悲しい気持ちになる不思議なお守りです。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,753: | Line 1,754: | ||
{{Transcript|I've had an upset stomach lately. I'm not old yet, but I'm not young anymore either. Maybe I should start doing a better job of looking after my health. Perhaps basking in this contraption's magnetic rays will make me stronger...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I've had an upset stomach lately. I'm not old yet, but I'm not young anymore either. Maybe I should start doing a better job of looking after my health. Perhaps basking in this contraption's magnetic rays will make me stronger...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|最近、たまに腰が痛くなることがある。まだそんな歳ではないつもりだが、少し自分をいたわるべきかもしれない。この磁性体の強力な磁力線シャワーをあびてみようか。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|最近、たまに腰が痛くなることがある。まだそんな歳ではないつもりだが、少し自分をいたわるべきかもしれない。この磁性体の強力な磁力線シャワーをあびてみようか。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,767: | Line 1,768: | ||
{{Transcript|The most-powerful magnetic force in the universe! The healing properties of magnetic fields relieve backaches, headaches, toothaches, and even dreaded spleenaches!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The most-powerful magnetic force in the universe! The healing properties of magnetic fields relieve backaches, headaches, toothaches, and even dreaded spleenaches!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|宇宙最大最強の磁性体!!磁力線シャワーで、肩こり、腰痛、歯痛に腹痛、めまいに、筋肉痛、あらゆる痛みとおさらばです!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|宇宙最大最強の磁性体!!磁力線シャワーで、肩こり、腰痛、歯痛に腹痛、めまいに、筋肉痛、あらゆる痛みとおさらばです!|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,780: | Line 1,781: | ||
{{Transcript|My taste in music is highly refined. But my wife and kids have no taste at all! For example, when I ask my family if they want to go out for karaoke, they twist their faces and give me a nasty look! They don't know what they're missing...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|My taste in music is highly refined. But my wife and kids have no taste at all! For example, when I ask my family if they want to go out for karaoke, they twist their faces and give me a nasty look! They don't know what they're missing...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|私は音楽にはちょっとうるさい男だ。しかし残念ながら妻にはセンスがなく、子供たちにも私のセンスは受けつがれなかったようだ。カラオケにさそっても、イヤな顔をして誰もついてきてくれないのだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|私は音楽にはちょっとうるさい男だ。しかし残念ながら妻にはセンスがなく、子供たちにも私のセンスは受けつがれなかったようだ。カラオケにさそっても、イヤな顔をして誰もついてきてくれないのだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,794: | Line 1,795: | ||
{{Transcript|This clam-like sound generator is all-natural. The purity of its percussive tone is irresistible. Clack-clack!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This clam-like sound generator is all-natural. The purity of its percussive tone is irresistible. Clack-clack!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|天然素材から作られた貝殻タイプのサウンドジェネレータ。ナチュラルでハーモニックな音色がたまらない。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|天然素材から作られた貝殻タイプのサウンドジェネレータ。ナチュラルでハーモニックな音色がたまらない。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,807: | Line 1,808: | ||
{{Transcript|Sometimes it's difficult to tell if a treasure is natural or manufactured. The ship has concluded that this treasure is natural, but I'm not so sure. The ship sulks and gripes for days if I disagree with it, so I'll keep my opinion to myself.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Sometimes it's difficult to tell if a treasure is natural or manufactured. The ship has concluded that this treasure is natural, but I'm not so sure. The ship sulks and gripes for days if I disagree with it, so I'll keep my opinion to myself.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|この惑星には自然物か人工物か区別のつかない物体があちこちに存在する。ドルフィン初号機の鑑定によれば、自然物らしいが、私には人工物に思えてならない。しかし彼がすねてしまうので黙っておくことにする。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|この惑星には自然物か人工物か区別のつかない物体があちこちに存在する。ドルフィン初号機の鑑定によれば、自然物らしいが、私には人工物に思えてならない。しかし彼がすねてしまうので黙っておくことにする。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,818: | Line 1,819: | ||
{{Transcript|Healing tones are old news? Well, greet the new trend: super sounds of awakening! Air passing through the inner chamber sounds a high note that acts as an acoustic refreshment.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Healing tones are old news? Well, greet the new trend: super sounds of awakening! Air passing through the inner chamber sounds a high note that acts as an acoustic refreshment.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|いやし系音色はもう古い!?時代の先端はめざまし系音色。風が内部を通るとかん高い音が鳴る、音響工学的に新しいフォルムの岩。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|いやし系音色はもう古い!?時代の先端はめざまし系音色。風が内部を通るとかん高い音が鳴る、音響工学的に新しいフォルムの岩。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,846: | Line 1,847: | ||
*'''Translation''' | *'''Translation''' | ||
{{Transcript|With the help of various Pikmin, our exploration region has expanded. We often step into more dangerous places. Tonight, let's review {{color|Pikmin behavior|red}}.<br> ● When dismissed with {{button|gc|x}}, Pikmin {{color|gather together, separated by color.|red}}<br> ● While holding a Pikmin with {{button|gc|a}}, you {{color|can change to a different color of Pikmin|red}} with the horizontal {{button|gc|pad}}.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|With the help of various Pikmin, our exploration region has expanded. We often step into more dangerous places. Tonight, let's review {{color|Pikmin behavior|red}}.<br> ● When dismissed with {{button|gc|x}}, Pikmin {{color|gather together, separated by color.|red}}<br> ● While holding a Pikmin with {{button|gc|a}}, you {{color|can change to a different color of Pikmin|red}} with the horizontal {{button|gc|pad}}.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP Wii''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|色々なピクミンの力を借りて、探索域が広がってきた。よりいっそう危険な所に足を踏み入れることも多い。今晩は{{color|ピクミンの習性|red}}をおさらいしておくか。<br>・{{button|wii|c}}で解散するとピクミンは色ごとに分かれて集まる。<br>・{{color|{{button|wii|a}}でピクミンをつかんだまま{{button|wii|b}}|red}}で違う色のピクミンに持ちかえられる。 | |||
|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|With the help of various Pikmin, our exploration region has expanded. We often step into more dangerous places. Tonight, let's review {{color|Pikmin behavior|red}}.<br>・When dismissed with {{button|wii|c}}, Pikmin gather together, separated by color.<br>・{{color|While holding a Pikmin with {{button|wii|a}}|red}}, you can change to a different color of Pikmin with {{button|wii|b}}.|block=y}} | |||
'''JP NS''' | '''JP NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|色々なピクミンの力を借りて、探索域が広がってきた。よりいっそう危険な所に足を踏み入れることも多い。今晩は{{color|ピクミンの習性|red}}をおさらいしておくか。<br> | {{Transcript|色々なピクミンの力を借りて、探索域が広がってきた。よりいっそう危険な所に足を踏み入れることも多い。今晩は{{color|ピクミンの習性|red}}をおさらいしておくか。<br>・{{button|switch|x}}で解散するとピクミンは色ごとに分かれて集まる。<br>・{{color|{{button|switch|a}}でピクミンをつかんだまま{{button|switch|r}}|red}}で違う色のピクミンに持ちかえられる。 | ||
|block=y}} | |block=y}} | ||
*'''Translation''' | *'''Translation''' | ||
{{Transcript|With the help of various Pikmin, our exploration region has expanded. We often step into more dangerous places. Tonight, let's review {{color|Pikmin behavior|red}}.<br> | {{Transcript|With the help of various Pikmin, our exploration region has expanded. We often step into more dangerous places. Tonight, let's review {{color|Pikmin behavior|red}}.<br>・When dismissed with {{button|switch|x}}, Pikmin gather together, separated by color.<br>・{{color|While holding a Pikmin with {{button|switch|a}}|red}}, you can change to a different color of Pikmin with {{button|switch|r}}.|block=y}} | ||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
Line 1,859: | Line 1,867: | ||
{{Transcript|This amazing, fortune-telling device follows the flow of fate with eerie accuracy. It calculates the magnetic fields of planets, stars, and living organisms to track the pulse of destiny itself. If you're an optimist who feels that life points both south and north, this is for you!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This amazing, fortune-telling device follows the flow of fate with eerie accuracy. It calculates the magnetic fields of planets, stars, and living organisms to track the pulse of destiny itself. If you're an optimist who feels that life points both south and north, this is for you!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/NS''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|運命の流れの向きを指し示す、驚天動地の占い装置。惑星地磁気、宇宙磁気、生体磁気をすべて合わせて計算して運命の向きを求めます。長い人生、南向きな時もあれば、北向きな時もあるさと、前向きに考えられる人にオススメです!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|運命の流れの向きを指し示す、驚天動地の占い装置。惑星地磁気、宇宙磁気、生体磁気をすべて合わせて計算して運命の向きを求めます。長い人生、南向きな時もあれば、北向きな時もあるさと、前向きに考えられる人にオススメです!|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,872: | Line 1,880: | ||
{{Transcript|I found a weird item today. Wetting the surface produces an endless froth of bubbles. It's amusing, but it will take further investigation to determine its practical use. It may take a young and playful mind to unlock its secrets. When I return home, I think I'll show it to my kids.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I found a weird item today. Wetting the surface produces an endless froth of bubbles. It's amusing, but it will take further investigation to determine its practical use. It may take a young and playful mind to unlock its secrets. When I return home, I think I'll show it to my kids.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|今日もまた不可解な物体を発見した。表面を水にぬらしてこすると、次から次へ泡が発生するのだ。どう応用するかが今後の検討課題だ。おそらく若い発想が必要だろう。息子や娘に聞いてみようか。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|今日もまた不可解な物体を発見した。表面を水にぬらしてこすると、次から次へ泡が発生するのだ。どう応用するかが今後の検討課題だ。おそらく若い発想が必要だろう。息子や娘に聞いてみようか。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,886: | Line 1,894: | ||
{{Transcript|Rubsy, dubsy, sudsy, blooooo! Rubsy, dubsy, sudsy, woooooo! Sudsy, sudsy, scrubadooooooo! The more you rub it, the more it bubbles and foams. Don't worry about its purpose. Just scrub!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Rubsy, dubsy, sudsy, blooooo! Rubsy, dubsy, sudsy, woooooo! Sudsy, sudsy, scrubadooooooo! The more you rub it, the more it bubbles and foams. Don't worry about its purpose. Just scrub!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|シュッ、シュッ、シュワシュワ。シュッ、シュッ、シュワシュワ。シュワ、シュワーン。こすってこすって泡だらけ。何に使うかなんて考えないで、とにかく楽しいこすりモノ!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|シュッ、シュッ、シュワシュワ。シュッ、シュッ、シュワシュワ。シュワ、シュワーン。こすってこすって泡だらけ。何に使うかなんて考えないで、とにかく楽しいこすりモノ!|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,899: | Line 1,907: | ||
{{Transcript|From the beginning of time, my people have searched for a perfectly clean, endlessly renewable energy source. Unfortunately, we've never found anything close to it. Rubbing these two objects together seems to produce fire. Maybe this is the long-lost energy source we've always been searching for?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|From the beginning of time, my people have searched for a perfectly clean, endlessly renewable energy source. Unfortunately, we've never found anything close to it. Rubbing these two objects together seems to produce fire. Maybe this is the long-lost energy source we've always been searching for?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|人類の歴史は、すなわちエネルギー不足との戦いの歴史だった。無限の資源など存在しない。常に新しい資源が求められる。この物体はこすると炎がともる。新しい資源として有望ではないだろうか?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|人類の歴史は、すなわちエネルギー不足との戦いの歴史だった。無限の資源など存在しない。常に新しい資源が求められる。この物体はこすると炎がともる。新しい資源として有望ではないだろうか?|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,910: | Line 1,918: | ||
{{Transcript|Is this the flame of hope that spawned humanoid civilization? Hocotate needs new energy sources, and this could be a fine candidate. Will machines like me be powered by this someday?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Is this the flame of hope that spawned humanoid civilization? Hocotate needs new energy sources, and this could be a fine candidate. Will machines like me be powered by this someday?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|人類文明をともす希望の火がこれ!?新しいエネルギー資源が今、ホコタテ星にもたらされるのです。これぞエネルギー革命。私のような<ruby>機械<rt>メカ</rt></ruby>もいずれはこれで動く日が……くるんですか?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|人類文明をともす希望の火がこれ!?新しいエネルギー資源が今、ホコタテ星にもたらされるのです。これぞエネルギー革命。私のような<ruby>機械<rt>メカ</rt></ruby>もいずれはこれで動く日が……くるんですか?|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,916: | Line 1,924: | ||
{{Transcript|Is this the fire of hope that will light the way for human civilization!? A new energy resource is now being introduced to Hocotate. This is the energy revolution. Will the day come when machines like myself will...eventually be powered by this?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Is this the fire of hope that will light the way for human civilization!? A new energy resource is now being introduced to Hocotate. This is the energy revolution. Will the day come when machines like myself will...eventually be powered by this?|block=y}} | ||
== '' | == ''Impediment Scourge / ライトニングボルト (Lightning Bolt)'' == | ||
=== Olimar's journal === | === Olimar's journal === | ||
Line 1,943: | Line 1,937: | ||
'''Nintendo Switch''' | '''Nintendo Switch''' | ||
{{Transcript|Yellow Pikmin are infatuated with high places! They seem to love it when I throw them high in the air. Once, I hurled them up to a high area, and they came down with this treasure!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Yellow Pikmin are infatuated with high places! They seem to love it when I throw them high in the air. Once, I hurled them up to a high area, and they came down with this treasure!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|黄ピクミンは木の上や、山の上のような高い所がとても好きなようだ。私は高い所を見つけると、彼らを投げるようにしている。そんな時、彼らがこの物体を拾ってきてくれた。空を高らかに舞い、軽やかに大地に降り立ち、時には電光石火の空中戦をやってのける彼ら。ドルフィン初号機は彼らにちなんだ名前をつけたようだ。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|Yellow Pikmin are infatuated with high places, such as the tops of trees and mountains. I try to hurl them up to any high places I come across. One time, they came back down with this treasure! They dance gently in the sky, descend lightly to the ground, and fight the occasional lightning-fast aerial battle. The Dolphin 1 appears to have named it after them.|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
Line 1,948: | Line 1,948: | ||
'''US/EU GCN/Wii/NS''' | '''US/EU GCN/Wii/NS''' | ||
{{Transcript|More shocking than a lightning bolt! Faster than a light mote! Able to crush rocks in one bash! This device can clear any impediment in one fell swoop!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|More shocking than a lightning bolt! Faster than a light mote! Able to crush rocks in one bash! This device can clear any impediment in one fell swoop!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/Wii''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|製造されて数十年、私はこれほどの貫通武器を見たことはありません! その一撃は雷撃を超える電光石火。その一撃は光を超える<ruby>高速撃<rt>ハイスピード・アタック</rt></ruby>。その一撃は岩をもつらぬく一気貫通。安全装置のリングもついた、いたれりつくせりの伝説級武器です!|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|In all the decades since I was manufactured, I have never before seen such a strong penetrating weapon! Its blows are more lightning-fast than a lightning strike. Its blows are high-speed attacks that surpass light. Its blows can pierce even rocks in one strike. The perfect legendary weapon, with a ring-shaped safety guard!|block=y}} | |||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|その一撃は雷撃を超える電光石火。その一撃は光を超える<ruby>高速撃<rt>ハイスピード・アタック</rt></ruby>。その一撃は岩をもくだく一気開放。どんな閉鎖空間をも、一撃で開放してみせる空間開放装置です!|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|Its blows are more lightning-fast than a lightning strike. Its blows are high-speed attacks that surpass light. Its blows can smash open even rocks in one strike. It's a space-opening device that can open any closed-off space with a single blow!|block=y}} | |||
== ''ファミリーいかだ (Family Raft)'' == | == ''ファミリーいかだ (Family Raft)'' == | ||
Line 1,954: | Line 1,966: | ||
'''JP NGC/Wii''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|黄ピクミンは木の上や、山の上のような高い所がとても好きなようだ。私は高い所を見つけると、彼らを投げるようにしている。そんな時、彼らがこの物体を拾ってきてくれた。空を高らかに舞い、軽やかに大地に降り立ち、時には電光石火の空中戦をやってのける彼ら。ドルフィン初号機は彼らにちなんだ名前をつけたようだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|黄ピクミンは木の上や、山の上のような高い所がとても好きなようだ。私は高い所を見つけると、彼らを投げるようにしている。そんな時、彼らがこの物体を拾ってきてくれた。空を高らかに舞い、軽やかに大地に降り立ち、時には電光石火の空中戦をやってのける彼ら。ドルフィン初号機は彼らにちなんだ名前をつけたようだ。|block=y}} | ||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|Although it looks like just a piece of wood, it actually seems to be a raft perfect for floating downstream. Its size means the whole family can ride it together. My wife, my son, my daughter, my dog. And of course, myself. I'd love to go camping with everyone.|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
'''JP NGC/Wii''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|家族みんながゆったり乗れるファミリーサイズのいかだ。その名も開運号! 先頭に描かれた紋様が何やら幸運を呼びこむ予感。きっと楽しい思い出になりますよ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|家族みんながゆったり乗れるファミリーサイズのいかだ。その名も開運号! 先頭に描かれた紋様が何やら幸運を呼びこむ予感。きっと楽しい思い出になりますよ。|block=y}} | ||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|A family-sized raft with enough room for an entire family to comfortably ride. Its name is the S.S. Fortune! I imagine the pattern on the front brings some good luck. It will surely make for a happy memory.|block=y}} | |||
== ''Dimensional Slicer'' == | == ''Dimensional Slicer'' == | ||
Line 1,969: | Line 1,985: | ||
'''US GCN/Wii/NS''' | '''US GCN/Wii/NS''' | ||
{{Transcript|Our salvage operations have yielded several unbelievably advanced artifacts. According to my analysis, this cutting device can slice through the fabric of time and space. My days of struggling to open food canisters are over!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Our salvage operations have yielded several unbelievably advanced artifacts. According to my analysis, this cutting device can slice through the fabric of time and space. My days of struggling to open food canisters are over!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|この星を探検していると、私たちの想像を超えたハイパーテクノロジーがいくつも見つかる。解析によれば、この切断装置は時空間そのものを切り裂くという……。ゆえにあらゆる閉鎖空間、あらゆるコンテナを切り裂ける。使い所をまちがえないようにしなければ!|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|While exploring this planet, we find many hyper-technologies beyond our imaginations. According to the analysis, this cutting device cuts through spacetime itself... Therefore, it can cut through any closed space or container. We must be careful not to misuse it!|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
Line 1,974: | Line 1,996: | ||
'''US GCN/Wii/NS''' | '''US GCN/Wii/NS''' | ||
{{Transcript|A dimensional cutter that slices through space and time, this is nothing to be trifled with. Good children will know not to play with this item.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|A dimensional cutter that slices through space and time, this is nothing to be trifled with. Good children will know not to play with this item.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|時間と空間を切り裂く次元斬り。はた迷惑なこと、この上ない。良い子は遊びすぎないように。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|A dimensional cutter that cuts through time and space. Nothing else is a bigger nuisance. Good children shouldn't don't play with it too much.|block=y}} | |||
== ''Time Capsule'' == | == ''Time Capsule'' == | ||
Line 1,982: | Line 2,010: | ||
{{Transcript|This must be some kind of a memorial capsule left by a lost civilization. It has left behind some image data, but I can't make any sense of it. I'm going to have to do some additional analysis. I'll document any exciting new developments in my log, along with pages and pages of meaningless doodles.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This must be some kind of a memorial capsule left by a lost civilization. It has left behind some image data, but I can't make any sense of it. I'm going to have to do some additional analysis. I'll document any exciting new developments in my log, along with pages and pages of meaningless doodles.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|どうやらメモリアルカプセルのような物らしい。映像データが残っているが、意味するところはよくわからない。さらに分析を続けて、何かわかったら、また書き記すことにする。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|どうやらメモリアルカプセルのような物らしい。映像データが残っているが、意味するところはよくわからない。さらに分析を続けて、何かわかったら、また書き記すことにする。|block=y}} | ||
Line 1,995: | Line 2,023: | ||
{{Transcript|This shiny pod was found buried like a time capsule, holding image data of unknown origin. Is it possible that you fathom the data's import? This riddle will entrance all puzzle-lovers!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This shiny pod was found buried like a time capsule, holding image data of unknown origin. Is it possible that you fathom the data's import? This riddle will entrance all puzzle-lovers!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|地中に埋もれていたタイムカプセルらしき機械。内部に眠るは正体不明の映像データ。はたしてあなたはこの映像の意味がわかるでしょうか?謎が謎を呼ぶ謎が大好きな謎マニアにはたまらない。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|地中に埋もれていたタイムカプセルらしき機械。内部に眠るは正体不明の映像データ。はたしてあなたはこの映像の意味がわかるでしょうか?謎が謎を呼ぶ謎が大好きな謎マニアにはたまらない。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,007: | Line 2,035: | ||
'''US/EU GCN/Wii/NS''' | '''US/EU GCN/Wii/NS''' | ||
{{Transcript|I've never had much desire to climb the corporate ladder, but I'm beginning to think I should. Every year that my kids grow older, they get more expensive. Taking care of them is my most important duty. I should take lessons from the ship on how to be a high-pressure salesman. Then I'd rake in the cash!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I've never had much desire to climb the corporate ladder, but I'm beginning to think I should. Every year that my kids grow older, they get more expensive. Taking care of them is my most important duty. I should take lessons from the ship on how to be a high-pressure salesman. Then I'd rake in the cash!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|出世欲などなかったが、最近はそれではいけないと思い始めている。子供が大きくなるにつれ、色々と支出が増えてくるのだ。ほこり高い男である前に、父親なのだ。ドルフィン初号機を見習って、少しはべんちゃらがいえるようになろう……。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|I have never had any desire to climb the corporate ladder, but lately I'm beginning to think that this is not the way to go. As my children grow up, I have to spend more and more. I'm a father before I'm a proud man. Let's follow the Dolphin 1's example and learn to give a bit of flattery...|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
Line 2,012: | Line 2,046: | ||
'''US/EU GCN/Wii/NS''' | '''US/EU GCN/Wii/NS''' | ||
{{Transcript|What is wrong with the delicate dance of beautification, flattery, and flirtation? What, I ask? If it makes life more fun, keep it up! Come on! Buy yours today!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|What is wrong with the delicate dance of beautification, flattery, and flirtation? What, I ask? If it makes life more fun, keep it up! Come on! Buy yours today!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|ハッタリ、べんちゃら、何が悪い!その場が盛り上がるなら、百万言でも並べましょう!ソレガ、ムードメーカー、ナノデス!サアサア、コノ品、買ッテッテ!|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|What's wrong with bluffing and flattery! If it makes the occasion more lively, let's say even a million words! That's what it means to be the life of the party! Come on, come on, buy this product!|block=y}} | |||
== ''Mirrored Stage'' == | == ''Mirrored Stage'' == | ||
Line 2,020: | Line 2,060: | ||
{{Transcript|Every day, it's nothing but work, work, work. Sometimes I need to just get it off my mind. So, I set this thing up as a stage and taught the Pikmin a song-and-dance routine. Red, purple, white, yellow, and blue Pikmin danced in perfect unison and sang their little hearts out. When I return home, I should take up a career as a dance instructor.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Every day, it's nothing but work, work, work. Sometimes I need to just get it off my mind. So, I set this thing up as a stage and taught the Pikmin a song-and-dance routine. Red, purple, white, yellow, and blue Pikmin danced in perfect unison and sang their little hearts out. When I return home, I should take up a career as a dance instructor.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|毎日仕事、仕事ではたまらない。私はたまには気ばらしも必要だと思った。そこで、この物体をステージに見立て、ピクミンにダンスをコーチした。赤、紫、白、黄、青。5色のピクミンのおどりはとても美しくコミカルだった。私の文才では表現しきれない。残念だ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|毎日仕事、仕事ではたまらない。私はたまには気ばらしも必要だと思った。そこで、この物体をステージに見立て、ピクミンにダンスをコーチした。赤、紫、白、黄、青。5色のピクミンのおどりはとても美しくコミカルだった。私の文才では表現しきれない。残念だ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,031: | Line 2,071: | ||
{{Transcript|Come rain, wind, or typhoon, this stage will always support the hidden singer deep in your soul. It is a lovely instant dance stage. How about taking one on tour with you, star of rock?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Come rain, wind, or typhoon, this stage will always support the hidden singer deep in your soul. It is a lovely instant dance stage. How about taking one on tour with you, star of rock?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|雨の日も、風の日も、台風の日も、いつもにっこり歌うあなたを支えます。素敵なインスタント・ダンスステージ。ツアーのお供におひとついかが?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|雨の日も、風の日も、台風の日も、いつもにっこり歌うあなたを支えます。素敵なインスタント・ダンスステージ。ツアーのお供におひとついかが?|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,047: | Line 2,087: | ||
{{Transcript|I can't conceive of how a creature with teeth this big could have ever lived. An emperor bulblax, a bloated meat-whale of a creature, wouldn't even be half that size. The only thing I can do is hope I never encounter something that massive.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I can't conceive of how a creature with teeth this big could have ever lived. An emperor bulblax, a bloated meat-whale of a creature, wouldn't even be half that size. The only thing I can do is hope I never encounter something that massive.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|こんなに大型の歯を持った生物が実在するはずがない……。ダイオウデメマダラでさえここまで巨大ではない。もはや私にできるのは出会わないようにねがうことだけだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|こんなに大型の歯を持った生物が実在するはずがない……。ダイオウデメマダラでさえここまで巨大ではない。もはや私にできるのは出会わないようにねがうことだけだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,058: | Line 2,098: | ||
{{Transcript|Is this part of a previously unknown giant life-form? What might the entire beast look like? Let your imagination run wild and create the largest of all living beings in your head!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Is this part of a previously unknown giant life-form? What might the entire beast look like? Let your imagination run wild and create the largest of all living beings in your head!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|未知の巨大生物を発見!?全身像は想像におまかせ。想像がどんどんふくらんで、生物界最大の大きさに!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|未知の巨大生物を発見!?全身像は想像におまかせ。想像がどんどんふくらんで、生物界最大の大きさに!|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,071: | Line 2,111: | ||
{{Transcript|Today, we ventured across the plains to reach a cold cavern I'd been meaning to spelunk. The Pikmin have had a hard time coping with the bitter cold, but they were real troopers. Somehow, they summoned the strength to carry this box, so I hope it's full of treasure.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Today, we ventured across the plains to reach a cold cavern I'd been meaning to spelunk. The Pikmin have had a hard time coping with the bitter cold, but they were real troopers. Somehow, they summoned the strength to carry this box, so I hope it's full of treasure.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|広大な平原を越え、やっとたどり着いた洞窟は凍えるように寒かった。どのピクミンも寒さにはそれほど強くないようだが、がんばってくれている。これだけ苦労して運んだ箱なのだから、きっと中には幸せがいっぱいつまっていると信じたい。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|広大な平原を越え、やっとたどり着いた洞窟は凍えるように寒かった。どのピクミンも寒さにはそれほど強くないようだが、がんばってくれている。これだけ苦労して運んだ箱なのだから、きっと中には幸せがいっぱいつまっていると信じたい。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,082: | Line 2,122: | ||
{{Transcript|Be satisfied with the decorative outer shell of this rectangle! It is more endearing since you can't see what's inside. Not being able to open it makes it all the more special.<br>...In reality, it is empty!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Be satisfied with the decorative outer shell of this rectangle! It is more endearing since you can't see what's inside. Not being able to open it makes it all the more special.<br>...In reality, it is empty!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|外面だけでいいじゃないか。開けないからこそ、心がふくらむ。中身を見ないからこそ、幸せになれる。それが最高のプレゼント。現実なんて、空っぽですよ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|外面だけでいいじゃないか。開けないからこそ、心がふくらむ。中身を見ないからこそ、幸せになれる。それが最高のプレゼント。現実なんて、空っぽですよ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,096: | Line 2,136: | ||
'''US Wii, EU GCN''' | '''US Wii, EU GCN''' | ||
{{Transcript|Some works of fine art are timeless, while others are fleeting. Once lit, this sculpted pillar of wax will burn with glory for a short time before flaming out.The purpose of this piece of art is to help us all envision our final moment of flaming glory.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Some works of fine art are timeless, while others are fleeting. Once lit, this sculpted pillar of wax will burn with glory for a short time before flaming out.The{{sic}} purpose of this piece of art is to help us all envision our final moment of flaming glory.|block=y}} | ||
'''EU Wii, NS''' | '''EU Wii, NS''' | ||
{{Transcript|Some works of fine art are timeless, while others are fleeting. Once lit, this sculpted pillar of wax will burn with glory for a short time before flaming out. The purpose of this piece of art is to help us envision our final moment of flaming glory.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Some works of fine art are timeless, while others are fleeting. Once lit, this sculpted pillar of wax will burn with glory for a short time before flaming out. The purpose of this piece of art is to help us envision our final moment of flaming glory.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|芸術は永遠であるとともに一時のかがやきでもある。ロウを固めて作ったこのオブジェは火をつければあっという間に燃えてしまうだろう。その光景を想像することにこの作品の本質があるのだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|芸術は永遠であるとともに一時のかがやきでもある。ロウを固めて作ったこのオブジェは火をつければあっという間に燃えてしまうだろう。その光景を想像することにこの作品の本質があるのだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,112: | Line 2,152: | ||
{{Transcript|On the surface, this is not art! It is a temporary spectacle compared to the glory of eternity. And yet that is WHY it is art! Machines like me are incapable of comprehending this...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|On the surface, this is not art! It is a temporary spectacle compared to the glory of eternity. And yet that is WHY it is art! Machines like me are incapable of comprehending this...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|見タ目ダケガ、<ruby>芸術<rt>アート</rt></ruby>ジャナイ!心ニ思イ描カレル永遠ニシテカリソメノ光景。ソレガ<ruby>芸術<rt>アート</rt></ruby>ナノデス!ナンテ、イッテモ、私ノヨウナ機械ニハソンナ想像ハデキマセンデシタ……。{{color|ショック!|red}}|block=y}} | {{Transcript|見タ目ダケガ、<ruby>芸術<rt>アート</rt></ruby>ジャナイ!心ニ思イ描カレル永遠ニシテカリソメノ光景。ソレガ<ruby>芸術<rt>アート</rt></ruby>ナノデス!ナンテ、イッテモ、私ノヨウナ機械ニハソンナ想像ハデキマセンデシタ……。{{color|ショック!|red}}|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,125: | Line 2,165: | ||
{{Transcript|Today we searched the caves located at the far end of the Valley of Repose. To ensure that we're thoroughly combing the region for treasure, we have to check every cave. Thanks to that diligence, we found this very item. To memorialize our exploration into the unknown, I named that cave Frontier Cavern.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Today we searched the caves located at the far end of the Valley of Repose. To ensure that we're thoroughly combing the region for treasure, we have to check every cave. Thanks to that diligence, we found this very item. To memorialize our exploration into the unknown, I named that cave Frontier Cavern.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|今日は{{color|ねむりの谷|red}}の果てにある地下洞窟を探索した。お宝を根こそぎ集めるには、進める所まで進む必要がある。この物体もそうやって手に入れたのだ。谷の外れまで歩いた記念に、私はあの洞窟を{{color|辺境の洞窟|red}}と名づけた。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|今日は{{color|ねむりの谷|red}}の果てにある地下洞窟を探索した。お宝を根こそぎ集めるには、進める所まで進む必要がある。この物体もそうやって手に入れたのだ。谷の外れまで歩いた記念に、私はあの洞窟を{{color|辺境の洞窟|red}}と名づけた。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,136: | Line 2,176: | ||
{{Transcript|No danger, no matter how small, dodges the notice of this never-fail, peace-of-mind alarm system. In fact, it will warn you of danger that is not even present!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|No danger, no matter how small, dodges the notice of this never-fail, peace-of-mind alarm system. In fact, it will warn you of danger that is not even present!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|どんな小さな危険も見逃さない、たとえ危険がなくとも危険を知らせる、絶対安心警報装置。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|どんな小さな危険も見逃さない、たとえ危険がなくとも危険を知らせる、絶対安心警報装置。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,149: | Line 2,189: | ||
{{Transcript|Sometimes I miss my carefree bachelor days. Once you have a family, those days are history! I like spending time with my wife, but sometimes I just want to be alone.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Sometimes I miss my carefree bachelor days. Once you have a family, those days are history! I like spending time with my wife, but sometimes I just want to be alone.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|たまに気ままな独身時代がなつかしくなる。家庭を持つと、プライバシーなどなくなってしまう。せめて、妻が近づいてるか、わかるだけでも助かるのだが……。ひとりでないと楽しめないものもあるのだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|たまに気ままな独身時代がなつかしくなる。家庭を持つと、プライバシーなどなくなってしまう。せめて、妻が近づいてるか、わかるだけでも助かるのだが……。ひとりでないと楽しめないものもあるのだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,166: | Line 2,206: | ||
{{Transcript|Put this on your spouse and you will always know if he or she is approaching. How whimsical! A must-have item for couples who like to plan surprise parties.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Put this on your spouse and you will always know if he or she is approaching. How whimsical! A must-have item for couples who like to plan surprise parties.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|これを相手につけておけば、近づいたらすぐに音でわかる。隠しごとの多い夫婦になくてはならぬ便利グッズ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|これを相手につけておけば、近づいたらすぐに音でわかる。隠しごとの多い夫婦になくてはならぬ便利グッズ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,179: | Line 2,219: | ||
{{Transcript|This stirring object reminds me of a dream I once had. When I was a child, the twinkling stars held so much promise and mystery.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This stirring object reminds me of a dream I once had. When I was a child, the twinkling stars held so much promise and mystery.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|この形を見つめていると、むしょうに心がかきたてられる。かつて自分がめざした夢、あの志を思い出す。子供の頃に見上げた星のきらめきはもっと美しかったはずだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|この形を見つめていると、むしょうに心がかきたてられる。かつて自分がめざした夢、あの志を思い出す。子供の頃に見上げた星のきらめきはもっと美しかったはずだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,193: | Line 2,233: | ||
{{Transcript|Think back and remember the starry skies of your youth. Innocence... Every being once possessed it, but lost it over time. This star is the shape of that precious memory. All major credit cards accepted.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Think back and remember the starry skies of your youth. Innocence... Every being once possessed it, but lost it over time. This star is the shape of that precious memory. All major credit cards accepted.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|思い出して、あの夜の星空を。昔は誰もが持っていて、大人になったら見失うもの。これはそんな想いの形をした心の星。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|思い出して、あの夜の星空を。昔は誰もが持っていて、大人になったら見失うもの。これはそんな想いの形をした心の星。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,206: | Line 2,246: | ||
