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{{#if:{{{nobox|}}}||<div style="border: 2px outset #0b0; background: #cfc; padding: 3px 8px; float: left;">
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{| id="niwa-table" style="width:100%"
[http://www.niwanetwork.org NIWA] is a family of open-content encyclopedias based on Nintendo franchises, vowing to be now and forever independent!
| id="niwa-intro" style="text-align:center; padding:0 1em" | [[File:Niwa.png|150px|link=niwa:|class=invert-dark|NIWA]]<br>
<div style="font-size:0.75em; max-width:200px">[[niwa:|NIWA]] is a family of open-content encyclopedias based on Nintendo franchises.</div>
|style="text-align: center; padding: 0 1em;"|[[File:niwa.png|110px|NIWA logo]]
| style="width:100%; vertical-align:top; padding-left:1em" |
|style="padding: 0 1em;"|
<div id="niwa-list" class="pixelated" style="column-width:305px">
[[File:AC Wiki icon.png]] - Animal Crossing: [[nookipedia:|Nookipedia]]<br>
{{NIWA/entry|ARMS Institute|armswiki|''ARMS''|main=Home}}
[[File:Bulbaonion.png|15px]] - Pokémon: [[pkmn:|Bulbapedia]]<br>
[[File:DKWiki icon.png|15px]] - Donkey Kong: [[dkwiki:|Donkey Kong Wiki]]<br>
{{NIWA/entry|Chibi-Robo! Wiki|chibirobo|''Chibi-Robo!''|main=Chibi-Robo Wiki}}
[[File:GSU.png|15px]] - Golden Sun: [[goldensun:|Golden Sun Universe]]<br>
{{NIWA/entry|Dragalia Lost Wiki|dragaliawiki|''Dragalia Lost''|main=Dragalia Lost Wiki}}
[[File:LWLogo.png|15px]] - Star Fox: [[starfox:|Lylat Wiki]]<br>
{{NIWA/entry|Fire Emblem Wiki|fireemblem|''Fire Emblem''}}
[[File:Screw Attack.png|15px]] - Metroid: [[metroid:|Metroid Wiki]]<br>
{{NIWA/entry|F-Zero Wiki|fzerowiki|''F-Zero''|main=F-Zero Wiki}}
[[File:NWiki.png|15px]] - Nintendo: [[nintendo:|NintendoWiki]]
{{NIWA/entry|Golden Sun Universe|goldensun|''Golden Sun''}}
|style="padding: 0 1em;"|
{{NIWA/entry|Hard Drop Tetris Wiki|harddrop|''Tetris''|main=Tetris Wiki}}
[[File:Smashsymbol.png|15px]] - Super Smash Bros.: [[ssb:|SmashWiki]]<br>
{{NIWA/entry|Icaruspedia|icaruspedia|''Kid Icarus''}}
[[File:Strategywiki.png|15px]] - Strategy guides: [[strategy:|StrategyWiki]]<br>
[[File:Super Mushroom.png|15px]] - Super Mario: [[mario:|Super Mario Wiki]]<br>
{{NIWA/entry|Kingdom Hearts Wiki|khwiki|''Kingdom Hearts''|main=}}
[[File:WarsWikiSprite.png|15px]] - Nintendo Wars: [[wars:|Wars Wiki]]<br>
{{NIWA/entry|Kovopedia|kovopedia|''Magical Vacation''}}
[[File:WikiBound icon.png|15px]] - Mother: [[mother:|WikiBound]]<br>
{{NIWA/entry|Lylat Wiki|lylatwiki|''Star Fox''|main=Lylat Wiki}}
[[File:Warp Star.png|15px]] - Kirby: [[kirby:|WiKirby]]<br>
{{NIWA/entry|Metroid Wiki|metroidwiki|''Metroid''}}
[[File:Triforce.png|15px]] - Legend of Zelda: [[zelda:|Zelda Wiki]]
{{NIWA/entry|MiiWiki|miiwiki|Mii games|main=Mii Wiki}}
{{NIWA/entry|Mystery Dungeon Franchise Wiki|mdfw|''Mystery Dungeon''|main=Mystery Dungeon Franchise Wiki|text=Mystery Dungeon Wiki}}
{{NIWA/entry|Nookipedia|nookipedia|''Animal Crossing''}}
{{NIWA/entry|Pikmin Fanon|pikminfanon|''Pikmin'' fanworks}}
{{NIWA/entry|Rhythm Heaven Wiki|rhythmheaven|''Rhythm Heaven''|main=Home}}
{{NIWA/entry|SmashWiki|smashwiki|''Super Smash Bros.''|main=}}
{{NIWA/entry|Starfy Wiki|starfywiki|''The Legendary Starfy''}}
{{NIWA/entry|StrategyWiki|strategywiki|Strategy guides}}
{{NIWA/entry|Super Mario Wiki|mariowiki|''Super Mario''|main=}}
{{NIWA/entry|Ukikipedia|ukikipedia|''Super Mario 64''}}
{{NIWA/entry|Drawn to Life Wiki|drawntolife|''Drawn to Life''|text=Wapopedia}}
{{NIWA/entry|Wars Wiki|warswiki|''Nintendo Wars''}}
{{NIWA/entry|WiKirby|wikirby|''Kirby''|main=Kirby Wiki}}
{{NIWA/entry|Xeno Series Wiki|xenoseries|''Xeno'' series}}
{{NIWA/entry|Zelda Wiki|zeldawiki|''The Legend of Zelda''}}
<p style="clear: left;">Other Nintendo franchise wikis are welcome; please visit the [http://niwanetwork.org/forums/ NIWA forums] to suggest candidate wikis!</p>{{#if:{{{nobox|}}}||
[[Category: Navigation templates|{{PAGENAME}}]]</noinclude>
This template links to the member wikis of the [[niwa:|Nintendo Independent Wiki Alliance]].
{| class = "wikitable"
! Parameter || Mandatory || Default || Detailed description
! nobox
| No ||  || If this has a value, like "y", the box is hidden, and only the text and images show.
[[Category:Main page templates]]</noinclude>

