
Joined August 20, 2011

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Display titleUser:Lukisforgets
Default sort keyLukisforgets
Page length (in bytes)844
Page ID11145
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User ID447
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Edit history

Page creatorLukisforgets (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation01:19, July 6, 2012
Latest editorGPBot (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit15:30, July 30, 2014
Total number of edits3
Recent number of edits (within past 90 days)0
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I started playing Pikmin at the age of 9, Pikmin was pretty much the game that started my gaming. It happened when we had a room mate and he had the first one, I tried it and loved it! When he left, he also left the game here on accedient(along with Zelda Wind waker and Mario Kart Double dash, he never called to have them back so we kept them), which at this point I'm thankful for. We then had to move to a new place where all 3 of those games were stolen[along with the ds I just got for christmas(which made me realley mad!!!! }:[ ) then I found out there was a 2nd one and I sort of obsysed over it for a little while, then I got it(WOOT!).
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