{{Transcript|This object sparkles beautifully. It's enormous, but I think it would make a great party decoration. That reminds me of the last time my family threw a party. I was busy at work, and I couldn't make it, so my wife and kids enjoyed the party without me. Hrmmm... My family grows further and further away each day...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This object sparkles beautifully. It's enormous, but I think it would make a great party decoration. That reminds me of the last time my family threw a party. I was busy at work, and I couldn't make it, so my wife and kids enjoyed the party without me. Hrmmm... My family grows further and further away each day...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|きらきらして、なんとも美しい物体だ。大きすぎるかもしれないが、パーティの飾りつけにうってつけだろう。ふと、家族で最後にパーティをした時のことを思い出した。私がいそがしくて最近は妻と子供たちだけでやっている。日に日に家族が遠くなっていく……。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|きらきらして、なんとも美しい物体だ。大きすぎるかもしれないが、パーティの飾りつけにうってつけだろう。ふと、家族で最後にパーティをした時のことを思い出した。私がいそがしくて最近は妻と子供たちだけでやっている。日に日に家族が遠くなっていく……。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,217: | Line 2,257: | ||
{{Transcript|According to our marketing survey, this is the year's hip product! Focus tests don't lie! Interior furnishings that create a laid-back atmosphere are all the rage with Joe Hocotate!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|According to our marketing survey, this is the year's hip product! Focus tests don't lie! Interior furnishings that create a laid-back atmosphere are all the rage with Joe Hocotate!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|クールな空間を作り出すインテリア。マーケティングの結果(サンプル数2)今年のヒット商品まちがいなし!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|クールな空間を作り出すインテリア。マーケティングの結果(サンプル数2)今年のヒット商品まちがいなし!|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,230: | Line 2,270: | ||
{{Transcript|The last cave we searched yielded a wide variety of oddly shaped and bizarrely colored treasures. For instance, this crooked object appears to be a boot, but it's adorned with several strange modifications. Perhaps it's some kind of modern art.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The last cave we searched yielded a wide variety of oddly shaped and bizarrely colored treasures. For instance, this crooked object appears to be a boot, but it's adorned with several strange modifications. Perhaps it's some kind of modern art.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|今日探険した洞窟には、形や色の面白い物体がいくつも存在していた。この物体もそのひとつであり、ブーツのように見えるが、周囲の建造物の大きさから考えて、それはありえない。おそらくテーマ性のあるアートだろう。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|今日探険した洞窟には、形や色の面白い物体がいくつも存在していた。この物体もそのひとつであり、ブーツのように見えるが、周囲の建造物の大きさから考えて、それはありえない。おそらくテーマ性のあるアートだろう。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,240: | Line 2,280: | ||
{{Transcript|This piece of art was made in the shape of a giant boot to symbolize glorious progress! Where does civilization begin, and where does it go? Machines have long pondered this...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This piece of art was made in the shape of a giant boot to symbolize glorious progress! Where does civilization begin, and where does it go? Machines have long pondered this...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ブーツの形に似せて作られた、進歩を表す巨大アート!文明はどこから進歩を始め、そしていずこへと向かうのでしょう?私たち機械もそれを知りたいとは思っています。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ブーツの形に似せて作られた、進歩を表す巨大アート!文明はどこから進歩を始め、そしていずこへと向かうのでしょう?私たち機械もそれを知りたいとは思っています。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,256: | Line 2,296: | ||
{{Transcript|While exploring this warped land, I got the feeling that time passed faster than usual. Upon researching it further, I realized it was just my mind playing tricks on me. But, whenever I touch this object I can feel the space-time continuum bending! Woah... Suddenly, this all seems very hard to believe. I need a nap.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|While exploring this warped land, I got the feeling that time passed faster than usual. Upon researching it further, I realized it was just my mind playing tricks on me. But, whenever I touch this object I can feel the space-time continuum bending! Woah... Suddenly, this all seems very hard to believe. I need a nap.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|寒々しい景色を見ていると、なんだか昼が短いような気がした。確かめたらただの思いすごしだったが。そういえば、この物体の周囲には時空をゆがめる力場がはたらいているらしい。にわかには信じがたい話ではある……。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|寒々しい景色を見ていると、なんだか昼が短いような気がした。確かめたらただの思いすごしだったが。そういえば、この物体の周囲には時空をゆがめる力場がはたらいているらしい。にわかには信じがたい話ではある……。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,270: | Line 2,310: | ||
{{Transcript|Believe! Believe in the future, in dreams, in unknown wonders, like this broken time-machine part. This does not work, so there is no way to confirm its abilities, but surely your heart believes.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Believe! Believe in the future, in dreams, in unknown wonders, like this broken time-machine part. This does not work, so there is no way to confirm its abilities, but surely your heart believes.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|信じて!夢を、未来を、未知の技術を。これは壊れたタイムマシンのパーツ。壊れているため、本当かどうかは確認不可能。でもあなたの心の中では、きっと真実。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|信じて!夢を、未来を、未知の技術を。これは壊れたタイムマシンのパーツ。壊れているため、本当かどうかは確認不可能。でもあなたの心の中では、きっと真実。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,283: | Line 2,323: | ||
{{Transcript|There's a strange design on this metallic platter. It gives me mystical chills. Maybe living beings were never meant to comprehend its true meaning?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|There's a strange design on this metallic platter. It gives me mystical chills. Maybe living beings were never meant to comprehend its true meaning?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|金属板に不思議な紋様が描かれている。娘や妻が大好きなオカルトの魔方陣に似ていなくもない。おそらく男にはわからない世界のシロモノなのだろう。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|金属板に不思議な紋様が描かれている。娘や妻が大好きなオカルトの魔方陣に似ていなくもない。おそらく男にはわからない世界のシロモノなのだろう。|block=y}} | ||
*'''Translation''' | *'''Translation''' | ||
{{Transcript|A mysterious pattern is painted on a metal plate. It looks like an occult magic circle, a favorite of my daughter and wife. Perhaps it | {{Transcript|A mysterious pattern is painted on a metal plate. It looks like an occult magic circle, a favorite of my daughter and wife. Perhaps it's something from a world that men don't understand.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|金属板に不思議な紋様が描かれている。娘や妻が大好きなオカルトの魔方陣に似ていなくもない。残念だが私には良さがわからないシロモノだ。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|A mysterious pattern is painted on a metal plate. It looks like an occult magic circle, a favorite of my daughter and wife. Unfortunately, it's something I can't appreciate.|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
Line 2,294: | Line 2,340: | ||
{{Transcript|Do not doubt, for the power of a believing heart is limitless. Feel these mysterious patterns... Does your heart open? Only the pure of heart can truly know this mystic circle's power.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Do not doubt, for the power of a believing heart is limitless. Feel these mysterious patterns... Does your heart open? Only the pure of heart can truly know this mystic circle's power.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|うたがってはダメ。信じる心の力は無限大。不思議な紋様が心ときめくマジカルワールドへいざなう。ピュアな心の人間だけが信じるマジカルサークル。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|うたがってはダメ。信じる心の力は無限大。不思議な紋様が心ときめくマジカルワールドへいざなう。ピュアな心の人間だけが信じるマジカルサークル。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,310: | Line 2,356: | ||
{{Transcript|We recently found all sorts of mechanical parts scattered around a cave. The walls and floor were constructed of solid steel. Perhaps it was once a great military fortress? I decided to name it the "Subterranean Complex."|block=y}} | {{Transcript|We recently found all sorts of mechanical parts scattered around a cave. The walls and floor were constructed of solid steel. Perhaps it was once a great military fortress? I decided to name it the "Subterranean Complex."|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|今日探険した洞窟は、大小さまざまの機械部品がいくつも転がっていた。これもそのひとつだ。また床やカベが鉄でできていて、まるで鋼鉄の要塞のようだった。私はあの洞窟を{{color|地下の秘密基地|red}}と名づけた。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|今日探険した洞窟は、大小さまざまの機械部品がいくつも転がっていた。これもそのひとつだ。また床やカベが鉄でできていて、まるで鋼鉄の要塞のようだった。私はあの洞窟を{{color|地下の秘密基地|red}}と名づけた。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,321: | Line 2,367: | ||
{{Transcript|Harnessing the absence of air, this environmentally friendly computer is incredibly fast. A predisposition to implosion is a bit of a minus, however.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Harnessing the absence of air, this environmentally friendly computer is incredibly fast. A predisposition to implosion is a bit of a minus, however.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|空気の力で動く、とても環境にやさしい高速コンピュータ。カゼに弱いのがたまにキズ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|空気の力で動く、とても環境にやさしい高速コンピュータ。カゼに弱いのがたまにキズ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,334: | Line 2,380: | ||
{{Transcript|This appears to be some kind of hyper-advanced, light-refracting computer component. Perhaps I can use it to upgrade the ship with an imagination.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This appears to be some kind of hyper-advanced, light-refracting computer component. Perhaps I can use it to upgrade the ship with an imagination.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|どうやら何かとてつもない機械の部品だったようだ。おそらくとてつもないテクノロジーの結晶だったのだろう。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|どうやら何かとてつもない機械の部品だったようだ。おそらくとてつもないテクノロジーの結晶だったのだろう。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,345: | Line 2,391: | ||
{{Transcript|This will solve any problem, given enough time! This CPU's true processing grit sells itself.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This will solve any problem, given enough time! This CPU's true processing grit sells itself.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|どれだけ時間がかかっても、最後の最後まで自分の力で問題解決!根性が売りのコンピュータ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|どれだけ時間がかかっても、最後の最後まで自分の力で問題解決!根性が売りのコンピュータ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,358: | Line 2,404: | ||
{{Transcript|According to my research, this is an acoustic-interference motherboard. I should install this on the ship. It might shut him up for a while. Then again, if it learned to override the hardware, it might become even more surly than it is now!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|According to my research, this is an acoustic-interference motherboard. I should install this on the ship. It might shut him up for a while. Then again, if it learned to override the hardware, it might become even more surly than it is now!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|解析によると、コンピュータのパーツとして使えるようだ。もしこれを取りつけたら、おしゃべりなドルフィン初号機が少しは静かになるだろうか……。いや、かえってやかましくなるかもしれない。やめておこう。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|解析によると、コンピュータのパーツとして使えるようだ。もしこれを取りつけたら、おしゃべりなドルフィン初号機が少しは静かになるだろうか……。いや、かえってやかましくなるかもしれない。やめておこう。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,369: | Line 2,415: | ||
{{Transcript|Joining forces and working together must inevitably create greater ultimate power. This computer has many friends that it works with to generate optimum results.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Joining forces and working together must inevitably create greater ultimate power. This computer has many friends that it works with to generate optimum results.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|たがいの手と手を合わせれば、きっと大きな力になる……トモダチいっぱいつながって力を生み出すコンピュータ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|たがいの手と手を合わせれば、きっと大きな力になる……トモダチいっぱいつながって力を生み出すコンピュータ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,386: | Line 2,432: | ||
{{Transcript|This receiver intercepts harmful radiation from outer space. It's a highly dangerous piece of machinery that should be handled with extreme caution. Now that I think about it, the Pikmin looked a little dazed while they carried it.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This receiver intercepts harmful radiation from outer space. It's a highly dangerous piece of machinery that should be handled with extreme caution. Now that I think about it, the Pikmin looked a little dazed while they carried it.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|この物体はなんと宇宙から有害な電波を受信しているらしい。うかつに近寄らないようにしよう。そういえば、これを運んだピクミンの目が少しピクピクしていた気がする。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|この物体はなんと宇宙から有害な電波を受信しているらしい。うかつに近寄らないようにしよう。そういえば、これを運んだピクミンの目が少しピクピクしていた気がする。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,397: | Line 2,443: | ||
{{Transcript|Invisible electromagnetic waves circulate all around you. Here. There. Everywhere. This receiver picks up dangerous electromagnetic waves from outer space. Strange... My parts are syncopating to the rhythms! Doo-de-doo-de-doo!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Invisible electromagnetic waves circulate all around you. Here. There. Everywhere. This receiver picks up dangerous electromagnetic waves from outer space. Strange... My parts are syncopating to the rhythms! Doo-de-doo-de-doo!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|あなたの周りには、目に見えないたくさんの電磁波が飛びかっています。ここにも、そこにも、あそこにも。このレシーバーは宇宙から毒電波を受信しています。あら不思議、体が勝手に動き出す!?ラリラリラ〜!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|あなたの周りには、目に見えないたくさんの電磁波が飛びかっています。ここにも、そこにも、あそこにも。このレシーバーは宇宙から毒電波を受信しています。あら不思議、体が勝手に動き出す!?ラリラリラ〜!|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,410: | Line 2,456: | ||
{{Transcript|Utilizing the unique abilities of the yellow Pikmin, we breached the electric gate. This allowed us to access a previously uncharted subterranean wooden structure. The last time I was here, I never noticed their capacity to dissipate electrical charges. Perhaps they have other undocumented behaviors and abilities...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Utilizing the unique abilities of the yellow Pikmin, we breached the electric gate. This allowed us to access a previously uncharted subterranean wooden structure. The last time I was here, I never noticed their capacity to dissipate electrical charges. Perhaps they have other undocumented behaviors and abilities...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|黄ピクミンの力を借りて、電撃ゲートを突破し、私たちは地下の木造建築物にたどり着いた。以前、この星に遭難した時には、彼らが{{color|電撃に強い|red}}とは気づかなかった。もしかすると、彼らにはまだまだ私の知らない秘密があるのかもしれない。もっともっと彼らのことが知りたい。私の好奇心は日々刺激されている。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|黄ピクミンの力を借りて、電撃ゲートを突破し、私たちは地下の木造建築物にたどり着いた。以前、この星に遭難した時には、彼らが{{color|電撃に強い|red}}とは気づかなかった。もしかすると、彼らにはまだまだ私の知らない秘密があるのかもしれない。もっともっと彼らのことが知りたい。私の好奇心は日々刺激されている。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,421: | Line 2,467: | ||
{{Transcript|Amid the noise of the world, this healing antenna will produce a quiet evening just for you. Exciting radio programs? Fun TV shows? They're all shut out because this antenna does not receive any type of electro-magnetic wave. Its sullen behavior is for your own good!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Amid the noise of the world, this healing antenna will produce a quiet evening just for you. Exciting radio programs? Fun TV shows? They're all shut out because this antenna does not receive any type of electro-magnetic wave. Its sullen behavior is for your own good!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|うるさい世の中に、ちょっと静かな夜を演出してくれるいやし系アンテナ。あらゆる楽しいラジオ、あらゆる面白いテレビをシャットアウト。どんな電波も受信しません。むっつりこそがあなたの味方!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|うるさい世の中に、ちょっと静かな夜を演出してくれるいやし系アンテナ。あらゆる楽しいラジオ、あらゆる面白いテレビをシャットアウト。どんな電波も受信しません。むっつりこそがあなたの味方!|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,434: | Line 2,480: | ||
{{Transcript|I've found numerous objects that appear to be machine parts, but I have no idea what they do. The ship wants to sell them to art collectors as modern alien art and charge a fortune for them. I think he may be onto something...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I've found numerous objects that appear to be machine parts, but I have no idea what they do. The ship wants to sell them to art collectors as modern alien art and charge a fortune for them. I think he may be onto something...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|機械部品らしき物体はいくつもお目にかかってきたが、ここまで何に使うかわからない物は珍しい。そういう時はアートとして売ればいい。きっと誰か物好きが買ってくれるに違いない。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|機械部品らしき物体はいくつもお目にかかってきたが、ここまで何に使うかわからない物は珍しい。そういう時はアートとして売ればいい。きっと誰か物好きが買ってくれるに違いない。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,445: | Line 2,491: | ||
{{Transcript|The unpretentious, inorganic sense of this design adds to its understated artistic appeal. This will surely be a hit on Hocotate. Why not be the creator of a new trend?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The unpretentious, inorganic sense of this design adds to its understated artistic appeal. This will surely be a hit on Hocotate. Why not be the creator of a new trend?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|そこはかとないアートっぽさと、飾り気のない無機的なデザイン。ホコタテ星で大ブームになること確実。あなたが流行を作り出してみませんか?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|そこはかとないアートっぽさと、飾り気のない無機的なデザイン。ホコタテ星で大ブームになること確実。あなたが流行を作り出してみませんか?|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,458: | Line 2,504: | ||
{{Transcript|Collecting all these machine parts reminds me of the time I crash-landed on this planet. The last time I was here, the crash scattered 30 of my ship's most crucial components. I had to frantically collect all of them before life-support systems failed. I wonder what kind of machine this flywheel is from.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Collecting all these machine parts reminds me of the time I crash-landed on this planet. The last time I was here, the crash scattered 30 of my ship's most crucial components. I had to frantically collect all of them before life-support systems failed. I wonder what kind of machine this flywheel is from.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|こうやって、機械部品らしき物体ばかり集めていると、前回、この星に遭難した時のことが思い出される。あの時はもう命がけで宇宙船のパーツを集めて回った。これも元はどんな機械だったのだろう?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|こうやって、機械部品らしき物体ばかり集めていると、前回、この星に遭難した時のことが思い出される。あの時はもう命がけで宇宙船のパーツを集めて回った。これも元はどんな機械だったのだろう?|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,472: | Line 2,518: | ||
{{Transcript|Gravitational, electromagnetic, centripetal, dynamic, centrifugal... More powerful than any of the myriad forces of physics is this— the largest, strongest, fastest, coolest flywheel of all time! It is so powerful as to be immeasurable, so there is no way to confirm its astounding potential.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Gravitational, electromagnetic, centripetal, dynamic, centrifugal... More powerful than any of the myriad forces of physics is this— the largest, strongest, fastest, coolest flywheel of all time! It is so powerful as to be immeasurable, so there is no way to confirm its astounding potential.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|重力、電磁力、引力、応力、向心力、遠心力、揚力、物理世界のあらゆる力を超えた最大最高最強のブースター!計りしれない力ゆえに、誰にも確かめることはできません。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|重力、電磁力、引力、応力、向心力、遠心力、揚力、物理世界のあらゆる力を超えた最大最高最強のブースター!計りしれない力ゆえに、誰にも確かめることはできません。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,485: | Line 2,531: | ||
{{Transcript|For a long time now, I've just been whiling away my life like a sprocket in a machine. Sometimes I just stop and wonder, am I happy with my life? Ack... I can't start thinking like that. I must concentrate on my mission!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|For a long time now, I've just been whiling away my life like a sprocket in a machine. Sometimes I just stop and wonder, am I happy with my life? Ack... I can't start thinking like that. I must concentrate on my mission!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|もう長い間、会社の歯車になってはたらいてきた。このまま人生を終えていいのか、ふと立ち止まり考えこむこともある。……いけない。今は与えられた仕事に集中しよう。それが生活のため、家族のためだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|もう長い間、会社の歯車になってはたらいてきた。このまま人生を終えていいのか、ふと立ち止まり考えこむこともある。……いけない。今は与えられた仕事に集中しよう。それが生活のため、家族のためだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,499: | Line 2,545: | ||
{{Transcript|An item for CEOs throughout the solar system, this arcane shape bewitches the human heart. Give this to an employee to move their workday with an extra spring in their step!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|An item for CEOs throughout the solar system, this arcane shape bewitches the human heart. Give this to an employee to move their workday with an extra spring in their step!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|全銀河の社長さんにオススメの品。不思議な形が人の心をまどわし、思いのままにコントロールできます。社員に与えれば、絶対イエスマン、休みゼロ、ボーナス・ノーサンキューではたらくことでしょう!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|全銀河の社長さんにオススメの品。不思議な形が人の心をまどわし、思いのままにコントロールできます。社員に与えれば、絶対イエスマン、休みゼロ、ボーナス・ノーサンキューではたらくことでしょう!|block=y}} | ||
*'''Translation''' | *'''Translation''' | ||
{{Transcript|Recommended for all company presidents of the galaxy. The mysterious shape bewitches people's minds and allows you to control them as you wish. If you give it to your employees, they will work as absolute yes-men, taking zero vacations, saying "no, thank you" to any bonuses!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Recommended for all company presidents of the galaxy. The mysterious shape bewitches people's minds and allows you to control them as you wish. If you give it to your employees, they will work as absolute yes-men, taking zero vacations, saying "no, thank you" to any bonuses!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|全銀河の社長さんにオススメの品。不思議な形が人の心をまどわし、思いのままにコントロールできます。社員に与えれば、絶対イエスマン。とはいえ、社員のかがみとなるのはあなた自身ですぞ、社長さん!|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|Recommended for all company presidents of the galaxy. The mysterious shape bewitches people's minds and allows you to control them as you wish. If you give it to your employees, they will be absolute yes-men. However, you yourselves should be a good example to your employees, company presidents!|block=y}} | |||
== ''Superstrong Stabilizer'' == | == ''Superstrong Stabilizer'' == | ||
Line 2,519: | Line 2,571: | ||
{{Transcript|Several artifacts like this were sitting in the hole I explored today. The temperature inside the cave was perilously low, and the treasures were freezing to the touch. I felt sorry for the Pikmin that had to carry it. Afterward, their little hands looked numb!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Several artifacts like this were sitting in the hole I explored today. The temperature inside the cave was perilously low, and the treasures were freezing to the touch. I felt sorry for the Pikmin that had to carry it. Afterward, their little hands looked numb!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|今日探険した洞窟には、こういう部品がいくつも転がっているようだ。洞窟内の温度が低く、機械の表面が冷たくなっていた。運ぶピクミンたちの手がかじかんでいてかわいそうだった。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|今日探険した洞窟には、こういう部品がいくつも転がっているようだ。洞窟内の温度が低く、機械の表面が冷たくなっていた。運ぶピクミンたちの手がかじかんでいてかわいそうだった。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,530: | Line 2,582: | ||
{{Transcript|This device was designed based on principles of stabilotomy. It holds anything firmly in place! With this, galactic typhoons are no longer to be feared!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This device was designed based on principles of stabilotomy. It holds anything firmly in place! With this, galactic typhoons are no longer to be feared!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|安心力学にもとづいた設計です。どんなものでも必ず固定!これで銀河タイフーンも怖くないです!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|安心力学にもとづいた設計です。どんなものでも必ず固定!これで銀河タイフーンも怖くないです!|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,546: | Line 2,598: | ||
{{Transcript|This object must have been manufactured long ago by some kind of machine. Back then, they didn't have the fun toys kids have these days. My son is a video-game addict, but I'm terrible at them! He teases me about it all the time. Wait, I've got it! Louie's young... He must be a video-game wizard! He can give me some hot tips!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This object must have been manufactured long ago by some kind of machine. Back then, they didn't have the fun toys kids have these days. My son is a video-game addict, but I'm terrible at them! He teases me about it all the time. Wait, I've got it! Louie's young... He must be a video-game wizard! He can give me some hot tips!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|昔は機械工作に打ちこんだものだ。今のように楽しいものがたくさんある時代ではなかった。息子はテレビゲームに夢中だ……私はヘタクソだからバカにされてくやしい。そうだ!若いルーイくんならうまいかもしれない。コツを聞いてみようか。少なくとも、会話のきっかけにはなる。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|昔は機械工作に打ちこんだものだ。今のように楽しいものがたくさんある時代ではなかった。息子はテレビゲームに夢中だ……私はヘタクソだからバカにされてくやしい。そうだ!若いルーイくんならうまいかもしれない。コツを聞いてみようか。少なくとも、会話のきっかけにはなる。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,557: | Line 2,609: | ||
{{Transcript|Compared to standard bonding epoxy, this item is two times... four times... No, even more! This metal fastener is 256 times more powerful! In time, it will fix anything in position!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Compared to standard bonding epoxy, this item is two times... four times... No, even more! This metal fastener is 256 times more powerful! In time, it will fix anything in position!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|フィックスマンより2倍、4倍、ええい、大放出!256倍強力な固定金具。空間のみならず時間さえ固定します!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|フィックスマンより2倍、4倍、ええい、大放出!256倍強力な固定金具。空間のみならず時間さえ固定します!|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,570: | Line 2,622: | ||
{{Transcript|There appears to be a link between the treasures we found in an underground structure. We found several machine parts that fit together. The parts may provide a clue as to the original function of the area.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|There appears to be a link between the treasures we found in an underground structure. We found several machine parts that fit together. The parts may provide a clue as to the original function of the area.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|どうやらお宝を見つけた場所とお宝の間には何らかのつながりがあるようだ。実際、鉄でできた地下建造物を探険したところ、機械部品が多く見つかった。そこがかつてどんな場所だったのかを知る、良い手がかりになるだろう。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|どうやらお宝を見つけた場所とお宝の間には何らかのつながりがあるようだ。実際、鉄でできた地下建造物を探険したところ、機械部品が多く見つかった。そこがかつてどんな場所だったのかを知る、良い手がかりになるだろう。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,584: | Line 2,636: | ||
{{Transcript|None want to believe it—a world so brutal as to require a steel torso guard for self-defense. It is certainly unattractive, but which do you value more—fashion or personal safety?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|None want to believe it—a world so brutal as to require a steel torso guard for self-defense. It is certainly unattractive, but which do you value more—fashion or personal safety?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|誰も信じられない、信じたくない。そんな殺伐とした世の中にぴったりの、鋼鉄製の護身はらまきです。かっこわるいのがたまにキズですが、あなたは安全派?ファッション派?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|誰も信じられない、信じたくない。そんな殺伐とした世の中にぴったりの、鋼鉄製の護身はらまきです。かっこわるいのがたまにキズですが、あなたは安全派?ファッション派?|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,597: | Line 2,649: | ||
{{Transcript|Even seasoned explorers like myself occasionally get lost when crossing vast, swampy expanses. I'd better stay calm and methodically explore each area. I'm getting tired of walking. Maybe I'll try wearing this bizarre metal ring around my waist. It might provide a relaxing massage effect.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Even seasoned explorers like myself occasionally get lost when crossing vast, swampy expanses. I'd better stay calm and methodically explore each area. I'm getting tired of walking. Maybe I'll try wearing this bizarre metal ring around my waist. It might provide a relaxing massage effect.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|広大な湿地帯では、方角を見失いかけることもある。あせらずにひとつひとつあやしい場所をつぶしていこう。それにしても歩きつかれた。今日はこの巨大金属リングを腰にはめてみようか。マッサージ効果があるかもしれない。ちょっとサイズが合わないかな……?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|広大な湿地帯では、方角を見失いかけることもある。あせらずにひとつひとつあやしい場所をつぶしていこう。それにしても歩きつかれた。今日はこの巨大金属リングを腰にはめてみようか。マッサージ効果があるかもしれない。ちょっとサイズが合わないかな……?|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,608: | Line 2,660: | ||
{{Transcript|This item, though rough, is a perfect back brace for fathers! It even has a built-in massager.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This item, though rough, is a perfect back brace for fathers! It even has a built-in massager.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|はたらきすぎのお父さんにぴったり!マッサージ効果のあるはらまきです。ゴツゴツした感触がたまにキズ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|はたらきすぎのお父さんにぴったり!マッサージ効果のあるはらまきです。ゴツゴツした感触がたまにキズ。|block=y}} | ||
*'''Translation''' | *'''Translation''' | ||
{{Transcript|Perfect for overworked fathers! It's a haramaki with a massaging effect. The rough texture is the only flaw.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Perfect for overworked fathers! It's a haramaki with a massaging effect. The rough texture is the only flaw.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|はたらきすぎのみなさんにぴったり!マッサージ効果のあるはらまきです。ゴツゴツした感触がたまにキズ。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|Perfect for everyone who is overworked! It's a haramaki with a massaging effect. The rough texture is the only flaw.|block=y}} | |||
== ''Superstick Textile'' == | == ''Superstick Textile'' == | ||
Line 2,624: | Line 2,682: | ||
{{Transcript|I have once again discovered a completely undocumented species of Pikmin. These white Pikmin can find and dig up items that are buried entirely underground! We never would have found this priceless treasure without them. Thankfully, it's the perfect stuff to patch a hole I just noticed on the ship's hull!<br>PS: I named the cave where I first encountered the white Pikmin the "White Flower Garden."|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I have once again discovered a completely undocumented species of Pikmin. These white Pikmin can find and dig up items that are buried entirely underground! We never would have found this priceless treasure without them. Thankfully, it's the perfect stuff to patch a hole I just noticed on the ship's hull!<br>PS: I named the cave where I first encountered the white Pikmin the "White Flower Garden."|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|またも新しいピクミンと出会うことができた。白ピクミンはなんと{{color|完全に地面に埋まったお宝を掘り出せる。|red}}この物体も、彼らがいなければ、見つけられなかっただろう。ちょうどドルフィン初号機の装甲に穴を見つけたので、これでふさいでみた。……どうやら問題ないようだ。{{color|追記:|red}}私は彼らと出会ったあの洞窟を{{color|白い花園|red}}と名づけた。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|またも新しいピクミンと出会うことができた。白ピクミンはなんと{{color|完全に地面に埋まったお宝を掘り出せる。|red}}この物体も、彼らがいなければ、見つけられなかっただろう。ちょうどドルフィン初号機の装甲に穴を見つけたので、これでふさいでみた。……どうやら問題ないようだ。{{color|追記:|red}}私は彼らと出会ったあの洞窟を{{color|白い花園|red}}と名づけた。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,638: | Line 2,696: | ||
{{Transcript|The latest must-have item for all ship emergency-repair kits, this miracle fabric is a lifesaver! Its adhesive power is so great, once it's applied, it can never be removed. Not even surgically!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The latest must-have item for all ship emergency-repair kits, this miracle fabric is a lifesaver! Its adhesive power is so great, once it's applied, it can never be removed. Not even surgically!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|宇宙船の修理キットに新商品登場!強力すぎる粘着力で、一度くっついたら二度と離れません。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|宇宙船の修理キットに新商品登場!強力すぎる粘着力で、一度くっついたら二度と離れません。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,658: | Line 2,716: | ||
{{Transcript|This material is ideal for patching dings in spacecraft armor. Too bad there's not much of it left, because the ship sure has a lot of holes...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This material is ideal for patching dings in spacecraft armor. Too bad there's not much of it left, because the ship sure has a lot of holes...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|宇宙船の装甲の穴をふさぐのに便利な素材だ。しかし残量が少ないのが残念でならない。大事に大事に使っていこう。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|宇宙船の装甲の穴をふさぐのに便利な素材だ。しかし残量が少ないのが残念でならない。大事に大事に使っていこう。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,669: | Line 2,727: | ||
{{Transcript|Most spaceship repair kits are easy to use and handy to have around. This one is a bit...old. Its adhesive power is waning, so I will let it go at a discount.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Most spaceship repair kits are easy to use and handy to have around. This one is a bit...old. Its adhesive power is waning, so I will let it go at a discount.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|簡単で便利な宇宙船の修理キット。……の中古品。ちょっとくたびれているものの、その分お安くしときます!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|簡単で便利な宇宙船の修理キット。……の中古品。ちょっとくたびれているものの、その分お安くしときます!|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,682: | Line 2,740: | ||
{{Transcript|My analysis has concluded that this object possesses powerful adhesive abilities. Could there possibly be anything else this sticky? It's unlikely, but the universe is a big place.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|My analysis has concluded that this object possesses powerful adhesive abilities. Could there possibly be anything else this sticky? It's unlikely, but the universe is a big place.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|分析してみたが、ものすごい粘着力だ。まるで社長のお説教のようだ。こんなにネチネチしたものが他にあるとは……。やはり大宇宙は広い。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|分析してみたが、ものすごい粘着力だ。まるで社長のお説教のようだ。こんなにネチネチしたものが他にあるとは……。やはり大宇宙は広い。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,693: | Line 2,751: | ||
{{Transcript|This item has absorbed the anger of the natural world and turned it into raw adhesive power. With the short attention span of today's society, it has almost eternal endurance!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This item has absorbed the anger of the natural world and turned it into raw adhesive power. With the short attention span of today's society, it has almost eternal endurance!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|自然界に満ちる怒りエネルギーを吸収して、粘着力に大変換。短気な現代社会ではほぼ永遠の持続力!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|自然界に満ちる怒りエネルギーを吸収して、粘着力に大変換。短気な現代社会ではほぼ永遠の持続力!|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,709: | Line 2,767: | ||
{{Transcript|The vivid color of this red stone reminds me of my wife's eyes when she's angry. You know, I've noticed lately that she has a few more wrinkles. I've probably caused her a lot of stress. When I return to Hocotate, I'll take her on a long vacation.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The vivid color of this red stone reminds me of my wife's eyes when she's angry. You know, I've noticed lately that she has a few more wrinkles. I've probably caused her a lot of stress. When I return to Hocotate, I'll take her on a long vacation.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|この赤い石を見ると、怒りに燃える妻の目を思い出してしまう。ここだけの話だが、最近妻の小ジワが増えた気がする。思えば妻には苦労ばかりかけている。今度、二人っきりで温泉にでも出かけようか。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|この赤い石を見ると、怒りに燃える妻の目を思い出してしまう。ここだけの話だが、最近妻の小ジワが増えた気がする。思えば妻には苦労ばかりかけている。今度、二人っきりで温泉にでも出かけようか。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,723: | Line 2,781: | ||
{{Transcript|This crimson stone is said to reflect the contents of the soul and detect bold emotions. Will it reveal passion, great ire, or something else? Maybe it all depends on the harmony in your home!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This crimson stone is said to reflect the contents of the soul and detect bold emotions. Will it reveal passion, great ire, or something else? Maybe it all depends on the harmony in your home!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|激しい感情を表すといわれる深紅の石。アツアツの熱愛の石になるか、ドッカン激怒の石になるか、すべては奥さんへの日ごろの気配りしだい!!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|激しい感情を表すといわれる深紅の石。アツアツの熱愛の石になるか、ドッカン激怒の石になるか、すべては奥さんへの日ごろの気配りしだい!!|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,739: | Line 2,797: | ||