Revision as of 15:30, August 22, 2024

NIWA is a family of open-content encyclopedias based on Nintendo franchises.
Bulbapedia icon.png Bulbapedia: Pokémon
Icon for Chibi-Robo! Wiki. Chibi-Robo! Wiki: Chibi-Robo!
Dragalia Lost Wiki icon.png Dragalia Lost Wiki: Dragalia Lost
Fire Emblem Wiki icon.png Fire Emblem Wiki: Fire Emblem
F-Zero Wiki icon.png F-Zero Wiki: F-Zero
Golden Sun Universe icon.png Golden Sun Universe: Golden Sun
Icaruspedia icon.png Icaruspedia: Kid Icarus
Inkipedia icon.png Inkipedia: Splatoon
Kingdom Hearts Wiki icon.png Kingdom Hearts Wiki: Kingdom Hearts
Icon for Kovopedia. Kovopedia: Magical Vacation
Lylat Wiki icon.png Lylat Wiki: Star Fox
Metroid Wiki icon.png Metroid Wiki: Metroid
Icon for MiiWiki. MiiWiki: Mii games
NintendoWiki icon.png NintendoWiki: Nintendo
Nookipedia icon.png Nookipedia: Animal Crossing
Pikipedia icon.png Pikipedia: Pikmin
Pikmin Fanon icon.png Pikmin Fanon: Pikmin fanworks
Icon for Rhythm Heaven Wiki. Rhythm Heaven Wiki: Rhythm Heaven
SmashWiki icon.png SmashWiki: Super Smash Bros.
Starfy Wiki icon.png Starfy Wiki: The Legendary Starfy
StrategyWiki icon.png StrategyWiki: Strategy guides
Ukikipedia icon.png Ukikipedia: Super Mario 64
Drawn to Life Wiki icon.png Wapopedia: Drawn to Life
Wars Wiki icon.png Wars Wiki: Nintendo Wars
WikiBound icon.png WikiBound: EarthBound
WiKirby icon.png WiKirby: Kirby
Xeno Series Wiki icon.png Xeno Series Wiki: Xeno series
Zelda Wiki icon.png Zelda Wiki: The Legend of Zelda


This template links to the member wikis of the Nintendo Independent Wiki Alliance.


Parameter Mandatory Default Detailed description
nobox No If this has a value, like "y", the box is hidden, and only the text and images show.