{{Transcript|I've lived for decades, and yet there are still mysteries that are beyond my comprehension. For example, why are some people so crazy about things that sparkle? That's one enigma I'll probably never unravel.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I've lived for decades, and yet there are still mysteries that are beyond my comprehension. For example, why are some people so crazy about things that sparkle? That's one enigma I'll probably never unravel.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|数十年生きてきて、いまだ解けない謎がある。女性はどうしてあんなに光り物が好きなのだろうか?この謎は一生わからないかもしれない。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|数十年生きてきて、いまだ解けない謎がある。女性はどうしてあんなに光り物が好きなのだろうか?この謎は一生わからないかもしれない。|block=y}} | ||
*'''Translation''' | *'''Translation''' | ||
{{Transcript|After living for several decades, there is a mystery that I have yet to solve. Why do women love shiny things so much? I may never understand this mystery.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|After living for several decades, there is a mystery that I have yet to solve. Why do women love shiny things so much? I may never understand this mystery.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|数十年生きてきて、いまだ解けない謎がある。人はなぜこういう光り物が好きなのだろうか?この謎は一生わからないかもしれない。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|After living for several decades, there is a mystery that I have yet to solve. Why do people love shiny things like this? I may never understand this mystery.|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
Line 2,750: | Line 2,814: | ||
{{Transcript|A stone with a subtle twinkle that grants harmony, stability, and tranquility to the beholder.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|A stone with a subtle twinkle that grants harmony, stability, and tranquility to the beholder.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|小ぶりな宝石がひかえめにかがやき、上品なきらめきは見る者に調和と安定、そしてやすらぎをもたらします。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|小ぶりな宝石がひかえめにかがやき、上品なきらめきは見る者に調和と安定、そしてやすらぎをもたらします。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,763: | Line 2,827: | ||
{{Transcript|The other day, my daughter begged me to get her some jewelry. She's becoming so fashion conscious! I know girls grow up quickly, but I never imagined it would happen this fast!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The other day, my daughter begged me to get her some jewelry. She's becoming so fashion conscious! I know girls grow up quickly, but I never imagined it would happen this fast!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|そういえば先日、娘に宝石をねだられてびっくりした。もうオシャレを意識する歳になったのか。女の子は成長が早いというが、驚かされてばかりだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|そういえば先日、娘に宝石をねだられてびっくりした。もうオシャレを意識する歳になったのか。女の子は成長が早いというが、驚かされてばかりだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,777: | Line 2,841: | ||
{{Transcript|This scintillating jewel is a royally rich gift. But woe be to those who buy it as a romantic gesture. They'll be turned into paupers! It's the ultimate giant diamond, fit for the ruler of the universe.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This scintillating jewel is a royally rich gift. But woe be to those who buy it as a romantic gesture. They'll be turned into paupers! It's the ultimate giant diamond, fit for the ruler of the universe.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|うっとりながめるだけで彼女の気分は銀河クイーン。彼氏の気分はローンキング。大宇宙の王者にふさわしい、究極巨大なダイアモンド。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|うっとりながめるだけで彼女の気分は銀河クイーン。彼氏の気分はローンキング。大宇宙の王者にふさわしい、究極巨大なダイアモンド。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,793: | Line 2,857: | ||
{{Transcript|When I look at sapphires, I remember a time long ago when I used to buy lots of jewelry for my wife, to bring a little sparkle to a sad day. But... that made me cry to see how hard it was on our budget!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|When I look at sapphires, I remember a time long ago when I used to buy lots of jewelry for my wife, to bring a little sparkle to a sad day. But... that made me cry to see how hard it was on our budget!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|サファイアを見ると思い出す……。昔は妻に泣かれるたびに宝石を買わされたものだ。安月給の身にはつらかった……。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|サファイアを見ると思い出す……。昔は妻に泣かれるたびに宝石を買わされたものだ。安月給の身にはつらかった……。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,804: | Line 2,868: | ||
{{Transcript|Like a forlorn heart during the rainy season, this sapphire is lovely...but tinged with sadness.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Like a forlorn heart during the rainy season, this sapphire is lovely...but tinged with sadness.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|雨の季節は誰もが胸にかかえるもやもやな気持ち。美しいけれどメランコリックにきらめくサファイア。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|雨の季節は誰もが胸にかかえるもやもやな気持ち。美しいけれどメランコリックにきらめくサファイア。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,817: | Line 2,881: | ||
{{Transcript|Salvaging this treasure was a dangerous and difficult task. I found it deep in the bowels of a dank, predator-infested cavern. My only hope of surviving was to strategically use all five colors of Pikmin.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Salvaging this treasure was a dangerous and difficult task. I found it deep in the bowels of a dank, predator-infested cavern. My only hope of surviving was to strategically use all five colors of Pikmin.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|このお宝を持ち帰るのは苦労した。複雑な地層から成る、深い洞窟の中で見つけたのだ。まさに{{color|混沌の魔窟|red}}と名づけるにふさわしい場所だった。生きてもどれたのは、5色のピクミンを状況におうじて使い分けたおかげだろう。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|このお宝を持ち帰るのは苦労した。複雑な地層から成る、深い洞窟の中で見つけたのだ。まさに{{color|混沌の魔窟|red}}と名づけるにふさわしい場所だった。生きてもどれたのは、5色のピクミンを状況におうじて使い分けたおかげだろう。|block=y}} | ||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|It was difficult to bring this treasure with us. We found it in a deep cave, made up of complex geological formations. It was a place worthy of the name {{color|Cavern of Chaos|red}}. We made it back alive by using the five different colors of Pikmin, according to the situation.|block=y}} | |||
'''JP Wii''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|このお宝を持ち帰るのは苦労した。複雑な地層から成る、深い洞窟の中で見つけたのだ。まさに{{color|混沌の魔窟|red}}と名づけるにふさわしい場所だった。生きてもどれたのは、5色のピクミンを状況に応じて使い分けたおかげだろう。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | *'''Translation''' | ||
{{Transcript|It was difficult to bring this treasure with us. We found it in a deep cave, made up of complex geological formations. It was a place worthy of the name {{color|Cavern of Chaos|red}}. We made it back alive by using the five different colors of Pikmin, according to the situation.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|It was difficult to bring this treasure with us. We found it in a deep cave, made up of complex geological formations. It was a place worthy of the name {{color|Cavern of Chaos|red}}. We made it back alive by using the five different colors of Pikmin, according to the situation.|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,831: | Line 2,901: | ||
{{Transcript|This stone is for all fathers who want something beautiful for their daughters, yet want to give a gift that has a hint of panache. There is nothing cheap about the shine of this stone. It is the gift you have been looking for!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This stone is for all fathers who want something beautiful for their daughters, yet want to give a gift that has a hint of panache. There is nothing cheap about the shine of this stone. It is the gift you have been looking for!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|娘には美しく育ってほしいが、派手になってほしくはない。そんなお父さんの本音をついた宝石。派手なかがやきはないものの、だから娘さんへのプレゼントにぴったり!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|娘には美しく育ってほしいが、派手になってほしくはない。そんなお父さんの本音をついた宝石。派手なかがやきはないものの、だから娘さんへのプレゼントにぴったり!|block=y}} | ||
*'''Translation''' | *'''Translation''' | ||
{{Transcript|You want your daughter to grow up to be beautiful, but not flashy. This jewel reflects such a father's true feelings. Although it does not have a flashy sparkle, that is exactly why it is a perfect gift for your daughter!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|You want your daughter to grow up to be beautiful, but not flashy. This jewel reflects such a father's true feelings. Although it does not have a flashy sparkle, that is exactly why it is a perfect gift for your daughter!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|娘には美しいものを身に着けてほしいが派手になってほしくはない。そんなお父さんの本音をついた宝石。派手なかがやきはないものの、だから娘さんへのプレゼントにぴったり!|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|You want your daughter to wear something beautiful but not flashy. This jewel reflects such a father's true feelings. Although it does not have a flashy sparkle, that is exactly why it is a perfect gift for your daughter!|block=y}} | |||
== ''Crystal Clover'' == | == ''Crystal Clover'' == | ||
Line 2,844: | Line 2,920: | ||
{{Transcript|Lately, it seems that my daughter has been admiring my wife's ring. For now, she's satisfied with her cheap toy ring, but when she gets bigger... I love watching her grow up, but it also makes me fearful for my wallet...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Lately, it seems that my daughter has been admiring my wife's ring. For now, she's satisfied with her cheap toy ring, but when she gets bigger... I love watching her grow up, but it also makes me fearful for my wallet...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|どうも最近、娘が妻のはめている指輪をうっとりながめているらしいのだ。今は玩具の指輪ですんでいるが、もっと大きくなったら……。成長が楽しみでもあり、心配でもある。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|どうも最近、娘が妻のはめている指輪をうっとりながめているらしいのだ。今は玩具の指輪ですんでいるが、もっと大きくなったら……。成長が楽しみでもあり、心配でもある。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,855: | Line 2,931: | ||
{{Transcript|An emerald in the shape of a four-leaf plant. Its vivid green hue soothes the soul and calls forth joy. Order yours today!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|An emerald in the shape of a four-leaf plant. Its vivid green hue soothes the soul and calls forth joy. Order yours today!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|四つ葉の植物をかたどったエメラルド。あざやかな緑のかがやきが心をいやし、幸せを呼びこんでくれます。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|四つ葉の植物をかたどったエメラルド。あざやかな緑のかがやきが心をいやし、幸せを呼びこんでくれます。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,868: | Line 2,944: | ||
{{Transcript|! I've encountered countless treasures on this expedition, but I've never seen anything like this. All I can say about it is that it's both astounding and absurd.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|! I've encountered countless treasures on this expedition, but I've never seen anything like this. All I can say about it is that it's both astounding and absurd.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|おお!なんということだ……。これまでいくつもお宝を見つけ、メモをつけてきた私だが、このお宝については語る言葉がない。もう、とにかくすさまじいお宝なのだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|おお!なんということだ……。これまでいくつもお宝を見つけ、メモをつけてきた私だが、このお宝については語る言葉がない。もう、とにかくすさまじいお宝なのだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,879: | Line 2,955: | ||
{{Transcript|Amazing? More than amazing! It is so overwhelming that my CPU is acting oooooo... Brzzkpt! Beeep! Zzzorrrt! Krzzbaaaaah...<br>...<br>Rebooting...<br>What a spectacular find!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Amazing? More than amazing! It is so overwhelming that my CPU is acting oooooo... Brzzkpt! Beeep! Zzzorrrt! Krzzbaaaaah...<br>...<br>Rebooting...<br>What a spectacular find!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|スゴイというか、スゴすぎます!あんまりビックリしたので、私のコンピュータも調子がガガガ……。ピポパポ・ピッ・ピッ・ププペペペポ。ペペペペペペポポポ……。……。ト、とにかく、とんでもないお宝です!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|スゴイというか、スゴすぎます!あんまりビックリしたので、私のコンピュータも調子がガガガ……。ピポパポ・ピッ・ピッ・ププペペペポ。ペペペペペペポポポ……。……。ト、とにかく、とんでもないお宝です!|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,892: | Line 2,968: | ||
{{Transcript|This crimson jewel was found in a hole deep below the icy surface. When viewed from a distance, the gem's dazzling red sparkle looks like a dancing flame. Of course, the dancing flames may just be a symptom of acute hypothermia.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This crimson jewel was found in a hole deep below the icy surface. When viewed from a distance, the gem's dazzling red sparkle looks like a dancing flame. Of course, the dancing flames may just be a symptom of acute hypothermia.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|氷土の地下にて発見した宝石。まばゆく赤いかがやきは遠目には炎のように見えた……が、あらためて見るとくすんでいる。あれは地底の凍えるような寒さが見せたまぼろしなのかもしれない。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|氷土の地下にて発見した宝石。まばゆく赤いかがやきは遠目には炎のように見えた……が、あらためて見るとくすんでいる。あれは地底の凍えるような寒さが見せたまぼろしなのかもしれない。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,903: | Line 2,979: | ||
{{Transcript|The sight of this may warm you when you are cold, a lovely side effect of this valuable treasure.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The sight of this may warm you when you are cold, a lovely side effect of this valuable treasure.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|寒い時に見るとあったかい気分になる?そんな心理効果があるかもしれない貴重な宝石。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|寒い時に見るとあったかい気分になる?そんな心理効果があるかもしれない貴重な宝石。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,916: | Line 2,992: | ||
{{Transcript|I'm captivated by this treasure's unique glimmer. I found it in a breathtaking complex of caverns. I'm glad to see I'm already enjoying the fruits of my labor.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I'm captivated by this treasure's unique glimmer. I found it in a breathtaking complex of caverns. I'm glad to see I'm already enjoying the fruits of my labor.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|このまばゆいかがやきを見よ!奇怪極まりない地下洞窟の中で見つけ出したお宝。苦労の分だけかがやいて見える。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|このまばゆいかがやきを見よ!奇怪極まりない地下洞窟の中で見つけ出したお宝。苦労の分だけかがやいて見える。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,927: | Line 3,003: | ||
{{Transcript|Long ago, evil forces clashed with the forces of justice... The evil was defeated and locked away in this stone.<br>(Am I evil for making up such a tale? Justice, please look the other way!)|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Long ago, evil forces clashed with the forces of justice... The evil was defeated and locked away in this stone.<br>(Am I evil for making up such a tale? Justice, please look the other way!)|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|その昔、宇宙の悪の意志と正義の意志がぶつかり合い、正義が悪をこの石の中に閉じこめました。この秘石にまつわる伝説です。(こんな話をでっち上げている私って、ちょっと<ruby>悪<rt>ワル</rt></ruby>?宇宙正義よ、見逃して!)|block=y}} | {{Transcript|その昔、宇宙の悪の意志と正義の意志がぶつかり合い、正義が悪をこの石の中に閉じこめました。この秘石にまつわる伝説です。(こんな話をでっち上げている私って、ちょっと<ruby>悪<rt>ワル</rt></ruby>?宇宙正義よ、見逃して!)|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,940: | Line 3,016: | ||
{{Transcript|That's peculiar... When I gaze at this stone, all of my stress seems to wash away. I'm suddenly not so annoyed with my irrational boss and unappreciative underlings. I'm not even annoyed with the tight-fisted corporation I slave each and every day for.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|That's peculiar... When I gaze at this stone, all of my stress seems to wash away. I'm suddenly not so annoyed with my irrational boss and unappreciative underlings. I'm not even annoyed with the tight-fisted corporation I slave each and every day for.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|不思議だ……。この石を見つめているとあらゆる怒りが洗い流されていく。理不尽な上司、わがままな部下、報われない社会。すべて許せる気がする。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|不思議だ……。この石を見つめているとあらゆる怒りが洗い流されていく。理不尽な上司、わがままな部下、報われない社会。すべて許せる気がする。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,951: | Line 3,027: | ||
{{Transcript|Wash away all your stress and angst with the glory of this enduring symbol of love.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Wash away all your stress and angst with the glory of this enduring symbol of love.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|大宇宙のいだいな愛のシンボル。日々の不満も、世界への怒りも、積み重なったストレスも、すべて洗い流されていきます!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|大宇宙のいだいな愛のシンボル。日々の不満も、世界への怒りも、積み重なったストレスも、すべて洗い流されていきます!|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,964: | Line 3,040: | ||
{{Transcript|We traveled across the universe to this planet pursuing the dream of great discoveries. I've found a cavern that symbolizes the goal of our grand expedition, so I've named it the Dream Den.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|We traveled across the universe to this planet pursuing the dream of great discoveries. I've found a cavern that symbolizes the goal of our grand expedition, so I've named it the Dream Den.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|お宝を夢見て、はるばるこんな星までやってきた私たち。そしてついにこんな秘境の奥地にまでたどり着いた。この夢の最果てともいうべき洞窟を私は{{color|夢の穴|red}}と名づけることにした。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|お宝を夢見て、はるばるこんな星までやってきた私たち。そしてついにこんな秘境の奥地にまでたどり着いた。この夢の最果てともいうべき洞窟を私は{{color|夢の穴|red}}と名づけることにした。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,975: | Line 3,051: | ||
{{Transcript|Stones, soil, and the stars themselves radiate with delight for this symbol of galactic desire.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Stones, soil, and the stars themselves radiate with delight for this symbol of galactic desire.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|大銀河の大いなる愛のシンボル。石も土も草木も、そして星までも、すべてが愛に満たされているのです!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|大銀河の大いなる愛のシンボル。石も土も草木も、そして星までも、すべてが愛に満たされているのです!|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,988: | Line 3,064: | ||
{{Transcript|I could never say this within earshot of the ship, but years of hard use have taken their toll. For one thing, the thermostat is broken. The temperature in the cockpit can fluctuate wildly between sweltering heat and frigid cold. The humid heat is awful, but the bone-chilling cold is even worse. Looking at this heart-warming gem gives me the strength to endure the elements.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I could never say this within earshot of the ship, but years of hard use have taken their toll. For one thing, the thermostat is broken. The temperature in the cockpit can fluctuate wildly between sweltering heat and frigid cold. The humid heat is awful, but the bone-chilling cold is even worse. Looking at this heart-warming gem gives me the strength to endure the elements.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|私の宇宙服は使い古しでかなりボロい。温度の調節ひとつろくにできないのだ。まったく寒さがこたえる。ピクミンは私よりもさらにつらそうだったな……。その姿にはげまされ、私は寒さに負けずにすんだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|私の宇宙服は使い古しでかなりボロい。温度の調節ひとつろくにできないのだ。まったく寒さがこたえる。ピクミンは私よりもさらにつらそうだったな……。その姿にはげまされ、私は寒さに負けずにすんだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 2,999: | Line 3,075: | ||
{{Transcript|This gem holds the shape of the universal symbol of love, yet its cut and light-refracting abilities make it a menacing super-weapon in disguise! It could be used to create a horrifying, doomsday death ray...or something even worse. We peaceful machines live in eternal fear of the ability of living beings to turn anything into a weapon.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This gem holds the shape of the universal symbol of love, yet its cut and light-refracting abilities make it a menacing super-weapon in disguise! It could be used to create a horrifying, doomsday death ray...or something even worse. We peaceful machines live in eternal fear of the ability of living beings to turn anything into a weapon.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|この形は宇宙共通の愛のシンボル。しかしなんとこのカッティングが驚異の内部屈折率を生みました!おそろしいレーザー兵器に応用可能。どんな物でも兵器に利用する、人間の知恵に私たち機械はおそれいるばかりです。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|この形は宇宙共通の愛のシンボル。しかしなんとこのカッティングが驚異の内部屈折率を生みました!おそろしいレーザー兵器に応用可能。どんな物でも兵器に利用する、人間の知恵に私たち機械はおそれいるばかりです。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,012: | Line 3,088: | ||
{{Transcript|We found this treasure in a cave teeming with merciless creatures. But we did find this gorgeous jewel, so it wasn't all bad.<br>Update: It turns out that it's just plastic. So it was all bad after all.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|We found this treasure in a cave teeming with merciless creatures. But we did find this gorgeous jewel, so it wasn't all bad.<br>Update: It turns out that it's just plastic. So it was all bad after all.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|凶暴な生物がうようよしている洞窟で発見した。あれだけの苦労に見合う、値打ち物の宝石に違いない!……と思いきや、材質はただのプラスチックだった。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|凶暴な生物がうようよしている洞窟で発見した。あれだけの苦労に見合う、値打ち物の宝石に違いない!……と思いきや、材質はただのプラスチックだった。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,023: | Line 3,099: | ||
{{Transcript|Those who view this gem's green twinkle become filled with great hopes and expectations. However, it rewards neither. This artistic sham only provides short-lived happiness.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Those who view this gem's green twinkle become filled with great hopes and expectations. However, it rewards neither. This artistic sham only provides short-lived happiness.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|見る者に多大な期待をいだかせる、思わせぶりな緑のきらめき。しかしその期待が報われることはありません。ぬかよろこび感を楽しめる人にだけオススメできる芸術的なまがい物です。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|見る者に多大な期待をいだかせる、思わせぶりな緑のきらめき。しかしその期待が報われることはありません。ぬかよろこび感を楽しめる人にだけオススメできる芸術的なまがい物です。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,039: | Line 3,115: | ||
{{Transcript|When my wife gets annoyed with me, I freeze on the spot. At least I can handle her telling me what I've done wrong. My daughter, however, will just stare at me. And that's much worse!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|When my wife gets annoyed with me, I freeze on the spot. At least I can handle her telling me what I've done wrong. My daughter, however, will just stare at me. And that's much worse!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|女性を怒らせると、本当におそろしい。妻にガミガミしかられるのはイヤだが、娘に冷たい目で見つめられるのもたえられない。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|女性を怒らせると、本当におそろしい。妻にガミガミしかられるのはイヤだが、娘に冷たい目で見つめられるのもたえられない。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,053: | Line 3,129: | ||
{{Transcript|The cold brilliance of this stone will freeze the hearts of all admirers. But I do wonder what men would imagine, gazing upon it? It's worth researching!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The cold brilliance of this stone will freeze the hearts of all admirers. But I do wonder what men would imagine, gazing upon it? It's worth researching!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|見る者すべての心を凍てつかせる冷たいかがやき。全宇宙のお父さんはこれを見て自分の妻を思い出すことでしょう。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|見る者すべての心を凍てつかせる冷たいかがやき。全宇宙のお父さんはこれを見て自分の妻を思い出すことでしょう。|block=y}} | ||
*'''Translation''' | *'''Translation''' | ||
{{Transcript|A cold gleam that chills the hearts of all who see it. Fathers throughout the universe will remember their wives when they see this.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|A cold gleam that chills the hearts of all who see it. Fathers throughout the universe will remember their wives when they see this.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|見る者すべての心を凍てつかせる冷たいかがやき。全宇宙のお父さんはこれを見て何を思い浮べるのだろうか?|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|A cold gleam that chills the hearts of all who see it. What will fathers throughout the universe think of when they see this?|block=y}} | |||
== ''Red Gemstar/Gemstar Wife'' == | == ''Red Gemstar/Gemstar Wife'' == | ||
Line 3,069: | Line 3,151: | ||
{{Transcript|It's said that this is part of a pair of living gems—male and female. Naturally, knowing that the two separated makes me sad. I suppose what really makes me sad is the fact that I'm separated from my family.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|It's said that this is part of a pair of living gems—male and female. Naturally, knowing that the two separated makes me sad. I suppose what really makes me sad is the fact that I'm separated from my family.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|オスとメスで一対の宝石生命体らしい。本来ひとつのものが離れ離れになっているのを見ると、悲しくなる。やけに感情が高ぶるのは、私が家族と離れ離れになっているせいだろうか。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|オスとメスで一対の宝石生命体らしい。本来ひとつのものが離れ離れになっているのを見ると、悲しくなる。やけに感情が高ぶるのは、私が家族と離れ離れになっているせいだろうか。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,083: | Line 3,165: | ||
{{Transcript|It looks like a common gem, but it is actually a female specimen of a gemstone life-form. When any pair of these gemstones are brought near each other, they will sparkle in the darkness, longing for one another.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|It looks like a common gem, but it is actually a female specimen of a gemstone life-form. When any pair of these gemstones are brought near each other, they will sparkle in the darkness, longing for one another.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ただの宝石に見えて、宝石生命体の♀。オスとメスをそろえると、おたがいを求めて、暗がりでピカピカ光ります!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ただの宝石に見えて、宝石生命体の♀。オスとメスをそろえると、おたがいを求めて、暗がりでピカピカ光ります!|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,102: | Line 3,184: | ||
{{Transcript|A captain views his ship as a brother and a partner—someone he can trust with his life. It's crucial for them to develop an unquestionable, unfaltering trust. But I refuse to believe that this simple trinket is some kind of living gem. That's insane!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|A captain views his ship as a brother and a partner—someone he can trust with his life. It's crucial for them to develop an unquestionable, unfaltering trust. But I refuse to believe that this simple trinket is some kind of living gem. That's insane!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|パイロットにとって、宇宙船は命をあずけるパートナーといえる。だからおたがいを信じる気持ちがとても大切なのだ。しかし、こんなただの石ころが宝石生物だとはさすがに信じられないのだ……。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|パイロットにとって、宇宙船は命をあずけるパートナーといえる。だからおたがいを信じる気持ちがとても大切なのだ。しかし、こんなただの石ころが宝石生物だとはさすがに信じられないのだ……。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,113: | Line 3,195: | ||
{{Transcript|Once again, daydreams come alive! This is not just a fine gem, but a rare, inorganic life-form.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Once again, daydreams come alive! This is not just a fine gem, but a rare, inorganic life-form.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|またも私の空想が爆発!ただのきれいな宝石ではなく、大変珍しい無機生物なのです。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|またも私の空想が爆発!ただのきれいな宝石ではなく、大変珍しい無機生物なのです。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,126: | Line 3,208: | ||
{{Transcript|From the shape of it, I've concluded that this is some kind of data transmission monitor. However, Louie and the ship keep telling me that I'm way off target. I told them, "If I'm so wrong, what do you think it is? I don't see you suggesting any alternatives!" They're just being negative. I'm going with my gut feeling on this one.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|From the shape of it, I've concluded that this is some kind of data transmission monitor. However, Louie and the ship keep telling me that I'm way off target. I told them, "If I'm so wrong, what do you think it is? I don't see you suggesting any alternatives!" They're just being negative. I'm going with my gut feeling on this one.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|私は形状からモニター通信機の一種と推測している。だが、他のみんなは違うという。しかし他に何かアイデアがあるわけではない。対案のない反対はネガティブすぎる!私は自分の直感を信じている。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|私は形状からモニター通信機の一種と推測している。だが、他のみんなは違うという。しかし他に何かアイデアがあるわけではない。対案のない反対はネガティブすぎる!私は自分の直感を信じている。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,143: | Line 3,225: | ||
{{Transcript|This communications monitor was found on an uncivilized planet! Sadly, it is broken and does not work. As such, its purpose cannot be confirmed. Yet that only heightens its irresistible appeal. Reality...or misperception? Either way, you should buy it.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This communications monitor was found on an uncivilized planet! Sadly, it is broken and does not work. As such, its purpose cannot be confirmed. Yet that only heightens its irresistible appeal. Reality...or misperception? Either way, you should buy it.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|未開惑星で発見されたモニター通信機!壊れているから、動かせない。動かせないから、確かめられない。しかし、だからこそある夢とロマン。真実か、それともただのかん違いか。そんなこと、小さな問題にすぎません。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|未開惑星で発見されたモニター通信機!壊れているから、動かせない。動かせないから、確かめられない。しかし、だからこそある夢とロマン。真実か、それともただのかん違いか。そんなこと、小さな問題にすぎません。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,156: | Line 3,238: | ||
{{Transcript|According to my analysis, this object has a high intellectual capacity. But if it's so smart, why won't it pass on some of its wisdom to me?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|According to my analysis, this object has a high intellectual capacity. But if it's so smart, why won't it pass on some of its wisdom to me?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|解析によると、高度な思考能力を持った知性体らしいが、そんなにかしこいなら少し知恵をかしてほしいものだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|解析によると、高度な思考能力を持った知性体らしいが、そんなにかしこいなら少し知恵をかしてほしいものだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,167: | Line 3,249: | ||
{{Transcript|This creature holds the greatest concentration of knowledge in all of the known universe. However, due to its reclusive personality, it pretends to be a mere pebble.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This creature holds the greatest concentration of knowledge in all of the known universe. However, due to its reclusive personality, it pretends to be a mere pebble.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|全宇宙最高の知性体であり、この世のすべてを知るという。しかしナイーブな性格のため、石ころのふりをしている。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|全宇宙最高の知性体であり、この世のすべてを知るという。しかしナイーブな性格のため、石ころのふりをしている。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,180: | Line 3,262: | ||
{{Transcript|I speculate that this crystal is in fact highly intelligent. It must possess telepathic powers. When I peer into it, the reflection of my face is bright red. It must be sensing my stress! Tomorrow, I think I'll sleep through the whole day.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I speculate that this crystal is in fact highly intelligent. It must possess telepathic powers. When I peer into it, the reflection of my face is bright red. It must be sensing my stress! Tomorrow, I think I'll sleep through the whole day.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|分析によると、テレパシー能力を持った思考結晶らしい。この真っ赤な色は私のストレスを映し出しているのか?うう……明日は1日、何もしないで寝ていたい。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|分析によると、テレパシー能力を持った思考結晶らしい。この真っ赤な色は私のストレスを映し出しているのか?うう……明日は1日、何もしないで寝ていたい。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,191: | Line 3,273: | ||
{{Transcript|This thought crystal checks your stress levels with its telepathic powers! It is currently all red! RED! RED! RED! The world is filled with stress, and this is the color that represents our society!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This thought crystal checks your stress levels with its telepathic powers! It is currently all red! RED! RED! RED! The world is filled with stress, and this is the color that represents our society!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|テレパシー能力をそなえた思考結晶であなたの周りのストレスをチェック!いつでもどこでも真っ赤っ赤。世界はストレスで満ちていた。現代社会を表す、主張の一色!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|テレパシー能力をそなえた思考結晶であなたの周りのストレスをチェック!いつでもどこでも真っ赤っ赤。世界はストレスで満ちていた。現代社会を表す、主張の一色!|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,204: | Line 3,286: | ||
{{Transcript|According to the ship's scanners, this inanimate object has the capacity to love. Unfortunately, my love is already spoken for. Although...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|According to the ship's scanners, this inanimate object has the capacity to love. Unfortunately, my love is already spoken for. Although...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|解析によると、高度な恋愛能力を持った知性体らしいが、今の私にはそんなもの不要……いや、現実からの一時の逃避を楽しむのも……。この想像は妻にはナイショだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|解析によると、高度な恋愛能力を持った知性体らしいが、今の私にはそんなもの不要……いや、現実からの一時の逃避を楽しむのも……。この想像は妻にはナイショだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,215: | Line 3,297: | ||
{{Transcript|One of the wisest beings in the universe, this entity also boasts a galactic-sized helping of love. ...However, due to its shyness, it will never speak of that love.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|One of the wisest beings in the universe, this entity also boasts a galactic-sized helping of love. ...However, due to its shyness, it will never speak of that love.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|全宇宙最高の知性体にして、銀河的なスケールの愛をいだく。だがシャイな性格のため、その愛を語ることはない。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|全宇宙最高の知性体にして、銀河的なスケールの愛をいだく。だがシャイな性格のため、その愛を語ることはない。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,228: | Line 3,310: | ||
{{Transcript|The Pikmin are always staring at me. It's nice to see that they look up to me, but it's becoming unnerving. Sometimes, I want to hide away in the ship just to escape their beady eyes.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The Pikmin are always staring at me. It's nice to see that they look up to me, but it's becoming unnerving. Sometimes, I want to hide away in the ship just to escape their beady eyes.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ピクミンはいつも私のことを見ている。信頼されているのはうれしいが、たまに視線がつらくなってくる。1日、宇宙船の中に引きこもっていたいこともあるのだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ピクミンはいつも私のことを見ている。信頼されているのはうれしいが、たまに視線がつらくなってくる。1日、宇宙船の中に引きこもっていたいこともあるのだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,242: | Line 3,324: | ||
{{Transcript|This crystal is empowered with psychokinetic abilities. If it is so inclined, it will use its mighty powers to do physical labor in your stead! When it will be so inclined is unknown, however...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This crystal is empowered with psychokinetic abilities. If it is so inclined, it will use its mighty powers to do physical labor in your stead! When it will be so inclined is unknown, however...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|サイコキネシス能力を持った思考結晶。気が向けば、超能力であなたの力仕事を肩がわり!いつその気になるか、それは誰にもわからないのがたまにキズ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|サイコキネシス能力を持った思考結晶。気が向けば、超能力であなたの力仕事を肩がわり!いつその気になるか、それは誰にもわからないのがたまにキズ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,258: | Line 3,340: | ||
{{Transcript|My investigation has concluded that this object embodies the spirit of comedy. But when it comes to humor, not even this item can stand up to my unrivaled powers of hilarity. Too bad the president doesn't appreciate my comedic genius.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|My investigation has concluded that this object embodies the spirit of comedy. But when it comes to humor, not even this item can stand up to my unrivaled powers of hilarity. Too bad the president doesn't appreciate my comedic genius.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|解析によると、高度なジョークを考えている知性体らしいが、ダジャレなら私のほうが上に違いない。しかしさすがに社長にはかなわない。人間、歳を取るほどダジャレのセンスがさえてくるのだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|解析によると、高度なジョークを考えている知性体らしいが、ダジャレなら私のほうが上に違いない。しかしさすがに社長にはかなわない。人間、歳を取るほどダジャレのセンスがさえてくるのだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,272: | Line 3,354: | ||
{{Transcript|Another of the universe's most intelligent beings, this creature's entire existence—from the birth of the universe to its ultimate collapse—is dedicated to devising a very special joke.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Another of the universe's most intelligent beings, this creature's entire existence—from the birth of the universe to its ultimate collapse—is dedicated to devising a very special joke.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|全宇宙最高の知性体だが、宇宙の始まりから終わりにいたるまで、とっておきのジョークを考え続けている。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|全宇宙最高の知性体だが、宇宙の始まりから終わりにいたるまで、とっておきのジョークを考え続けている。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,293: | Line 3,375: | ||
*'''Translation''' | *'''Translation''' | ||
{{Transcript|With five different colors of Pikmin, it's a bit of a mess in my head. Okay! Let's try to sort it out a little tonight.<br> ● Red Pikmin are {{color|resistant to fire.|red}}<br> ● Purple Pikmin {{color|have heavy bodies and high strength.|red}}<br> ● White Pikmin are quick, {{color|resistant to poison,|red}} and dig out completely buried treasures.<br> ● Yellow Pikmin are {{color|resistant to electric shocks and agile.|red}} They fly high when thrown.<br> ● Blue Pikmin {{color|can survive in water.|red}}<br>Pikmin have strengths that can be imagined from the color of their bodies.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|With five different colors of Pikmin, it's a bit of a mess in my head. Okay! Let's try to sort it out a little tonight.<br> ● Red Pikmin are {{color|resistant to fire.|red}}<br> ● Purple Pikmin {{color|have heavy bodies and high strength.|red}}<br> ● White Pikmin are quick, {{color|resistant to poison,|red}} and dig out completely buried treasures.<br> ● Yellow Pikmin are {{color|resistant to electric shocks and agile.|red}} They fly high when thrown.<br> ● Blue Pikmin {{color|can survive in water.|red}}<br>Pikmin have strengths that can be imagined from the color of their bodies.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP Wii/NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|5色もピクミンがいると、頭の中がゴッチャになってしまうな。よし!今晩は少し整理してみよう。<br> ●赤ピクミンは{{color|炎に強い。|red}}<br> ●紫ピクミンは{{color|身体が重く、力が強い。|red}}<br> ●白ピクミンは{{color|すばやくて、毒に強く、|red}}完全に埋まった{{color|お宝を掘り出す。|red}}<br> ●黄ピクミンは{{color|電撃に強くて、身軽。|red}}投げた時に{{color|高く飛ぶ。|red}}<br> ●青ピクミンは{{color|水の中でも大丈夫。|red}}<br>ピクミンは、身体の色からイメージできるような長所を持っている。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|With five different colors of Pikmin, it's a bit of a mess in my head. Okay! Let's try to sort it out a little tonight.<br> ● Red Pikmin are {{color|resistant to fire.|red}}<br> ● Purple Pikmin {{color|have heavy bodies and high strength.|red}}<br> ● White Pikmin are {{color|quick, resistant to poison, and dig out|red}} completely buried {{color|treasures|red}}.<br> ● Yellow Pikmin are {{color|resistant to electric shocks and agile.|red}} They {{color|fly high|red}} when thrown.<br> ● Blue Pikmin {{color|can survive in water.|red}}<br>Pikmin have strengths that can be imagined from the color of their bodies.|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
Line 3,299: | Line 3,387: | ||
{{Transcript|This mystic crystal has the ability to channel energy between this world and the next. This spiritual connectivity will act as a life navigator for a positive existence.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This mystic crystal has the ability to channel energy between this world and the next. This spiritual connectivity will act as a life navigator for a positive existence.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|チャネリング能力を持った思考結晶で、あちらの世界とこちらの世界をコネクティビティー。つながりゃ、きっといいことあるさ。前向きな生き方へ人をいざなうライフナビゲータ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|チャネリング能力を持った思考結晶で、あちらの世界とこちらの世界をコネクティビティー。つながりゃ、きっといいことあるさ。前向きな生き方へ人をいざなうライフナビゲータ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,315: | Line 3,403: | ||
{{Transcript|This shape resembles a mammal appendage. But I have no idea what it actually does. It's dripping with what can only be described as beast drool. I can't blame the ship for not wanting to touch it. I don't want to touch it either! But I've got a duty to my mission, and sometimes a captain has to take one for the team...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This shape resembles a mammal appendage. But I have no idea what it actually does. It's dripping with what can only be described as beast drool. I can't blame the ship for not wanting to touch it. I don't want to touch it either! But I've got a duty to my mission, and sometimes a captain has to take one for the team...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|形状はほ乳動物の乳房に似ているが、その実体はよくわからない。生物のヨダレと思われる、ベタベタの粘液でおおわれている。正直、あまり触りたくない。しかし見つめていると、ちょっとなつかしい気分にもなる。不思議なものだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|形状はほ乳動物の乳房に似ているが、その実体はよくわからない。生物のヨダレと思われる、ベタベタの粘液でおおわれている。正直、あまり触りたくない。しかし見つめていると、ちょっとなつかしい気分にもなる。不思議なものだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,326: | Line 3,414: | ||
{{Transcript|This shape... Though the mind forgets, the heart remembers. All sentient life-forms must recall the love of their mothers!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This shape... Though the mind forgets, the heart remembers. All sentient life-forms must recall the love of their mothers!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|頭が忘れても心がおぼえているこの形。大宇宙のあらゆる知性体に共通する母の愛を思い出して!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|頭が忘れても心がおぼえているこの形。大宇宙のあらゆる知性体に共通する母の愛を思い出して!|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,342: | Line 3,430: | ||
{{Transcript|What an odd doll. I can't stop squeezing it. I've decided to market this doll back home as an exercise apparatus. People could work up a good sweat with this thing. Maybe the boss might like using this too.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|What an odd doll. I can't stop squeezing it. I've decided to market this doll back home as an exercise apparatus. People could work up a good sweat with this thing. Maybe the boss might like using this too.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|奇妙な構造の人形だ。ちょっとやそっと押したぐらいでは、ヒョッコリ起き上がってくる。トレーニングマシンとして売り出すことになった。きっといい汗をかけるだろう。そうだ。社長は腹が出すぎているから、今度すすめてみるか。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|奇妙な構造の人形だ。ちょっとやそっと押したぐらいでは、ヒョッコリ起き上がってくる。トレーニングマシンとして売り出すことになった。きっといい汗をかけるだろう。そうだ。社長は腹が出すぎているから、今度すすめてみるか。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,356: | Line 3,444: | ||
{{Transcript|Push it, pull it, tackle it! This tough figurine just pops right back up, no matter what, and it's just the thing to get you sweating during a good workout! Why, our very own company president made this a key part of his fitness routine!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Push it, pull it, tackle it! This tough figurine just pops right back up, no matter what, and it's just the thing to get you sweating during a good workout! Why, our very own company president made this a key part of his fitness routine!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|押しても、引いても、ドツいても、ヒョッコリ、ヒョコヒョコ起き上がるタフな人形。いい汗かいてダイエットできます!なんと、なんと、当社の社長の体重が10パーセントも減ったという実績もあります。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|押しても、引いても、ドツいても、ヒョッコリ、ヒョコヒョコ起き上がるタフな人形。いい汗かいてダイエットできます!なんと、なんと、当社の社長の体重が10パーセントも減ったという実績もあります。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,369: | Line 3,457: | ||
{{Transcript|The first time I laid eyes on this hideous treasure, I thought it was a giant aquatic monster! It took me several terror-filled seconds to realize that it's just an ugly statue. What a relief... I was ready to run all the way back to Hocotate!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The first time I laid eyes on this hideous treasure, I thought it was a giant aquatic monster! It took me several terror-filled seconds to realize that it's just an ugly statue. What a relief... I was ready to run all the way back to Hocotate!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
* '''Text''' | * '''Text''' | ||
{{transcript|最初に目撃した時は、巨大な水棲生物かと思いびっくりしたが、実はただの巨像だった。一安心だ。もしこんなブサイクな生物が実在しておそってきたら、無様に逃げまどうしかなかっただろう……。|block=y}} | {{transcript|最初に目撃した時は、巨大な水棲生物かと思いびっくりしたが、実はただの巨像だった。一安心だ。もしこんなブサイクな生物が実在しておそってきたら、無様に逃げまどうしかなかっただろう……。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,380: | Line 3,468: | ||
{{Transcript|Ugliness that can destroy all beauty drives deep despair into the heart of the beholder. This hideous item is a must-have for connoisseurs of all things wretched and repellant.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Ugliness that can destroy all beauty drives deep despair into the heart of the beholder. This hideous item is a must-have for connoisseurs of all things wretched and repellant.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
* '''Text''' | * '''Text''' | ||
{{transcript|いかなる美をも打倒するブサイクさは見る者の心に感動と絶望をたたきこむ。マニアにはたまらないブサイク品。|block=y}} | {{transcript|いかなる美をも打倒するブサイクさは見る者の心に感動と絶望をたたきこむ。マニアにはたまらないブサイク品。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,393: | Line 3,481: | ||
{{Transcript|I'm not just an intergalactic space captain... I'm also an artist. I see the inner beauty in everything. Some things other people call ugly and boring, I find intellectually stimulating and aesthetically pleasing. It's true... I'm sophisticated like that.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I'm not just an intergalactic space captain... I'm also an artist. I see the inner beauty in everything. Some things other people call ugly and boring, I find intellectually stimulating and aesthetically pleasing. It's true... I'm sophisticated like that.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|私は宇宙船乗りだが、実はひそかにアーティストにも向いていると思う。どんな物にも美を見出してしまう。ブサイクも極めるとかわいらしい。…………本当だ。決して心がつかれているわけではない。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|私は宇宙船乗りだが、実はひそかにアーティストにも向いていると思う。どんな物にも美を見出してしまう。ブサイクも極めるとかわいらしい。…………本当だ。決して心がつかれているわけではない。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,407: | Line 3,495: | ||
{{Transcript|This is both the pinnacle of beauty and the nadir of ugliness, the definition of ugly beauty. I can't imagine anything in the entire universe that is as utterly beutiful in this bizarre way.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This is both the pinnacle of beauty and the nadir of ugliness, the definition of ugly beauty. I can't imagine anything in the entire universe that is as utterly beutiful in this bizarre way.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|あらゆる存在を超え、最高の美と最低のブサイクを内包する至上至高の美。これぞまさにブサイク美。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|あらゆる存在を超え、最高の美と最低のブサイクを内包する至上至高の美。これぞまさにブサイク美。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,420: | Line 3,508: | ||
{{Transcript|The ship is noisy, but nothing compares to the boss's inane chatter. Blah blah blah! It never ends! He could learn a lot from this noiseless, disembodied head. Louie's quiet nature was hard to adjust to, but now I've grown to appreciate the peace and quiet.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The ship is noisy, but nothing compares to the boss's inane chatter. Blah blah blah! It never ends! He could learn a lot from this noiseless, disembodied head. Louie's quiet nature was hard to adjust to, but now I've grown to appreciate the peace and quiet.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ううっ……ドルフィン初号機だけでもやかましいのに、今は社長までいる。やかましくって、しょうがない!!この像を少しは見習ってほしいものだ。今思えば、ルーイくんは無口でとっつきにくかったが、静かで良かった。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ううっ……ドルフィン初号機だけでもやかましいのに、今は社長までいる。やかましくって、しょうがない!!この像を少しは見習ってほしいものだ。今思えば、ルーイくんは無口でとっつきにくかったが、静かで良かった。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,434: | Line 3,522: | ||
{{Transcript|The perfect gift in this age of overwhelming information, this mute face cherishes silence. If you value peace and quiet, why not spend some time staring into this face?<br>One hour... Two hours...<br>I am...feeling...drowsy...<br>Energy-saving...mode...initiated<br>...<br>...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The perfect gift in this age of overwhelming information, this mute face cherishes silence. If you value peace and quiet, why not spend some time staring into this face?<br>One hour... Two hours...<br>I am...feeling...drowsy...<br>Energy-saving...mode...initiated<br>...<br>...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|情報のあふれる現代にぴったり。にぎやかさより静かさのこの商品。この顔と向き合って、無言の時を楽しみませんか?1時間、2時間、……。なんだか眠くなっちゃいますね。……<ruby>省電力<rt>スリープ</rt></ruby>モードヘ移行シマス。<br>…………。<br>…………。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|情報のあふれる現代にぴったり。にぎやかさより静かさのこの商品。この顔と向き合って、無言の時を楽しみませんか?1時間、2時間、……。なんだか眠くなっちゃいますね。……<ruby>省電力<rt>スリープ</rt></ruby>モードヘ移行シマス。<br>…………。<br>…………。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,448: | Line 3,536: | ||
{{Transcript|I have a confession to make. I've become enamored with this object! I know I shouldn't fall for company property, but I can't suppress these feelings forever!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I have a confession to make. I've become enamored with this object! I know I shouldn't fall for company property, but I can't suppress these feelings forever!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|私としたことが、こんな重大なミスを……。なんともチャーミーなこの物体にほれこんでしまった。理性では会社の物だとわかっているが、本能が抑えられそうにない。社長にたのんで、格安で売ってもらえないものか。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|私としたことが、こんな重大なミスを……。なんともチャーミーなこの物体にほれこんでしまった。理性では会社の物だとわかっているが、本能が抑えられそうにない。社長にたのんで、格安で売ってもらえないものか。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,459: | Line 3,547: | ||
{{Transcript|Gaze into these round eyes and experience wave after wave of joy. Yes... Love is good.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Gaze into these round eyes and experience wave after wave of joy. Yes... Love is good.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|つぶらなひとみと向かい合うと、激しいゾクゾク快感がおそってくる。あ・あ・素敵すぎる・らぶ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|つぶらなひとみと向かい合うと、激しいゾクゾク快感がおそってくる。あ・あ・素敵すぎる・らぶ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,472: | Line 3,560: | ||
{{Transcript|I tried flying this thing once, but it moved too rapidly and I contracted vertigo. Maybe it could be used as an amusement ride. The youngins would love it! However, I don't think I'll ever ride it again...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I tried flying this thing once, but it moved too rapidly and I contracted vertigo. Maybe it could be used as an amusement ride. The youngins would love it! However, I don't think I'll ever ride it again...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|一度これに乗って飛んでみたが、あまりのスピードにめまいがした。もしかしてアトラクションに使えるかもしれない。きっと若者受けするに違いない。しかし私は絶対に乗らないが。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|一度これに乗って飛んでみたが、あまりのスピードにめまいがした。もしかしてアトラクションに使えるかもしれない。きっと若者受けするに違いない。しかし私は絶対に乗らないが。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,483: | Line 3,571: | ||
{{Transcript|Just an ordinary spring? Hardly! This is a high-speed thrill ride tested by one of our employees! Jump aboard for a ride so fast, it'll make you see other worlds!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Just an ordinary spring? Hardly! This is a high-speed thrill ride tested by one of our employees! Jump aboard for a ride so fast, it'll make you see other worlds!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ただのバネに見えますが、実は当社の社員が実体験ずみのハイスピード・アトラクションです。これに乗って飛べば、あまりのスピードに別の世界が見えてきます。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ただのバネに見えますが、実は当社の社員が実体験ずみのハイスピード・アトラクションです。これに乗って飛べば、あまりのスピードに別の世界が見えてきます。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,496: | Line 3,584: | ||
{{Transcript|Today we found the remains of a wooden construction engine buried deep under the surface. I can't imagine anyone on this uncivilized planet inventing anything. We'll have to wait until later to finish surveying this maze, but this place intrigues me. There may be something interesting to learn about this primitive object.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Today we found the remains of a wooden construction engine buried deep under the surface. I can't imagine anyone on this uncivilized planet inventing anything. We'll have to wait until later to finish surveying this maze, but this place intrigues me. There may be something interesting to learn about this primitive object.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|今日は、地下に埋もれた木造建築物の跡を探険した。未開惑星の地下にあんな場所があるとは……。謎の解明は、今後の調査を待たなければならないが、この星は探険家の好奇心をくすぐられる所だ。この物体にも私たちの想像を超えた謎があるのかもしれない。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|今日は、地下に埋もれた木造建築物の跡を探険した。未開惑星の地下にあんな場所があるとは……。謎の解明は、今後の調査を待たなければならないが、この星は探険家の好奇心をくすぐられる所だ。この物体にも私たちの想像を超えた謎があるのかもしれない。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,505: | Line 3,593: | ||
'''EU GCN''' | '''EU GCN''' | ||
{{Transcript|This cute colour arrangement is really wonderful! The miraculous design painted on the lid must have a big impact on the sense of beauty of the people from Hocotate, with it`s supernatural loveliness. It is going to be very popular, no doubt!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This cute colour arrangement is really wonderful! The miraculous design painted on the lid must have a big impact on the sense of beauty of the people from Hocotate, with it`s{{sic}} supernatural loveliness. It is going to be very popular, no doubt!|block=y}} | ||
'''EU Wii''' | '''EU Wii''' | ||
{{Transcript|This cute color arrangement is really wonderful! The miraculous design painted on the lid must have a big impact on the sense of beauty of the people from Hocotate, with its supernatural loveliness. It is going to be very popular, no doubt!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This cute color arrangement is really wonderful! The miraculous design painted on the lid must have a big impact on the sense of beauty of the people from Hocotate, with its supernatural loveliness. It is going to be very popular, no doubt!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|かわいい配色がとっても素敵!ふたに描かれた謎の存在は、超常的なラブリーパワーでホコタテ星人のビューティーセンスを<ruby>脳天直撃<rt>グレイト・ヒット</rt></ruby>!もはや大人気まちがいなし!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|かわいい配色がとっても素敵!ふたに描かれた謎の存在は、超常的なラブリーパワーでホコタテ星人のビューティーセンスを<ruby>脳天直撃<rt>グレイト・ヒット</rt></ruby>!もはや大人気まちがいなし!|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,525: | Line 3,613: | ||
'''Nintendo Switch''' | '''Nintendo Switch''' | ||
{{Transcript|Today we found the remains of wooden structures found deep underground. I can't imagine who on this uncivilized planet might have created such a place. We'll have to wait until later to make sense of this maze, but this place intrigues me. As for this object we found there, we hope to fathom its true purpose in time!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Today we found the remains of wooden structures found deep underground. I can't imagine who on this uncivilized planet might have created such a place. We'll have to wait until later to make sense of this maze, but this place intrigues me. As for this object we found there, we hope to fathom its true purpose in time!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|今日は、地下に埋もれた木造建築物の跡を探険した。未開惑星の地下にあんな場所があるとは……。謎の解明は、今後の調査を待たなければならないが、この星は探険家の好奇心をくすぐられる所だ。この物体にも私たちの想像を超えた謎があるのかもしれない。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|Today we explored the remains of a wooden building buried underground. To think that such a place could be found in the underground of an unexplored planet... The mystery will have to wait for further investigation, but this planet piques the curiosity of the explorer. This object may also hold mysteries beyond our imagination.|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
Line 3,530: | Line 3,624: | ||
'''US GCN/Wii/NS''' | '''US GCN/Wii/NS''' | ||
{{Transcript|This will exhilarate your soul like magical popcorn! KA-BOOOOOM! Happiness explodes from within. The shape itself speaks of wondrous things to come. Let us get excited!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This will exhilarate your soul like magical popcorn! KA-BOOOOOM! Happiness explodes from within. The shape itself speaks of wondrous things to come. Let us get excited!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|心浮き立つ、ワクワクいっぱいコーン。中からパーン!と幸せが飛び出してくるような、そんな期待感に満ちた形。みんなで楽しく騒ぎましょう!|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|A cone full of excitement that lightens the heart. The shape is filled with such anticipation that it seems as though happiness will pop out from inside with a "Bang!". Let's all have fun and make noise together!|block=y}} | |||
== ''Flame Tiller'' == | == ''Flame Tiller'' == | ||
Line 3,538: | Line 3,638: | ||
{{Transcript|Investigating alien objects provides me with an opportunity to solve new mysteries! For example, when I rolled this object, I discovered it's perfect for tilling land. Usually, I have the machine analyze the treasures we find, but sometimes I like to examine artifacts with my razor-sharp intellect.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Investigating alien objects provides me with an opportunity to solve new mysteries! For example, when I rolled this object, I discovered it's perfect for tilling land. Usually, I have the machine analyze the treasures we find, but sometimes I like to examine artifacts with my razor-sharp intellect.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|未知の物体を調べていると、思わぬきっかけで謎が解けることがある。この物体を転がして調べていたら、地面をたがやせることに気がついた。いつもは機械で解析しているが、たまに私のするどいひらめきで真実にたどり着くこともある。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|未知の物体を調べていると、思わぬきっかけで謎が解けることがある。この物体を転がして調べていたら、地面をたがやせることに気がついた。いつもは機械で解析しているが、たまに私のするどいひらめきで真実にたどり着くこともある。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,553: | Line 3,653: | ||
{{Transcript|Spin, spin, thump! Spin this on the ground and look! It throws dirt all over, plowing the field. This is the perfect tool for those on Hocotate who want to cultivate minionions at home!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Spin, spin, thump! Spin this on the ground and look! It throws dirt all over, plowing the field. This is the perfect tool for those on Hocotate who want to cultivate minionions at home!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ゴロゴロ、ゴットン。ゴロゴットン。地面の上を転がせば、あらすごい、畑をモコモコたがやせる。ホコタテ星で大流行のプチオニヨン自家栽培に欠かせない道具!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ゴロゴロ、ゴットン。ゴロゴットン。地面の上を転がせば、あらすごい、畑をモコモコたがやせる。ホコタテ星で大流行のプチオニヨン自家栽培に欠かせない道具!|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,566: | Line 3,666: | ||
{{Transcript|Perplexing mysteries are often solved in unexpected ways. When I was studying this item earlier today, I was astounded at its unbelievable bulk. It was so heavy! I would have never been able to move it without my burly purple Pikmin. Later analysis indicated this thing is in fact some kind of heavy artillery.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Perplexing mysteries are often solved in unexpected ways. When I was studying this item earlier today, I was astounded at its unbelievable bulk. It was so heavy! I would have never been able to move it without my burly purple Pikmin. Later analysis indicated this thing is in fact some kind of heavy artillery.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|未知の物体を調べていると、思わぬきっかけで謎が解けることがある。さっき船内でこの物体を調べていたら、うっかり私は押しつぶされてしまった。それはもう大変な重さで、紫ピクミンが船内にいたおかげで助かった。そうして私はこの物体が重力兵器の一種だと見抜いたのだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|未知の物体を調べていると、思わぬきっかけで謎が解けることがある。さっき船内でこの物体を調べていたら、うっかり私は押しつぶされてしまった。それはもう大変な重さで、紫ピクミンが船内にいたおかげで助かった。そうして私はこの物体が重力兵器の一種だと見抜いたのだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,577: | Line 3,677: | ||
{{Transcript|An apocalyptic weapon made of super-heavy, gravity-compressed materials of unknown origin. The fact that its great weight makes it uncontrollable is, at times, a mild detriment.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|An apocalyptic weapon made of super-heavy, gravity-compressed materials of unknown origin. The fact that its great weight makes it uncontrollable is, at times, a mild detriment.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|物質の耐重力臨界まで重力を圧縮した超重破壊兵器。重すぎてコントロールが効かないのがたまにキズです。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|物質の耐重力臨界まで重力を圧縮した超重破壊兵器。重すぎてコントロールが効かないのがたまにキズです。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,593: | Line 3,693: | ||
{{Transcript|I've recently noted that changes in this planet's environment happen at a very rapid pace. Compared to how it was when I was here before, the Perplexing Pool has changed drastically. Due to frequent tectonic shifts, the region appears slightly different each time I enter it. It could be a natural phenomenon, but it's as if I feel the presence of a guiding hand. Maybe it's just my imagination running wild.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I've recently noted that changes in this planet's environment happen at a very rapid pace. Compared to how it was when I was here before, the Perplexing Pool has changed drastically. Due to frequent tectonic shifts, the region appears slightly different each time I enter it. It could be a natural phenomenon, but it's as if I feel the presence of a guiding hand. Maybe it's just my imagination running wild.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|この星の環境の変化はおそろしく早い。事実、かつてこの星に不時着した時と比べて、{{color|まどいの水源|red}}と名づけたこの水源の様相は大きく変わっている。地下世界も地層の変動により、{{color|まるで入るたびに形が変わっている|red}}ようだ。このすべてをただの自然現象で片づけられるだろうか?大いなる手の存在を感じるが、想像の域を出ない。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|この星の環境の変化はおそろしく早い。事実、かつてこの星に不時着した時と比べて、{{color|まどいの水源|red}}と名づけたこの水源の様相は大きく変わっている。地下世界も地層の変動により、{{color|まるで入るたびに形が変わっている|red}}ようだ。このすべてをただの自然現象で片づけられるだろうか?大いなる手の存在を感じるが、想像の域を出ない。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,604: | Line 3,704: | ||
{{Transcript|This is an incredibly dangerous aquatic explosive, which has fortunately never detonated. None know its true destructive power, but this could well be the most cataclysmic weapon ever.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This is an incredibly dangerous aquatic explosive, which has fortunately never detonated. None know its true destructive power, but this could well be the most cataclysmic weapon ever.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|とんでもなくデンジャラスな水上爆雷。けれども永遠に不発。誰も真の威力を知らず、危険な想像だけがふくらんでいく、<ruby>想像的大量破壊兵器<rt>おっかなびっくりボム</ruby>。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|とんでもなくデンジャラスな水上爆雷。けれども永遠に不発。誰も真の威力を知らず、危険な想像だけがふくらんでいく、<ruby>想像的大量破壊兵器<rt>おっかなびっくりボム</ruby>。|block=y}} | ||
*'''Translation''' | *'''Translation''' | ||
{{Transcript|A ridiculously dangerous above-water depth charge. But it is forever unexploded. No one knows the true power of this <ruby>weapon of mass destruction<rt>scary bomb</rt></ruby> whose danger only grows in the imagination.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|A ridiculously dangerous above-water depth charge. But it is forever unexploded. No one knows the true power of this <ruby>weapon of mass destruction<rt>scary bomb</rt></ruby> whose danger only grows in the imagination.|block=y}} | ||
== ''Ultimate Spinner (アルティメット・ スピナー)'' == | |||
=== Olimar's journal === | |||
'''JP NGC/Wii''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|通常空間では考えられない異常な超重力下で固体化した超密金属のコマ状物体。内部が特殊な多重重心構造のため、回すと破壊的な回転モーメントを発生させる。……と、分析を聞いても私にはよくわからないが、とにかくぶっそうなシロモノ。こんな危ない物体を持ち帰って良いのだろうか……。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|This top-shaped object is made of a super-dense metal, solidified under an abnormal super-gravity, which can't happen under normal spatial rules. Since its internal shape uses a special multiple-centers-of-gravity structure, it generates a destructive rotation moment while spinning. ...That is, according to the analysis, and although I can't really understand what it means, it's definitely dangerous. Is it a good idea for us to bring back such a dangerous object...?|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | |||
'''JP NGC/Wii''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|シロウトには難しく、クロウトでも頭をかかえる、そんなややこしい理屈で回転するコマ状物体。頭もいっしょに回転させて!|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|This top-shaped object spins using complicated theories. They are hard to understand not only for amateur physicists, but even for pros. "Spin" your brain together in order to think about it!|block=y}} | |||
== ''Stupendous Lens'' == | == ''Stupendous Lens'' == | ||
Line 3,619: | Line 3,737: | ||
'''Nintendo Switch''' | '''Nintendo Switch''' | ||
{{Transcript|I've never seen such a huge lens. It must have been designed as a nano-grade magnifier by a hyper-advanced society of alien megabrains! Gah! This object is far too complex for even my superior scientific intellect to comprehend.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I've never seen such a huge lens. It must have been designed as a nano-grade magnifier by a hyper-advanced society of alien megabrains! Gah! This object is far too complex for even my superior scientific intellect to comprehend.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|こんなに巨大なレンズは見たことがない!とても自然物とは思えないが、もし人工物と仮定すると、とてつもないテクノロジーによって製造されたことになる。どちらの可能性も、私の想像を超えている……。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|I've never seen such a huge lens! It seems very unlikely that it is a natural object, but if we assume it is man-made, that would mean it was manufactured by tremendous technology. Both possibilities are beyond my imagination...|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
Line 3,624: | Line 3,748: | ||
'''US GCN/Wii/NS''' | '''US GCN/Wii/NS''' | ||
{{Transcript|Peek into this item with a sense of wonder and glimpse a frighteningly gigantic world. This lens is a window into the thrilling world of tiny creatures everywhere!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Peek into this item with a sense of wonder and glimpse a frighteningly gigantic world. This lens is a window into the thrilling world of tiny creatures everywhere!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|ワクワク気分で覗きこめば、そこはおっかなびっくりの巨大世界。世界は生物にみちている。驚くほど小さな生物たちがあっちにもこっちにも。このレンズは、ワクワク世界への窓なのです。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|If you look through it with excitement, you will see a startlingly huge world. The world is full of creatures. Surprisingly small creatures can be found here and there. This lens is a window to an exciting world.|block=y}} | |||
== ''Air Brake'' == | == ''Air Brake'' == | ||
Line 3,632: | Line 3,762: | ||
{{Transcript|The weather was beautiful today. In this region, the weather is always good. The plants and animals thrive on all that sunlight. I want to hurry up and finish cataloguing all of these treasures so I can get back to the sunshine.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The weather was beautiful today. In this region, the weather is always good. The plants and animals thrive on all that sunlight. I want to hurry up and finish cataloguing all of these treasures so I can get back to the sunshine.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|今日は1日、うららかな日差しだった。この辺りはあたたかな気候で、動物も植物も生き生きとしている。こんな気持ちのいい日は、お宝の整理はほどほどにして、ゆったり夜を過ごしたいものだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|今日は1日、うららかな日差しだった。この辺りはあたたかな気候で、動物も植物も生き生きとしている。こんな気持ちのいい日は、お宝の整理はほどほどにして、ゆったり夜を過ごしたいものだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,643: | Line 3,773: | ||
{{Transcript|No height is too great to fall from if you possess this. It may be frightening, but get over it.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|No height is too great to fall from if you possess this. It may be frightening, but get over it.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|どんな高さから落下しても、これさえあればへっちゃら。ちょっと怖くても、大人ならガマンです。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|どんな高さから落下しても、これさえあればへっちゃら。ちょっと怖くても、大人ならガマンです。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,659: | Line 3,789: | ||
{{Transcript|At first, this object looked impressive, but closer inspection reveals it's just a cheap statue. The figure looks like it's a little helpless on its own. Something to think about, I guess..|block=y}} | {{Transcript|At first, this object looked impressive, but closer inspection reveals it's just a cheap statue. The figure looks like it's a little helpless on its own. Something to think about, I guess..|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|一見えらそうだが、よく見るとえらくなさそうな、ちょっとショボい形の石像。まるで今時の父親を表わしているかのようだ。少しシンパシーを感じる。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|一見えらそうだが、よく見るとえらくなさそうな、ちょっとショボい形の石像。まるで今時の父親を表わしているかのようだ。少しシンパシーを感じる。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,676: | Line 3,806: | ||
{{Transcript|Once, on an unknown planet, a megalithic civilization flourished, and this is proof of its existence! For hoarders of ancient artifacts, this is a must-have piece! Truly, collectors will crave it!<br>(I do not know if that is true or not, but items in demand fetch higher prices.)|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Once, on an unknown planet, a megalithic civilization flourished, and this is proof of its existence! For hoarders of ancient artifacts, this is a must-have piece! Truly, collectors will crave it!<br>(I do not know if that is true or not, but items in demand fetch higher prices.)|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|未知の惑星に栄えたとされる巨石文明。本当に実在した証拠が今ここに!遺跡マニアにはたまらない一品。(……かどうかは不明。でもいいはれば高く売れる。世の中そんなもんです。)|block=y}} | {{Transcript|未知の惑星に栄えたとされる巨石文明。本当に実在した証拠が今ここに!遺跡マニアにはたまらない一品。(……かどうかは不明。でもいいはれば高く売れる。世の中そんなもんです。)|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,692: | Line 3,822: | ||
{{Transcript|This statue features an astounding degree of detail. The figure looks extravagant or maybe even regal! Should I bow to it?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This statue features an astounding degree of detail. The figure looks extravagant or maybe even regal! Should I bow to it?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|一見えらそうだが、よく見るとやっぱりえらそうな形の石像。まるで今時の母親を表わしているかのようだ。少し恐怖を感じる。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|一見えらそうだが、よく見るとやっぱりえらそうな形の石像。まるで今時の母親を表わしているかのようだ。少し恐怖を感じる。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,709: | Line 3,839: | ||
{{Transcript|This stone carving was lined up with others as if they were meant to protect something. Proof of a megalithic civilization!br>(I am unsure about that, but bluffing is paramount.)|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This stone carving was lined up with others as if they were meant to protect something. Proof of a megalithic civilization!br>(I am unsure about that, but bluffing is paramount.)|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|何かを守るように並んで配置された石像の1つ。巨石文明の存在を示す証拠といえよう。(……かどうかは不明。でも世の中ハッタリが大切です。)|block=y}} | {{Transcript|何かを守るように並んで配置された石像の1つ。巨石文明の存在を示す証拠といえよう。(……かどうかは不明。でも世の中ハッタリが大切です。)|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,723: | Line 3,853: | ||
{{Transcript|My long journey has led me to this compelling stone. During my quest, I've narrowly escaped being crushed, chewed, ingested, and scorched countless times. But somehow I persevered, and this stone reminds me of that. It's like it has a personality of its own. I'd like to take it back with me and place it in my garden to commemorate this expedition.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|My long journey has led me to this compelling stone. During my quest, I've narrowly escaped being crushed, chewed, ingested, and scorched countless times. But somehow I persevered, and this stone reminds me of that. It's like it has a personality of its own. I'd like to take it back with me and place it in my garden to commemorate this expedition.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|私たちの長い探険もついにここまで。途中、何度もくじけそうになったが、あきらめずに続けて本当に良かった。この石はなんとも立派そうで、風格のようなものを感じる。家に持って帰ってこの探険の記念に、庭に飾ってみたい。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|私たちの長い探険もついにここまで。途中、何度もくじけそうになったが、あきらめずに続けて本当に良かった。この石はなんとも立派そうで、風格のようなものを感じる。家に持って帰ってこの探険の記念に、庭に飾ってみたい。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,737: | Line 3,867: | ||
{{Transcript|For those who care for others... For those who hail subordinates and send them into the unknown... Only these few will appreciate this fine, distinctive stone.<br>(Did I just describe myself?)|block=y}} | {{Transcript|For those who care for others... For those who hail subordinates and send them into the unknown... Only these few will appreciate this fine, distinctive stone.<br>(Did I just describe myself?)|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|人をたばねる者に求められること。先の見えない闇の中、不安になる部下をはげまし、一歩一歩、前進すること。そうした者にだけふさわしい、なんとも風格のある石です。(……もしかして、私のことですか?)|block=y}} | {{Transcript|人をたばねる者に求められること。先の見えない闇の中、不安になる部下をはげまし、一歩一歩、前進すること。そうした者にだけふさわしい、なんとも風格のある石です。(……もしかして、私のことですか?)|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,750: | Line 3,880: | ||
{{Transcript|What a strange pattern. When I look at it, I can feel good fortune smiling down on me. If I could just buy a lottery ticket right now, I'm sure I'd win!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|What a strange pattern. When I look at it, I can feel good fortune smiling down on me. If I could just buy a lottery ticket right now, I'm sure I'd win!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|なんとも不思議な紋様だ。なんだかよくわからないが、大宇宙的幸運が自分におとずれるような気がしてくる。今、宝くじを買ったらまちがいなく一等だろうに!!まったく運がいいのか、悪いのか。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|なんとも不思議な紋様だ。なんだかよくわからないが、大宇宙的幸運が自分におとずれるような気がしてくる。今、宝くじを買ったらまちがいなく一等だろうに!!まったく運がいいのか、悪いのか。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,761: | Line 3,891: | ||
{{Transcript|This appears when you have no money to play the lottery, and floats away when you do. The mystic pattern is a magnet for good luck, so at least you can enjoy feeling lucky!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This appears when you have no money to play the lottery, and floats away when you do. The mystic pattern is a magnet for good luck, so at least you can enjoy feeling lucky!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|宝くじを買えない時にやってきて買える時には去っていく。不思議な幸運を呼びこむ運命紋様。ラッキーな気分だけでも味わって!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|宝くじを買えない時にやってきて買える時には去っていく。不思議な幸運を呼びこむ運命紋様。ラッキーな気分だけでも味わって!|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,774: | Line 3,904: | ||
{{Transcript|Explorers strive, but fate decides. You can prepare and practice for an expedition, but there's only so much a person can do... Sometimes you have to put your life in fate's hands. I've come to understand this intergalactic truth while I've traveled to the farthest reaches of the universe. Fate and I are pretty close.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Explorers strive, but fate decides. You can prepare and practice for an expedition, but there's only so much a person can do... Sometimes you have to put your life in fate's hands. I've come to understand this intergalactic truth while I've traveled to the farthest reaches of the universe. Fate and I are pretty close.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|人事をつくして天命を待つ。やることをすべてやったら、あとはジタバタせずに自分の運命を信じるしかない。今回の探険で、それがよくわかった。良い意味で、少し開き直れた気がする。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|人事をつくして天命を待つ。やることをすべてやったら、あとはジタバタせずに自分の運命を信じるしかない。今回の探険で、それがよくわかった。良い意味で、少し開き直れた気がする。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,788: | Line 3,918: | ||
{{Transcript|At the end of a long life, some beings wish to leave the world and stroll in a field of flowers. Does this desire ever come to fruition? I do not know, but this beautiful deck of luck wafers makes me wonder. Even we machines ponder the great power-down at the end of the trail.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|At the end of a long life, some beings wish to leave the world and stroll in a field of flowers. Does this desire ever come to fruition? I do not know, but this beautiful deck of luck wafers makes me wonder. Even we machines ponder the great power-down at the end of the trail.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|長い人生、けわしい道を越えた先にやがては花道を歩きたい。そんな人々の想いが結実したのか、しないのか、今ここに美しきカードが出現。私たち<ruby>機械<rt>メカ</rt></ruby>でさえ、その末路は気になるのです。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|長い人生、けわしい道を越えた先にやがては花道を歩きたい。そんな人々の想いが結実したのか、しないのか、今ここに美しきカードが出現。私たち<ruby>機械<rt>メカ</rt></ruby>でさえ、その末路は気になるのです。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,801: | Line 3,931: | ||
{{Transcript|Computers view the world in ones and zeros, but my people are different. Our world isn't simply black or white, right or wrong. Everybody is different. Maybe one day the ship will understand that. And maybe one day it won't give me sass when I ask it to collect a slimy specimen.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Computers view the world in ones and zeros, but my people are different. Our world isn't simply black or white, right or wrong. Everybody is different. Maybe one day the ship will understand that. And maybe one day it won't give me sass when I ask it to collect a slimy specimen.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|コンピュータは世界を0と1に分けてしまうが、人間は違う。世の中、勝ち組と負け組の二つだけではないのだ。人の数だけ価値観がある。ドルフィン初号機にそれがわかる日がくるだろうか。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|コンピュータは世界を0と1に分けてしまうが、人間は違う。世の中、勝ち組と負け組の二つだけではないのだ。人の数だけ価値観がある。ドルフィン初号機にそれがわかる日がくるだろうか。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,815: | Line 3,945: | ||
{{Transcript|The world is divided into two groups—ones and zeros. Are you in the winning or losing group? If you love the thrill of the game, but do not care for the outcome, then this stone is for you! It symbolizes both victory and defeat. What a concept.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The world is divided into two groups—ones and zeros. Are you in the winning or losing group? If you love the thrill of the game, but do not care for the outcome, then this stone is for you! It symbolizes both victory and defeat. What a concept.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|世界は0と1に分けられます。あなたは勝ち組?それとも負け組?勝つか負けるか、ピリピリしたムードが大好きなあなたにオススメの勝負石。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|世界は0と1に分けられます。あなたは勝ち組?それとも負け組?勝つか負けるか、ピリピリしたムードが大好きなあなたにオススメの勝負石。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,828: | Line 3,958: | ||
{{Transcript|When I gaze at this stone, I can feel my fate being forecasted. It must know what's going to happen to me! I'm sure it sees that I'll be hailed as a brilliant visionary and brave explorer when I return to Hocotate.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|When I gaze at this stone, I can feel my fate being forecasted. It must know what's going to happen to me! I'm sure it sees that I'll be hailed as a brilliant visionary and brave explorer when I return to Hocotate.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|この石を見つめていると、自分の運が試されているような気がしてくる。不思議なものだ。思わず目をそらしてしまう時点で、私の運は知れたものなのかもしれない……。妻や娘に幸運のおまじないでも習っておけば良かった。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|この石を見つめていると、自分の運が試されているような気がしてくる。不思議なものだ。思わず目をそらしてしまう時点で、私の運は知れたものなのかもしれない……。妻や娘に幸運のおまじないでも習っておけば良かった。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,839: | Line 3,969: | ||
{{Transcript|More powerful than effort, more relentless than talent, LUCK is the true ruler of life. This mystical stone tests the path of luck. So, are you the true master of your life?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|More powerful than effort, more relentless than talent, LUCK is the true ruler of life. This mystical stone tests the path of luck. So, are you the true master of your life?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|努力よりも重いもの、才能よりもきびしいもの、人生を支配する運を試す不思議な石。さあ、あなたは<ruby>人生<rt>ゲーム</rt></ruby>の達人か?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|努力よりも重いもの、才能よりもきびしいもの、人生を支配する運を試す不思議な石。さあ、あなたは<ruby>人生<rt>ゲーム</rt></ruby>の達人か?|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,852: | Line 3,982: | ||
{{Transcript|At night, I have nothing to do to keep me occupied. I've been searching for something to dull the boredom, but every time I find something I want to play with, it's broken. This object is a great example. It looks fascinating, but I can't get it to function. I guess all I have to do is write in this journal.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|At night, I have nothing to do to keep me occupied. I've been searching for something to dull the boredom, but every time I find something I want to play with, it's broken. This object is a great example. It looks fascinating, but I can't get it to function. I guess all I have to do is write in this journal.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|毎日、夜はヒマでヒマでしょうがない。ルーイくんは無口で、話題も合わない。何か退屈しのぎになる物でもないかと、探しているが、これはと思った物に限って壊れていたりする。これもそのひとつだ。{{color|この機械では遊べない。|red}}結局こうやって日記を書くぐらいしかやることがない。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|毎日、夜はヒマでヒマでしょうがない。ルーイくんは無口で、話題も合わない。何か退屈しのぎになる物でもないかと、探しているが、これはと思った物に限って壊れていたりする。これもそのひとつだ。{{color|この機械では遊べない。|red}}結局こうやって日記を書くぐらいしかやることがない。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,863: | Line 3,993: | ||
{{Transcript|Going to bed early is a waste of time for a lively soul. This dream-maker makes night fun! ...Fine, so it is broken and does not work. That is a drawback. Come on! Use your imagination!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Going to bed early is a waste of time for a lively soul. This dream-maker makes night fun! ...Fine, so it is broken and does not work. That is a drawback. Come on! Use your imagination!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|早く眠るにゃもったいない、されどもやること何もない。夜を楽しくしてくれる<ruby>機械じかけの夢<rt>ドリーム・マシン</rt></ruby>。……でも壊れているので、動かないのがたまにキズ。想像力で補いましょう!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|早く眠るにゃもったいない、されどもやること何もない。夜を楽しくしてくれる<ruby>機械じかけの夢<rt>ドリーム・マシン</rt></ruby>。……でも壊れているので、動かないのがたまにキズ。想像力で補いましょう!|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,876: | Line 4,006: | ||
{{Transcript|This is a peculiar object. Just looking at it fills me with a powerful sense of nostalgia. Now that I think about it, the Pikmin had a curious look on their faces when they carried it. Or maybe that was just my imagination...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This is a peculiar object. Just looking at it fills me with a powerful sense of nostalgia. Now that I think about it, the Pikmin had a curious look on their faces when they carried it. Or maybe that was just my imagination...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|不思議なものだ。この形を見ていると、むしょうになつかしさがこみ上げる。そういえばこの石を運ぶ時、ピクミンの顔つきがいつもと違っていたような気がする。私の気のせいではないだろう。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|不思議なものだ。この形を見ていると、むしょうになつかしさがこみ上げる。そういえばこの石を運ぶ時、ピクミンの顔つきがいつもと違っていたような気がする。私の気のせいではないだろう。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,887: | Line 4,017: | ||
{{Transcript|This odd rock is completely filled with nostalgia. None can dispute the magical powers of this stone. Can the day when this rock rules the entire universe be far away?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This odd rock is completely filled with nostalgia. None can dispute the magical powers of this stone. Can the day when this rock rules the entire universe be far away?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|むしょうになつかしさがこみ上げてくる不思議な石。どんな生物もこの石の魔力にはあらがえない。この石が全宇宙を制する日も遠くない?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|むしょうになつかしさがこみ上げてくる不思議な石。どんな生物もこの石の魔力にはあらがえない。この石が全宇宙を制する日も遠くない?|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,900: | Line 4,030: | ||
{{Transcript|When I get near this captivating treasure, I can't stop myself from spinning it over and over again. I shouldn't spin such a valuable treasure, but it's so hard to have self-control. From now on, instead of actually spinning it, I'll just imagine I'm doing it instead. Wow... This is so much fun!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|When I get near this captivating treasure, I can't stop myself from spinning it over and over again. I shouldn't spin such a valuable treasure, but it's so hard to have self-control. From now on, instead of actually spinning it, I'll just imagine I'm doing it instead. Wow... This is so much fun!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|この形に何か秘密でもあるのだろうか?見ていると、むしょうにグリグリ回したくてしかたない。大切なお宝を回すわけにはいかない。せめて頭の中で回していよう。そういえばこの石を運ぶ時、ピクミンがウズウズしていたような気がする。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|この形に何か秘密でもあるのだろうか?見ていると、むしょうにグリグリ回したくてしかたない。大切なお宝を回すわけにはいかない。せめて頭の中で回していよう。そういえばこの石を運ぶ時、ピクミンがウズウズしていたような気がする。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,911: | Line 4,041: | ||
{{Transcript|This produces a mysterious, shape-induced mental effect in all living creatures. You simply MUST rotate it! Spin, spin, spin, spin... What fun it must be!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This produces a mysterious, shape-induced mental effect in all living creatures. You simply MUST rotate it! Spin, spin, spin, spin... What fun it must be!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|あらゆる生物に作用する不思議な形状心理効果。グリグリ回したくてしかたがないったらないのです!グリグリ、グリグリ、……。はふっ、なんて気持ちいいんでしょう。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|あらゆる生物に作用する不思議な形状心理効果。グリグリ回したくてしかたがないったらないのです!グリグリ、グリグリ、……。はふっ、なんて気持ちいいんでしょう。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,924: | Line 4,054: | ||
{{Transcript|The cave we searched today was lined with flame-spewing spouts! The temperature in the cave was absolutely stifling. Oh! That reminds me! I completely forgot to tell Louie about red Pikmin! He's so quiet, I sometimes forget he's even there. This item I salvaged from the cave seems to be some kind of storage device, but I have no way to play back the contents.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The cave we searched today was lined with flame-spewing spouts! The temperature in the cave was absolutely stifling. Oh! That reminds me! I completely forgot to tell Louie about red Pikmin! He's so quiet, I sometimes forget he's even there. This item I salvaged from the cave seems to be some kind of storage device, but I have no way to play back the contents.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|今日探険した洞窟は、炎の噴き出る穴があちこちにあり、洞窟全体が熱かった。{{color|炎といえば、赤ピクミンだ!|red}}……しまった!ルーイくんに教えるのをすっかり忘れていた。彼は無口だから、どうも話しにくくて……。今日手に入れたこの物体は、記録装置のようだが、内容の解析は無理だった。ディスクの内容で{{color|遊ぶことはできない。|red}}|block=y}} | {{Transcript|今日探険した洞窟は、炎の噴き出る穴があちこちにあり、洞窟全体が熱かった。{{color|炎といえば、赤ピクミンだ!|red}}……しまった!ルーイくんに教えるのをすっかり忘れていた。彼は無口だから、どうも話しにくくて……。今日手に入れたこの物体は、記録装置のようだが、内容の解析は無理だった。ディスクの内容で{{color|遊ぶことはできない。|red}}|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,935: | Line 4,065: | ||
{{Transcript|All worldly matters, from time's start to its end, are said to be recorded in this historical vault! It is so huge, decoding it all is impossible. Its mere existence is said to make one philosophical.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|All worldly matters, from time's start to its end, are said to be recorded in this historical vault! It is so huge, decoding it all is impossible. Its mere existence is said to make one philosophical.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|この世の始まりから終わりまで、すべての事象が記録されているという、伝説の記録庫!!大容量すぎて、解読は不可能!でも、だから広がるロマンもあるはず!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|この世の始まりから終わりまで、すべての事象が記録されているという、伝説の記録庫!!大容量すぎて、解読は不可能!でも、だから広がるロマンもあるはず!|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,948: | Line 4,078: | ||
{{Transcript|I can't believe I had the fortune to find this thing buried underground! It looks like a component of a huge mechanical doll. It looks just like a part from a robot in a cartoon I used to watch as a kid! How nostalgic. This futuristic machine makes me feel like I've traveled back in time!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I can't believe I had the fortune to find this thing buried underground! It looks like a component of a huge mechanical doll. It looks just like a part from a robot in a cartoon I used to watch as a kid! How nostalgic. This futuristic machine makes me feel like I've traveled back in time!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|このような物が地下に眠っていたとは……。巨大な機械人形の一部のように思えるが、それではまるで子供の頃によく見ていたロボットアニメの世界ではないか!……なつかしい思い出がよみがえってきた。この機械には謎が多いが、今は過去にひたっていたい気分だ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|このような物が地下に眠っていたとは……。巨大な機械人形の一部のように思えるが、それではまるで子供の頃によく見ていたロボットアニメの世界ではないか!……なつかしい思い出がよみがえってきた。この機械には謎が多いが、今は過去にひたっていたい気分だ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,959: | Line 4,089: | ||
{{Transcript|This relic rose directly from the sands of time! Its shape invokes waves of sweet nostalgia. Middle-aged men throughout the universe harken back to the days of their youth and grin... They pass on their tales to the next generation, filling them with adventure and romance!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This relic rose directly from the sands of time! Its shape invokes waves of sweet nostalgia. Middle-aged men throughout the universe harken back to the days of their youth and grin... They pass on their tales to the next generation, filling them with adventure and romance!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|時の砂に埋もれた遺物が今よみがえる!このフォルムがなつかしさをさそう。全宇宙のオヤジ世代の胸にこみ上げるかつて自分が少年であった日。夢と未来を信じていた時。ほこらしくも、気恥ずかしくも次の世代に語りつごう。夢とロマンのつまったオヤジの思い出!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|時の砂に埋もれた遺物が今よみがえる!このフォルムがなつかしさをさそう。全宇宙のオヤジ世代の胸にこみ上げるかつて自分が少年であった日。夢と未来を信じていた時。ほこらしくも、気恥ずかしくも次の世代に語りつごう。夢とロマンのつまったオヤジの思い出!|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,972: | Line 4,102: | ||
{{Transcript|Since I landed on this planet, I've encountered countless treasures that remind me of my childhood. I wonder why that is? I think it's because the objects we're discovering look just like things I had as a kid. This is one of those items.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Since I landed on this planet, I've encountered countless treasures that remind me of my childhood. I wonder why that is? I think it's because the objects we're discovering look just like things I had as a kid. This is one of those items.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|この星にきてから、子供時代を思い出すことが多いな。なぜだろう?…………。この星で見つかる物体はなつかしい形をしている物が多いのだ。これもそのひとつだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|この星にきてから、子供時代を思い出すことが多いな。なぜだろう?…………。この星で見つかる物体はなつかしい形をしている物が多いのだ。これもそのひとつだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,983: | Line 4,113: | ||
{{Transcript|Red: the color of memories, of sunsets at the end of a day of play, of pure embarrassment!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Red: the color of memories, of sunsets at the end of a day of play, of pure embarrassment!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|赤といえばなつかしの色!遊びの終わりをつげた夕陽の色。大人が持つには気恥ずかしい色。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|赤といえばなつかしの色!遊びの終わりをつげた夕陽の色。大人が持つには気恥ずかしい色。|block=y}} | ||
Line 3,993: | Line 4,123: | ||
=== Olimar's journal === | === Olimar's journal === | ||
'''US/EU GCN/Wii | '''US/EU GCN/Wii''' | ||
{{Transcript|The other day, I accidently threw away my son's favorite toy. He wouldn't stop crying! Some things that seem unimportant to adults are treasures to kids. When I was a boy, I'm sure I felt the same way about my favorite things. Now, my family is my treasure.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The other day, I accidently{{sic}} threw away my son's favorite toy. He wouldn't stop crying! Some things that seem unimportant to adults are treasures to kids. When I was a boy, I'm sure I felt the same way about my favorite things. Now, my family is my treasure.|block=y}} | ||
'''Nintendo Switch''' | |||
{{Transcript|The other day, I accidentally threw away my son's favorite toy. He wouldn't stop crying! Some things that seem unimportant to adults are treasures to kids. When I was a boy, I'm sure I felt the same way about my favorite things. Now, my family is my treasure.|block=y}} | |||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|先日、息子の大切にしていた玩具をうっかり捨ててしまった。ひどく泣かれたもんだ。大人にはそう見えなくても、子供には宝物。思い返せば、私も昔はそういう物をたくさん持っていた。今は家族が宝物だ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|先日、息子の大切にしていた玩具をうっかり捨ててしまった。ひどく泣かれたもんだ。大人にはそう見えなくても、子供には宝物。思い返せば、私も昔はそういう物をたくさん持っていた。今は家族が宝物だ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,007: | Line 4,140: | ||
{{Transcript|No matter how old you grow, you will ever remember the treasures of childhood. Take this gift...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|No matter how old you grow, you will ever remember the treasures of childhood. Take this gift...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|いくつになってもおぼえている、子供の頃の宝物。そんな素敵なプレゼントにどうぞ!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|いくつになってもおぼえている、子供の頃の宝物。そんな素敵なプレゼントにどうぞ!|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,023: | Line 4,156: | ||
{{Transcript|When I observe this object, I can't stop myself from tearing up. I wonder why... It's hard to say. But, it might be because some of these items remind me of the past.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|When I observe this object, I can't stop myself from tearing up. I wonder why... It's hard to say. But, it might be because some of these items remind me of the past.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|この物体を見ていると涙が止まらない。なぜだ?自分でも理由はわからない。ただ、昔のことがうっすら思い浮かぶ。これは……子供の頃の思い出だろうか?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|この物体を見ていると涙が止まらない。なぜだ?自分でも理由はわからない。ただ、昔のことがうっすら思い浮かぶ。これは……子供の頃の思い出だろうか?|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,037: | Line 4,170: | ||
{{Transcript|Remember your treasured toys? You took so much care of them, but some broke anyway. For some reason, this green gyro brings back memories and causes your heart to quiver...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Remember your treasured toys? You took so much care of them, but some broke anyway. For some reason, this green gyro brings back memories and causes your heart to quiver...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|そろっていた大切なオモチャ。とっても大事にしてたのに、どれかが欠けて泣いたことはないか?なぜだかそんな悲しい思い出がよみがえる、心ふるわす緑のジャイロ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|そろっていた大切なオモチャ。とっても大事にしてたのに、どれかが欠けて泣いたことはないか?なぜだかそんな悲しい思い出がよみがえる、心ふるわす緑のジャイロ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,050: | Line 4,183: | ||
{{Transcript|When I was a kid, I always wanted my toys to be blue. Blue is such a cool color.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|When I was a kid, I always wanted my toys to be blue. Blue is such a cool color.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|そういえば、子供の頃、玩具を買ってもらえる時は青い物を選んでいたな。男の子には<ruby>青<rt>ブルー</rt></ruby>がかっこ良く見えるのだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|そういえば、子供の頃、玩具を買ってもらえる時は青い物を選んでいたな。男の子には<ruby>青<rt>ブルー</rt></ruby>がかっこ良く見えるのだ。|block=y}} | ||
*'''Translation''' | *'''Translation''' | ||
{{Transcript|Come to think of it, when I was a kid and I would get a toy, I would pick the blue one. Blue looks cool to boys.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Come to think of it, when I was a kid and I would get a toy, I would pick the blue one. Blue looks cool to boys.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|そういえば、子供の頃、玩具を買ってもらえる時は青い物を選んでいたな。今でも私には<ruby>青<rt>ブルー</rt></ruby>がかっこ良く見える。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|Come to think of it, when I was a kid and I would get a toy, I would pick the blue one. Even now, blue still looks cool to me.|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
Line 4,061: | Line 4,200: | ||
{{Transcript|Children throughout the universe are captivated by the very thought of this cool blue disc. Hocotate toy makers are swamped with orders for this popular item.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Children throughout the universe are captivated by the very thought of this cool blue disc. Hocotate toy makers are swamped with orders for this popular item.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|クールな<ruby>青<rt>ブルー</rt></ruby>が全宇宙の子供たちをとりこにするはず。ホコタテ星の玩具問屋から注文殺到の大人気商品。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|クールな<ruby>青<rt>ブルー</rt></ruby>が全宇宙の子供たちをとりこにするはず。ホコタテ星の玩具問屋から注文殺到の大人気商品。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,074: | Line 4,213: | ||
{{Transcript|Yesterday, we ventured into a spooky hole. Previously, all of the organisms we'd encountered were massed together in one cave. Had I not divided the Pikmin by color and utilized their unique abilities, I would never have made it out alive! In memory of my daring adventure, I've named that hole the Hole of Heroes.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Yesterday, we ventured into a spooky hole. Previously, all of the organisms we'd encountered were massed together in one cave. Had I not divided the Pikmin by color and utilized their unique abilities, I would never have made it out alive! In memory of my daring adventure, I've named that hole the Hole of Heroes.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|今日探険したのは、まったくおそろしい洞窟だった。これまでに見たことのあるほとんどすべての原生生物が、ひとつの洞窟に集まっているのだ。5色のピクミンの長所を活かすようにうまく使い分けなければ、到底生きて帰れなかった。あそこは{{color|百戦錬磨の穴|red}}という名前がふさわしい場所だった。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|今日探険したのは、まったくおそろしい洞窟だった。これまでに見たことのあるほとんどすべての原生生物が、ひとつの洞窟に集まっているのだ。5色のピクミンの長所を活かすようにうまく使い分けなければ、到底生きて帰れなかった。あそこは{{color|百戦錬磨の穴|red}}という名前がふさわしい場所だった。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,085: | Line 4,224: | ||
{{Transcript|Feel the joy that only collectors can savor, the happiness for those who have found them all. Enjoy this wonderful feeling to your heart's content.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Feel the joy that only collectors can savor, the happiness for those who have found them all. Enjoy this wonderful feeling to your heart's content.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|集めた人にだけ味わえるよろこび。そろえた人にだけやってくる幸せ。この楽しさを存分にかみしめて!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|集めた人にだけ味わえるよろこび。そろえた人にだけやってくる幸せ。この楽しさを存分にかみしめて!|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,091: | Line 4,230: | ||
{{Transcript|The joy that only collectors can experience. Happiness that comes only to those who have collected them. Enjoy this joy to the fullest!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The joy that only collectors can experience. Happiness that comes only to those who have collected them. Enjoy this joy to the fullest!|block=y}} | ||
== ''Proton AA'' == | == ''Proton AA / プロトンX (Proton X)'' == | ||
=== Olimar's journal === | === Olimar's journal === | ||
Line 4,097: | Line 4,236: | ||
'''US/EU GCN/Wii/NS''' | '''US/EU GCN/Wii/NS''' | ||
{{Transcript|This object resembles the first treasure I found on this planet, so it holds a certain sentimental value to me. However, I've just noticed that the size is slightly different. Sometime, I should take the time to read my previous treasure logbook. It's good to reflect on the past sometimes...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This object resembles the first treasure I found on this planet, so it holds a certain sentimental value to me. However, I've just noticed that the size is slightly different. Sometime, I should take the time to read my previous treasure logbook. It's good to reflect on the past sometimes...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|この星で最初に見つけたお宝によく似ている。だがよく見ると、大きさが少し違うようだ。たまには以前のお宝一覧を読み返してみようか。苦労した思い出にふける夜も悪くない。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|This object resembles the first treasure I found on this planet. Looking at it, however, the size seems to be a little different. Perhaps I should reread the treasure hoard sometime. Nights spent indulging in memories of old work aren't too bad...|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
Line 4,103: | Line 4,248: | ||
{{Transcript|Some enigmatic energy unknown on Hocotate is trapped inside! Who couldn't use more energy?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Some enigmatic energy unknown on Hocotate is trapped inside! Who couldn't use more energy?|block=y}} | ||
== ''Durable Energy Cell'' == | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|ホコタテ星には存在しない謎のエネルギーがここに!謎すぎて使い道が浮かばないのがたまにキズ。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|A mysterious energy that does not exist on Hocotate is here! Its only fault is that it's so mysterious that no use for it comes to mind.|block=y}} | |||
== ''Durable Energy Cell / オメガトロン (Omegatron)'' == | |||
=== Olimar's journal === | === Olimar's journal === | ||
Line 4,109: | Line 4,260: | ||
'''US/EU GCN/Wii/NS''' | '''US/EU GCN/Wii/NS''' | ||
{{Transcript|This cryptic item exhibits an unbelievable quantity of stored, dormant energy. The civilization that created this must have advanced tremendously when it discovered this powerful new energy source. If I were to take this technology back home, how would it affect the future of Hocotate?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This cryptic item exhibits an unbelievable quantity of stored, dormant energy. The civilization that created this must have advanced tremendously when it discovered this powerful new energy source. If I were to take this technology back home, how would it affect the future of Hocotate?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|信じられないほどのエネルギーを内に秘めた物体。文明は新しいエネルギーの発見と共に進歩してきた。これほどのエネルギーを持ち帰れば、はたしてホコタテ星の未来がどう変わるのだろうか?少し怖い。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|This is an object holding an unbelievable amount of energy inside it. The civilization evolved alongside the discovery of this new energy. If I were to bring this amount of energy back home, just how would Hocotate's future really change, I wonder? It's a little scary.|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
Line 4,115: | Line 4,272: | ||
{{Transcript|Humanoid history is one big scramble for energy, and this is a colossal fountain of it. Has the change to renewable energy on Hocotate already begun? We machines watch...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Humanoid history is one big scramble for energy, and this is a colossal fountain of it. Has the change to renewable energy on Hocotate already begun? We machines watch...|block=y}} | ||
== ''Courage Reactor'' == | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|あまりに巨大すぎるエネルギー。エネルギーのうばい合いこそ、人類の歴史。新しいエネルギーがホコタテ星にもたらす変化はいかに? 私たち機械は生暖かく見守っています。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|A colossal amount of energy. The competition over energy is one of human's history. To what extent would Hocotate change if we introduced this new energy? We machines will tepidly watch...|block=y}} | |||
== ''Courage Reactor / あいとゆうき リアクター (Love and Courage Reactor)'' == | |||
=== Olimar's journal === | === Olimar's journal === | ||
Line 4,125: | Line 4,288: | ||
{{Transcript|We've recovered our first treasure! Amazingly, the Pikmin remembered how to salvage it. I can't understand their adorable language and I don't know what they're thinking, yet I'm so happy to see them. When I crashed on this planet, the Pikmin helped me locate my missing ship parts. In my darkest hour, the Pikmin were there for me. Now that I'm reunited with them, I know everything will be alright. It will, right?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|We've recovered our first treasure! Amazingly, the Pikmin remembered how to salvage it. I can't understand their adorable language and I don't know what they're thinking, yet I'm so happy to see them. When I crashed on this planet, the Pikmin helped me locate my missing ship parts. In my darkest hour, the Pikmin were there for me. Now that I'm reunited with them, I know everything will be alright. It will, right?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|どうにか最初のお宝を回収できた! ピクミンは私のことをしっかり覚えていてくれた。彼らとは言葉も通じない、考えていることもよくわからないが、むしょうにうれしい。前回、この星に遭難して、ピクミンといっしょにバラバラになった宇宙船のパーツを探したことが思い出される。絶望的と思われたあの時も、ピクミンと共に乗り越えた。今度もきっと大丈夫だ。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|We've just somehow collected our first piece of treasure! The Pikmin seem to have vividly remembered me. I don't speak their language, and I don't even know what they're thinking, but I am unmeasurably happy. I am reminded of the time I last shipwrecked onto this planet, when the Pikmin and I searched for the scattered ship parts. That time, which I thought was hopeless or desolate, the Pikmin and I overcame it. This time as well, it will be okay.|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
Line 4,131: | Line 4,300: | ||
{{Transcript|Physical energy is not the only kind! The energy dearest to us is that made by love and courage.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Physical energy is not the only kind! The energy dearest to us is that made by love and courage.|block=y}} | ||
== ''Fuel Reservoir'' == | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|物理的な力だけが力じゃない! あいとゆうきがいっぱいつまったぼくらの一番身近なエネルギー。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|Physical energy isn't the only kind of energy! The closest kind of energy to us is the energy packed with love and courage!|block=y}} | |||
== ''Fuel Reservoir / きあいバッテリー (Yell Battery)'' == | |||
=== Olimar's journal === | === Olimar's journal === | ||
Line 4,143: | Line 4,318: | ||
'''Nintendo Switch''' | '''Nintendo Switch''' | ||
{{Transcript|The ship has a lot of self-importance for a machine. Apparently, machines can exhibit characteristics like us after all. Perhaps they even have a soul? If this is true, then maybe you can work them into the ground until their spirit is broken and they stop giving you lip... Oh no... I'm turning into the president!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The ship has a lot of self-importance for a machine. Apparently, machines can exhibit characteristics like us after all. Perhaps they even have a soul? If this is true, then maybe you can work them into the ground until their spirit is broken and they stop giving you lip... Oh no... I'm turning into the president!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|高度に発達したコンピュータは自我を持つ。機械も気合と根性で本来の性能以上の力を発揮するのだ。つまり精神がすり減り、心が壊れるまではたらかせ……うっ。いつの間にか、社長にかなり影響されていたようだ。私は人間も機械も、のびのびはたらくのが一番だと思っている。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|A highly developed computer will have an ego. Machines, too, can exhibit power beyond their intended capabilities through sheer willpower and determination. In other words, if you were to wear down their spirit and have them work to their breaking point... Oh no. Without realizing it, it seems the president's influence has rubbed off on me. Personally, I believe that both machines and humans work best when they can work comfortably.|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
Line 4,152: | Line 4,333: | ||
{{Transcript|According to my measurements, almost no energy should remain within, yet some does. The energy one can draw from matter has a limit, but the energy of the heart is endless. Perhaps that is the This proves that machines have will and determination!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|According to my measurements, almost no energy should remain within, yet some does. The energy one can draw from matter has a limit, but the energy of the heart is endless. Perhaps that is the This proves that machines have will and determination!|block=y}} | ||
== ''Container of Knowledge'' == | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|測定によれば、ほとんどエネルギーが残っていないはず。でも次から次へわいてきます。物質から取り出せるエネルギーは有限でも、心のエネルギーは無限大。機械にも気合と根性はきっとあります!|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|According to the readings, there should hardly be any energy left. However, some energy keeps surging up continuously. The energy that can be extracted from this substance may be finite, but the energy of the heart is infinite! Machines also undoubtedly have willpower and determination!|block=y}} | |||
== ''永久燃料 ダイナモ改 (Revised Eternal Fuel Dynamo)'' == | |||
=== Olimar's journal === | |||
'''JP NGC/Wii''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|未知のテクノロジーとは本当にすごいものだ……。この物体からは永久にエネルギーがわいてくるらしい。これで電気代が節約できれば、妻に私のこづかいを上げてもらえるかも……。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|Unknown technology is really amazing... It seems that this object can produce energy indefinitely. If this helps lower the electric bill, my wife may give me my allowance back...|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | |||
'''JP NGC/Wii''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|永久につきることのないエネルギー!ホンマか?と、うたがってはダメ。信じる気持ちが大きな力を生むのです!|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|It stores energy that will never run out! "Seriously?", you ask? Don't doubt it! Believing gives great power!|block=y}} | |||
== ''オルタナティブ・リアクター (Alternative Reactor)'' == | |||
=== Olimar's journal === | |||
'''JP NGC/Wii''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|この惑星の各所で高エネルギー反応を示す物体が見つかっている。未知のエネルギーだから、運搬には注意しなければならないだろう。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|Objects that emit high energy signals are being found in many places in this planet. We should pay attention when carrying them, since their energy is unknown.|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | |||
'''JP NGC/Wii''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|莫大なエネルギーを取り出せる機械。もしここでこうしていたら……という別の選択肢の宇宙のエネルギーがたくわえられています!|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|A machine capable of discharging enormous quantities of energy. If only I did this back then...this machine stores energy from the universes of those different choices!|block=y}} | |||
== ''Container of Knowledge'' == | |||
=== Olimar's journal === | === Olimar's journal === | ||
Line 4,175: | Line 4,398: | ||
'''EU GCN''' | '''EU GCN''' | ||
{{Transcript|Unrevealed tastes from undiscovered worlds. These unknown tastes of ocean's plenty are now in this container! You, a connaisseur of true taste, must try this!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Unrevealed tastes from undiscovered worlds. These unknown tastes of ocean's plenty are now in this container! You, a connaisseur{{sic}} of true taste, must try this!|block=y}} | ||
'''EU Wii''' | '''EU Wii''' | ||
Line 4,188: | Line 4,411: | ||
'''EU GCN/Wii''' | '''EU GCN/Wii''' | ||
{{Transcript|Even for a veteran of exploration like me, there is one thing that's always difficult to take. A boring menu of hocotate noodles day after day... what kind of diet is that? Now I have a fantastic idea! How about trying some of this delicious-looking food? That should perk the mood up a bit. It's not that I have to eat it of course, it's just for the sake of the company you know!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Even for a veteran of exploration like me, there is one thing that's always difficult to take. A boring menu of hocotate{{sic}} noodles day after day... what kind of diet is that? Now I have a fantastic idea! How about trying some of this delicious-looking food? That should perk the mood up a bit. It's not that I have to eat it of course, it's just for the sake of the company you know!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|今日はドルフィン初号機に「こっそり味見をしてはダメですよ」とクドクド念を押されてしまった。私がそんなことをすると思っているのだろうか!もう子供ではないのだ。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|Today I was constantly reminded by the Dolphin 1 that I "shouldn't taste it in secret". Does he really think I would do such a thing!? I am not a child anymore.|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
Line 4,197: | Line 4,426: | ||
'''Nintendo Switch''' | '''Nintendo Switch''' | ||
{{Transcript|This food pack makes you want to throw caution to the wind and gulp down every last morsel.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This food pack makes you want to throw caution to the wind and gulp down every last morsel.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|バレなきゃオッケー、バレなきゃ正義。あらゆる注意をさらっと聞き流して、つまみ食いしたくなる食料パック。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|If you don't get caught, it's okay; if you don't get caught, it's justice. A food pack you will want to snatch a bite of, dismissing any and all warnings without a second thought.|block=y}} | |||
== ''Patience Tester'' == | == ''Patience Tester'' == | ||
Line 4,206: | Line 4,441: | ||
'''US Wii''' | '''US Wii''' | ||
{{Transcript|When I see a closed container, I cannot help myself, I feel like I must open it and see what's inside. But when opening it, it could lose it's value. I guess I'll just have to use my imagination.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|When I see a closed container, I cannot help myself, I feel like I must open it and see what's inside. But when opening it, it could lose it's{{sic}} value. I guess I'll just have to use my imagination.|block=y}} | ||
'''EU GCN/Wii''' | '''EU GCN/Wii''' | ||
{{Transcript|In man's heart, good and bad coexist. This conflict has made the mind of mankind into a complicated thing. It brought us war, but also culture and civilization. And here I stand worrying. Should I open the containers in front of me and try eating the contents, or should I stand firm?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|In man's heart, good and bad coexist. This conflict has made the mind of mankind into a complicated thing. It brought us war, but also culture and civilization. And here I stand worrying. Should I open the containers in front of me and try eating the contents, or should I stand firm?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|閉じられたコンテナを見ると、どうにも中を開けてみたくなってしょうがない。しかし開けたら価値がなくなるかもしれない。想像して気をまぎらわそう。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|When I see a closed container, I can't help but want to open it. But if I opened it, it might lose its value. Let's just imagine it to distract myself.|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
Line 4,215: | Line 4,456: | ||
'''US/EU GCN/Wii/NS''' | '''US/EU GCN/Wii/NS''' | ||
{{Transcript|This calls out to be opened, peeked inside, and tasted. This temptation-filled item is perfect for those who wish to test the strength of their resolve.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This calls out to be opened, peeked inside, and tasted. This temptation-filled item is perfect for those who wish to test the strength of their resolve.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|開けたい、覗きたい、つまみ食いしたい。誘惑の多いあなたのガマン強さを試すコンテナがこれ。(ちなみにオリマーさんたちは……いえ、ご本人たちの名誉のために黙っておきましょう)|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|You want to open, peek, and snatch a bite. Here's a highly tempting container that will test your patience. (By the way, Olimar's, for the sake of their own reputation, I'll keep quiet)|block=y}} | |||
== ''Endless Repository'' == | == ''Endless Repository'' == | ||
Line 4,223: | Line 4,470: | ||
{{Transcript|Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes desire overpowers reason. At least, that's what I told myself when I sampled this salty snack.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes desire overpowers reason. At least, that's what I told myself when I sampled this salty snack.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|どんな人間でも、あやまちをおかすことはある。時に、人間の欲望というものは理性を上回る。……私とて、たまには商品をつまみ食いしてしまうことはある。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|どんな人間でも、あやまちをおかすことはある。時に、人間の欲望というものは理性を上回る。……私とて、たまには商品をつまみ食いしてしまうことはある。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,235: | Line 4,482: | ||
{{Transcript|No matter how much you eat, this magic container is never empty. So, go ahead and have a bite!<br>(Captain Olimar and his crony used this excuse. They later issued a written apology.)|block=y}} | {{Transcript|No matter how much you eat, this magic container is never empty. So, go ahead and have a bite!<br>(Captain Olimar and his crony used this excuse. They later issued a written apology.)|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii/NS''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|食べても食べても中身がつきない魔法のコンテナ。だからつまみ食いしても大丈夫。(……というのはもちろんオリマーさんたちの言い訳。お二人は始末書を書きました。)|block=y}} | {{Transcript|食べても食べても中身がつきない魔法のコンテナ。だからつまみ食いしても大丈夫。(……というのはもちろんオリマーさんたちの言い訳。お二人は始末書を書きました。)|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,259: | Line 4,506: | ||
'''US GCN/Wii/NS''' | '''US GCN/Wii/NS''' | ||
{{Transcript|Among the treasures we've collected, many of them have strange scrawlings on them. Unfortunately, the alien writings are indecipherable. But the pictures can be understood easily enough. This one seems to have a picture of a fruit on it. Ahhh... If that's the case, then this canister must contain sweet nectar... A quick taste won't hurt...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Among the treasures we've collected, many of them have strange scrawlings on them. Unfortunately, the alien writings are indecipherable. But the pictures can be understood easily enough. This one seems to have a picture of a fruit on it. Ahhh... If that's the case, then this canister must contain sweet nectar... A quick taste won't hurt...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|この星で見つかる色々な物体には、謎の紋様が描かれていることが多い。残念ながら、今の私たちでは解読できない物ばかりだが、このコンテナに描かれた絵は、フルーツをあらわしているようだ。するとこの中身は……。むう。こっそり飲んでみたくなってきた。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|Many of the various objects found on this planet have mysterious patterns on them. Unfortunately, they are all impossible for us to decipher today, but the drawing on this container seems to represent a fruit. Then, its contents... Mmmm. I'm starting to want to secretly drink it.|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
Line 4,264: | Line 4,517: | ||
'''US GCN/Wii/NS''' | '''US GCN/Wii/NS''' | ||
{{Transcript|A taste of knowledge from a foreign world, this container holds juices of a primitive fruit! If you are a devotee of genuine taste, you cannot pass this up!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|A taste of knowledge from a foreign world, this container holds juices of a primitive fruit! If you are a devotee of genuine taste, you cannot pass this up!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|未開惑星に未知の味あり。未知のフルーツの果汁がたっぷりつまったコンテナが今ここに!あなたが真の味道楽なら、飲まずにはいられないはず!|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|An unknown taste on an uncharted planet. Here is a container filled with the juice of an unknown fruit! If you are a true taste enthusiast, you won't be able to resist drinking it!|block=y}} | |||
== ''Nutrient Silo'' == | == ''Nutrient Silo'' == | ||
Line 4,271: | Line 4,530: | ||
'''US/EU GCN/Wii/NS''' | '''US/EU GCN/Wii/NS''' | ||
{{Transcript|What a fascinating storage container. There's more food crammed in here than I could eat in a lifetime! Louie, however...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|What a fascinating storage container. There's more food crammed in here than I could eat in a lifetime! Louie, however...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|なんと巨大な貯蔵タンクだろうか!!私が一生かけても食べきれないほどの大量の食料がつめこまれている。むう。持って帰るのが惜しくなってきたではないか!|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|What a huge storage tank!! It's filled with so much food that I would not be able to eat even if I spent my whole life on it. Mmmm. I was starting to regret taking it home!|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
Line 4,276: | Line 4,541: | ||
'''US GCN/Wii''' | '''US GCN/Wii''' | ||
{{Transcript|A food storage tank of bewitchingly titanic size! As legend has it, this item is so captivating that the discoverer tried to claim it for himself.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|A food storage tank of bewitchingly titanic size! As legend has it, this item is so captivating that the discoverer tried to claim it for himself.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|魅惑的な巨大さをほこる食料貯蔵タンクです!なにしろ、発見者が私物化しようとしたほどです。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|It's a food storage tank of bewitching enormity! So much, in fact, that the discoverer tried to appropriate it for his own personal use.|block=y}} | |||
== ''Stringent Container'' == | == ''Stringent Container'' == | ||
Line 4,287: | Line 4,558: | ||
{{Transcript|Yesterday, the ship accused me of sampling all of the food we've been collecting! That ship has a lot of nerve...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Yesterday, the ship accused me of sampling all of the food we've been collecting! That ship has a lot of nerve...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|今日はドルフィン初号機に「こっそり味見をしてはダメですよ」とクドクド念を押されてしまった。私がそんなことをすると思っているのだろうか!もう子供ではないのだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|今日はドルフィン初号機に「こっそり味見をしてはダメですよ」とクドクド念を押されてしまった。私がそんなことをすると思っているのだろうか!もう子供ではないのだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,298: | Line 4,569: | ||
{{Transcript|A packed-to-the-brim food container. According to legend, the discoverer of this item found it and immediately began to drool!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|A packed-to-the-brim food container. According to legend, the discoverer of this item found it and immediately began to drool!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|中身のみっちりつまった食料コンテナ。発見者が一目見てヨダレをたらしたというエピソードあり!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|中身のみっちりつまった食料コンテナ。発見者が一目見てヨダレをたらしたというエピソードあり!|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,309: | Line 4,580: | ||
'''EU GCN/Wii''' | '''EU GCN/Wii''' | ||
{{Transcript|Three things should never be missing during an expedition: Food, food and food... ... no wrong. First is knowledge, second is bravery, and third is patience. Well, not that I like to brag, but I'm a man of great patience. I absolutely do not eat between meals. That's true, honest!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Three things should never be missing during an expedition: Food, food and food... ... {{sic}}no wrong. First is knowledge, second is bravery, and third is patience. Well, not that I like to brag, but I'm a man of great patience. I absolutely do not eat between meals. That's true, honest!|block=y}} | ||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
Line 4,323: | Line 4,594: | ||
{{Transcript|I discovered a metallic container. Unfortunately it was already empty, so it is going to be tough to sell. Some sales talk will be needed for this. Let's see what the ship says about it.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I discovered a metallic container. Unfortunately it was already empty, so it is going to be tough to sell. Some sales talk will be needed for this. Let's see what the ship says about it.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|金属コンテナと思しき物体を発見した。残念ながらすでに空になっているため、売るには一工夫必要と思われる。セールストークでなんとかするしかないだろう。ドルフィン初号機のしゃべりに期待しよう。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|金属コンテナと思しき物体を発見した。残念ながらすでに空になっているため、売るには一工夫必要と思われる。セールストークでなんとかするしかないだろう。ドルフィン初号機のしゃべりに期待しよう。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,332: | Line 4,603: | ||
'''EU GCN/Wii''' | '''EU GCN/Wii''' | ||
{{Transcript|The ultimate in reverse psychology! If it's too open, nobody wants to steal it. Its a shame though, that the contents are so clearly visible.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The ultimate in reverse psychology! If it's too open, nobody wants to steal it. Its{{sic}} a shame though, that the contents are so clearly visible.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|究極の逆転発想!オープンすぎて誰もぬすむ気が起こらない。中身が丸見えなのがたまにキズ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|究極の逆転発想!オープンすぎて誰もぬすむ気が起こらない。中身が丸見えなのがたまにキズ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,345: | Line 4,616: | ||
'''EU GCN''' | '''EU GCN''' | ||
{{Transcript|When I see a closed container, I cannot help myself, I feel like I must open it and see what's inside. But when opening it, it could lose it's value. I guess I'll just have to use my imagination.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|When I see a closed container, I cannot help myself, I feel like I must open it and see what's inside. But when opening it, it could lose it's{{sic}} value. I guess I'll just have to use my imagination.|block=y}} | ||
'''EU Wii''' | '''EU Wii''' | ||
{{Transcript|When I see a closed container, I cannot help myself, I feel like I must open it and see what's inside. But when opening it, it could lose its value. I guess I'll just have to use my imagination.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|When I see a closed container, I cannot help myself, I feel like I must open it and see what's inside. But when opening it, it could lose its value. I guess I'll just have to use my imagination.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|閉じられたコンテナを見ると、どうにも中を開けてみたくなってしょうがない。しかし開けたら価値がなくなるかもしれない。想像して気をまぎらわそう。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|閉じられたコンテナを見ると、どうにも中を開けてみたくなってしょうがない。しかし開けたら価値がなくなるかもしれない。想像して気をまぎらわそう。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,361: | Line 4,632: | ||
{{Transcript|The contents of the container spin at the speed of light. That means, the progress of time is almost zero and the "Best Before" date is extended to the generation of your grandchildren.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The contents of the container spin at the speed of light. That means, the progress of time is almost zero and the "Best Before" date is extended to the generation of your grandchildren.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|コンテナ内部が亜光速で回転しているため、時間の進みが限りなくゼロに近いという。賞味期限が孫の代まで長持ち。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|コンテナ内部が亜光速で回転しているため、時間の進みが限りなくゼロに近いという。賞味期限が孫の代まで長持ち。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,377: | Line 4,648: | ||
{{Transcript|When all these containers pile up in my ship, I start to wonder... would I be better off working as a treasure hunter, or stay in the transportation business as always?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|When all these containers pile up in my ship, I start to wonder... would I be better off working as a treasure hunter, or stay in the transportation business as always?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|こうやってコンテナを宇宙船に積んでいると、お宝探しをしているのか、いつもの運送業をしているのか、わからないな。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|こうやってコンテナを宇宙船に積んでいると、お宝探しをしているのか、いつもの運送業をしているのか、わからないな。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,388: | Line 4,659: | ||
{{Transcript|The interior of this container ignores the physical laws of size and became indefinite space. All objects placed in it become indefinitely big and indefinitely small.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The interior of this container ignores the physical laws of size and became indefinite space. All objects placed in it become indefinitely big and indefinitely small.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|内部は物理的大きさを無視した亜空間になっているようです。あらゆるものが極大でもあり極小でもあるのです。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|内部は物理的大きさを無視した亜空間になっているようです。あらゆるものが極大でもあり極小でもあるのです。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,404: | Line 4,675: | ||
{{Transcript|The container is open, but not broken. This is a very revealing design, which does not conceal its contents. This is an incomprehensible concept for our culture.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The container is open, but not broken. This is a very revealing design, which does not conceal its contents. This is an incomprehensible concept for our culture.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|コンテナが開いているが、壊れているのではなく、中身を隠さない開放的なデザインらしい。私たちの文化では理解しかねる発想だ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|コンテナが開いているが、壊れているのではなく、中身を隠さない開放的なデザインらしい。私たちの文化では理解しかねる発想だ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,415: | Line 4,686: | ||
{{Transcript|To be used only for those who have nothing to hide: A personal container with an open design. Well, if it's always empty...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|To be used only for those who have nothing to hide: A personal container with an open design. Well, if it's always empty...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|心にやましさのない者だけが使える丸見えデザインの個人用コンテナ。しかしいつも空っぽだという……。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|心にやましさのない者だけが使える丸見えデザインの個人用コンテナ。しかしいつも空っぽだという……。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,426: | Line 4,697: | ||
'''EU GCN''' | '''EU GCN''' | ||
{{Transcript|The scale of objects found on this planet is overwhelming. I am sheer drowned in it! What if instead of for the company, I brought this back for my family, that would buy us soo much food. ...Oh, I shouldn't really think about it.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The scale of objects found on this planet is overwhelming. I am sheer drowned in it! What if instead of for the company, I brought this back for my family, that would buy us soo{{sic}} much food. ...Oh, I shouldn't really think about it.|block=y}} | ||
'''EU Wii''' | '''EU Wii''' | ||
Line 4,442: | Line 4,713: | ||
'''US GCN/Wii/NS''' | '''US GCN/Wii/NS''' | ||
{{Transcript|In a survival situation, the most important things are water, courage, and a first-aid kit. I've got water and an endless supply of courage, but I don't have a first-aid kit. Sometimes I don't have a whole lot of motivation, either. I may be a daring explorer, but sometimes I just want to loaf around all day and sleep. Wait... What if the president reads this journal? Uh... Ahem... I'd never dream of slacking on the job! Yeah...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|In a survival situation, the most important things are water, courage, and a first-aid kit. I've got water and an endless supply of courage, but I don't have a first-aid kit. Sometimes I don't have a whole lot of motivation, either. I may be a daring explorer, but sometimes I just want to loaf around all day and sleep. Wait... What if the president reads this journal? Uh... Ahem... I'd never dream of slacking on the job! Yeah...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|探険にはけっして欠かしてはならないものが3つある。1つは飲料水。1つは医薬品。そして最後の1つが勇気だ。私は水も勇気も持っているが、医薬品が欠けている。どうも心もとないな……。私は勇気ある探検家だが、明日は1日、船内で寝ていたいと思う。けっしてサボりたいわけではない。ホントだ!|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|There are three things you must never lack in an expedition. One is drinking water. One is medical supplies. And finally, the last one is courage. I have water and courage, but I lack medical supplies. That's not very reassuring... I'm a courageous explorer, but tomorrow I'd like to sleep on board for the day. I'm not trying to slack off. Really!|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
Line 4,447: | Line 4,724: | ||
'''US GCN/Wii/NS''' | '''US GCN/Wii/NS''' | ||
{{Transcript|A must-have medical item for explorers. If you need powerful results, this is for you! It even comes with a testimonial from our employees! Use this and fear nothing ever again!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|A must-have medical item for explorers. If you need powerful results, this is for you! It even comes with a testimonial from our employees! Use this and fear nothing ever again!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|探険に欠かせないのが医薬品。強力な効き目をお求めなら、これがオススメ!なんと当社の社員で、実証ずみ!たとえ火の中、水の中、雷の中、雪の上でも下でも、もうこわくない!|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|An essential part of an expedition is medical supplies. If you are looking for a powerful effect, this is the one for you! It has been tested and proven by our employees! Even in fire, in water, in lightning, over or under snow, fear no more!|block=y}} | |||
== ''Healing Cask'' == | == ''Healing Cask'' == | ||
Line 4,457: | Line 4,740: | ||
'''Nintendo Switch''' | '''Nintendo Switch''' | ||
{{Transcript|I'm shocked! I can't believe this is the only stock of medical supplies we've got. If one of us were to get ill or injured, we'd be in serious trouble! We'll have to be sure to watch our step and always wash our hands. We could also search for medicine among the treasures we've collected.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I'm shocked! I can't believe this is the only stock of medical supplies we've got. If one of us were to get ill or injured, we'd be in serious trouble! We'll have to be sure to watch our step and always wash our hands. We could also search for medicine among the treasures we've collected.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|おお、なんということだ!ドルフィン初号機には、医薬品がこれっぽっちも積まれていなかった。万一、病気にでもかかったら、助かる見こみはない。おだぶつだ!!うがいと手洗いを欠かさないようにしよう。見つけたお宝の中に、私たちにとって薬になる物がないか、調べてみるのもいいアイデアかもしれないな。|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|Oh, what a shock! The Dolphin 1 wasn't carrying any medical supplies whatsoever. In the unlikely event that we should fall ill, there would be no hope of our survival. We'd surely kick the bucket!! We must gargle and wash our hands. It might be a good idea to check if any of the treasures we found could serve as medicine for us.|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
Line 4,462: | Line 4,751: | ||
'''US GCN/Wii/NS''' | '''US GCN/Wii/NS''' | ||
{{Transcript|A dependable item in crucial times, stay safe by keeping one at home and one at the office. It is indispensable! If you are health conscious, buy this!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|A dependable item in crucial times, stay safe by keeping one at home and one at the office. It is indispensable! If you are health conscious, buy this!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NS''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|いざという時、たよりになる物。ないと、とっても困る物。そなえあれば、うれいなし。一家にひとつ、一社にひとつ。健康なあなたも買ってって!|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|Something that you can rely on in times of emergency. Something that you would be sorry not to have. If you have it, you'll have no worries. One for every family, one for every company. You who are healthy should buy one, too!|block=y}} | |||
== ''Abstract Masterpiece'' == | == ''Abstract Masterpiece'' == | ||
Line 4,548: | Line 4,843: | ||
{{Transcript|There are several different patterns drawn on this object's surface. They appear to be characters or letters, but I can't make any sense of them. This is just an educated guess, but I wonder if this object is a kind of alien bulletin board? The size of the object seems about right for it.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|There are several different patterns drawn on this object's surface. They appear to be characters or letters, but I can't make any sense of them. This is just an educated guess, but I wonder if this object is a kind of alien bulletin board? The size of the object seems about right for it.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|表面にいくつも紋様が描かれている。文字のように見えなくもないが、解読できていない。私の直感にすぎないが、これは看板のようなものではないだろうか?大きさもそれらしい大きさだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|表面にいくつも紋様が描かれている。文字のように見えなくもないが、解読できていない。私の直感にすぎないが、これは看板のようなものではないだろうか?大きさもそれらしい大きさだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,559: | Line 4,854: | ||
{{Transcript|Perhaps this is some ancient billboard...but perhaps not. Its authenticity may be in question, but if you can use it for inspiration, you may become a topflight ad executive.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Perhaps this is some ancient billboard...but perhaps not. Its authenticity may be in question, but if you can use it for inspiration, you may become a topflight ad executive.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|はたして古代の看板なのか?真偽は不明なものの、このデザインからインスピレーションを得れば、あなたはやり手の広告デザイナー。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|はたして古代の看板なのか?真偽は不明なものの、このデザインからインスピレーションを得れば、あなたはやり手の広告デザイナー。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,638: | Line 4,933: | ||
{{Transcript|I often brag about my inexhaustible supply of self-control, but when I peer at this treasure, I can't help but want to take a drink.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I often brag about my inexhaustible supply of self-control, but when I peer at this treasure, I can't help but want to take a drink.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|私はとてもガマン強いと自負している。だがこの不思議な紋様を見ると、のどがかわいてかわいてしかたない。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|私はとてもガマン強いと自負している。だがこの不思議な紋様を見ると、のどがかわいてかわいてしかたない。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,649: | Line 4,944: | ||
{{Transcript|An odd symbol that causes thirst cravings in all who view it. Its secrets cannot be deciphered!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|An odd symbol that causes thirst cravings in all who view it. Its secrets cannot be deciphered!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|見つめていると、のどがかわく不思議なエンブレム。この秘密は現在の科学では解明不能!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|見つめていると、のどがかわく不思議なエンブレム。この秘密は現在の科学では解明不能!|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,662: | Line 4,957: | ||
{{Transcript|Today, I delivered an impromptu lecture on the basics of wilderness survival. As Louie's superior, it's my responsibility to teach him these skills. Walking around as much as we do generates an intense thirst, so water becomes very important. I told Louie that we have to ration our water carefully. That's what I was thinking until I found this. I was so parched that...I couldn't help myself. I drank all the water in the canteen. It tasted soooo good. But when I turned around, Louie gave me a cold stare...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Today, I delivered an impromptu lecture on the basics of wilderness survival. As Louie's superior, it's my responsibility to teach him these skills. Walking around as much as we do generates an intense thirst, so water becomes very important. I told Louie that we have to ration our water carefully. That's what I was thinking until I found this. I was so parched that...I couldn't help myself. I drank all the water in the canteen. It tasted soooo good. But when I turned around, Louie gave me a cold stare...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|今日は先輩として、ルーイくんに探険の基本をレクチャーしていた。ずっと歩いてばかりいると、むしょうに水分がほしくなる。だが、探険において水は大切なものだ。少しずつ飲まないといけない。……と教えていたら、これを見つけた。のどがかわいてしかたない。私は無我夢中で水筒の中身を飲み干した。ああ、し・あ・わ・せだ。しかし、ふり返った時の彼の視線がとても冷たかったな。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|今日は先輩として、ルーイくんに探険の基本をレクチャーしていた。ずっと歩いてばかりいると、むしょうに水分がほしくなる。だが、探険において水は大切なものだ。少しずつ飲まないといけない。……と教えていたら、これを見つけた。のどがかわいてしかたない。私は無我夢中で水筒の中身を飲み干した。ああ、し・あ・わ・せだ。しかし、ふり返った時の彼の視線がとても冷たかったな。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,673: | Line 4,968: | ||
{{Transcript|Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Aaaah! Give in to your primal feelings and drink to your heart's content. Gaze upon this design and your throat will ache for satisfaction. Why is that? Tell me, please!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Gulp! Gulp! Gulp! Aaaah! Give in to your primal feelings and drink to your heart's content. Gaze upon this design and your throat will ache for satisfaction. Why is that? Tell me, please!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ゴクゴクゴックン。ゴクゴクゴクン。原始の気持ちに返って、飲みたいだけ、飲むさ!見つめていると、のどがかわいてしかたない不思議な紋様。なんで?どうして?どういう原理?教えて、えらい人!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ゴクゴクゴックン。ゴクゴクゴクン。原始の気持ちに返って、飲みたいだけ、飲むさ!見つめていると、のどがかわいてしかたない不思議な紋様。なんで?どうして?どういう原理?教えて、えらい人!|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,701: | Line 4,996: | ||
{{Transcript|The purple Pikmin were somehow able to carry this massive treasure. Today, we measured their physical strength using the ship's onboard beefometer. It seems that they have 10 times the weight and physical power of any other Pikmin. When I throw them, they land with a resounding thud. I've decided to commemorate the cave I first encountered them in by naming it Emergence Cave.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The purple Pikmin were somehow able to carry this massive treasure. Today, we measured their physical strength using the ship's onboard beefometer. It seems that they have 10 times the weight and physical power of any other Pikmin. When I throw them, they land with a resounding thud. I've decided to commemorate the cave I first encountered them in by naming it Emergence Cave.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|かなりの重量だったが、紫ピクミンの力を借りて、なんとか運べた。船内の測定機器で測定してみると、彼らはなんと、ふつうのピクミンの{{color|10倍の重さと力|red}}を持っていた!そういえば、紫ピクミンを投げた時、{{color|ドシン!とすごい勢いで落下|red}}したな…。彼らと出会った洞窟は、地下世界の探険の第一歩を記念して、{{color|始まりの洞窟|red}}と名づけておく。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|かなりの重量だったが、紫ピクミンの力を借りて、なんとか運べた。船内の測定機器で測定してみると、彼らはなんと、ふつうのピクミンの{{color|10倍の重さと力|red}}を持っていた!そういえば、紫ピクミンを投げた時、{{color|ドシン!とすごい勢いで落下|red}}したな…。彼らと出会った洞窟は、地下世界の探険の第一歩を記念して、{{color|始まりの洞窟|red}}と名づけておく。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,712: | Line 5,007: | ||
{{Transcript|The surface designs on this item are the map of a savage planet. This alone makes it valuable... But that is not all! Embedded within is a microchip filled with secret, incredibly detailed data. With this item, you'll know everything about this, that, and the other thing, too.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The surface designs on this item are the map of a savage planet. This alone makes it valuable... But that is not all! Embedded within is a microchip filled with secret, incredibly detailed data. With this item, you'll know everything about this, that, and the other thing, too.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|表面の模様はなんと未開惑星の地図。これだけで貴重なのに、内部に埋めこまれたマイクロチップには気になる秘密情報が盛りだくさん。あんなことも、こんなことも、そんなことも、どんなこともわかっちゃう。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|表面の模様はなんと未開惑星の地図。これだけで貴重なのに、内部に埋めこまれたマイクロチップには気になる秘密情報が盛りだくさん。あんなことも、こんなことも、そんなことも、どんなこともわかっちゃう。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,728: | Line 5,023: | ||
{{Transcript|The interior of this hemisphere contains a chip coded with charts detailing a new region. I explored this forest the last time I was here, but it's clear that it has undergone some dramatic changes. The plants and animals have also evolved significantly. I've given this forest a new name... the Awakening Wood. I must begin to form a hypothesis to explain why the forest changed so rapidly.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The interior of this hemisphere contains a chip coded with charts detailing a new region. I explored this forest the last time I was here, but it's clear that it has undergone some dramatic changes. The plants and animals have also evolved significantly. I've given this forest a new name... the Awakening Wood. I must begin to form a hypothesis to explain why the forest changed so rapidly.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|この物体の内部にも、新しい地域の環境データが入っていた。この森と同じく、あそこも以前この星に不時着した時に探険した場所だ……。だが、かつて探険したこの森の様相が大きく変わっていたことを考えると、新たな気持ちでのぞむ必要がある。動植物が生き生きとしているこの森を私は新たに{{color|めざめの森|red}}と名づけた。短期間でここまで環境が変化した理由については、いずれ何らかの仮説を考えたいものだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|この物体の内部にも、新しい地域の環境データが入っていた。この森と同じく、あそこも以前この星に不時着した時に探険した場所だ……。だが、かつて探険したこの森の様相が大きく変わっていたことを考えると、新たな気持ちでのぞむ必要がある。動植物が生き生きとしているこの森を私は新たに{{color|めざめの森|red}}と名づけた。短期間でここまで環境が変化した理由については、いずれ何らかの仮説を考えたいものだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,739: | Line 5,034: | ||
{{Transcript|If you have both pieces, does the value increase? Do you want it? Need it? Crave it?<br>You should. This is the ultimate storehouse of geographic data in the known universe.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|If you have both pieces, does the value increase? Do you want it? Need it? Crave it?<br>You should. This is the ultimate storehouse of geographic data in the known universe.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|二つそろってますます価値が出る?集めたい、そろえたい、身もだえたい。これが銀河一の<ruby>地理情報<rt>ジオグラフィック</rt></ruby>システム。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|二つそろってますます価値が出る?集めたい、そろえたい、身もだえたい。これが銀河一の<ruby>地理情報<rt>ジオグラフィック</rt></ruby>システム。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,756: | Line 5,051: | ||
{{Transcript|Today we searched a subterranean lair swarming with carnivorous bugs. The name Hole of Beasts immediately came to mind. The convenient contraption I found there has become an invaluable treasure-seeking tool. When it approaches a piece of treasure, the gadget beeps and the needle moves to the right. When all of the treasure in an area has been collected, the device powers down. When we left Hocotate, I thought we'd never be able to pay off the company's debts. But thanks to this gadget, I'm feeling optimistic about the outcome of this daring mission.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Today we searched a subterranean lair swarming with carnivorous bugs. The name Hole of Beasts immediately came to mind. The convenient contraption I found there has become an invaluable treasure-seeking tool. When it approaches a piece of treasure, the gadget beeps and the needle moves to the right. When all of the treasure in an area has been collected, the device powers down. When we left Hocotate, I thought we'd never be able to pay off the company's debts. But thanks to this gadget, I'm feeling optimistic about the outcome of this daring mission.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|今日はおそろしい怪生物がウヨウヨしている洞窟を探険した。{{color|けだものの穴|red}}という名前がぴったりの場所だった。そこから持ち帰ったこの機械で、お宝探しがどれだけ助かったことか……。なんと{{color|お宝に近づくと針が振れる|red}}のだ!ホコタテ星を出発した時は、すべてのツキに見放されたような、とても暗い気分だった。しかし今は明るい希望が見えてきた気がする。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|今日はおそろしい怪生物がウヨウヨしている洞窟を探険した。{{color|けだものの穴|red}}という名前がぴったりの場所だった。そこから持ち帰ったこの機械で、お宝探しがどれだけ助かったことか……。なんと{{color|お宝に近づくと針が振れる|red}}のだ!ホコタテ星を出発した時は、すべてのツキに見放されたような、とても暗い気分だった。しかし今は明るい希望が見えてきた気がする。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,767: | Line 5,062: | ||
{{Transcript|Is this a miracle gadget born of universal desire, or a machine manufactured by the master of Dimension X? Whatever it is, it reacts to treasure!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Is this a miracle gadget born of universal desire, or a machine manufactured by the master of Dimension X? Whatever it is, it reacts to treasure!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|巨大生物の死体??きれいな色なのに、あやしいにおい。実はとってもデンジャラス!?見かけと中身の違いは自然界の法則。だましだまされ、だまされだまし。なんともサバイバルな物体。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|巨大生物の死体??きれいな色なのに、あやしいにおい。実はとってもデンジャラス!?見かけと中身の違いは自然界の法則。だましだまされ、だまされだまし。なんともサバイバルな物体。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,791: | Line 5,086: | ||
*'''Translation''' | *'''Translation''' | ||
{{Transcript|I felt like taking a relaxing nap under the energetic sunlight. Being surrounded by Pikmin was making me restless. I decided to first dismiss them with {{button|gc|x}} to be alone and then {{color|hold down {{button|gc|x}} to lie down|red}}. Then the Pikmin lifted me up and carried me away. I felt like a lord for a while, but then I saw that they were trying to carry me into the Onion! {{color|"I'm not nutritients!"|red}}, I exclaimed, and then I woke up. That...was really a dream, right?|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I felt like taking a relaxing nap under the energetic sunlight. Being surrounded by Pikmin was making me restless. I decided to first dismiss them with {{button|gc|x}} to be alone and then {{color|hold down {{button|gc|x}} to lie down|red}}. Then the Pikmin lifted me up and carried me away. I felt like a lord for a while, but then I saw that they were trying to carry me into the Onion! {{color|"I'm not nutritients!"|red}}, I exclaimed, and then I woke up. That...was really a dream, right?|block=y}} | ||
'''JP Wii''' | |||
*'''Text''' | |||
{{Transcript|うららかな日差しの下、のんびり昼寝したくなった。ピクミンに囲まれていると落ち着かない。{{button|wii|c}}で解散してひとりになった後{{color|{{button|wii|c}}を押し続けて寝てみた|red}}。するとピクミンが私のことを持ち上げ、運んでいった。しばらくトノサマ気分にひたっていたが、なんとオニヨンの中に運びこもうとしているではないか!!{{color|「私は栄養ではない!!」|red}}と、絶叫したところで目がさめた。あれは……本当に夢だったのだろうか?|block=y}} | |||
*'''Translation''' | |||
{{Transcript|I felt like taking a relaxing nap under the energetic sunlight. Being surrounded by Pikmin was making me restless. After dismissing them with {{button|wii|c}} to be alone, I {{color|held down {{button|wii|c}} to try to sleep|red}}. Then the Pikmin lifted me up and carried me away. I felt like a lord for a while, but then I saw that they were trying to carry me into the Onion! {{color|"I'm not nutritients!"|red}}, I exclaimed, and then I woke up. That...was really a dream, right?|block=y}} | |||
=== Sales pitch === | === Sales pitch === | ||
Line 4,800: | Line 5,101: | ||
{{Transcript|Do you want to nap in luxury like a feudal lord? This lifestyle assistant will help you do it! Tests on our employees were very positive— their bizarre dreams were an added bonus.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Do you want to nap in luxury like a feudal lord? This lifestyle assistant will help you do it! Tests on our employees were very positive— their bizarre dreams were an added bonus.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|トノサマ気分でお昼寝したい!そんなささやかな快眠を提供する現代人のための生活アシスタント。社員で実験したところ、効果バツグン!たまにドッキリする夢を見る効果もオマケでついています。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|トノサマ気分でお昼寝したい!そんなささやかな快眠を提供する現代人のための生活アシスタント。社員で実験したところ、効果バツグン!たまにドッキリする夢を見る効果もオマケでついています。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,816: | Line 5,117: | ||
{{Transcript|Uncharted planets like this one are often teeming with hazardous fauna. The Pikmin are usually nearby to defend me, but there are times when I need to lay down the law with my own hands. For example, if a creature were to try to eat me, I'd have to beat it down. I dream about that all the time... |block=y}} | {{Transcript|Uncharted planets like this one are often teeming with hazardous fauna. The Pikmin are usually nearby to defend me, but there are times when I need to lay down the law with my own hands. For example, if a creature were to try to eat me, I'd have to beat it down. I dream about that all the time... |block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|未開惑星には危険な生物が無数に存在している。ピクミンが私を守ってくれるとはいえ、時には私自らコブシをふるわねばならないこともある。凶暴な生物の巨大な口が私にせまって……そんな夢にうなされる夜もある。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|未開惑星には危険な生物が無数に存在している。ピクミンが私を守ってくれるとはいえ、時には私自らコブシをふるわねばならないこともある。凶暴な生物の巨大な口が私にせまって……そんな夢にうなされる夜もある。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,827: | Line 5,128: | ||
{{Transcript|In a plume of flame, this steel fist flies and smashes its target to bits...but the recoil is severe.<br>(Captain Olimar suffers from shoulder pain, so he uses it without the rocket booster.)|block=y}} | {{Transcript|In a plume of flame, this steel fist flies and smashes its target to bits...but the recoil is severe.<br>(Captain Olimar suffers from shoulder pain, so he uses it without the rocket booster.)|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|鋼鉄製のゲンコツで、火を噴いて飛んでいき、ターゲットをこっぱみじんに!そのかわり反動もものすごい。(四十肩のオリマーさんは、ロケット噴射なしで使っています。)|block=y}} | {{Transcript|鋼鉄製のゲンコツで、火を噴いて飛んでいき、ターゲットをこっぱみじんに!そのかわり反動もものすごい。(四十肩のオリマーさんは、ロケット噴射なしで使っています。)|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,843: | Line 5,144: | ||
{{Transcript|This aromatic object secretes a tangy odor that could knock out a bulblax! I'm with the ship on this one. I don't want to touch it, either! But I must! For the sake of the company and my family...I must summon the strength to carry on!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This aromatic object secretes a tangy odor that could knock out a bulblax! I'm with the ship on this one. I don't want to touch it, either! But I must! For the sake of the company and my family...I must summon the strength to carry on!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|あやしいにおいがきつくて、近づくのがイヤになった。この歳になって、こんなことを……と思う。けれどもすべては家族のため、そして会社のため。それにあの社長もひどい人だが、どこかにくめない。しかしたまには特別手当のひとつも…。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|あやしいにおいがきつくて、近づくのがイヤになった。この歳になって、こんなことを……と思う。けれどもすべては家族のため、そして会社のため。それにあの社長もひどい人だが、どこかにくめない。しかしたまには特別手当のひとつも…。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,854: | Line 5,155: | ||
{{Transcript|Is this the remains of some giant creature? Its color is striking, but its stench is horrific. Could it be dangerous? The true essence of things in the natural world is very often disguised. Be fooled and die...fool or be killed. This is a law of survival.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Is this the remains of some giant creature? Its color is striking, but its stench is horrific. Could it be dangerous? The true essence of things in the natural world is very often disguised. Be fooled and die...fool or be killed. This is a law of survival.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|巨大生物の死体??きれいな色なのに、あやしいにおい。実はとってもデンジャラス!?見かけと中身の違いは自然界の法則。だましだまされ、だまされだまし。なんともサバイバルな物体。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|巨大生物の死体??きれいな色なのに、あやしいにおい。実はとってもデンジャラス!?見かけと中身の違いは自然界の法則。だましだまされ、だまされだまし。なんともサバイバルな物体。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,870: | Line 5,171: | ||
{{Transcript|The technology behind this impressive gadget is totally unknown to my people. It appears to replicate the intense solar beams of the sun. Space exploration has given me a ghostly pallor. Maybe I'll use this orb to catch a few rays...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|The technology behind this impressive gadget is totally unknown to my people. It appears to replicate the intense solar beams of the sun. Space exploration has given me a ghostly pallor. Maybe I'll use this orb to catch a few rays...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|原理は不明だが、どうやら人工的に太陽光を作り出すシステムのようだ。そういえば、宇宙船に乗りっぱなしの生活が続いて、すっかり色白になってしまった。昔は小麦色の肌をしていたのだが……。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|原理は不明だが、どうやら人工的に太陽光を作り出すシステムのようだ。そういえば、宇宙船に乗りっぱなしの生活が続いて、すっかり色白になってしまった。昔は小麦色の肌をしていたのだが……。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,881: | Line 5,182: | ||
{{Transcript|This tanning machine is based on primitive science principles. Come, you pallid recluses and sun-starved hermits! You, too, can have a healthy, stylish glow!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This tanning machine is based on primitive science principles. Come, you pallid recluses and sun-starved hermits! You, too, can have a healthy, stylish glow!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|未知の科学の人工日焼けマシン。モヤシなあなたも、ヒキコモリなあなたも、ヘルシーでスタイリッシュなこんがりお肌に!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|未知の科学の人工日焼けマシン。モヤシなあなたも、ヒキコモリなあなたも、ヘルシーでスタイリッシュなこんがりお肌に!|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,897: | Line 5,198: | ||
{{Transcript|I found this marvelous alloy in a hole swarming with bulborbs! On that adventure, I even clashed with an emperor bulblax! In honor of my triumph over that appalling beast, I name the hole the Bulblax Kingdom.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I found this marvelous alloy in a hole swarming with bulborbs! On that adventure, I even clashed with an emperor bulblax! In honor of my triumph over that appalling beast, I name the hole the Bulblax Kingdom.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|この合金を見つけた場所は、チャッピーたちの巣窟だった。最深部に生息していたダイオウデメマダラには、かつての探険でも苦しめられた。私はあの洞窟を{{color|デメマダラの王国|red}}と名づけることにした。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|この合金を見つけた場所は、チャッピーたちの巣窟だった。最深部に生息していたダイオウデメマダラには、かつての探険でも苦しめられた。私はあの洞窟を{{color|デメマダラの王国|red}}と名づけることにした。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,908: | Line 5,209: | ||
{{Transcript|A heat-resistant alloy forged in the fires of justice and passion. Wear it and feel courage's burn! You have nothing to fear!<br>(Due to horrid ventilation, this is not suited to sweaty beings.)|block=y}} | {{Transcript|A heat-resistant alloy forged in the fires of justice and passion. Wear it and feel courage's burn! You have nothing to fear!<br>(Due to horrid ventilation, this is not suited to sweaty beings.)|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|正義の炎を宿した熱血の情熱合金。身につければ、勇気の炎が燃え上がる!おそれるものは何もない!しかし……。通気性が悪く、よくムレるため、汗かきさんにはつらいのです。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|正義の炎を宿した熱血の情熱合金。身につければ、勇気の炎が燃え上がる!おそれるものは何もない!しかし……。通気性が悪く、よくムレるため、汗かきさんにはつらいのです。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,921: | Line 5,222: | ||
{{Transcript|This is yet another object I've recently discovered that is beyond my wildest dreams. It doesn't conduct electricity, and it can erase marks left by pencils with remarkable ease. Sadly, the more you use it, the more it rubs away to oblivion. Hmmm... In a way, it reminds me of my job...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This is yet another object I've recently discovered that is beyond my wildest dreams. It doesn't conduct electricity, and it can erase marks left by pencils with remarkable ease. Sadly, the more you use it, the more it rubs away to oblivion. Hmmm... In a way, it reminds me of my job...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|夢の新素材。電気を通さない。さらにエンピツで書いた文字を消すことができる。使えば使うほど、だんだんすり減っていくのがとても悲しい……。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|夢の新素材。電気を通さない。さらにエンピツで書いた文字を消すことができる。使えば使うほど、だんだんすり減っていくのがとても悲しい……。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,935: | Line 5,236: | ||
{{Transcript|This nonconductive substance has many uses. I have discovered it can even erase pencil marks. It is a dream material! But the more it is used, the more it crumbles. The same is true of dreams.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This nonconductive substance has many uses. I have discovered it can even erase pencil marks. It is a dream material! But the more it is used, the more it crumbles. The same is true of dreams.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|電気を通さない便利な物質。しかもエンピツで書いた文字を消せることが最近わかった。まさに夢の素材!しかし使えば使うほど、だんだんすり減っていくのがとても悲しい。これが夢の現実。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|電気を通さない便利な物質。しかもエンピツで書いた文字を消せることが最近わかった。まさに夢の素材!しかし使えば使うほど、だんだんすり減っていくのがとても悲しい。これが夢の現実。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,948: | Line 5,249: | ||
{{Transcript|I found this metal treasure in the gut of an avian snake. It took real courage to drop into that dark den, but danger's what I do best. In honor of my brave clash with that feathered serpent, I've named that den the Snagret Hole.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I found this metal treasure in the gut of an avian snake. It took real courage to drop into that dark den, but danger's what I do best. In honor of my brave clash with that feathered serpent, I've named that den the Snagret Hole.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|蛇ともカラスともつかない怪生物の体内から、この金属体を発見した。地下深くにあるヤツの巣に降りていくのは、大変な勇気が必要だった。しかし勇気の見返りにお宝を手に入れるのが探険家なのだ。私はあの怪生物の巣を{{color|ヘビガラスの穴|red}}と名づけることにした。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|蛇ともカラスともつかない怪生物の体内から、この金属体を発見した。地下深くにあるヤツの巣に降りていくのは、大変な勇気が必要だった。しかし勇気の見返りにお宝を手に入れるのが探険家なのだ。私はあの怪生物の巣を{{color|ヘビガラスの穴|red}}と名づけることにした。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,959: | Line 5,260: | ||
{{Transcript|You cannot see it and you cannot touch it, but it is definitely here and there. What, you ask? Whatever this suit is fortified by, that is what. I cannot believe there is a better material than what I am constructed of...|block=y}} | {{Transcript|You cannot see it and you cannot touch it, but it is definitely here and there. What, you ask? Whatever this suit is fortified by, that is what. I cannot believe there is a better material than what I am constructed of...|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|目には見えない、触れない、しかし確かにここにある、そこにある。そんな正義で固められたスーツ。私よりいい素材なんて……。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|目には見えない、触れない、しかし確かにここにある、そこにある。そんな正義で固められたスーツ。私よりいい素材なんて……。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,972: | Line 5,273: | ||
{{Transcript|Today, we searched a deep underground structure that was completely covered in tile! I have no idea what it was originally intended for, but I've decided to call it the Shower Room. Deep within, I clashed with a sleek bug that coughed up this conical curiosity.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Today, we searched a deep underground structure that was completely covered in tile! I have no idea what it was originally intended for, but I've decided to call it the Shower Room. Deep within, I clashed with a sleek bug that coughed up this conical curiosity.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|今日は、四方をタイルでおおわれた地下建造物の中を探索した。何のための場所かは想像するほかない。私は直感で{{color|シャワールーム|red}}と名づけた。最深部には、ヌメヌメした怪生物が生息しており、この物体はヤツの体内から見つけた物だ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|今日は、四方をタイルでおおわれた地下建造物の中を探索した。何のための場所かは想像するほかない。私は直感で{{color|シャワールーム|red}}と名づけた。最深部には、ヌメヌメした怪生物が生息しており、この物体はヤツの体内から見つけた物だ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,983: | Line 5,284: | ||
{{Transcript|Your voice is weak. It does not carry. No one notices you. If this is true, then this item is for you! Starting today, you are a gym teacher! You will never be ignored again.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Your voice is weak. It does not carry. No one notices you. If this is true, then this item is for you! Starting today, you are a gym teacher! You will never be ignored again.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|声が小さい、とどかない。誰もがあなたに気づかない。そんなあなたにこの一品。今日からあなたも体育会系。教室の端から端までとどきます。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|声が小さい、とどかない。誰もがあなたに気づかない。そんなあなたにこの一品。今日からあなたも体育会系。教室の端から端までとどきます。|block=y}} | ||
Line 4,996: | Line 5,297: | ||
{{Transcript|I recently took a team of blue Pikmin on an expedition to explore a submerged cavern. While exploring this watery cavern, I encountered some very strange phenomena. It was such a strange place that I'm still wondering if it was all just a dream. I found this curious treasure in that cavern, so if it was just an illusion, I'm even more confused. I named that confounding place the Submerged Castle.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|I recently took a team of blue Pikmin on an expedition to explore a submerged cavern. While exploring this watery cavern, I encountered some very strange phenomena. It was such a strange place that I'm still wondering if it was all just a dream. I found this curious treasure in that cavern, so if it was just an illusion, I'm even more confused. I named that confounding place the Submerged Castle.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|{{color|まどいの水源|red}}の外れ、半ば水没した洞窟の中で、私と青ピクミンはなんとも不思議な現象に遭遇した。今でも、あれが本当に現実だったのか、それとも白昼夢だったのか自信がない。しかし私はあの幻想的な場所で、この機械を見つけた。それだけは確かだ。私はあそこを、ちょっとロマンをこめて{{color|水中の城|red}}と名づけることにした。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|{{color|まどいの水源|red}}の外れ、半ば水没した洞窟の中で、私と青ピクミンはなんとも不思議な現象に遭遇した。今でも、あれが本当に現実だったのか、それとも白昼夢だったのか自信がない。しかし私はあの幻想的な場所で、この機械を見つけた。それだけは確かだ。私はあそこを、ちょっとロマンをこめて{{color|水中の城|red}}と名づけることにした。|block=y}} | ||
Line 5,007: | Line 5,308: | ||
{{Transcript|Noisier than a spaceship, this wonderful item will make your miserable life 120 percent more exciting.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Noisier than a spaceship, this wonderful item will make your miserable life 120 percent more exciting.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|やかましい宇宙船よりなおやかましい。ひとりぼっちの生活をにぎやかにする生活120%の素敵グッズ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|やかましい宇宙船よりなおやかましい。ひとりぼっちの生活をにぎやかにする生活120%の素敵グッズ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 5,020: | Line 5,321: | ||
{{Transcript|This item came from the personal treasure hoard of a massive Pikmin-devouring spider. The whole cave was crawling with all kinds of fearsome creatures. I decided to name that eerie cave the Citadel of Spiders. The ship can't stand bugs... Whenever I ask it to store a specimen for salvage, it threatens to stage a mutiny!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This item came from the personal treasure hoard of a massive Pikmin-devouring spider. The whole cave was crawling with all kinds of fearsome creatures. I decided to name that eerie cave the Citadel of Spiders. The ship can't stand bugs... Whenever I ask it to store a specimen for salvage, it threatens to stage a mutiny!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|この物体はクモに似た大怪虫が隠し持っていた。あの洞窟は不気味な怪虫だらけで、まったく気味が悪かった。<ruby>虫<rt>バグ</rt></ruby>が苦手なドルフィン初号機は、少し調子が悪そうだったな。あの不気味な洞窟は{{color|クモの根城|red}}と名づけておいた。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|この物体はクモに似た大怪虫が隠し持っていた。あの洞窟は不気味な怪虫だらけで、まったく気味が悪かった。<ruby>虫<rt>バグ</rt></ruby>が苦手なドルフィン初号機は、少し調子が悪そうだったな。あの不気味な洞窟は{{color|クモの根城|red}}と名づけておいた。|block=y}} | ||
Line 5,031: | Line 5,332: | ||
{{Transcript|This shape... I have encountered it somewhere before... No, I must be mistaken... Yes, I am mistaken. Thoughts like these strike all who see this cabalistic form. You can feel its immense power!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This shape... I have encountered it somewhere before... No, I must be mistaken... Yes, I am mistaken. Thoughts like these strike all who see this cabalistic form. You can feel its immense power!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|この形、どこかで見たことが……。いや、きっと気のせい……。そんな気になる不思議シェイプ。すごいパワーを感じ取って!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|この形、どこかで見たことが……。いや、きっと気のせい……。そんな気になる不思議シェイプ。すごいパワーを感じ取って!|block=y}} | ||
Line 5,044: | Line 5,345: | ||
{{Transcript|This shocker was one of several weapons wielded by the nightmarish titan dweevil. It allowed the creature to smite Pikmin with zaps of lightning!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This shocker was one of several weapons wielded by the nightmarish titan dweevil. It allowed the creature to smite Pikmin with zaps of lightning!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|あの悪夢のような大怪虫が吸収していた物体のひとつ。どうやら強い雷を発生する装置らしい。強電流があいつのDNAを書きかえたため、雷をあやつる能力が発現していたようだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|あの悪夢のような大怪虫が吸収していた物体のひとつ。どうやら強い雷を発生する装置らしい。強電流があいつのDNAを書きかえたため、雷をあやつる能力が発現していたようだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 5,058: | Line 5,359: | ||
{{Transcript|This nanotech device gathers negative ions in the atmosphere and converts them into energy. It then releases that energy. Zap! Use it to relieve muscle soreness and joint stress. One warning, however—it does render the user unconscious.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This nanotech device gathers negative ions in the atmosphere and converts them into energy. It then releases that energy. Zap! Use it to relieve muscle soreness and joint stress. One warning, however—it does render the user unconscious.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|大気中のマイナスイオンを集めて強力な雷エネルギーに変換するナノテク技術のコンバータ。たまった電気をビリリッ!とくらえば、肩こり腰痛飛んでいく。ついでに意識も飛んでいく〜。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|大気中のマイナスイオンを集めて強力な雷エネルギーに変換するナノテク技術のコンバータ。たまった電気をビリリッ!とくらえば、肩こり腰痛飛んでいく。ついでに意識も飛んでいく〜。|block=y}} | ||
Line 5,082: | Line 5,383: | ||
{{Transcript|This scorching mechanism was once used by a monstrous titan dweevil. The roasting apparatus spews hot jets of flame! I can't keep Louie away from it. He keeps trying to use it to cook sausages and caramelize crème brûlèe|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This scorching mechanism was once used by a monstrous titan dweevil. The roasting apparatus spews hot jets of flame! I can't keep Louie away from it. He keeps trying to use it to cook sausages and caramelize crème brûlèe|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|あの絶望を具現化したような大怪虫が吸収していた物体のひとつ。おそろしい火力の火炎放射器のようだ。莫大な熱エネルギーがあいつのDNAに影響を与え、炎をあやつる能力が発現していたようだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|あの絶望を具現化したような大怪虫が吸収していた物体のひとつ。おそろしい火力の火炎放射器のようだ。莫大な熱エネルギーがあいつのDNAに影響を与え、炎をあやつる能力が発現していたようだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 5,093: | Line 5,394: | ||
{{Transcript|In the compressed-air cylinder of this flamethrower, liquid gas is lit, producing the fire that gives the weapon its name. It is very dangerous, and good kids know not to play with it. In case you wonder, it cannot be used as a substitute for a spaceship's rockets and should never be used to cook sausages. Never.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|In the compressed-air cylinder of this flamethrower, liquid gas is lit, producing the fire that gives the weapon its name. It is very dangerous, and good kids know not to play with it. In case you wonder, it cannot be used as a substitute for a spaceship's rockets and should never be used to cook sausages. Never.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ボンベ内の液化ガスを燃料にしておそろしい火力を生み出す迷惑この上ない火炎放射器。危険なので、良い子は使い方に注意!ちなみに宇宙船のロケットのかわりにはなりませんでしたよ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ボンベ内の液化ガスを燃料にしておそろしい火力を生み出す迷惑この上ない火炎放射器。危険なので、良い子は使い方に注意!ちなみに宇宙船のロケットのかわりにはなりませんでしたよ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 5,109: | Line 5,410: | ||
{{Transcript|This fiendish component was used by the titan dweevil! Although it was once a primitive weapon, it is now a weapon of mass hilarity.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This fiendish component was used by the titan dweevil! Although it was once a primitive weapon, it is now a weapon of mass hilarity.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|死を具現化したようなあの大怪虫が吸収していた物体のひとつ。分析によるとガス兵器の一種のようだ。ガスの成分があいつのDNAに影響を与え、毒ガスをあやつる能力が発現していたようだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|死を具現化したようなあの大怪虫が吸収していた物体のひとつ。分析によるとガス兵器の一種のようだ。ガスの成分があいつのDNAに影響を与え、毒ガスをあやつる能力が発現していたようだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 5,120: | Line 5,421: | ||
{{Transcript|You cannot see it. You cannot smell it. Yet this weapon would steal your life, given the chance. At least it USED to, until I shrewdly exchanged its poison gas for hilarious laughing gas. Crafted with an eye for safety, it is the funniest weapon ever devised!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|You cannot see it. You cannot smell it. Yet this weapon would steal your life, given the chance. At least it USED to, until I shrewdly exchanged its poison gas for hilarious laughing gas. Crafted with an eye for safety, it is the funniest weapon ever devised!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|見えません。においません。しかし命はしっかりいただきます。ちゃっかり者の凶悪ガス兵器。……でしたが、ぶっそうなので、笑気ガスに変えておきました。安全に注意した完全万全兵器です!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|見えません。においません。しかし命はしっかりいただきます。ちゃっかり者の凶悪ガス兵器。……でしたが、ぶっそうなので、笑気ガスに変えておきました。安全に注意した完全万全兵器です!|block=y}} | ||
Line 5,133: | Line 5,434: | ||
{{Transcript|This savage water pump was just one of many weapons wielded by the titan dweevil. This pump is capable of spraying jets of hyper-pressurized water!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This savage water pump was just one of many weapons wielded by the titan dweevil. This pump is capable of spraying jets of hyper-pressurized water!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|闇そのもののようなあの大怪虫が吸収していた物体のひとつ。強い吸引力をほこるポンプのようだ。圧倒的な水量であいつを水ぶくれさせ、その結果、腹をこわしたあいつが放水能力を身につけたようだ。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|闇そのもののようなあの大怪虫が吸収していた物体のひとつ。強い吸引力をほこるポンプのようだ。圧倒的な水量であいつを水ぶくれさせ、その結果、腹をこわしたあいつが放水能力を身につけたようだ。|block=y}} | ||
Line 5,144: | Line 5,445: | ||
{{Transcript|This item automatically detects subterranean waterways, even if the water is buried a mile deep! This monster pump draws liquid any distance, and its almost-uncontrollable power is fantastic!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|This item automatically detects subterranean waterways, even if the water is buried a mile deep! This monster pump draws liquid any distance, and its almost-uncontrollable power is fantastic!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|地下水脈を自動探知し、たとえ地下1000メートルからでもハイパワーで水を引き上げる<ruby>怪物<rt>モンスター</rt></ruby>ポンプ。所かまわず水びたしにしてしまう、暴走ぎみな性能がもう最高!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|地下水脈を自動探知し、たとえ地下1000メートルからでもハイパワーで水を引き上げる<ruby>怪物<rt>モンスター</rt></ruby>ポンプ。所かまわず水びたしにしてしまう、暴走ぎみな性能がもう最高!|block=y}} | ||
Line 5,163: | Line 5,464: | ||
{{Transcript|Louie is back! Somehow, he survived a horrific ordeal with a freakishly large, weapon-wielding titan dweevil! I entered a hole with an army of ferocious Pikmin, grimly determined to save Louie from the titan dweevil, but it seems that he was perfectly fine all along. I can't understand how he managed to avoid being eaten. Hmmm... He's always had an unusually close connection with insects, and I know he loves to cook them! Maybe he wasn't kidnapped after all. Could he have been controlling that beast all along?! No, that's craziness! Although...he does insist now that we address him by his "proper title," the King of Bugs.|block=y}} | {{Transcript|Louie is back! Somehow, he survived a horrific ordeal with a freakishly large, weapon-wielding titan dweevil! I entered a hole with an army of ferocious Pikmin, grimly determined to save Louie from the titan dweevil, but it seems that he was perfectly fine all along. I can't understand how he managed to avoid being eaten. Hmmm... He's always had an unusually close connection with insects, and I know he loves to cook them! Maybe he wasn't kidnapped after all. Could he have been controlling that beast all along?! No, that's craziness! Although...he does insist now that we address him by his "proper title," the King of Bugs.|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ルーイくんを捕らえていたのは、悪夢のような大怪虫だった……。周りの物体を自分の身体に吸収し、自分の能力を拡張していたのだ。一個体の生物としては、まさに万能ともいえる生物だった。けれどもピクミンの集団の力の前にはあの強い生物でさえ、屈するのだ。あらためてピクミンの力をほこらしく、同時におそろしく感じた。|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ルーイくんを捕らえていたのは、悪夢のような大怪虫だった……。周りの物体を自分の身体に吸収し、自分の能力を拡張していたのだ。一個体の生物としては、まさに万能ともいえる生物だった。けれどもピクミンの集団の力の前にはあの強い生物でさえ、屈するのだ。あらためてピクミンの力をほこらしく、同時におそろしく感じた。|block=y}} | ||
Line 5,174: | Line 5,475: | ||
{{Transcript|A new employee of Hocotate Freight, Louie is often silent. Nobody knows what thoughts lurk in his mind. He appears to operate on the same wavelength as insects, often with dangerous results. After he was kidnapped, he somehow managed to hijack a colossal insect's brain!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|A new employee of Hocotate Freight, Louie is often silent. Nobody knows what thoughts lurk in his mind. He appears to operate on the same wavelength as insects, often with dangerous results. After he was kidnapped, he somehow managed to hijack a colossal insect's brain!|block=y}} | ||
'''JP NGC''' | '''JP NGC/Wii''' | ||
*'''Text''' | *'''Text''' | ||
{{Transcript|ホコタテ運送の期待の新入社員。いつも無口で、何を考えているか、実は誰にもわかりません。でも虫とは波長が合うらしく、虫に食われた後、なんと虫の脳をハイジャックしていたようです!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|ホコタテ運送の期待の新入社員。いつも無口で、何を考えているか、実は誰にもわかりません。でも虫とは波長が合うらしく、虫に食われた後、なんと虫の脳をハイジャックしていたようです!|block=y}} | ||
*'''Translation''' | *'''Translation''' | ||
{{Transcript|A promising new employee of Hocotate Freight. He is always quiet and no one knows what he is thinking. But he seems to be on the same wavelength as an insect, and after being eaten by a bug, he seems to have somehow hijacked the bug's brain!|block=y}} | {{Transcript|A promising new employee of Hocotate Freight. He is always quiet and no one knows what he is thinking. But he seems to be on the same wavelength as an insect, and after being eaten by a bug, he seems to have somehow hijacked the bug's brain!|block=y}} |
Revision as of 19:00, December 21, 2024
This page contains a lot of text, and probably won't load quickly on older devices or slow internet connections. |
The following article or section needs help from someone who can translate Japanese text. |
To do: Add and translate Japanese text. See below for sources. |
Extracted text from the Nintendo GameCube and Wii versions can be found here.
Video of the Treasure Hoard notes from the Nintendo Switch version can be found here: [1]
Notes from the Treasure Hoard from the North American, British English, and Japanese versions of Pikmin 2, Pikmin 2, and Pikmin 2.
Cupid's Grenade
Olimar's journal
EU Wii
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sunseed Berry
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Combustion Berry
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
- Text
- Translation
Seed of Greed
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Disguised Delicacy
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Machines are a little envious of humans, who can enjoy such tastes.
”Insect Condo
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
A plant of the Bugeatenidae family, it's called the "Bugs' Kingdom" because it is parasitized by dozens of different kinds of bugs, and is very valuable academically. N-not so valuable to me, though!
- Text
- Translation
A plant of the Bugeatenidae family, it's called the "Bugs' Kingdom" because it lives symbiotically with dozens of different kinds of bugs, and is very valuable academically. N-not so valuable to me, though!
”Citrus Lump
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Spiny Alien Treat
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
As you can imagine, I have no idea about cooking. I leave the recipes to others. Machines are good at bluffing, but not at lying.
”Anxious Sprout
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Child of the Earth
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Love Nugget
Olimar's journal
EU Wii
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Infernal Vegetable
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Anti-hiccup Fungus
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Toxic Toadstool
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
EU Wii
- Text
- Translation
Onion Replica
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Science Project
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Pilgrim Bulb
Olimar's journal
EU Wii
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Arboreal Frippery
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
- Text
- Translation
Conifer Spire
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Armored Nut
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
PS: The topography of this area looks familiar. Hmmm... Come to think of it, wasn't it around here that I crash-landed on my last expedition? Have I returned!?”
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Corpulent Nut
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Meat of Champions
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
”Hideous Victual
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Meat Satchel
Olimar's journal
EU Wii
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nntendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Taste Sensation
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Triple Sugar Threat
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Compelling Cookie
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
- Text
- Translation
Impenetrable Cookie
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Bug Bait
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
I have a baaad feeling about this... I feel like I should sell it off as soon as possible. ... That's right! I'm selling it at a huge discount. Someone hurry up and buy it!
”Imperative Cookie
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Comfort Cookie
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Succulent Mattress
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
King of Sweets
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Enamel Buster
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Diet Doomer
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Pale Passion
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintnedo Switch
- Text
- Translation
- Text
- Translation
White Goodness
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Chocolate Cushion
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sweet Dreamer
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Confection Hoop
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
A cake that looks so delicious that even I, a machine, am aching to eat it!
”Pastry Wheel
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Possessed Squash
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Fossilized Ursidae
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
- Text
- Translation
Colossal Fossil
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Leviathan Feather
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Olimarnite Shell
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Fortified Delicacy
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Scrumptious Shell
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
”Memorial Shell
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Mysterious Remains
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Crystal King
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Future Orb
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Gyroid Bust
Olimar's journal
PS: When I found this figurine, it had been placed so that it was protected by a wall of flame. My research isn't complete, but I think it may have been a shrine of some kind.”
- Text
- Translation
PS: This statue was placed so that it was protected by spouting flames. I couldn't figure out the significance of that site, but it seemed somehow like a sacred place. I shall investigate that at some point.”
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Unknown Merit
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Lustrous Element
Olimar's journal
US GCN/Wii, EU Wii
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Mirrored Element
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Vorpal Platter
Olimar's journal

US Wii

EU Wii

Nintendo Switch

- Text

- Translation

Sales pitch
EU Wii
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Milk Tub
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Merciless Extractor
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Broken Food Master / 折れた食神 (Broken Cooking God)
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
... ... ... ...
Of course, to a tongueless machine such as me, this is all completely meaningless.”
Nintendo Switch
- Translation
But we machines cannot accept the favor, as we have no tongues.
”Divine Cooking Tool
Olimar's journal
EU Wii
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Utter Scrap
Olimar's journal
EU Wii
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Decorative Goo
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Master's Instrument
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Manual Honer
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Implement of Toil
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Heavy-duty Magnetizer
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Harmonic Synthesizer
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Emperor Whistle
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Director of Destiny
Olimar's journal
* Press

* Press

* While holding Pikmin, press

* Press

* Hold

* While holding Pikmin, press

* Press

* Hold

* While holding Pikmin, press

Nintendo Switch
* Press

* Hold

* While holding Pikmin, press

- Text


- Translation
● When dismissed with

● While holding a Pikmin with

JP Wii
- Text


- Translation
・When dismissed with

・While holding a Pikmin with

- Text


- Translation
・When dismissed with

・While holding a Pikmin with

Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Sud Generator
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Flame of Tomorrow
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Impediment Scourge / ライトニングボルト (Lightning Bolt)
Olimar's journal
EU Wii
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
- Text
- Translation
ファミリーいかだ (Family Raft)
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Dimensional Slicer
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Time Capsule
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Lip Service
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Mirrored Stage
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Behemoth Jaw
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Joy Receptacle
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
...In reality, it is empty!”
- Text
- Translation
Fleeting Art Form
Olimar's journal
EU Wii, NS
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
There is more to art than just its appearance! It is the eternal yet fleeting scene that is envisioned in the mind. That is art! Even so, a machine like me can't imagine something like that... Shocking!
”Danger Chime
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Spouse Alert
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
EU Wii
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Innocence Lost
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Essential Furnishing
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Icon of Progress
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Temporal Mechanism
Olimar's journal
US Wii, EU GCN/Wii
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Mystical Disc
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Vacuum Processor
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Indomitable CPU
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Network Mainbrain
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Space Wave Receiver
Olimar's journal
EU Wii
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Sulking Antenna
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Nouveau Table
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Omega Flywheel
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Spirit Flogger
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
- Text
- Translation
Superstrong Stabilizer
Olimar's journal
EU Wii
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Repair Juggernaut
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Adamantine Girdle
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Massage Girdle
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
- Text
- Translation
Superstick Textile
Olimar's journal
PS: I named the cave where I first encountered the white Pikmin the White Flower Garden.”
PS: I named the cave where I first encountered the white Pikmin the "White Flower Garden."”
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Exhausted Superstick
Olimar's journal
EU Wii
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Furious Adhesive
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Petrified Heart
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Eternal Emerald Eye
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Regal Diamond
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Tear Stone
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Princess Pearl
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
JP Wii
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
- Text
- Translation
Crystal Clover
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Unspeakable Wonder
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
What a spectacular find!”
- Text
- Translation
-ing-ing-ing-ing... Pipopapo pih pih pupupepepepo. Pepepepepepepopopo... ... A-
at any rate, it's an extroardinary treasure!”Essence of Rage
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Essence of Despair
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
(Am I evil for making up such a tale? Justice, please look the other way!)”
- Text
- Translation
Essence of True Love
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Essence of Desire
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Pink Menace
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Joyless Jewel
Olimar's journal
Update: It turns out that it's just plastic. So it was all bad after all.”
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Frosty Bauble
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
- Text
- Translation
Red Gemstar/Gemstar Wife
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Green Gemstar/Gemstar Husband
Olimar's journal
US Wii, EU GCN/Wii
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Universal Com
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
US Wii, EU GCN/Wii
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Omniscient Sphere
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Crystallized Telepathy
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Love Sphere
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Crystallized Telekinesis
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Mirth Sphere
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Crystallized Clairvoyance
Olimar's journal
*Red Pikmin: Immune to fire.
*Purple Pikmin: Strong and heavy bruisers that can lift big loads.
*White Pikmin: Fast and immune to the effects of poison. Can also find hidden treasures buried underground.
*Yellow Pikmin: Highly agile and immune to electrical damage. Also fly high when thrown.
*Blue Pikmin: Thrive in water.
Phew! It should be easy to identify each Pikmin's abilities based on their color.”
* Red Pikmin: Immune to fire.
* Purple Pikmin: Strong and heavy bruisers that can lift big loads.
* White Pikmin: Fast and immune to the effects of poison. Can also find hidden treasures buried underground.
* Yellow Pikmin: Highly agile and immune to electrical damage. Also fly high when thrown.
* Blue Pikmin: Thrive in water.
Phew! It should be easy to identify each Pikmin's abilities based on their color.”
- Text
- Translation
● Red Pikmin are resistant to fire.
● Purple Pikmin have heavy bodies and high strength.
● White Pikmin are quick, resistant to poison, and dig out completely buried treasures.
● Yellow Pikmin are resistant to electric shocks and agile. They fly high when thrown.
● Blue Pikmin can survive in water.
Pikmin have strengths that can be imagined from the color of their bodies.”
- Text
- Translation
● Red Pikmin are resistant to fire.
● Purple Pikmin have heavy bodies and high strength.
● White Pikmin are quick, resistant to poison, and dig out completely buried treasures.
● Yellow Pikmin are resistant to electric shocks and agile. They fly high when thrown.
● Blue Pikmin can survive in water.
Pikmin have strengths that can be imagined from the color of their bodies.”
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Maternal Sculpture
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Extreme Perspirator
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Rubber Ugly
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Paradoxical Enigma
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
One hour... Two hours...
I am...feeling...drowsy...
One hour... Two hours...
I am...feeling...drowsy...
- Text
- Translation
...Entering sleep mode.
Wiggle Noggin
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Coiled Launcher
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Magical Stage
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
EU Wii
- Text
- Translation
Boom Cone
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Flame Tiller
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Doomsday Apparatus
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Aquatic Mine
Olimar's journal
Nintend Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Ultimate Spinner (アルティメット・ スピナー)
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Stupendous Lens
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Air Brake
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Worthless Statue
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
(I do not know if that is true or not, but items in demand fetch higher prices.)”
- Text
- Translation
Priceless Statue
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Boss Stone
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
(Did I just describe myself?)”
Nintendo Switch
(Did I just describe myself?)”
- Text
- Translation
Luck Wafer
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Talisman of Life
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Strife Monolith
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Chance Totem
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Dream Architect
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Stone of Glory
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Glee Spinner
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Cosmic Archive
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Remembered Old Buddy
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Fond Gyro Block
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Memorable Gyro Block
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Lost Gyro Block
Olimar's journal
US Wii, EU GCN/Wii
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Favorite Gyro Block
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Treasured Gyro Block
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Proton AA / プロトンX (Proton X)
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Durable Energy Cell / オメガトロン (Omegatron)
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Courage Reactor / あいとゆうき リアクター (Love and Courage Reactor)
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Fuel Reservoir / きあいバッテリー (Yell Battery)
Olimar's journal
EU Wii
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
永久燃料 ダイナモ改 (Revised Eternal Fuel Dynamo)
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
オルタナティブ・リアクター (Alternative Reactor)
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Container of Knowledge
Olimar's journal
Sales pitch
Container of Sea Bounty
Olimar's journal
Sales pitch
EU Wii
Drone Supplies
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Patience Tester
Olimar's journal
US Wii
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Endless Repository
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
(Captain Olimar and his crony used this excuse. They later issued a written apology.)”
- Text
- Translation
Perfect Container
Olimar's journal
Sales pitch
Fruit Guard
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Nutrient Silo
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Stringent Container
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Survival Container
Olimar's journal
Sales pitch
Open Architecture
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Permanent Container
Olimar's journal
EU Wii
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Empty Space Container
Olimar's journal
EU Wii
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Open Archive
Olimar's journal
EU Wii
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Plentiful Tank
Olimar's journal
EU Wii
Sales pitch
The large volume is over- whelming, tempting, a really massive food tank!”
Survival Ointment
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Healing Cask
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Abstract Masterpiece
Olimar's journal
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
Optical Illustration
Olimar's journal
Sales pitch
Thirst Activator
Olimar's journal
Sales pitch
Yellow Taste Tyrant
Olimar's journal
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
Olimar's journal
Sales pitch
Uncontrollable drooling...
Cannot stop... Cannot stop.
Interfacing with this ad gives me a nonstop case of drooling!
(I lie. Machines cannot drool.)”
Flavor Gate/Gherkin Gate
Olimar's journal
Sales pitch
Alien Billboard
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Activity Arouser/Activity Booster
Olimar's journal
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
Hypnotic Platter
Olimar's journal
Sales pitch
Massive Lid
Olimar's journal
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
Happiness Emblem
Olimar's journal
Sales pitch
Pondering Emblem
Olimar's journal
Sales pitch
Quenching Emblem
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Drought Ender
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Creative Inspiration
Olimar's journal
Sales pitch
Spherical Atlas
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Geographic Projection
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
You should. This is the ultimate storehouse of geographic data in the known universe.”
- Text
- Translation
Prototype Detector
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Five-man Napsack
Olimar's journal


Nintendo Switch

- Text

- Translation

JP Wii
- Text

- Translation

Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Brute Knuckles
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
(Captain Olimar suffers from shoulder pain, so he uses it without the rocket booster.)”
- Text
- Translation
Repugnant Appendage
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Stellar Orb
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Forged Courage
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
(Due to horrid ventilation, this is not suited to sweaty beings.)”
- Text
- Translation
Dream Material
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Justice Alloy
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Amplified Amplifier
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Professional Noisemaker
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
The Key
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Shock Therapist
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Flare Cannon
Olimar's journal
EU Wii
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Comedy Bomb
Olimar's journal
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
Monster Pump
Olimar's journal
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation
King of Bugs
Olimar's journal
US Wii, EU GCN/Wii
Nintendo Switch
- Text
- Translation
Sales pitch
- Text
- Translation